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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1993)
Classified as** UPC Congratulations to the 1903 University Program Council Executive Board: President Gary Doyle Vice President: Karen Freimund Secretary: Wendy Wagner Treasurer: Samantha Lu Public Relations: Jacqueline Fong_ When you need somebody! Eating Disorders Support Group Tuesdays at 3:30pm Lesbian Discussion Group Wednesdays at 630pm Sexual Assault Survivor's Support Tuesdays at 530pm Single Mothers Support Group Wednesdays at 11:30am Women's Experience of Spirituality Thursdays at 3:30pm Women for Sobriety Tuesdays at 630pm All support^roups and individual counseling are Women's Center, 472-2597 So much more than you thought 115 Meetings ROSS PEROT Unitod Wo Stand America Now organizing at UNL! Organiztional meeting, Tuesday. March 2.1993. 7:30pm at the Cfty Union. Room to bo posted. Call 474-2181 (or more information. Help gel our country back on track. _ AGRONOMY CLUB Meeting and speech contest. Wednesday. March 3. 7:30pm. 327 Keim Halt. Remember to pick up speech topic at the club office on Wednesday. BIB Learn the Secrets to starting your own business. See Russ. Wednesday March 3. 730pm. Nebraska Union. Georgian Suite. Concerns about UNL?? Don't tel your friends about al the problems at UNL they cant do anything about I. If you realty want to get something done, come to Legislators On Campus. They want to know what you are thinking LEGISLATORS ON CAMPUS Complimentanr Luncheon for Concerned Students and State Senators Wednseday • March 3 Noon -130 Wick Alumni Center Sponsored by the Government Liaison Committee Habitat For Humanity Meeting Tuooday. March 2nd at 530pm. City Union. Rm. 401, __ __ RsiChi Meeting March 2. 330pm, 215 Ferguson. Information on ifficer elections. Range Management Meeting March 2. 530pm In 327 Keim Hall. EARN MONEY WH Or come in and "get UNL Rodeo Club Meeting Wednesday, Match 3. at 7:00 pm East Campus Union. Thanks to all the women who came and watched the Simpson's with us. even thought it was a repeat. The Men of Delta Tau Delta 130 Student Government GLC Meeting TONIGHT 6:30 pm - City Union Topic: Budget Cut Rally Budget cuts will affect L everyone on this campus. Come to the GLC meeting to find out how you can mMto a dtferencel HEALTH CENTER ADVISORY BOARD The purpose of the board shal be to represent the st udent body in dealing wttti the health concerns of theUnlversity common tty. You do NOT hove to be from Pie Medical Deadline is march 12 auSopm*Appliattions available In the ASUN office. Rm. 115 Nebr. Union JUST SAY NO! A 5% university budget cut Is equivalent to eliminating three colleges: archttecture, home ec. and journalism. You can make a difference though; to find out how. attend tonight s GLC meeting 6:00pm in the City Union. POLLING SITES Student Government Election March 10,1993 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Nebraska Union City Campus Campus Recreation Center Abel/Sandoz Neftardt Nebraska Union East Campus The potting sites wNI be staffed by the Faculty Women's Club Position Open Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women This commission works to increase awareness of gender equity issues, to serve as a resource for the campus on women's issues. Information and application avalabie at 115 Nebr. Union and 209 Burnett. 0ead>ne4fl0p.m.. Monday. March eth Student Government Election Questions and concerns about the process or the regula tions?? For information caN 472-2581 or stop by 116 Nebraska Union. The Electoral Commission meets on Tuesdays at 5:15p.m. in the office. Students are welcome to attend. [LE YOU STUDY away from it all" • $25 for new customers and those who have not donated in 2 months on your 1st donation. • TV Entertainment. • 2 Hrs. free parking. • Bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs. Come visit the friendliest staff in town at 7 Lincoln Donor Center / 126 N. 14th. Suite 2 Please call 474-2335 for an appt. WAGEY DRUG 27TH & VINE REVLON S' INTRODUCESC O L O R^TYLE \ $ * : r| |h T"$2’0"°o«"~] ANY REVLON COLOR ! STYLE PRODUCT I I l MafUWBruwsp. _ ■■ mm mm ml , 1 i 160 Help Wanted *$9.25 Starting* Expanding National Corporation filling entry level poet non*. Flexible schedules. internships a scholarship* available. 