The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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    Fl A QQTFTFD m Nebraskan
V/L/riJJIl IL/ly 472-2588 Tuesday, March 9.1993
Some Ike it hotl
Kappa Delta announces their 13th Annual CHILIFESTI
Sunday, 4100 to 7:00pm. S3-AII You Can Eat. Proceeds go
to the prevention of child abuse.
130 Student Government
Student Government Election
Questions and concerns about the process or the regula
tions?? For information call 472-2661 or stop by 115
Nebraska Union. The Elect oral Commission meets on
Tuesdays at 5:15p.m. in the office. Students are welcome
to attend.
Matthew D. Pedersen. Support me on March 10 for the
Residence Hall seat on the Committee for Fees Alloca
tion I
_H ■■ ■ ' m ^R-|
The purpose of the board shall be to represent the student
body In dealing with the health concerns of the University
You do NOT have 1o be from Pre-Medical
Deadline is march 12 at 4 flO pm. Applications available
in the ASUN office. Rm. 115 Nebr. Union.
140 Personals
To a girl in a jean Jacket on 22nd Vine. Saturday. Would
like to know you. DN for info.
To the cute girl who commented I was a good kisser at
Chesterfields on Friday night, please call me at435-8025.
L'Anniversaire Hereuse. Happy Birthday. Read your mail.
___, Rufus
28 year old grad student seeks female companionship.
No phone yet. Leave written message at DN.
Happy 20th Birthday I Meet me tonight at 5.-30 dressed in
nice attire. Surpritel
_ With love and desire. Your Secret Admirer
I have know you for 2 months now and I have grown quite
attached to you. I hope we can continue to grow closer to
each other.
Love. Jason
_ __P.S. I have Alfy
Here's the personal you've been walling lor. Happy 20th
birthday Ms. blue collar.
v Lov#-JS
gggg ' -
145 Lost & Found
FOUND: A 14k gold ring in Law School parking lot on 3
1-83 morning. To claim 472-6406.
FOUND: key on 3/2, in red lot acroes 10th trom the
Stadium. Claim at DN.
Lost: March 5, black hills gold ring with smal diamond at
Vandorn Twisters or The Edge. Reward. 477-6464.
LOST: On March 2. Ladies' welch near or In Nebraska
Hall. REWARD. 472-6681.
Lost: On March 5, ladies engagement ring and a watch in
Campus Rec women's bathroom. (City Campus) . Please
gill 435-0678. Reward, no questions asked!
150 Child Care Needed
Pre-school teacher with education and axparianoe
needed to work In homt daycare. 15-30 hrt/Week. Apply
In person at: 1160 N. 53rd between 1-4pm.
_ bioscience, ine.
Locat at the comer of 15th & O Streets
NEW DONORS $25 on first donation.
RETURN DONORS $25 after two
month lapse.
ALL DONORS $15 for each donation.
IEdm More &( mj
Don’t let it Break You !!! 1422 O’ Street 475-1358
2 Hours Free Parking at Mon-Fri'.8:00-7:30
any Park & Shop. Saturday.9:00-4:00
I One month unlimited sun I
I tanning for $22.00!
1 • Appointments available 8am-lam
• Offer good thru March 1993
• Good at LaunDRYLand
1440 N. 56th only
LaunDRYLand '
1440 N. 56th
160 Help Wanted
*$9.25 Starting*
Expanding National Corporation filling entry level post
tions. Flexible schedules, internships A scholarship!
available. 488-6017.
Earn extra cash
Immediate placements
We have openings for assembly workers and experi
enced MIG welders at one of Lincoln's leading manufac
turing plants. Al positions are 40hrs/wk. and benefits
include: vacation and holiday pay. Applicants must be 18
or older and may apply at MSP Resources Inc. Suite 436
GreentreeCt. 210 Gateway North. EOE._ _
Need Cash???
Bring your CD's and cassettes to Ftecyded Sounds. 824
P St.. 476-8240. Posters, records too.
English tutor needed for non-English speaking family
(one adult and two children). Should have own transpor
tation to 56th & Hwy. 2. Teaching experience preferred.
Evening hours. $1»hr. Cal 423-9776. 7- 10pm.
Farm worker with experience for cash grain operation
near Lincoln-spring and summer. Call after 6:00pm 665
2464 ask for Keith.
Kara Bear Daycare has part-time toddler teacher poelion.
3:15-5:15 Monday-Friday. Apply at 720 Westgate Blvd
Lifeguards and swim instructors needed for summer
program. Must have current lleguarding CPR and first
aid. Apply in personal the Northeast YMCA. 2601 N. 70th.
No phone cals please.
Ophthalmologist Office needs part-time typist on tempo
rary basis during maternity leave. (Medical terminology
hepful) Monday. Wednesday. Friday. Cal 474-4269.
