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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1993)
CLASSIFIED 472-2588 m-V^/r-y¥l IsfolwffllB JOSTENS 13th &Q • 476-0111 Express Yourself! For Valentine’s Day this year, say it in the Daily Nebraskan. Students can run 15-word personals for $3 ($4 for non-students), 15 cents for each additional word. But why stop there? Live a little? Decorate your ad like the ads at the right: #1 (Danny) artwork- $1.50 extra #2 (Dylan) artwork- $3.50 extra #3 (Deenie) box w/ 30 words- $9.00 total Deadline is at 2 p.m. on February 11. Just stop by the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Ne braska Union, or call (402) 472-2588. VALENTINE^”588888 H we could start anew. I wouldn't hesitate I'd gladly take you back And tempt the hands of fate. Denny 57 * m Bud mm ▼ Oh. that nothing can bring back the T W hour of splendor m the grass, glory in w ^ the flower. We will grieve not. rather M ▼ find strength in what remains behind ▼ fjm Deeme qp Enter to WIN Prizes! Get creative! The ads that will receive merchandise the judges find most or gift certificates from the humorous and/or romantic donors listed below. i Bis MI BARRIO "Ssiioio'e Flr»rs*l" Mexican Goods & Gifts J&STJS^ -__466-0424 I Name __ j . Address,_. j Phone_ I i i | Message_ I . I I _ I I Artwork_ I l v.---— -->> J I.-J===== 164 Summer Jobs Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Carrp Kitaki, located on the Platte River. Is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counselors. Health Specialists. Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Directors, Assistant Cook. Crafts Instructors. Adventure Trail Guides. Nature Director, Archery a RHIery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P St . Lincoln. NE 68508; (402) 475-9622. OR ask for one of outapplication packets at your Student Emptoyment/Career Services Office. COLORADO SUMMER JOBS: In the Rockies near Vail. ANDERSON CAMPS seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedi cated. patient individuals who enjoy working with children In an outdoor setting. Counselors. Cooks, Wranglers, Riding Instructors and Nurses. Interviews on February 12th. Sign up andget application at Student Employment office from Elena Guerra. Questions? Call us at 303-524 7766._* ‘Summer job openings for Assistant Pool Manager, life iuards, cashiers. Call Lincoln Parks and Recreation at 41-7892. New England Brother/Sieter Carnp»Meeeechueett». Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi tions tor Program Specialists: All Tearn Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey, Roller Hockey. Soc cer, VoUeyball;25Tennis openings; also Archery. Rif lery. Weights, Fit ness and Biting; other openings include Per forming Arts. Fine Arts, Newspaper. Photography, Cook ing. Sewing, Rollerskating, Hocketry, Ropes and Camp Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sail log. Windsurfing. Canoeing/Kayaking), inquire Mah-Kee Nac (Boys) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge. New Jersey 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (Girls) 17 Westminster Drive, Montvlle. NJ 07045. Phone: 1-800 392-3752. _ PAINTING FOR COLLEGE Summer management positons in Omaha and Lincoln, 1 • 800-728-1259._ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT (June thru August) at Camp Lincoln/Carrp Lake Hubert m Minnesota s lake country since 1909. Meet new triends, over ISO staff men and women, expand horizons, rewarding work with children, develop leadership skills. 30 water/iand activities. Spe ctfic job info 8 applications are available at the Student Employment 8 Intern Office, 345 Union. Stan up. in advance, for a personal interview on campus Thursday, February 11. Wilderness Day Camp Staff CAMP COUNSELOR (6); $4 95 per hour. 40-45 hours per week for 8 weeks. June 1 - July 30. Quallficaf tone: Enthu siasm. experience working with children and the ability to work in an outdoor setting. Previous camp counseling expenenceand/or soence/teaching background helpful Will be required to dnve a van. Must possess a valid driver's license and must have an excellent driving record BUS DRIVER: $5 50 per hour; 40-45 hours/week lor 7 weeks. June 1- July 30. Qualifications: Must possess a Commercial Driver 's License and work weH with chSdren Call 441-7895 for further information. keLLey's spottts cafe i 138 North 14 th Street 438-2242 I HANCE! Ve goFw) CALL TODAY! 