488-6017.___ Earn extra cash Immediate placements We have openings for assembly workers and expert enced MIG welders at one of Lincoln's leading manufac turing plants. All positions are 40hrs/ek. and benefit! Include: vacation and holiday pay. Applicants must be If or older and may apply at MSP Resources Inc. Suite 43f Greentree Cl. 210 Gateway North, EOE. _ Farm help—spring and summer, close to Lincoln. 665 3641 and 6652567 evenings._ _ FUN PEOPLE. GREAT EXPERIENCE A FLEXIBLE HOURS. TheOffice for Student Involvement hat a variety of student staff positions available lor 1883/94. (salaries range $4 25$4.75per hour). Pick up an application in any of our four facHkies: 200 NebraskaUnion; 300 Nebraska Union; Cuture Center 333 North 14th; and the Women's Center, 117 Nebraska Union. Please return your applica tion to 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska Union by 4:00 pm on March 6.1093. Handyperson lor 15to 20 hours weekly. Some knowledge of gardening, palming, pool maintenance helpful. Hours ad your convenience. $6.00 hourly, respond to P.O. Bon 80080, Unooln 68501, Let the Minnesota V10nos make money for youl $5-$1(> $ 15/hr. Phone pros up to 25 pts. paid. Cell Dave at 487 4380. _ Local artists bring your local tapae to be sold a Recydec Sounds. 824 P St., 476-8240. Nannies Needed Near NYC. We offer great families. $$$, and one year experience TREASURED NANNIES. INC. 1400458 1701. anytime. NEED CASH? Hoiway Formal Wear need* laundry room help, Monday and Tuesdays, plus some Sunday nights, if you've got a light load, call Jim at 476-2262 lor immediate interview. Now hiring lor part-time professional interviewing staff. Day hours are available. 15* hrs. per week. Absolutely no selling. For more information call 475-4520. Monday Friday between 0-5:00pm. Public Information Officer Definition: To participate in a variety of responsible and oompiax administrative, clerical and technical work In support of the public information function; to prepare and provide Information for the media and the general pubic; and to provide roeponsbb administrate support to the City Cbrk. Receives general supervision from the City Clerk. Examples of Duties: (duties may Include, but not Dmtod to): Maintain reeponsbiliy fora* media relations;prepare news releases as appropriate; detribute prepared Infor mation and documents to the news media; respond to difficult and sensitive inquiries and questions regarding ml or mat on distributed. Prepare a regular newsletter for dietrbtXion to the citizens of Grand Wand; sokes articles and Wormtoion to include In the newsletter; organize information; prepare and refine the newsletter format; oversee printing and distribution processes. Conduct interview* with City Council members and the Mayor for purpose* of pubtc interest: arrange for interviews to be broadcast kx.aly on the radio and television as appropri ate. Attend meetings, conferences and seminars regard Ing the public information function; stay abreast of changes in the administration of the public Information function Requirements: Any combination of experience and tram Ing equivalent to high school graduation supplemented by technical training in purnalam. broadcasting, market ing or a related field. One to two years increasingly res pons lb* work In journalism, broadcasting or public relation* including at least one year of work in providing service and information to the general public. Application Ctoee: 500 pm Friday. March 12,1003 Apply To: Personnel Department, 3rd floor. City Hal. 206 N. Pine, POB1068. Grand bland. NE 66802 Phone 306 MI-5452. EOC The Pink Flamingo b looking for an evening sales and service coordinator. Apply in person- 4003 O Street. Wanted responabie sabs-oriented personalities to do street marketing lor travel agency. Free Travel benefits. Call 421-7566 between 6 and 5pm. WENDY'S 14TH & Q 930 N. 48th St. 2615 S. 48th St. *Flexb* shifts available around your schedule ‘Stoning wage baaed on experience ‘Meal discounts ‘Be part of a groat team What can you do for your country? Donat* a few years or «*" *•“£• * »*» *• M** nonprofit potmcaly actW* pubic Merest groups. If you have a pleasant speaking vote*, are waff read, and able to become expert or near expert on national or state iaaoes. You can earn •7/hr. obtaining membership renewels from previous donors. Health insurance, benefit, advancement oppor tunties and part-time hours. Caff 476-1010 lloSam • 300pm. Monday • Friday lor an Interview. I62!Wor^tud}\Job^!