The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1993, Page 11, Image 11
Theme of 100-year-old play, ‘La Ronde ’, explores love relationships, courtships theatrix. By Matthew Grant Staff Reporter Ten sex scenes, in a bed, in a park, in a cafe, and all in a play will start this year’s scheduled Theatrix events Thursday at the Studio Theatre. "La Ronde,” written by Arthur Schnitzler in the 1890s, is an experi mental play, which takes a two-hour circular tour through Vienna and a variety of relationships, courtships and infidelities going on in that city. Director Missy Wiglev said the play is “about sexual relationships and how they’re meaningless and how people treat them as being meaning less.” Everyone in late 19th century Vienna appears to have the same thing in mind. In the first scene a prostitute and a sailor meet. They have sex in the street and he leaves. In the next scene he is back on stage, going through the same motions with a different woman outside a dance hall. The play continues in the same manner, with each character appear ing in two successive scenes with no more than two characters on stage. The only characters who do not end up moaning through a black-out or in each others arms are a husband and wife. At the start of their meetings the cheating lovers in each scene profess their undying love. After the meet ings have reached their climax, most of the men quickly become disinter ested in the woman — there is no homosexuality in this play — and start making excuses to leave. In this environment both suspicion and jeal ously come with every encounter. The timelessness of this theme led Wigley to choose the play: “While this play was written a 100 years ago,” she said, “nothing has really changed.” Nevertheless, the subject may not go down well with all Nebraska the ater-goers. “A little daring,” Wigley said. But in the age of AIDS, La Ronde is a reminder that when people have sex they come into contact not only with their partner, but also every pre vious partner of their partner. This season Theatrix is supporting the Nebraska AIDS Project, with do nation opportunities and literature distribution at the performances of all nine plays. Tickets cost $2 and are available at the door. _ 'iM?. OfttONAL MOVEMENT PIECE m directedand conceived by Paul Steger | fcS&lSlE: — Tickets $2 at the door Temple Building, 12th & R Phone: 472-7009 - •' ^ EAT YOUR HEART OUT directed by Patrick Lambrecht Studio Theatre April 15,16,17 at 7 p.m. April 18 at 2 p.m. -it ‘J*ii *..*!• .*'• iifn ■ . « ■*. .. • Classified «*»« $3 00 per day for 15 words on Individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with tie policies and judgments ol the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of an ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Dally Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad , , Be descriptive. The more Information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses wKl be Begin the ad with the Item lor sale or offered. Include the price of the herns for sale. 3 Bicycles For Sale Csnnondale mad Mrs, 12-speed. saoeflent condition. (250 Cal before 2pm 474-1€f73 10 Misc. For Sale Total body Mnoss. Now Sotaflex wkh lag extension end butioriiy attachments^ AM shipping end handing is paid Used 15' Hammer Rims with low profile time. Please contact 4M.940a.S650. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale Sony XR-7070 anvtm cassette car stereo. Negotiable pnce. Cal for data*. Chris 436-6034. sssaassassssss 19 Ticket Exchange Wanted 3-6NU^UbaskadMl Achats. WHIpay top dolar. cal 467-4007. leave message. 103 Spring Break Trips CANCUN—MEXICO Spring Break «1 Choicell 7 Night Party Package Including R.T. Air and Lodging Starts at $479. _____ 1-800-845-8766 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Party with the Beetl Hotels or Condos with Party/Activity Package $20 Per Person/Per Night—Taxes Not Included 1 -800-845-6764 Spring Break ’93 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SURF MOTEL CABANA BAP “ON THE BEACH 1 800T723 6619 _St SAVE $$ Spring Break Panama Cky. Florida scuba trip. March 21 -26 with Haart land Scuba Center. $329. Call 4*8-7774. 110 Announcements ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • ftehertes. Earn $600./weak In canneries or $4,000+/monfh on fishing boats Free transportation! Room $ Board! Over B.OOO openings. No aaperianoanaosea ary. Male or Female. For employment program call t-206-648416$ ext AS778. Now accepting applications for PEER SEXUAUTYEDUCATORS STD Prevention Specialist- Rooponslbilttiea include: * Conduct prevention workshops among UNL students * facilitate small group dwcuaaione * Mend and partidpata in training activities Cent receptive Education Specialist- Responsibilities include * conducting contraceptive classes in the UHC and in campus living units * attend and participate in training activities OttiBf RMpontlbiliticf include: ’ a one yew commitment to the program * attending an orientation s an ion on April 3rd (93) * registering In P.H. 230 * assisting with other sexuality education programming * attending classes In (Ml semester * Mending inservices spring semester (’Wi Pew Sexuality Educators receive a small stipend For Mo or applcations contact the Community Health Education Dept.. Rm. 12. Lower Level. Unkrerstty Health Center. 