1 DON'T k/AHf TO BE STUCK IN LxmcqcM.1 j SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, TX 5 and 7 NIGHTS DAYTONA SUCH, FI 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH, PL 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT. CO 2, 5 AND 7 NIGHTS MUSTANG ISLAND, TX 5 AND 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 5 AND 7 NIGHTS yah i turn am, co 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PRICES FOR STAY- | NOT PER NIGHT! J TOIL FREE INFORMATION l RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 Looking for friendly, outgoing individuals to guide tourists on horeeback rides through the National For*st Landc* Colorado Reply to: Sombrero Ranches, Inc.. 3300 Airport Road, Box A, Boulder, CO 80301. 170 Roommates 1 male, non-smoking roommate to share house, $1 ♦ 1/3 utilities. 474-2778. Female roommate needed to share newly remolded 4 bedroom house. Close to campus. $152 ♦ 1/4 utilities. Call421-9529. _____ Female with female. NS, charming, spacious house, w/d, garage, wood floors, near park and pool. $250+ utilities. Send personal resume' to P .0. Box 30818, Lincoln 68503 or Fax 486-3885 Love animals, and NS female, w/d and utilities included. $210/mth. 477-1858. Needed: one nonsmoking female to share nice home. $131 plus utilities. Southeast. 486-3616, 488-6854. Quiet female roommate, s/ns to share big house for 6mths, 20th and Garfield. 438-2435. Responsible roommate needed to share 2-bedroom apartment, $180/mo. + 1/2 utilities. 435-2884. leave message. 175 Rooms For Rent Spacious bedroom in large 2-level townhouse available for Immediate rent. DW, w/d hookup. IVi bath, off-street parking, garage, walk-in closet 1 person-$245/mth; 2 people $150/mth each. Call 464-0130. leave message. 180 Houses For Rent Four bedrooms; Real nice! Close to campus, 1V4 baths, garage. 3204 Holdrege, *625 475-1579._ Three bedroom, nice, close to UNL. 2001 Holdredge. *525 475-1579. . HOUSE FOR RENT 1 BLOCK FROM CITY CAMPUS 1142 Y STREET 3 BR/2 BATH/WASHADRYER WATER A GARAGE PROVIDED 402-421-1396 __ We love students' 3,4,5, and 6br homes near UNL for summer at discounted rates, KC. w/d. dishwasher. Sign up now and relax. 423-1535. . _ Three bedroom, real nice, close to campus. 1314 N 24, *525 475-1579 ———————— 190 Apartments For Rent -aaaaaea— -a "BARGAIN" One and two bedrooms, C/A, tub/showers, balconies, laundry facilities, close to campus and downtown. NO PETS, k A C Management -476-6444 EOH 1020 C Street. Huge one bedroom. Wood tloors, on street jerking. Great condition. $330.437-9019. 1107 V Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid. Dnly $260-$280. Call Phoenix Properties Management 174-6327. _ 1400 N. 33rd -1 br. near East Campus. $285.00+util. Call 164-1425 evenings $ weekends or Mega, Corp. 475 3409. _ 1821 F.-One bedroom. Tracklighting. Oak floors. $285. 1018 S. 16th-One bedroom. $285. 423-4560. 2035 N. 28th St. ^art-time students are eligible for newer 1 & 2 bedrooms, dose to campus. All appliances including microwave, aundry facilities, secured entry system. Call 4754)156 sves. 4 weekends or Mega Corp. 475-8409 for quakfica lion guidelines. __ 2301 A Street -1 bedroom, balcony/plush carpet $314; 2 bedroom $325475-7262. __ 3-bedroom, Claremont Parks. Feb. rent paid. Available ASAP, 477-2944. 508 South 25. Newly recarpeted and painted, very nice and neat. 2 bedroom. Available now. leave message483 2357.__ 640 South 20 - Mega-sized 1 bedroom $329; 2 bedroom $359 476-7262. _ Available Mar.1 - 2br apartment. $320* deposit. 