The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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Benes Steele , Anderson
VOICE hopes bad luck ends
By Chuck Green
Senior Reporter
Executive candidates from the
VOICE party are hoping the string of
bad luck that has plagued them in the
last couple of weeks won’t carry into
Wednesday night’s ASUN elections.
“With the excep
tion of the last few
IWMBBlilil weeks, our cam
paigning has gone
really well,” said
Trent Steele,
VOICE’S first vice
presidential candi
date. “Then, things started happen
Steele was referring to the misfor
tunesof Keith Benes, the party’s presi
dential candidate.
Last week, Benes was injured when
he lost control of his car and slammed
into a tree. Two weeks earlier, he
missed the first Association of the
Students of the University of Nebraska
debate with representatives from
PARTY, VOICE’S opponent, because
of illness.
“Before that, Keith has been out
I’d like to see students
get involved in their
government, and it’s
important that they do
so they can choose the
government that most
fairly represents them.
VOICE second vice-presiden
tial candidate
-ft -
there working very, very hard, and we
think we have a good chance Wednes
day night,” Steele said.
VOICE’S platform objectives in
• Improvement and repair of Uni
versity of Nebraska-Lincoln build
• Opposition to the inclusion of
minuses in the grading system.
• An attempt to hold student fees
to a zero-percent increase for 1994.
• Working for investment of out
side donations to the university in
academic programs rather than art
• Trying to gain support for stron
ger English standards for graduate
• Increasing the number of bicycle
racks in high-traffic areas.
• Paving existing gravel parking
• Installing a student parking czar
to oversee all student parking con
• Improved snow-removal priori
ties for students with disabilities.
Jill Anderson, VOICE’S second
vice-presidential candidate, said she
hoped there would be a large voting
turnout for Wednesday’s election.
“I think that’s very important to
the credibility of ASUN,” Anderson
said. “I’d like to see students get
involved in their government, and it’s
important that they do so they can
choose the government that most fairly
represents them.’’
Dietz Strong Maser
Dietz says PARTY not a joke
By Chuck Green
Senior Reporter
What began as a joke to some has
turned into a serious contender to lead
ASUN into the next year.
PARTY — whose ticket includes
Steve Dietz, presidential candidate;
Leslie Strong, first vice-presidential
candidate; and Matt Maser, second
vice-presidential candidate — an
nounced its platform in January with
such objectives as bringing rock con
certs to Memorial Stadium and solv
ing thccountry's unemployment prob
“Actually, it wasn’t really meant
as a joke,” Dietz said. “But thought of
making the whole thing a farce did
cross our minds.”
Strong agreed that PARTY candi
dates had planned a “light-hearted
approach” to the election.
But Dietz said that idea soon evapo
“The more we got into it, the more
we found that there really were people
who thought the way we did, and we
The more wo got into It,
the more we found that
there really were
people who thought
the way we did, and we
decided that we
needed to do some
— Dietz
PARTY presidential candidate
—-ft -
decided lhai we needed to do some
thing,” he said.
Besides the light-hearted objec
tives, PARTY’S platform includes:
• A more effective evaluation
process for the university’s budget.
• A ‘‘wet campus,” which allows
for the consumption of alcohol on the
University of Ncbraska-Lincoln cam
• The development of a
President’s Advisory Council to ad
dress multicultural issues. Dietz said
the council would eliminate bureau
cracy, allowing students to go di
rectly to the ASUN president, who in
turn would go directly to the NU
Board of Regents.
• Promotion of a campus envi
ronment receptive to safe sex.
But with Wednesday’s election
growing closer, Dietz said a PARTY
victory would be unlikely.
“I would love to do this job.” he
said. “But as far as politics go, it’s
pretty unrealistic.”
However, Dietz said, PARTY ac
complished what they had intended
from the outset.
“We really wanted to make people
step back and take a look at how these
elections are run and what they need
to do to belter govern the student
body,” Dietz said. “If we can make
even a few people who are running
question why they’re doing it, then
the whole thing will be a success.”
KHA bill would keep members off AS UN
George K. Stephan
Staff Reporter
Two bills lhal would prevent any
elected member of the Residence Hall
Association from serving in an elected
position in ASUN created some argu
when submitted at an RHA
meeting Sunday.
The bills, which
will be voted on
March 14, state that
being a member of
both organizations
| createdaconflictof
-J interest and “could
result in serious time constraints on
the student.”
Sandoz Sen. Cara Catlett, who said
she was one of only a few students
involved in both organizations, op
posed the legislation and urged other
members to seriously study the bill
and be aware of its consequences.
Catlett said having RHA mem
bers involved in both organizations
helped smooth ouloperalions between
the two student organizations.
Andrew Loudon, speaker of the
AS UN senate, appeared briefly dur
ing the meeting to urge representa
tives to vote against the measures.
If approved, Loudon said, the mea
sure could slop many ideally quali
fied students with proven representa
tive leadership qualities from partici
pating in ASUN.
In other business, it was announced
that the RHA amendment passed two
weeks ago banning smoking in food
service was approved by the UNL
Division of Housing and would prob
ably become effective next August.
Also, a letter from Doug Zatechka,
director of housing, was distributed to
representatives concerning last year’s
paper towel controversy.
• The letter said that housing would
continue the policy reinstated last fall
of keeping paper towels in residence
hall restrooms, despite RHA disap
RHA gained approval to have the
paper towels removed last summer
because of ecological problems caused
by disposable paper products. The
housing department reinstalled the
paper towels last fall after an outbreak
of shigella in Lincoln.