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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1993)
130 Student Government Student Government Election Questions and concerns about the process or the regula tions?? For information call 472-2581 or stop by 115 Nebraska Union. The Electoral Commission meets on Tuesdays at 5:15 p.m. - students are welcome to attend. ASUN Vacancies The following colleges have vacancies: ► teachers College Div. of Continuing Studies Committee positions available for: Parking Appeals Student Employee Grievance Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline: 400 p.m. - Thursday, Feb. 11 Student Government Election Interested in running in the spring student government election? Filing deadline is Feb. 10 Sign up sheet and filing forms in the ASUN office 115 Nebr. Union Questions ??? call Shannon Bradley at 472-2581 Application Available tor Student Court Justices Deadline is February 2 Applications available at 115 Nebr. union 140 Personals MIKE I LOVE YOU TOO! KARA READY FOR KANSAS CITY? READY TO SPEND LOTS OF MONEY? ATM GUY Brown-eyed Cecilia (K.K.), I'm serious as cancer when I say have a Great Birthdayl! Love. Liny Huskers. Great game on Saturday. Kick some butt in Amesl We're behind you all the wayl The SWAT Team Squirrel. Have a Happy 20th Birthdayl You deserve all your happi ness. Love ya. Twizzler Pal, Sorry I missed you at Mizzou but there's a letter for you * DN' COLORADOAN EARN MONEY WHILE YOU STUDY Or come in and "get away from it all" • $25 for new customers and thbse who have not donated in 2 months on your 1st donation. • TV Entertainment. • 2 Hrs. free parking. • Bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs. Come visit the friendliest staff in town at Lincoln Donor Center 126 N. 14th. Suite % Please call 474-2335 for an appt. Express Yourself! For Valentine's Day this year, say it in the Daily Nebraskan. Let your friends and loved ones know how much you care, you know, you earn! Students can run 15-word personals for $3 ($4 for non-students), 15 cents fo each additional word. But why stop there! Live a little! Decorate your ad like the ads at the right: #1 (Tarzan) artwork- $1.50 extra #2 (Amy F.) headline- 50 cents extra , #3 (John Paul) artwork- $3.50 extra #4 (Chris) box w/ 50 words- $13.50 total #5 (Dylan) artwork- $3.50 extra #6 (your worst nightmare) box w/ 30 words- $9.00 total Deadline is at 2 p.m. on February 11. Just stop by the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Ne braska Union, or call (402) 472-2588. And get creative! The ads that the judges like most will receive prizes from the following donors: VALENTINES Jane and Cheats Hose* are red; Violet* are Blue: I know what you aafd; But you atMl small like stew Taraan Joey B: Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you. Crazy for finn' Causa now I'm a lifer And Cm crazy for network movies too. Amy F. leal no I Juet la John Paul * ¥ I don't know what to expect today, but ^Fas always you keep my cunosity^F going I Thanks tor the last 2 months of satisfaction—you know it keeps ^F ^^oringing me back) These past couple ^F3* months have been sronderfull I ^F couldn't have found a more perfect ^F oerson to spend them with. Thank ^F Mrou! I'm lookint forward to a WON ^DERFUL TONIQHTI Happy^ ^^Valentine's Day1 ae ▼ __ Chris (Meowi) ▼ eat your Bee fees, Dylan m m ^LUgly, stupid, quiet, cranky, wimpy, ^Funpleasant. tired, pathetic, boring, ▼ aapbia eared dufus looking for woman ^who would appreciate me tor who I ▼ •Pam Did I say I'm coming into a multi- FS ^—miihon dollar trust fund/ Your worst nightmare vmvvvvtrvs Mexkfan Mffftm. "Su^ Flora1" 1028-0-St™. 466-0424 ^— - - ■■ — -- ■■ . - - 4 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Adult black and white male cat, near south stadium ticket office on 1-25-93 evening. To claim 421 7779. _ FOUND: Purple notebook- fell off white bronco leaving stadium on 1-25-93 evening. To claim call 472-2330. FOUND: Set of keys in Richards Hall on 1/27 about 3:30. Claim at DN office. Lost ring at Rockin' Robin in restroom on January 30. For reward call 476-5741. 