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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1993)
sfe Classified 472-2588 [ .-mamm-w ^OR^ALE*"""" $4 p^in^acopying ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*■ 09 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 60 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers —. . s a±*sv» notic^ 10 Mac. For Sale 100 Rides 12 Musical Instruments 105 Evwm tj^Dhice Furniture 110 Announcements Msaar ® ssiwi* If tESlSrue 130 Studsnt Government IB Stereos/ivs «40 pergonai« « TWtetExchange 145KtaFSund 20 Vehicles ufl Wanted SERVICES WFWWIr, - ^OBS 23 4 Sewing , M Child Care Needed 25 SSSJffaSUw 160 Help Wanted 2 geycto Service 162 Work Study Jobs » IfSL, 164 Summer Jobs 1 c5SS/V««», WM-**. 2 SSSfSSK"* HOUSING 36 Entertainment , ' ■ = 3a Gifi Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health 6 Fitness 75 RoomeFor Rent 44 insurance 160 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 1» Apartments For Rent SO i m*ai 191 Summer Housing 60 Misc Services ]82 Mobile Homes For Rent “ sisssaai: $3.00 per day tor 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted tree of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orienjation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. 6 Computers For Sale IBM PS/2-30. With hard-drive and keyboard. S250O.B.O. 477-0466. 16 Sporting Goods aa^m Litsstyter 500 ski/row machine. S60. Cal Julie at 466 7106 18 StereosfTVs For Sale Full car CO system. CO player. 3 amps, passive equah uer, 2 10" cute driver tube plus sub boi. Comes with wiring hook-ups. Value of WOO. Cal after 6.00pm. 421 8264. 19 Ticket Exchange BIG 8 TOURNAMENT GUNS -N- ROSES 432-3977 FOR SALE: Four tickets to the Hobbit at Usd Center March 21.484-8016. 20 Vehicles For Sale_ 19911 Nissan Ssntra SE. whits, 5-speed, 20K, a/c, power steering, cassette. Under book value. Moving, must sell! Can after 630pm, 421-8284. 103 Spring Break Trips CANCUN—MEXICO 1 -600-645-6766 o SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Party wtththeBestl Hotels or Condos with Party/Act Ivtty Package $20 Per Person/Per Night—Taxes Not Included 1-600^45^766 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Party with the Bestll Hotels or Condos with Party/Activity Package off beach start at $17 Per Person/Pir Night. Sunchase and Saida units starting at $24 Per Person/Per Night. Taxes not included. _1-600-645-6766 _ SPRING BREAK ’93 South Padre Island, TX. Beachfront Condos at Saida Towers—next to the Radissonl 1-800-841-1695. 110 Announcements 18% Tuition Increase Stuns UNL Students This could be a headline in the DN if Tuesday's Rally Against Budget Cuts isnl a success. How do you define success?? Hundreds of students at the raBytl You and all of your friends need to get involved. NOON Mset at Brayhlll to march to the Capitol 130 Appropriations Committee Hearing Questions or Concerns?? __Call QLC at 472-2652 ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - fisheries. Earn $600+/week In canneries or $4,000+/month on fishing boats. Free transportation! Room A Board! Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For emptoymont program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5778. Attention Students In College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Applications are available for Student Ambassadors. 103 AgHalj. Application deadline is March 19 at 530 pm. I BEN HUR (1927, eitent, with mueic) wilt be shown free I Wednesday, March 10, 7-9:30pm at St. I Merit's, 13th and R. GREEKS & CLUBS Raise a Cool $1,000 IN JUST ONE WEEKI PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS I And a FREE IGLOO COOLER if you qualify. Call 1-600^32-0528. Ext. 65_ Laura Pedersen She became a millionaire on Wall Street at age 22. Listen to her secrets as she presents “How to Choose and Pursue a Successful Career.* Monday, March 15. 730pm, City Union Centennial Room UNL students FREEI General - $3.00 University Program Council __ Student Fee Funded PARTY Election eve meeting, Tuesday 830 in ATO basement. ' ' " "" ~ n “.- - TIM MS Walk: FPllllS lllpill Fialllit Saaday, Mirth 2S* Call 1-800-755-3959 . ■ Only Clairs, with her oversized brain, wore an expression of concern. GET PUMPED! RALLY AGAINST BUDGET CUTS ON TUESDAY NOON Meet at Broyhill to inarch to the Capitol 1 JO Appropriation* Committee Hearing Questions or Concerns?? Cal QIC at 472-2652 Student Council for Exceptional Children Officer elections Tuesday March 9, 7:30pm in the City Union, room posted. TOUCH THE FUTURE... BECOME A MENTOR! Share your leadership and involvement experience with a new student as a mentor with the Odyssey leadership Mentoring Program for the 1993-94 school year. Applica tions are available at the Office tor Student Involvement (200 Ne. Union, 300 East Uiffdh) Travel Abroad Workshop 'Getting Around' (Accommodations, Eurailing, Tips and more.) Tuesday March 9.6 JO pm. International Affairs, 1237 R St. 472-5358. VALMONT INDUSTRIES, INC. is inviting UNL student to visit 8 tour the Valley facilities on FRIDAY. MARCH 12,8 JO a.m. to 3JO p.m. Activities include: speaking with CEO. touring plant divisions, and interactive seminar with Human Resources Director. Lunch is provided I Space is limited, call 472-7773 or stop in CBA 237 by 12 J6noon THURSDAY 3/11 -93. KROHN ASUN Engineering Senator Learn how to become Herbie and find out about requirements. 