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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1993)
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX: 472-1761 8 AM-4 :30 PM Monday-Friday $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day tor 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. 3 Bicycles For Sale Lincoln Police Depart. Notice of Mle of unclaimed bicycles and unclaimed properly. March 6. 1993-1000am. Lincotnland Touring 41<Tw.P‘ " ^ . P St. No checks accepted. 5 Clothing For Sale Great ciothee at low prteeel Phi Mu dothing sole in Nebraska Union Ballroom. 10am 3roceem to CMNT. 7pm. Pn Size 10 wedding dress, very beautiful, bought from Saasi's for £800sell for $400or best reasonable offer. Coll Karen at 421-5210 8fl0am-5d0pm or 457-2059 after 6:00pm. 6 Computers For Sale MUST SELL: Mac PowerBook 100,4 meg RAM. 20 meg HO. software, more. S1100 080. Cal Jeff: 436-6127. 20 gallon fish tank for sale. Complete set-up. Asking $50 OBO Cal 454-5672 12 Musical Instruments Bach Model 16 Trombone for sals. $400. 781-2034. 19 Ticket Exchange 4 Northwest Airline Travel Vouchers- Value $181.00 each. Beat Offer. 475-3506. I urgently need 5 ISU/NU basketball tickets. Call Maria 436-6164 Wanted: 3 tickets for NU/ISU basketball game Sat. Feb. 27 Contact Kristine 4367022. 20 Vehicles For Sale_ RED 1968 YUGO GVX. Excellent Condition. Extremely Low Mileage. 6Speed AC. Great Stereo. Must Sell. $2,000 OBo. Call Tammy at 4665079. Leave Message. 103 Spring Break Trips Can cun, Jamaica. Daytona. Panama City, and Key West—The beet deaie are with STS. Call Kristi or Traci at 474-6429. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Party wth the bestll Beach Front Motets or Condos with ParTyr Activity Package $22 Per PersorVPer Night— Taxes Not Included. 1-6066466786 Spring Break ’93 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SURF MOTEL CABANA BAR "ON THE BEACH" 1-800/723-6519 $$ SAVE SS 110 Announcements Aerobic Instructor Training Workshop March 12, 13. 14. For moro Information cal Kris. 423 7171. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - flsherias. Earn $600+/weak in cannoriaa or *4,OOOWmonth on fishing boats. Free transportation I Room A Boardl Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Mala or Famala. For ampioymant program call 1 -206-545-4156 oat. A5778. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE ALL ARE INVITED BOWL-FEST 93 FREE bowling 1:30-1:30 Wad. Ab. 24 From East Union Lanaa and Gamaa and UPC WACKY WEDNESDAY Does ‘Corporate Executive’ Sound Nice? Than apply for tha CBA Student Davatopmam Car Looking Glees N program on March 13 from 12-1 Cantor's Looking Glass is a corporation sit upper-class undergraduate and f‘ have not had a signlcant managdrai experience. Each Kes on the rde of an executive ip the Looking student take_ __ Glass Corporation which will enable you To use all the skito necessary to be an effective manager in corporate America. Stop by CBA 237 or call472-7773 or 473-8838 before Friday February 26 to pick up art application. uoiaen r\ey immucia Oonl mss out on your chance to oat dinnor and rut) •bow* with the Chancellor and other top administrator*. Find out all the details at the next Golden Key meeting. Wednesday. Feb. 24th. 6:00 p m in the Union - room to be posted. If you cant attend the meeting, call Greg (6 7867) or Rebecca (6-7891) to reserve your spot at the dinner. ATTENTION ALL WOMEN INTERESTED IN COMPUTER SCIENCE! Come to the Women s Center to socialize and establish networking relationships with other tamale faculty. alumni and students. Ths could owe you the edge you are looking tori February z5. at 4.00 pm to 530 pm in 338 NE. Union. Women s Center 472-2567 So much more than you thought 1321 O St. - - • V. ^ . . •*•.*.. *> • * „ *' ^ Come Discover HIS "Crucial** :S Journeys .