★ Dear Coordinators: Jenny. Chap. Corey. Jason. Carissa. You're the greatesti Thanks for all you do in making the Health Aid Program a success. You are appreciated! __Community Health Staff GRE Practice Exam General or Psychology. Tuesday. March 16. 700pm Union (room tba).S5. Call466-5467-leave name, number, and specified test._ Become a millionaire! Laura Pedersen did it at s$e 22 and so can youl Find out how on Monday. March 15,7:00 pm. City Union Centen nial Room. UNL Students FREE! General - $3.00. University Program Council Student Fee Funded BEER/WINEMAKING SUPPLIES Fermenter's Supply, 4472 S. 84th St. Omaha. 1-593 9171, Classes, Mail order. Open Friday, Saturday, Sun day. Monday__ Campus Comer Convenience Store now open every day 8■00am - 1000pm. Stop in today and check out our prices. 17 8 R- __ Need Cash but don't have time for a job? No sales involved. Call Wayne 466-0354. Sigma Tau Delta Spring Initiation/Faculty Reception. Tuesday, Mar. 16,3 4 p.m’229 Andrews. Current, once, and future members welcome. THEOLOGY FOR LUNCH Spring 1993 'Basic Axioms In Current Social Issues' Friday. Mar.12 11:30am-100pm Nebraska Union Brown Bag Lunch ‘Goals For Our Criminal Juatics Syatsm " Dr. Chris Eskrioge Professor of Criminal Justice FACULTY, STAFF. GRAD STUDENTS WELCOME Travel Abroad Workshop Intersted in working abroad for summer? Explore possi bilities Tuesday March 16.6:30 pm, International Affairs. 1237 R St. 472-5358. _ UPC How should we spend your student fees? Open forum Tuesday. March 16. 5:30pm Union (room posted). Want an assistantshto which supports college students in their development? The Office for Student Involvement wit have 34 graduate assistantshp positions available tor 199394 beginning August 1. For application and information brochure stop by 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. Continuous acceptance of applica tions until positions are filled. 115 Meetings Alpha Zeta Meeting Wed. March 17 at 5:30pm-room 45 FVley Hall. Pizza- 52/person. Cal Brian Spifcer to RSVP at 438 5481. Officer elections, scholarship applications, and banquet details. _ ___ Attention: Pi Mu Epsilon members. There wil be an initiation meeting on Monday, March 15th at 6:00pm in Oldfather HaU 207 for new members. You are invited to attend. _ FINANCE CLUB We re going bowlingll Sunday. March 14, 5:30 at East Campus Union. I 1 1" Habitat For Humanity Mating Tuesday, March 16 at 5:30pm. City Union. Rm. 401, Everyone's Welcomell __ The Publications Board will meet 4 p.m., Monday in the Nebraska Union to hire next year’s and next summer's editors. All are welcome to attend. 120 (ireek Affairs OA0 HARDCOURT 93 Congratulations to these great teams: AXO - 1st AOII - 2nd PhiDelts - 1st Acacia - 2nd Thanks to all the participating teams. Hungry for mofB...HAROCOURT‘94 __ Acacia. More than 2 of us are privileged, but we're all psyched for the searchll _ The Hunters AX©, Oops 11 mean Saturdayl The point being that only two of you willbe abletoenjoy the thrill of victory. Coincidentally, you will be riding with the Sidehackers. 0 _ Let's hit the t***ln' road AXO would like to congratulate Janet Perry on her affili ation. We're glad to have youll AXO CLIMAX IIKO 93’ Congratulations to Kathy Gerdes. Lara Shaffer. Brenda Zividmar, and Rachael Brandi on getting accepted into Phi Upeilon Omicron. We're proud of youll Love, your sisters TRI-SIG 1993 Immigration Lawyer KRIEGER and KRIEGER Stanley Krieger / Angela Krieger 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omaha, NE 68114 (402)392-1280 Member American Immigration Association of Lawyers Practice Limited to Immigration Law EARN MONEY WHILE YOU STUDY Or come in and "get away from it all" • $25 for new customers and those who have not donated in 2 months on your 1st donation. • TV Entertainment. • 2 Hrs. free parking. • Bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs. Come visit the friendliest staff in town at Lincoln Donor Center 126 N. 14th. Suite 2 Please call 474-2335 for an appt. TNI FAR SIM By GARY LARSON march I Jurassic calendars Congratulations to brothers Kyle Gilster and David Swan for being selected to Innocents and Mortar Board. -The men of FarmHouse Even the Leprechaun got lucky Acacia, AGR, XO. Phi Mu, anrfKO HARDCOURT 93 Special thanks to: The Husker volleyballJeam and the UNI OCR staff. -The men of Phi Delta Theta Jail Break Alpha Phi Alpha Tau Omega March 13,1993 