'March 16,7 PM >>■.< City Union March 17,7 PM East Union Room Posted or ' call 477-8164 Want an assistantshb which supports collage students in their development? The Office for Student Involvement wil have 34 graduate assistantshb positions available for 1993 94 beginning August 1. For application and information brochure stop by 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. Continuous acceptance of appttca tions until positions are filled._ Witnesses can identify the person who stole the purse from Greek Affairs Wednesday at 620pm. Return the purse to DN. No questions asked or be prosecutedi WOMEN'S LEGAL ISSUES 4 women law students address current legal Issues as they pertain to women. TODAY. March9, NOON, Rm. 125 UNL Law College. IIS Meetings_ Ag Econ Agribusiness Club Tuesday. March 9,546pm, Room 45, Filley Han. Schol arship applications available. Program: Grain merchan dising. __ Phi Chi Theta Meeting. CBA 233 520. Attendance is mandatory. Pssssstl AIESECersI Join us Tuesday. March 9 at 420pm lor a business meeting. Board of Advisors meeting at 5:30pm. AS mem bers welcome. Dress for success. Student Education Association Meeting March 9th at 520pm in the Nebraska City Union. Room will be posted. Speaking will be first-year teachers. Old and new members welcome! ^ The Blood Drive might be over but there's still lots to do at Campus Red Cross. Meeting tonight at 620pm. Univer sity Health Center. Everyone welcomel UNION BOARD Meeting today at 520pm in the Culture Center. ELDER ♦ JEWELRY «*■"■"* ♦ ^ >\fc^^inc« 1*01 ▲ ^Wedding Ring Specialist ▼ t Unparalleled Quality ▼ ^ Unbeatable Prices ^ ^Custom Design * Financing Available^ ▲ Shop and compare but see us last £ ^ 3111’O'St. 474-6044 ^ UNL BLock & Bridle Club Wednesday, March 10, 1983, East Campus Union. 7:00pm: Kathleen Marquardt, speaker. 7:30pm: Iniate/ Regular meeting. UNL Wildlife Club Wednesday, 7:00pm-ECU. Speaker: Dave Williams. Slate Director at Animal Damage Control. 120 Greek Affairs “The World’s Gone Plaid” AOII. Theta. KKG. PI Phi. AXiD. Gamma Phi. FH. AGS. Sgma Nu. Sigma Chi __March 12,1993 OM Congratulations to Crystal Benskin and Andrew Sigerson (DU) on their pinning and Mary Else on Honors Board. saM Presents BLACKOUT BOWL To benefit the Pediatric Aids Foundation Sat. March 13 . . Deadline: March 9 A big congratulations to the Alpha Chi volleyball team tor winning Phi Data,Theta volleyball this weekend. Way to ool fi Love, your Sisters Congratulations to Ed Wiley tor being accepted Innocent* Society and also to Rob Zatechka for being accepted to Mortar Board. ^ „ ... _ From the Men of Sig Ep Congratulations to Kathy Gardes tor being selected tor Greek Week Subcommittee Awards A Publicity. And to Kim Bourn selected as Liason Rep. Were proodof^raa Janet Hengen and Deb Silhacek. Good Ludt in ASUN elections on Wednesday. Go _KO LOW, Yew SMW. Arts Today students: (cross-listed as Mus N-M 389, Art His 389 A Theatre 389) , This class will meet at | 09:30-10:45, Tues/Thur 119WMB NOT at the times listed in the Fall ’93 schedule of courses Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ^ I'M LEAKING BRAIN LUBRICANT. - # \ Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0924 ACROSS si Notches 1 Practice for a *• Airport abbr. bout m Misstatements • Evans or M Rjver jn Ireland Robertson _ _ 40 G. B. Shaw • Tennis coups , ■ 1932 IS Plane's fixed . 43 Novel by Jane Austen 14 Muslim decree “tr" v it Graham or 49 Casablanca-to Preminger Tunis dir. 10 Bestowed 40 Distributed, as 15 Portend cards so G. B. Shaw 49 note of the play . 1893 diatonic scale S3 Consume 40 Bus passenger 34 Transgress si A Son of Gad: as Meager Gen. 46:16 IS Altar in the sky S3 Female rel. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE m G. B. Shaw play: 1903 la Something owed n-Arledge, TV executive M Right-hand man i© Jersey is one M Avoid : J . IT Geraint's spouse w Cast off M Walked on r© Permits DOWN 1 Niche a Lane 3 Poker stake 4 Unclose again ©Toe, eg. • Seed covering T Molten rock • Paradise © Activity for a decorator i© Arrived n Always la Cambodian coin i© Terminates H Misanthrope a One, in Bonn t© Surfeited I©"-Yellow," Huxley book it Fragrance is Regions 29 Proportion 47-la-la 94 Blockhead 30 Coral island so Jerusalem is its n Acerbic 32 Made dove capita! so Remove a knot sounds St Concerning M Dig for ore ”S2kUn"°' “SwMn“S “£n°.r2n« 84 Network at Beatty and 34 Passover meal „ Adjectjve for Sparks 37 Polish; aomOMimeh at Asunder: Prefix massage 30 Actor Vigoda 41 Possessing special aptitude 42 Weird