The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1993, Image 1
TX •1 j[cmcE cf <’ N-i? I 1 X T 1 I ,-*» ~~7S?\ MB Nebraskan & Jp mk_^ Candidates accused of unfavorable campaigning By Michelle Leary Senior Reporter _ Negative AS UN campaigning has surfaced as Wednesday’s elections draw near, VOICE First Vice Presidential candidateTrent Steele said at a Sunday press confer ence. Steele said PARTY candidates made negative comments about VOICE at last Thursday’s debate by calling Jill Ander son, VOICE’S sec ond vice presiden tial candidate, nothing more than a “token female candidate.” “Jill is hardly a token,” Steele said. PARTY presidential candidate Steve Dietz said Sunday that Ander son was a qualified individual. “We’re not downgrading her,” Dietz said. “We’re downgrading VOICE’S arguments that they’re try ing to use against us.” Steele said PARTY had a “narrow focus,” with few female candidates and no candidates from East Campus or the residence halls. VOICE’S party is 52 percent female, and has candi dates from a wide range of residence halls and greck houses, he said. “Look at the diversity of VOICE and the lack of diversity the PARTY party has,” he said. But Dietz said that “having an openness to ideas of diversity is a slate of mind, not a state of appearance. And (members of VOICE) are not what they appear to be.” Steele also said that he had seen fake VOICE posters up around cam pus that contained degrading slams against women. “We’re not accusing PARTY or anyone else,” Steele said. “It’s Just another form of negative campaign ing that students at UNL are tired of seeing.” L Kitey Timpertey/DN Center’s stage Nebraska senior Derrick Chandler gets a hug from teammate Jamar Johnson. Chandler, the only senior on the team, was honored before the Comhuskers’ last home basketball game Sunday. See related stories on page 7. Spring break bargains are often scams, official says By Mindy Letter Staff Reporter v _ Companies offering cut-rate prices for sun-filled spring break packages may promise to fit any student budget, but some have turned out to be costly rip-offs, said Diane Briener, manager of the Lincoln Better Business Bureau. “I always tell people if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is," she said. Students interested in tour pack ages should check the company’s le gitimacy with the Better Business Bureau before spending any money. “There are fly-by-night tour com panies that set up operation, take the money and quickly go out of busi ness," she said. Briener said students snouid be leery of newspaper and flyer adver tisements that offer dirt-cheap tours. “If it’s an S88 room, you m ight end up in a room with four people you don’t even know,” she said. Sometimes students’ money isn’t spent on a tour package at all. Once a student paid $ 100 for a tour package and received an information booklet telling her how to book her own tour through another company, Briener said. “She wanted to know whether to spend the extra $ 130 to book her tour, through the company,” she said. Briener said students should pro tect themselves and have written agreements with the companies. These agreements can prevent students from being swindled out of their deposits. Brett Tieken, a business adminis tration msyor, said he had a bad expe rience with a discount tour company when he made the spring break exo dus to South Padre with 10 friends. The University of Ncbraska-Lin coln senior said he expected a week at a vacation hot spot and an ideal pack age of parties, a good motel room and See SCAMS on 3 East Campus students ignored, senator says By Andrea Kaser Staff Reporter Several of ihe classes required of Col lege of Agriculture students aren’t of fered (Hi tneir turf and one ASUN sena tor said he knew why. “(Teachers) just don’t want to take the time to take their books to East Campus,’’ said Patrick Kroese, an Association of Students of the University of Nebraska senator for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Professors unwillina to drive to class Quantitatively, Krocse said, more time is at stake for students than faculty. Multiplying the three hours a week in class by 100 students amounts to 300 hours of stu dents’ time, he said, and only three hours for a professor. Discrimination causes even more wasted time, he said. A yearago last spring, two economics classes offered on East Campus were dropped after general registration, he said, even though they were filled. Some 200 students were forced to go through late registration, Kroese said. The Department of Economics told Kroese the classes were dropped because of a lack of professors, but he said he didn't Know if it was truly a shortage of professors or simply a short age of professors willing to teach on East Campus. “Either way, it’s still their fault,” he said, for scheduling too many classes or for not being able to get professors to go to East Campus. Basic classes agriculture students need that are not available on East Campus include Eco nomics 211, Accounting 201, Botany 109 and Zoology 112. T. Jack Morris, director of the School of Biological Sciences, said scheduling classes on East Campus depended on the number of sec tions offered and the problems teachers faced when traveling across town. If a class had only one section, it would be offered on City Campus because more students will enroll in the class there, he said. See EAST on 3 Roadwork will reduce traffic on campus, official says Construction near UNL to decrease available parking By Yuk Peng Lee Staff Reporter The construe lion of the new 10th Street viaduct will cause some inconveniencies at the end of April and some loss of parking lots in the future, said Paul Carlson, interim business manager of UNL. The old viaduct will be tom down on April 22 and all northbound UNL traffic will be diverted onto Avery Avenue to 14th Street, Carlson said. To deal with the resulting traffic congestion along Avery Avenue, a stoplight will be placed at the inter section of Avery Avenue and 14th Street, he said. The bypass is designed to reduce campus traffic in the future, he said. A new street at the junction of R and 10th streets will bypass the 501 building and the stadium. It will con nect with the new viaduct, which is expected to be completed by Oct. 29, Carlson said. When construction of the viaduct is completed,Carlson said, traffic will not be allowed on 10th Street from the north or west. A cul-de-sac that al lows students access to buildings on the west end of campus will also be constructed nex t to Architec lure Hall, he said. However, the Area 10 parking lot southwest of the 501 building will be lost because of the new road. Spaces will be lost from the lot at 9th and V streets and the lot north of the stadium and west of the Harper-Schramm Smith residence hall because the new road will cut across those parking lots, Carlson said. But efforts have been made to keep the same number of parking spaces available for students, Carlson said. For instance, the building that housed the Early Learning Center at 9th and V streets is being demolished. The space will be converted into a parking lot The new road will take away ap proximately 100 parking spaces from the lot west of Harper-Schramm Smith, Carlson said. He said he hoped changing the configuration of the park ing lot would compensate the loss. The old viaduct will be lorn down on April 22. During construction northbound traffic will be diverted onto Avery Avenue to 14th street. A slop light will be Installed at that location. Source: Paul Carlson, UNL Interim Business Manager