==B ——1 '■ Enjoy a variety of projects and working with the pubic? Excellent opportunity lor res poos bfe students to assist Sf«™JKK*S£5ifTffiKir?oh!S£r. WfeuoSO?xFSS™,,“- B~*'y I IT* if f ■ | . CAMP COUNSELORS warned for private Michigan boys/glrit summar camps, i Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, walarsMing. gym ' nasties, riflairy, archery, tennis, gof sports, ponyuters, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding Also kitchen, of fice. maintenance. Salary $1100 or mrnplM MB. Dayna Glasson, 1765 Maple, Nfld., II. 60093. 708-446 2444.___ Camp Counselors Catskill Mountain summer camps for mentally retarded seek: Genera) A Activity Countekxi A Lifeguards. Com petitive salaries and excellent working conditions. EOE. ban Mr, Farmer orMr. Morokutti (212)254-6203 sxl. <250. New England Brother/Siettr Camp» Massachusetts. Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi tions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey. Roller Hockey. Soc cer, Voiteytwfl; 25 Tennis openings; also Archery. RHkKy. Weight s/Fit ness and Bking; other openings include Per lorn?ng Arts. Fins Arts. Newspaper. Photography. Cook ing, Sewing. Rollerskating. Rocketry, Ropes and Camp Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming. Skiing. Sail ing. Windsurfing. Canosing/Kayaklng). Inquire Mah-Kee Nac (Boys) 190 L nden Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (Girls) 17 Westminster Drive, Montvlle. NJ 07045. Phone: 1-800 392-3752. Summer Recreation Leaders Lincoln Perks end Recreation is accepting apoUcations (or Summer Playground Positiont. Leaders ($4.60/(10. Assistant Leaders ($4.40/hr.). Activ»y Specialist {$4.66/ hr.). Mommg hours. M-F, June 7-July 30. Apply at 2740 A St., 441-7952. EOE/AA. Need roommate to share 4-bedroom house til 7-31. Furnished, c/a, wrd. $175 ♦ utilities. 477-2430. Andrue. Non-smoker roommate needed. 2-bedroom, security oondo. fireplace, balcony, washsr A dryer furnished, utMtiee paid $260420-1662 after 6:0Qpm. Non-smcking roommate neadad to share newer home. 10 minutes from downtown, 477-3783. RssponsMe non-smoking female seeks tame to share nice duplex. Available now. $200*1/2 utilities. 466-3432 or 467-4966.__ Roommate wanted to share 4-bedroom house. M/F. nonsmoking, doss to bus. bits trail. 1160 ♦ phone. 476 9112. Wanted 1 roommate to »hare a nee 5bedroom house 1.7 miee from campus, all oak floors. $200. free washer and dryar, no utHites. Ask lor Rues 476-9346, _ Wanted: non-smoking female roommate ASAP to share 2-bedroom apartment. Close to downtown. $160/month ♦ 1/2utiltiee. 436-2643._ 180 Houses For Rent 2931 Apple- Very nice 4br. basement, fenced yard. Between campueee. 8600.475-1579. Three bedroom, real nice, doee to campus. 1314 N. 24. 6525.475- 1579. Three bedroom, nice, cloee to UNL. 2001 Hotdredge. 8525.475- 1579. Three bedroom dose to both campuses. 2756 W. 8425. 8300 deposit No pets. 477-6363,466-1322 fv. meg. 185 Duplexes For Rent 1335 N. 22 • Very nice 3 bedroom duplex. 1 1/2 bath, central air, w/d hookup, dishwasher, fireplace, off-street parking. 8528 Call 436-4112. 190 Apartments For Rent 1020 C Street. Huge on#bedroom. Wood floor*, oft sireet parking. Greet condition. $330.437-8019. 1107'L'Street-Just remodelod. Campus doee, heat paid Only *260-8280. Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. 1814 F St., 2-bedroom *416.821 ASt.,2-bedroom. $415. 535 W. Saunders, 2-bedroom, $430. AM electric, appli ances, microwave, balcony, mini-blind*, security build ing.^N^petsJ»J8067:4*:VI30:_____ 2301 A Street - 2 bedroom, $325 475-7262. 2740 R. Two bedroom, air. laundry, garage. No pets. $335,437-6328. _ 508 South 25th. Newly recarpsied and painted, very nice and neat. 2 bedroom. Available now, leave message483 2357. 