Jodi P. and Stef N. (KKG), Congratulations on your new appointment to Union Board. Is there anything you two cam do? With love, your Kappa Sisters Phi Psi's: Thanks forthe upside downer's and daiquiris! We'lldance the night away with you anytimel Neighbors Night Out was great! Love, the Theta's AO KA© Lucky in Love Maybe You'll get luckyl Thanks to all the facilitators who made the Initiate Retreat a great success! The TKE Delegates What’s Your Deal? March 14th I - T W T 1 ^b r* l iTi Til ■1^14^1 r ■ 1 r B, [T*B r ■^ISS ip Bp8^^§ ■ pffllWBj ' t~ JK ti B#Tb1 J *1 A1 V |7v r-*’ ■ ffijfi b^e n^iiT^H ^||i|BBsyyug^B - ■ Calvin and Hobbes Cindy. Jen, Amy, Michelle, (AOII) Thanx for a great season. Next year- *1 Turbo, Grahambo, Kiley, Reno S3S=SSS=SSSSSSSSSSSSS5S= 130 Student Government HEALTH CENTER ADVISORY BOARD The purpose of the board shall be to represent the student body in dealing with the health concerns of the University community. You do NOT have to be from Pre-Medical professions Deadline is march 12 at 4:00 pm. Applications available in the ASUN office, Rm. 115 Nebr. Union. 140 Personals Julie Happy 21st birthday Saturdayl I'm so jealous, but you're still my best friend in the world. I hope you have a spectacular night at the bars without me. Never forget; we don't need men. they need us. You're a great lady. Love ya lots. Mary Ren. Stimpy A Sven, Thanks lor being there for me this week. You're the best I Murrel 28 year old grad student seeks female companionship. No phone yet. Leave written message at ON. You: woman with pink and black flowered sweater, pink shorts. In the food court dining room - Union, Wed., lunch time. Me: Same place, same time. Blue sport coat, blue/green tie, glasses. Enjoyed the exchange of glances, would like the chance to meet you. If interested, respond via person als. __ _S.W.T. “Doug*, Thanks for all of your hard work. I couldn't have done it without you. __ Senator-elect “Doug" KGB, Goatcheese, whatever... Happy 19thl _ Love- the NG'e Marc, Thanks for the help with the campaign. I appreciated it Darcie W., T Happy Birthday on the 13th. __2Auntie L. To my grizzly bear. The week's over, honey-tonight you're minel I love you I Goldilocks Cara, Congratulations on being elected as ASUN Arts & Sci ences senator and being named to Mortar Board. B. J. M. H 145 Lost & Found Found: Pair of men's brown leather gloves on 3/S in the Administration Building. Claim at On. One month unlimited sur tanning for $22.00! ^ • Appointments available 8am-1am • Offer good thru March 1993 • Good at LaunDRYLand 1440 N. 56th only "3 LaunDRYLand 1440 N. 56th 466-8353 by Bill Watterson MOM/ wnce UP/ 1 COKE QUICK/ J VIHAT^ THE matter? DO >(00 THINK LOME IS NOTHING BVJT A BIOCHEMICAL REACTION DESIGNED TO MAKE SORE OUR j \ GENES GET WP Weoon? y VtHtftNER \T IS. \TS Ml TVltt'S KEEftMG WE FROM 5TRAN6L\HG *XJ R\GUT MUAS W\ON\SWT REASSURANCES ARE NEVER VERN REASSURING. ACROSS 1 Type of pear 8 Put through a strainer 8 Green stone 13 Forearm bone 14 Groups of three 18 Pelvic bones 17 Get married 18 Red planet 30 Up-front part of a shoe S1 Atrociousness . S3 “Hallelujah, I'm 28 Chou En so Hoodwink 32 For grown-ups 34 Actress Irene 30 Follower: Suffix so Not so much 37 Trumpeter Al’s family 3* Some sandwiches, briefly 30 Hard wood 40 -nova (Brazilian dance) 41 Give as one's share 42 Avoid taking a stand 4S No longer burning 40 Henry or Clare Boothe 47 Heater fuel 52 Play (dissemble) MBoesky or Tors ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 87 "Laugh-In" catch phrase for Judy Came Si Father •o Italian automotive center 81 Swiss peaks •2 Amuse immensely •3 In the altogether •4 Lanny or Diana DOWN 1 Cigar remnant 2 Miscellany 2 Snick-or 4 Derisive whistles s Accelerate • Annoy 7 Dandy • Roger Rabbit, for one • Comic actor Walker 10 Turkish regiment 11 Gossip's interest 12 The Big (New Orleans) 18 Rootlike runners 18 Monk’s garb 22 Kind of review 24 Fashionable 28 Rice-and-fish dish 37 Clara Barton was one 2S Involve necessarily aa Lunar valley 30 Astronomer Knopf 31 TV’s "Empty 33 Word of sorrow 33 Vargueno, eg. 37 Most popular sa Heavenly body such as Rigel 40 Heat units, for short 41 Neckwear for Henry Higgins 49 Andy, Annie or Mickey 44 Lying on one’s back 47 Smooch 40 Wickedness 49-avis so Part of speech •i Beige 83 Student flier's goal 84 Base V.I.P.'s 88 Word with hall or kit 88 Rib •«?: •’ > ■ . Edited by Eugene T. Maleska