Order entry clerical work, answer phones, computer
knowledge helpful. Part-time school year, full-time sum
mer. 423-0120. ask for Vicki, mornings only.
PART TIME LABOR POtmCNS For the Lincoln Parks
and Recreation Department. Seasonal work varies ac
cording to work load, could bo anytime between April
October, some work involves maintaining park ground
and facilities l.e., liner pickup, operating suing trimmers.
Hourly wage $4.80-55.00. Applicants must be 16 years
old or older to operate power equipment; 18 or older to
operate pickups, etc. Valid Nebraska drivers license
desired. Applications available at the Lincoln Parks and
Recreation office located at 2740 A Street. Monday
Friday. 730 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closing date April 2.1993.
Part-time computer operator must be Me to work mid
nights, weekends and holidays. Prefer Freshmen or
Sophomores Computer Science background helpful but
not necessary. Cal Scott 434-8204.
apeciai tvents
Must have your own 35mm SLR camera. Photograph and
hep people have fun at Friday and Saturday night events
N you fee parties, action, people and photography than
put your camera to work. Earn yoursei some money and
nave fun doing ». Call: Bob or John Olson 467-2577 M-F
FuN TimwPart Tima position for Grounds keeper and
Buldlng Maintenance. Experience with power tools and
equipment helpful in maintaining large warehouse and B
acres Flexible hours to fit your school schedule. Send
Resume w*h hours available tor work to: Dept. B. P.O.
Box 61505, Lincoln. 68501
Study Participant Recruiter
Will take Incomm g calls to screen individuals for pharma
toutical studies and data entry. Prefer one year expen
moe in telemarketing, sales, or pubic relations. SS 8CV1W.
-lours: 3.00pm - 7iX)pw, Monday-Friday. Apply Harris
Jtoratories, 624 Peach St. AA/E<)£
Experience, All Majors
College Credit
Career Placement
For more info call 421-9645
the Computing Resource Center Is seeking a student to
lick up and deliver rrnao computer systems and compo
tents. Assist In the repair of micro computer hardware
natal software and run diagnostic procedures Must
tave strong background In Apple Computer operating
lystem. Be interested In repairing micro computer sye
arn. Must have current drivers license and be able to lift
» pounds. Pays M^S/hour. Appication can be made at
1620 R Street. Suparvtsor: Virg Ward (472-5666)
Wanted fespnnitite salee-oriented personalities to do
(treat marketing for travel agency. Free Travel benefits
Sail 421-7566 Between 6 and 5pm.
WATS Marketing
* currently seeking enthusiastic and sales oriented Indi
Wtuais to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates
thou Id possess excellent communication skits.
-ull-time swing shift hours available. Monday-Friday
Apply at our employment office.
8 30am 6 OOprrHjAonday-Friday.
WATS Marketing
6100 O 81.
(8.W. earner of Gateway Shopping Center)
We have our own manufacturing center
that enables you to custom design
your own ring.
Quality She Deserves...Prices You Can Afford
12th & "O" St. Gateway Mall
What can you do for your country? Donate a Jew years or
even decades of your life helping non-profit politically
active public interest groups. If you have a pleasant
speaking voice, are well read, and able to become expert
or near expert on national or state issues. You can earn
S7/hr. obtaining membership renewels from previous
donors. Health insurance, benefits, advancement oppor
tunities and part-time hours. Call 476-1010 11:00am •
3:00pm, Monday - Friday for an Interview.
164 Summer Jobs
S475a week, college credit forfull-timework in all majors.
Filling positions for the week of March 8-12.Please call
Childcare needed-day hours. 2boys-ages 10 and6. June
through August. My home- 421-2553
New England
Brother/Sister Camps-Massachusetts.
Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi
tions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially
Baseball. Basketball, Field Hockey. Roller Hockey. Soc
oer, VolleybaJI;25Tennisopenings;also Archery, Riflery,
Weights/Filness and Biting; other openings include Per
forming Arts. Fine Arts. Newspaper. Photography, Cook
ing. Sewing. Rollerskating. Rocketry, Ropes and Camp
Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming. Skiing. Sail
ing. Windsurling, Canoeing/Kayaking). Inquire Mah-Kee
Nac (Boys) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey
07028. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (Girls) 17
Westminster Drive. Montville. NJ 07045. Phone: 1-800
Campus Concepts will be recruiting on campus for sum
mer interns. Details at Information sessions. March 10th.
Nebraska Union City Campus (Room # posted). 7:00pm.
Summer Recreation Leaders
Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications
for Summer Playground Positions. Leaders ($4.60/hr.).
Assistant Leaders (S4.40/hr.). Activity Specialist (94.60/
hr.). Morning hours, M-F, June 7-Juiy 30. Apply at 2740 A
Youth Baseball
The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and
coaches for the summer. Leave message at 489-4252
and specly if interested in afternoon umpiring or morning
and afternoon coaching.