••••.* W Wednesday Nights at 6:15 p. /n.^J / University Lutheran C hapel %\\ ' */ On the N .W. corner of 16th & *Q” Streets \\ V • Sorry, I'm already dashing wkh my dale, Heidi, to the women's basketball game, Feb. 28 at 2:00 pm-1 *** dinner for two at Bum Steer, l may ask her to marry mel W*h™luck- Budman The Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women is seeking applications from interested members of the University community for the following vacancies begin ning in the Fall, 1993. Please sent a vita or resume and aletterof Interest to Claudia Price-Decker, Chair, CCSW, 209 Burnett (0308). Deadline for applications Is March 8. 1993. 1 Faculty Member - City Campus 1 Faculty Member - East Campus 1 Graduate Student • City or East Campus 1 Undergrad Student • City or East Campus 1 Staff-City or East Campus The James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award was estabtshed In 1960to recognize those persons who have contributed significantly to academic freedom through acts that have supported, defended, explained, and/or applied In practice the principles of academic.freodom at UNL. The previous recipients of this award were: i960: James A. Lake 1981: No award given 1982: Desmond Wheeler 1983: James McShane 1964: BurtMaxcy 1985: No award glvei 1988: Harry Crockett 1987: Paul Olson 1988: Dermot Coyne 1989: James Cole 1990: No award given 1991: Campbel H. McConnell 1992: Ned Hedges We are now inviting nominations for the 1993Award. The nomination process is an informal one. Usually, a nomi nation will consist of, a letter from the nominator desorb ing in some detail the basis for the nomination. Of course, nominations are strengthened by supporting letters from other members of the University community. Neither nominators nor nominees need be members of the UNL facuky, but must have been connected with UNL in some capacity at the time of the acts which form the basis of the nomination. The selection process is described in the enclosed descript Ion of the Senate's Academic Freedom Award Committee. The current Committee consists of: Larry WaMn, Chair orosiu Georgs Turk. Senats Rapr. Dick Gilbert Nominations should bo sent to: Academic r mdom Awtrd CornmittM &o Peggy Carson Academic Senate Room 124 801 Building City Campus. 0210 Al previous nominations are considered Inactive. Ques tions concerning nominations may be directed to mem bers of the Committee. The deadline for nominations is March 12.1993. The World may csss you a living, but Its up to YOU to COLLECT. See Russ Wednesday March 3. 7:00 pm, Nebraska Union, Georgian Suite. TODAY Student Government Candidate Debate East Campus Union 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (Boom to ba poatad) Travel Abroad Workshop ■Getting Roady" (itlnaraiy planning. MS, s slaty, intur anca * mors). Tuasday. March 2. (30 pm. Inlamailonal Allan. 1237 R Si. 472-5359. UNL NORML HEMP BENEFIT Monkey Farr $3 00 Friday YELL SQUAD TRYOUTS Any mala* or t a malar intaraalad In trying out thou id art and tha informational mooting in Davanay Sports Can tar (Track Araa). Sunday, Fab. 28, 5:00 pm. Important mad mgIIOpah gym6-9pm(o(o«4ng moating. Comasao what chaaring lor tha Huskors is an about! If unabia to attand of quaation. call Ranaa. 47(3397, or Norma.472 2273. _ 115 Meetings Block & Bridle Mooting at East Campus Union-7pm inMiaias/Exscs. 730pm Raguia/ moaimg I ) fLVE GOT TO) CALL WD#t I DMY h/AMT > TO BE 5TVCKIH 5 ana 7 NIGHTS DAYTONA BEACH, FL 5 A NO 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT. CO 2, 5 AND 7 NIGHTS - MUSTANG ISLAND, TX 5 AND 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 5 AND 7 NIGHTS 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PRICES FOR STAY NOT PER NICHTI Circle K Masts TONIGHT 7 pm In tha Reunion Conference Room. New members welcomel _. FINANCE CLUB Meeting Wednesday. February 24.530pm at the Union. \ NUMEDS Meeting on Wednesday. 