472-7440. Applications accepted through March 6,1993. UNL Is an AA/EOE institution BE PART of oned the Nation's Fastest Drawing Compa Neetor our fourth consecutive yew. See Ruatwednes day. March 3,700pm, Nabraak* Union, Georgian Suits -—-—1 By GARY LARSON aa>^cu 1 ^ 'I “Hay! You!... Yaah, you! I ain’t gonna tall you agaljF to quit aptttin’ on ma!” GREEKS & CLUBS Raise a Cool $1,000 IN JUST ONE WEEKI PLUS S1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLSI And a FREE IGLOO COOLER If you quality. Call 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65.' Attention Students In College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Applications are available for Student Ambassadors. 103 Ag Had Application deadline is March 10 at 5:00 p.m. National Procrastination Week AND UPC-WACKY WEDNESDAY COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Meet in ^Tuesday, March 2.8:00pm, City Union (room wHI Concerns about UNL?? Don! ted your friends about all the problems at UNL. they canl do anything about it. If you really want to get something done, come to Legislators On Campus. They want to know what you are thinking LEGISLATORS ON CAMPUS Complimentary Luncheon tor Concerned Students and State Senators Wednesday - March 3 Noon-1:00 Wick Alumni Center Sponsored by the Government Liaison Committee Congratulations Congratulations to Gary Doyle on becoming the Heart of American Regional Student Representative of the Na tional Association of Carpus Activities (NACA) and congratulations to Karen Freimund on becoming the Assetant Showcase Coordinator tor the NACA regional conference. From everyone on the University Program Council JUST SAY NO! A 5% university budget cut is equivalent to eliminating three col leges: archlecture, home ec. and journalism. You can make a difference though; to find out how. attend tonight's GLC meeting 6:00pm in the City Union. NUMeds Elections Wednesday night at 600pm. City Union, room posted. PARTY Petty Work PARTY _ Wed. 900 pm, Sig Ep Basement Pi Lambda Theta Our Initiation ceremony on Tuesday. March 2 has been changed from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. Still located in Regency Sule at the Union. Travel Abroad Workshop "Getting Ready* (itinerary planning, US. safety, insur ance l more). Tuesday. March 2,6:30 pm. International Affairs. 1237 R St. 472-5358. _ Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson LETS SEE IF CALVIN GOT WITH STUPENDOUS MUSCLES S. FOR STUftNDOUS/ ITS NOT ENOUGH THAT WE JjL WHATEVER WAS IN OF MAGNITUDE STUPENDOUS T...FOR TI€EJt, FERociTV OF/ HAVE TO BE DISCIPLINARIANS. HIS LOCKER. MM BREAKS FREE.!' I/...FOR MXtWEAfi, RED/ NOW WE NEED TO BE • f...FOR PON£R, INCREDIBLE/ PSYCHOLOGISTS. J I £... for excbubmt physiooe; -<> N FOR... UK... SOMETHING... HM, YOUR NEFARIOUS WEIL.ILL COME BACK TO THAT.. SCHEME WILL P... For determinations never succeed.' U...FOR-WAIT, HOW OO YOU — -- SPELL THIS? ft IT “I> Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0918 ACROSS 33 Calculating _ instruments 1 Procreate „Lyricp0em • Fragrance sa Former baseball 10 El-, Spanish manager comes hero to a President’s 13 Seed covering mother i« Famous 40 Inner: Prefix 10 Auger 41 Socially 10 Songstress a comes to 4» Wings for Amor novelist 43 Blood-cell 10 Chemical suffix deficiencies 20 Rake "“sram _ _ ... 47 Old card game *1 Foolish 40 Usual method at Principle mass of ce„ diviSion of a tooth M Tfack Qf a ^ 24 Ship’s record MAileviate 20 One, in Nantes M A day jn marzo 20 Marine mollusk s7 Guitarist comes 30 Solemn assent to actor ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE •1 Man or Wight •a Domingo is one S3 Daredevil Knievel 34 Also ss British noble ■ family SS Withered DOWN 1 Dieter's lunch a Goddess of peace 3 Gone up 4 Annex s"-for tennis?" s Scoundrel 7 A Siouan s Mai de (seasickness) s Ending with lime or lemon 10 Fugue finale 11 Teheran is its capital ia Erase is Game like keno 17 Hibernia 10 Amati or Stradivari as Melody as Gift for a 13th anniversary 8S Sanctions wrongdoing 37 Create a pandowdy 90 Christmas carol aa Icelandic epic 4a Burgundy wine 84 Capital of aa Imitate center Norway 31 Plateau «• Strainer M serf jn aa Harrows rival ao Lazy person Ethel red’s day 33 Large continent ai Advance M Sa)t citv aa View obliquely athlata 37 Shark’s “ Narrow opening hangar-on as Cuban'. saQuWad 38 Hodgepodge monetary unit ao Plural ending ae Western org. 44 Run off with a lover 48 Eyeshades 48 Crown of Osiris