1331 S. 14th. Call 476-8350 _ Beautiful newer apartment. Great location. Large three bedroom. Washer/dryer included. 2433 0. $510. 437 8507.____ Century Management Company Large selection of 1,2 and 3-br apartments $240-$595 476-2500 Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing spacious 1.2 & 3 bedroom apartments dose to campus. Call now 474-PARK. Claremont Apartments. 3-bedroom. 2-bath Sublease 474-5073. _■ CLOSE AMPUS Sharp apartments, great locations, $335 $365 moat utili ties paid Cherry HiTl Realty 489-4857. Two Bedroomtownhouses 1 1/2 bath, most utilities paid. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 and 464-2697. Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplaces, or woodbummg stoves Off street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNL campus. Professionally man aged. Call 476-6200 now. Efficiencies Close to campus. Starting at S225/month 438 3132. 22 Adoption ADOPT Happily married couple understand* that adoption isn't an easy cnoee We can provide lor end love your newborn. Legal, confidential, expenses paid Cel Pa! and Vince 1 805-824-8879._ ADOPTION Happily married couple wishes to share thee lives with newborn. Loving horns, good aduoetion, and lov* of outdoors awaits Legal and confidential Expenses paid. Please call Elaine and Steve at 800-646-3507 Loving couple seeks newborn to wotooma into our hearts and lives Can provide a loving home and secure future. Cell Jane and Hank, t -800-962-2786 ___ Pregnant? Want to taw with someone7 Call Batty or Cindy Nsbraka Children's Homs 4800 Valay Road 483-7879 _ tOO years of adoption experience We can help each other i 30 something secure couple would love to give a bright tomorrow to your newborn Lagal/medtcal cost paid Cell Mano or Susan at 800-928 0483 23 Alterations & Sewing Alterations Etc Alering A tutoring S11 N. 27th. Suite •10. 474-2064. 27 Bicycle Service »■:.; 1 " ===== Bluet Bike A Flneee. Six blocks from campus New and used bikes. Excellent rapurs for all nukes. 427 S. 13th. 436-2322 31 Child Care Services Are you looking for a loving, posltkre oriented atmosphere for your youngchUd?CaMs74-1104 tor full-time chtkfcus Activities planned lor optimum development Licensed end excellent referutces. =^=!===== 35 Counseling Counseling tndhrtduU counseling and suppon group services avul able to women students. Suppon groups currently avul able: sexual assault survvora, suing disorders, single mothers Women For Sobriety, and lesbian discussion groups. For more Information or to schedule an appoint menTcal the Women's Center, 472-2607 36 Entertainment The Tubbery Hay market Square Sit P. St., 471 MM Private hcttub room rentals A Worn tanning 38 Gift Ideas JU8T ROSES-VaJentme Roses starting at *18 99 a dozen. 3031 O' Street 436-11 IS. JUST ROSES MM MM ^ Balloons N Things ^ Valentine bouquets for your eweethesrt._ ” Cyndie 474-0788 ▼ Pick-up and delivery Visa 8 Mastercard MM ^p Student discounts. ^p 44 Insurance For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077 American Family Insurance-Renters. Auto. Home. Health, and IBs. 62 Photography Parties. Weddings and Location portraiture Experienced and Fasti 63 Pregnancy . — ■ = PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential heating hand ^Free^xrrg nancy test, please cal us lor appoint 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rates Evening. weekend hours. 435-7264. Kathy’s Keystrokes E^terlenced word processing specialist!! Term papers resumes, miscellaneous business needs. 464-7227; can return cals Resumes By Ann Quality raaumaa, pro!*** tonal writer* Over 10 year* •xpananoa. proven raaofta. 444-0775 Resumes ProJaMtonaty typaaat and taaar printad. *15 plua tax. OmSy Ntbrmkan, baaamant of Nebraeka Union. 103 Spring Break Trips «* 474-6429. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Party wait th*Beat 11 Beach Front Hotel* or Condo* wW Noffriciud#^ Pa<*<oa*34 par peraon/per night—Tax** 1400 44*47*4 Spring Break ’93 30UTW7>ADRE ISLAND SURF MOTEL CABANA BAR , "ON THE BEACH" 1400/723451* «*SAVE M