HANCE! ve~q5t~tv) CALL TODAY! \ I DON'T h/Afir TO BE STUCK IN LXhJCOiHj J SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, TX 5 and 7 NIGHTS DAYTONA BEACH, FL 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT. CO 2, 5 AND 7 NIGHTS MUSTANG ISLAND, TX 5 AND 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC S AND 7 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER CREEK, CO 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PRICES FOR STAY NOT PER NIGHT! , TOLL FREE INFORMATION ^RESERVATIONS 1-8QO-321-5911 “CAMP CHALLENGE” A Summer Leadership School So you didn't sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sopho more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a PAID six-week summer course in Leadership training. NO obiligation. Register today. Contact Captian Joe DuRant at 472-2468 for details. Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions; Counselors. Health Specialists, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Directors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors. Adventure Trail Guides. Nature Director, Archery & Riflery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039PSL, Lincoln, NE 68508; (402) 475-9622. OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office, Camp Program Assistant Seasonal resident position May 24-August 15 at girl's camp near Nebraska City. Responsible for implementing summer program activities for girls 5-17. Minimum age 19. Current lifeguard training certification required. Camping experience preferred. Salary $2,000-52,300. Call Deobie at Homestead Girl Scout CounciM76-7539 or 1-800-487-2578 (TDD) EEO/M/F/V/H _ CHALLENGING SUMMER JOBS WITH OUTDOOR FUN, SALARY & room/board in camps for disabled persons. Need male/female camp counselors, lifeguards and specialists in food service, canoeing, and camping/ nature. 4n beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains or near Virginia's East Coast. Great experience for any future career! Training provided. Apply ASAP to CAMP EAS TER SEAL. Box 5496. Roanoke. VA.. 24012.1-800-365 1656. 170 Roommates Male non-smoker to share 2-bedroom. 2-bath duplex, w/ d, dishwasher. S162.50 ♦ 1/2 utilities. 467-2774. Non-smoking female to share 3-bedroom house in East Campus area No pets. $150/month, share utilities, avail able now. References required. 466-6449 Nonsmoking roommate needed to share 2-bedroom apartment. SI79 50/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Move in immedi ately 435-2884 180 Houses For Rent 1106 N 29th: 2br, hookups, shower, a/c. dose to campus. $400 ♦ deposit 476 9057 _ 1314 N. 24, immaculate 3 bedroom, full basement, near campus, off street parking S550 475-1579. 2001 Holdredge, very nice 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, near campus, off street parking. $550 475-1579. 300 N.35, campus area, large 3 bedroom duplex, central air. washer/dryer, dish wasner. $450. 464-4872. Exoress Yourself! For Vffintine's Day this year, say it in the Daily Nebraskan. Let your friends and loved ones know how much you care, you know, you earn! And get creative! The ads that the judges find most humorous and/or romantic will receive prizes from the donors listed below. Students can run 15-word personals for $3 ($4 for non students), 15 cents for each additional word. But why stop there! Live a little! Decorate your ad like the ads at the right: #1 (Tarzan) artwork- $1.50 extra #2 (Amy F.) headline- 50 cents extra #3 (John Paul) artwork- $3.50 extra #4 (Chris) box w/ 50 words- $13.50 total #5 (Dylan) artwork- $3.50 extra #6 (your worst nightmare) box w/ 30 words- $9.00 total Deadline is at 2 p.m. on February 11. Just stop by the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Ne braska Union, or call (402) 472-2588. VALENTINES Jane and Cheetah: Hou» are red; Violets ere Blue; I know what you arid; But you «tat amotl bka itn Tar zan Joey B: Crazy for thinking that my love oould hold you. Crazy for firin' Causa now fm a lifer And fm crazy for network movie* too. Amy F. lest It's not Juat lata John Paul mm vatemmea uay mm ▼ Chri* (Meowlj^r ********** *********** * V m Ugly? *tupid, quiet, cranky, wimpy, ▼ unpleasant, tired, pathetic, boring, mm big-eared dufu* looking for woman aa who would appreciate me for who I ▼ am. Did I say I'm coming into a mult i- SB mm million dollar trust fund? Your worst nightmare Vut. m u H H •% © tephenson s«:»«icx s»mv comtanv Downtown-1112 O' St. Big Apple4- East ParkStrip Mall 1144 BELMONT AVE.-* itilPSi lOth&Comhusker MI BARRIO ™ .„ Mexican Goods & Gifts msrr0"-si,.e, 466-0424 •_ V [ Very nice 4-bedroom house with garage, between cam puses,$600 + utilities. Call 438-5399. 190 Apartments For Rent "BARGAIN" One and two bedrooms, C/A, tub showers, balconies, laundry facilities, close to campus and downtown. NO PETS, k 4 C Management-476-6444 EOH 1020 C Street. H uge one bedroom. Wood ftoors.ott street parking. Great condition. $330. 437 9019 11071' Street-Just remodeled. Campus close, heat paid. Only $260-$280. Call Phoenix Properties Management 474 5327. 1503 S. 22nd- Newly redocorated one bedroom apart ment. close to downtown & campus, utilities paid. $325. 477-1594 1821 F, One bedroom. Tracklighting. Oak lloors. $285. 1018 S. 16th One bedroom. $285. 423-4560. 