6140 Havelock- Unique, new, 1br. In historic building, pine floors, track lights, custom cabinets. No pets, no smoking. References. $335+ deposit. 406-8966and423 5921. _ 640 South 20 - Mega-sized 1 bedroom $329; 2 bedroom $359 475-7262. __ norT^ast 2 bedroom 2 bath, washer/dryer hookups, plush gray or baiga, moat utilities paid. Al NEW! Peach decor. 2 bedroom, 2 bath town house, most utilities paid. 1 bedroom studio, all utllitias paid. Chart^HmRaaky Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplaces. or woodbuming stoves. Off street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNL campus. Professional man aged. Cell 476-6200 now. East campus, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, appliances, laundry, perking. *220 Huntington. $380 per month. 423 0902. Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at 8225/month 438-3132. Century Management Company Large selection of 1.2 and 3%r apartment* $240-8505 476-2500 New 1 end 2br convenient to campus, tel electrc $29b and $395+ deposit. No pals, reference*. 466-8966 and 423-5821. On# bedroom and afflciancias near campus. -Secured bulding, $2264246. Cell477-3646. Put A Splash In Your Life At Willowhaven Apartments Enemy efficient one and two bedrooms now available Private pool with large sundeck. Spring and summer bonuses are now being offered ' $329/468*merrtfi Call 476-6200 NOW BBasBaBaBBOaHBBaiBBB-BS=: 194 Homes For Sale Moving? Free Information! Anywhere in-stateout-of state. Call 436-5015. Dave M strange. Century 21 Home A Farm. 22 Adoption ADOPTION Happily married coup* Mehee to share thair Uvea with newborn. Loving home, good education, and lova of outdoors awaits. Lag*! and conitdential g xpens** paid Plated caH Elaine and Sieve te A00-A4S-ttip7. Caring couple undontant* die adoption ant an aaay chocs. We can giva your newborn love A happiness. Expanse* paid. Cal Loonlta A Tad anytime 1-460-578 Happte married coup* wlahas to provtdo your baby teth A ttsbse home, education, and moot Important*. aM tha leva. Election and attention wa can giv*. W* are under standing and sympathetic. Pleas# call Susan and Jeff oodect. 201 -P6A-141A, Low* coin* teaks nawbom to welcome into our hear* and teas. Canprovlda a loving home and aacura future. Call Jana and Hank, t-BOQ-ofc 27df Pregnant? Want * laaTwtth someone? Call Betty or Crndy Nebraska Children’s Home 4800 Vteoy Read 4A3-7V7B 100 yean of adoption expert*™., 23 Alterations & Sewing •watTSm* A**rtnfl * 611 " ^ **• SSSSSaBBr^BBBSBSBSEBBa 27 Bicyde Service INLINE SK ATE SALE! RotetWada ukra wheal testae and koeaiiBitai ara so Si«Es5SHSS5r- - 35 Counseling _? Counseling atasaaeSaBaasg: abte sexual assault survivors eat i no disorders si no la mothers. Women For Sobriety, and *ebian discussion 8 roups. For more information or to schedule an appo.™ mant. call tha Woman * Canter, 472-46A7. 36 Entertainment The Tubbery Heymerket Square BIB P. (L, 47MBBB Private hottub room rente* A Wolf! tanning 38 Gift Ideas JUST ROSES-Starttng m M W a tean. 3031 V 80-aat 436-111S. Tuaadodalvory-juST ROSES 42 Health and Fitness Family Dermatology EH lot L Ruatad. HD. SpaoHnd trail mart tTid akin and aealp diaordaro. Complamarttaiy madtcauona lor aenapatSwa.Euarar»g and Saturday homa.Convaniant location. 3001 Normal Stud SuHa 102.4S3-7606 44 Insurance For Alt Vour tnauranoa Naada. Jim Waflaca 474 8077 Amorteim Family Inauranca Raniara, Auto. Moma. MaaHtt, and Ua._ 46 Instruction/Tutoring ssBBsaasKsss ESLMortng. Pronunciation, writing, convaroaUon. tatan ing. Tapaa mada lor you. Waakly hour toaaon. CM 477 —---: £?JVATE QWTAR INSTRUCTION —SALES and RENTAL Baginnara or advanood. Zagor Studio 4P0 61 Music Exchange Backtrack Records Lincoln'a Vintage Record Shop. BuytmrtoMngracorda. tapoa. cofTpaJdaha, 3033 g 4rtb4»S-3sT7. 63 Pregnancy_ hon?*Jjo^pmgnaftflyrw^pioaaa'aafua'f * appoint mort, 463-2006. Action Resumes ^iaUki cMiiiMa r »r hmlan |*Si . IrAi wan rlrd fpumn, cover Wien. ryprny wuics service a« tpnfl naada Mad at Computer Type and Sendees 467-2666 4230 Progceealve Ave. Paula’s Typing Service For ALL your typing naada, 476-7764 1 Returnee By Ann Quality reaumaa, protaaatonal writara. Ouar 10 yaara onpofionoa. p-ovan raauka 464-0776. Resumes Z2?X2XW2£iSS&