6:30pm at the Union. Speaker: On internal medicine. Be therel__ Pre-Law Club Meeting at 730 p.m. Thursday in the City Union. New members welcomel _____ Pre-Physical Therapy Club Meeting #1. Thursday. February ffi***ffi* Center: Current Warns from UNMC and Washington University In St Louis will speak. Meedng «. Wednes day, March 3.700pm at the Health Center. Physical and Occupational Therapists and Speech-Language Pa thologists from the public schools win speak about their roles!and Inner actions. For more Information cal Ali Petersen 436-0718. _ QUESTION? Do you ever need additional Income? SeeRues Wed nee day. March 3.7P0pm. Nebraska Union. Georgian Suite. UNL Wildlife Club Wednesday, February 24, 7pm at East Campus Union. SpsekerJon Kauffeld-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Women Studies Colloquia Presents Dr. Laura Sanchez. The gender division of labor 6 inequities in housework fairness: Do women * men respect their partners use of time? Wednesday. February 24. 3:30-4:30pm Nebraska Student Union (Room posted). For information call 472-8392. 120 Greek Affairs <DM Welcomes "Clothing Concepts’to the Union. 10am-7pm "CLOTHES ON A COLLEGE JUDGET." One day onlyll ADPI. Thanks for the dinner exchange. Let's do It again! The men of Beta Sigma Pel AAA Jen Ahl and Scott Klann Congratulations on your engagement! Love, your Tri-Delta sisters Congrats to the lolloiMng A-Phl's: Megan Wise. Molly Taylor, Darcy Smith, and Kristi Weinberger for SAA; Angpe Mostek for Greek Sina Com mittee; Eve Has linger for Psl Chi Psychology fiat tonal Honor Society. And good luck to Kristi Wwrberger in VOCE elections. Congratulations to Gean DeShazer and Tom Bentley (FH) on your pinning. You surprised us aDI The women of Gamma Phi Bata Congratulations to this weeks King Pin, Todd Stewart. Tne man of Sigma Nu Z N Little Sister meeting Thursday at 730pm. Any questions, call Jim or Jason As-8432. The women of A-Phi, Thanks lor making Friday afternoon such a great time. Come over again somatime soon. The men of Delta Tau Delta MIDNIGHT f MADNESS IS COMING... Mojo, Strawdog ■ doing awesomel See you Saturday at the Edge. The man oi Tau Kappa Epsilon SOCIAL BOARD Sub-Committee application deadline la ex tended until Feb. 26. Application# available and due at Greek Attain, 332 Ne. Union. The Gentlemen of Acacia wtehtocongratulate Stan L. and Lynn 9. on their recent engagement. fob SHE’S CRAFTY 130 Student Government Student Government Election Oueetione and concern# about the process or the regula tion#?? For Information call 472-288lor (top by 115 Nebraika Union. The Electoral Commi##Jon meats on Tue#day« at 8:18 p.m.-«tudent« are welcome to attend. Student Government 4Appointments Board Openings* Two Student - At • Large position# open Be a part of the board that appoint# students to 28 campus wide committees. Appointees will assume the* positions upon Installation of the next executives and senators. Application avalabie m the ASUN office, 116 Nebraska Union. Deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, February 28,1883 UN-L STUOENT GOVERNMENT 6:30 p.m. Tonight EAST CAMPUS UNION ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION 140 Personals What a fool I was. to can your Blutt The words-I’m sorry/could never be enough I tried to cML but vou dismissed them ait And now I'm not feeling so tough I made a mistake. One that I dread Swing here at night, and lying to my head What else can I say, tomorrows a new day Just keep the cat from poopying on your bed. 145 Lost & Found LOST: Set ot keys 2-17 near Andrews or Union. Military TV attached to keys. REWARO 826-8148. 22 Adoption .....—~ . 23 Alterations & Sewing 62 Photography "wSSor'iM AGiH60-1762 Part* ***&*« ** UxaHor pow*#u» Expert***) •"flW y ■iBi >