170 Roommates
M/F roommata for 3 bedroom, S150 ♦ 1/3 Mis ♦ deposit.
Call 477-7934 __
Need female to share 3 bedroom duplex, central. SI 35 ♦
1/3 uttHties. 488-0174,
Professional non-smoking famaia grid itudant saaks
same to share apartment Cel 42^8192. Leave mee
180 Houses For Rent_
2931 Apple- Very nice 4br. basement, fenced yard.
Between campme*. 8600.432-0844, •
Three bedroom, nice, dose to UNL. 2001 Hotdredge.
185 Duplexes For Rent
133$ N. 22 - Very nice 3 bedroom duplex. 1 1/2 bath,
oantral air, w/d hookup, dishwasher. fireplace. o« street
parking. $525 Call 438-4112.
190 Apartments For Rent
11071' Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid
Only $260-$280. Call Phoenix Properties Managemen
1814 F St., 2-bedroom. $415.821A St., 2-bedroom, $415
535 W. Saunders, 2-bedroom, $430. AH electric, appli
ances, microwave, balcony, mini-blinds, security build
ing. No pets. 483-6057, 4«-1130._
2301 A Street - 2 bedroom, $325 475-7262.
2740 R. Two bedroom, air. laundry, garage. No pets
306 South 25th. Newly recarpeted and painted, verygce
and neat, 2 bedroom. AvaUable now. leave message483
545 N. 25th Street. Nice 3-bedroom, on-site manage
ment. $500 ♦ utilities. Available now. 475-3361.
6140 Havelock- Unique, new. 1br, In historic building,
pine floors, track lights, custom cabinets. No pels, no
smoking. References. $335+ deposit. 466-8966 and 423
5921. i_
640 South 20 - Mega-sized 1 bedroom $329; 2 bedroom
$359 475-7262.__
Close tG^ampus
2-bedroom, 1-bath, breakfast bar. modern decor, most
utilities paid. '
Sharp one-bedroom apartment. $340-365, most utilities
Two-bedroom town house, two levels, 1 1/2 bath, peach
East campus, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, appliances,
laundr y, parking. 4220 Huntington, $390 per month, 423
Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at $22S/month.
Century Management
Large selection of 1,2 and 3 br apartments
New 1 and 2br convenient to campus, all eiactric-$295
and $395+ deposit. No pets, referenose. 486-8966 and
One bedroom and effidendse near campus. —Secursd
building. $2254245. Call 477-3646.
Put A Splash In Your Life
At Willowhaven Apartments
Energy efficient one and two bedrooms now available
P rivals pool with targe sundeck. Spring and summer
bonuses ars now being offered.
ProfeMionaly nuniQuI
$628/466 a month
Call 476-6200 NOW
Two bedroom near East campus. $360rmo. + utilities
Available now! 467-1079.
=====.V 1 V " =
191 Summer Housing
SUMMER LEASES • Pod; 1 bedroom $329 up; 2 Bed
room $359 up; 640 South - 475-7262
22 Adoption_
Happily myriyl oouple iM« to share their kvet with
neafeom. Unring home, good education. and Iowa of
»—* natoadcaw.Agood education, iiimman af aaa
fimbonkMedicaUegaiexpensespaid 800-842-5^
Warn to lafc «4th someone?
Nebraska Children’s Home
4800 Vaftay Road 483-7879
_100 years of adoption oaporionco_
23 Alterations & Sewing
tfy&SpM A**rtnB * '*"**- •”H ***• **•
27 Bicycle Service
,fa*'*?***Ftn*l> Si* block* from campus Nowand
4 36*2322* E*°*l>*ntr***kl**a*mataa.4278.13th.
31 Child Care Services
2? ^ ^ te *•» *" Pwstda 28 houw
wfcly child care/Ciean mg in southeast Lincoln homo. Must
hwja Tuesday and Thursday fray other hours TBA Boom
and board in private bad and bath and S.300 monthly
satary. Stan mtd-Auguei to Juno 1994 Mutt have reoenl
35 Counseling
34 Entertainment
38 Gift Ideas
44 Insurance
For Ml Yew Inauronoo Naada. Jftn WaUaca 474-9077.
Amartcan Family Inauranca-Rantara, Amo. Horn*.
HaaNh, and Ufa.
46 Instruction/Tutoring
:v.rr..i. , „aaagg ,aas „i,aag.a
61 Music Exchange
Lincoln i Vmty Haoord Shop.racoms
' ... »”
63 Pregnancy
hand Fraapregnancy taat, ptaaaa cal ua for appoint0
mart. 483-2009.
74 Tanning w t_
80 Typing & Resumes
r *p<waR<^3 wofdpfocoisont Tifin popart. rtsuniw.
■ _
TVMIgLJdil —■ ~ mnA-m.. fall 171.7A1 (%
■ » • mow iMit wiwuwfo, mint . \smr orovwni.