2301 A. Street -1 Bedroom, Balcony S314 475-7262. 508 South 25. Newly recarpeted and painted, very nice and neat, 2 bedroom. Available now, leave message 483 2357. __ 640 South 20th - SUPER LARGE one bedroom new carpet. $354; Two bedroom $359 up; Laundry 4767262. Century Management Company Large selection of 1,2 and 3-br apartments $240-5595 __ 4762500 Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing spacious 1.24 3bedroom apartments dose to campus. Call now 474-PARK. CLOSE AMPUS Available now super sharp 1-bedroom, heat paid. Cherry Hi» Realty, 489-4857. ★ Two Bedroom townhouse 1 1/2 bath, most utilities paid. Available 2/1 Cherry HiH Realty 489-4857 and 464-2697. Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplaces, or woodbuming stoves Off street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNL campus. Professionally man aged. Call 476 6200 now. Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starling at $225month. 438-3132. , ■ - ' Renovated ballroom in mansion, oak floors, fireplace, laundry, windows, parking, new blinds, security building, quiet, all utilities paid. $400, 720 South 16th. 477-1681. .—-—«=== 191 Summer Housing 3-bedroom, 2 bath, for summer sub lease at Claremont Apartments Starting May 1st or aher. Walking delance to campus. Call 4760048. 194 Homes For Sale ... -.. 2-bedroom Marietta mobile home. Located m Gaslight Village in Lincoln. Asking S3S00. Call 4556405, Omaha. Must sell 3br mobile home, excellent condition. Cheaper than renting! Low utilities. must sea to appreciate!! 474 3481. 22 Adoption A BABY TO ADOPT IS OUR DREAM. Couple longs to adopt and provide the opportunities, security, and love every mother wishes for her child. Large family and sprawling ocean front home await this special baby. Expenses paid We await your call so we can talk, please call Barbara and John collect anytime, 212-737 7818.____^_ A happy, loving couple wishes so much to adopt your newborn. Litetime of love and happiness to give, legal and medical expenses paid. Please call Liz and Thomas anytime. 1-800-377-1362, __ ADOPT Happily married couple understands that adoption isn't an easy choice. We can provide lor and love your newborn, i egai, confidential, expenses paid. Cat Pat and Vince 1 • 800-824-8879.- _______ ADOPTION Happily married couple wishes to share their lives with newborn. Loving home, good education, and love of outdoors awaits. Legal and confidential. Expenses paid. Please call Elaine and Steve at 800-845-3597 ADOPTION Our second bedroom is empty, and to is a place in our hearts. We're eager to fill both by adopting a newborn to cherish. Weoflerbve and laughter In our family neighbor hood, near parks, zoos, museums, libraries. schools. Expenses paid. Call Lorraine and Larry col led evenings or weekends at 212-979-7371. Adoption: Full time mom, athletic dad long to give your baby a life filled with laughter, love, home cooked meals. sports and summers at the beach. Expenses paid, call Abby and Mark. 1 -800-348-1666.__ Pregnant? Want to talk with someone? Call Bettym Cindy Nebraka Ctfidren’s Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 100 years of adoption axperience We can help each other I 30 something secure couple would love to give a bright tomorrow to your newborn Legal/medical cost paid. Call Mario or Susan at 800-828 23 Alterations & Sewing Alterations Etc. Alering & tailoring. 611 N. 27th. Suite a 10 474-2954. 27 Bicycle Service Blue's Bike A Fitness. Six blocks from campus. New and used bikes. Excel lent repairs for all makes. 427 S. 13th. 435-2322._ 31 Child Care Services YWCA CHILD CARE Part-time and hourly care. FlexWe schedules, fccensed. Cioee to campus el the YWCA, 1433 N Street. Cal 476 2802 to register 35 Counseling_ Counseling Individual counseling and support group services avail able to women students. Support groups currently avail able' sexual assault survivors, eating disorders, single mothers, Women For Sobriety, and lesbian discussion groups. For more information or to schedule an appoint ment. call the Women's Center, 472-2597. 36 Entertainment The Tubbery Haymarket Square 818 P. St., 475-898B Private hottub room rentals ft Wolff tanning 38 Gift Ideas .aa—aa— JUST ROSES-Startmg at S8.99 a dozen. 3031 O' Street 435-1118. Tuxedo deTtvery-JUST ROSES 44 Insurance For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077. American Family Insuranca-Rantars. Auto, Home, Health, and Life. 62 Photography For the best Special Event Photography call: OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Parties, Weddings and Location portraiture. Experienced 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint menu 483-2809. __ .__. 80 Typing & Resumes A+ Design Powerful resumes, cover letters, stationery,typing. Over night service if needed. Caff 467-1563. 7am-5pm. Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 484-0775. Professionally typeset and laser printed. Si 5 plus tax. Oeriy MrOrsefcan,basement of Nebraska Union. 103 Spring Break Trips Cancun, Jamaica. Daytona, Panama City, and Key West—The beet deals are with STS. Call Kristi or Traci at 474-6429. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Party with the BestII Beach Front Hotels or Condos with PanjiActivrt^ PacKags. 126 per person/per night—Taxes _,4QM