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Visit us today and ask about our new Athletic ; Cut and silk tuxedos. !Be,s£ <£ty£t± ^Joxmaturtax Chinese wedding traditions center on respect, love, emotion, student says By Kristine Long Staff Reporter In a Chinese wedding the bride wears a white wedding gown, the groom wearsa tuxedo, and family and friends are invited to celebrate as the couple begins their life together. But that is where the similarities to a traditional American wedding stop. Yuk Peng Lee, a UNL student from Malaysia, said that Chinese couples have some very different wedding day traditions. Lee said most Chinese couples don’t follow the American engage ment tradition. Some couples get en gaged early, she said, but most just decide to get married and actually get engaged the day before the wedding. Chinese weddings, however, are far from spontaneous. When a Chinese couple decides to get married, they must first have per mission from the bride and the groom’s family, Lee said. If both families agree to the wed ding, the couple must consult the Chinese calendar to find an appropri ate wedding day. “Chinese arc very particular about this,” Lee said. She said couples believe that be cause each person’s fate is different, marrying on a “bad day,” they may lead to a troubled marriage. Another important tradition occurs the night before a Chinese wedding. An elderly, happily married lady vis its the bnde, combs the bride's hair and tells her the secrets of being a good wife, Lee said. The Chinese wedding feast is usually elabo rate and expensive, Lee said. Normally eight entrees are served and the meal lasts two or three hours. Then, Lee said, the bride prays to her anscestors to tell them she is get ting married and to ask for their help in making her marriage happy. On the wedding day, the Chinese bride has a maid of honor and friends who help her dress and prepare for the ceremonies. The groom, dressed in a formal suit, drives to to get his bride with a group of his friends. Just like the American tradition, Lee said, the groom’s friends decorate his car with streamers and tin cans. When the groom and his friends arrive at the bride’s house, they are met by the bride’s friends and family. Lee said the girl’s tease the groom and try to make him late for the wedding feast. Then the groom must pay lo actually get his bride. Before the bride and groom leave the bride’s house, the couple kneels before die bride’s parents and serves them tea as a symbol of respect. ' This is a very emotional and sad * be wedding, Yuk Peng said, when a bride gels married, she must live with and serve her husband’s parents. s- After this emotional tradition, the bride’s parents place a veil over their daughter’s head and watch her leave for the groom’s house. 7 7-^ Unlike the American wedding cer emony, Chinese couples have the cel ebration first. Chinese couples don’t invite friends and fam ily to the formal union in marriage. Chinese couples formally sign the marriage papers af ter the wedding. The Chinese wedding celebration is more like the American wedding reception. It takes place at the groom’s house where the couple is met by friends and relatives. Lee said the older guests give the couple red pack ets containing money, and the younger guests give presents. The Chinese wfcdding feast is usu al Jfy elaborate and expensive, Lee said. Normally eight entrees are served and the meal lasts two or three hours. During die meal, the bride and groom stand and greet each guest Lee said the guests usually try to get the groom as drunk as possible during the meal. Then after the long day, the bride and groom arc ready for bed. Their friends lead them to their bedroom, but trv to delay the couple as long as possible. Before the bride and groom go to sleep, however, Lee said the couple must place a hen and a rooster under their bed. If the hen runs out first, the couple is expected to have a female child and vice versa if the rooster runs out first. •Helps bride with shopping and other details such as invitations and flowers •Organizes a shower for the bride •Helps coordinate bridesmaids and dress fittings •Helps the bride dress before the ceremony and assists with train and veil •Is a member of the receiving line and is seated near the bride at the< reception p .*•£*;; ao$ Wk ‘r? (41 •Drives groom to the church and helps him dress for the ceremony •Helps coordinate groomsmen and ushers and their tuxedo fittings •Keeps the bride's ring until it is needed in the ceremony •Toasts the bride and groom at the reception •Sees that ail arrangements are made for the honeymoon, Including transporting the luggage and double-checking that reservations, intlneraries and traveler's checks are In order. Source: Manning a Wedding to Remember by Beverly Clark ... .. 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