149 Fundraising__ $$FUNDRAISER$$ If the carwash got you soaked If the bake sale was a flop Then out with the old And in with the new Our fundraising ideas are for youl Our groups average $700/wk. CALL NOW 1 -80<£932-0528 ext. 64 $1,000 AN HOUR! Each member of yourfrat. sorority, team. club. etc. pitches in just one hour and your group can raise $1,000 in just a few days! Plus a chance to earn $1,000 for yourself! No cost No obligation 1-800-932-0528, ext. 65 150 Child Care Needed My home, one child. Approx. 16-24 hours/week. Eve nings, nights. Own transportation. 486-4162. 160 Help Wanted ATTENTION: Fhe American Council o» the Blind needs energetic, nappy people to do easy evening phone work, with lexibie hours and good pay. Call 467-3167. Children’s Discovery Center s accepting applications for a part-time morning pre school teacher. Must be enthusiastic and reliable. Apply it 265 S. 84th. _ Democratic party needs phoners for membership re newal. Call Hick or Erin at 476-2268. __ Entertainment Director looking tor enthusiastic part-time person with drama and / or music background to interact with crowd on weekend evenings. Must be willing to have a good time. King's Drive-In, 923 South St. Call Ron Messmeo, 474-4262 GET A JUMP ON THE REST OF THE CLASS The Lincoln Journal-Star is recruiting an individual to till the position of District Manager. Candidates should be mature individuals with good communication skills, who are people oriented, and can motivate youth as well as interact with parents and customers. The part-time posi tion is ideal tor the college student who is looking tor a challenging opportunity and personal growth Qualifica tion includes being available by 2:30pm weekdays. 9am Saturdays and some Sundays Must be available to work approx. 30hrs/wk.. have own vehicle and insurance and oossess a valid drivers license. Benefits include good hourly wage, bonus plan, mileage, and vacation/holiday pay. Apply in person at Lincoln Journal-Star, Personnel Office, 926 P Street. Lincoln NE 68508 by Thursday. February 4. EOE/AA _ __ Godfather’s Pizza 16th 8. South Now hinng delivery drivers. Average $6-S8/hr. Must be 18 years old. have a good driving record, and have your own car Apply m person. Join a 20 year old National Firm that works exclusively with citizen's lobby organizations. Hudeon Bay Com peny needs sharp, articulate individuals to work lull or part tsne. evenings and/or weekends. 87.00 an hour weekdays. 86.00 an hour weekends. Great benefit pack age and training provided. For an interview call Monday through Friday, 11 OOam-3:OOpm 476-1010. *$9.25 Starting* Expanding National Corporation filling entry level posi tions. Flexible schedules, internships 8 scholarships available 488-6017 Appointment setters needed Monday-Friday evenings from 6-9. Call Michelle at 483-7447.__._ National travel company needs representatives. We offer 25-50% commission. Company rep will be at UNL Student Union, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. For appointment please call 432-0586. __ NATIONAL RESEARCH CORPORATION Now hiring for our part-time professional interviewing staff. Day and evening hours are available, 15+ hours per Absolutely NO SELLING! For more information, call 475-4520Monday-Friday, be tween 9am-5pm. Need person for occasional pickup and delivery. Able to lift 40lbs. Own pickup. Apply at CNPD, 100 N. 56th Street, Suite 406, Firstier Building. #466-5123. References needed. ,__ Outdoor Adventures is now hiring. Informational meeting Wednesday, February 3,1993, 7:00pm at Campus Rec reation, Room 55. _ _ Part-time help needed polishing crowns and doina mail. Work Mon-Fri. 4am-7:30am. Apply in person at Canter Dental Lab, 125 So 9th St._ Part-time retail professional pharmacy assistant. Apply in person, no phone calls. The Pharmacy, 1209 N. Cotner. Tuesday and Thursday afternoonsand some Saturdays. Study Participant Recruiter Will take incoming calls to screen individuals for pharma ceufica! studies and data entry. S5.80/hr Shifts available: M-F 2-8pm Mon-Tues 10am-2pm . FrFSat 11am-3pm plus one other day as assionedL Apply: Harris Laboratories 624 Peacn Street 68502 AA! Thai House Restaurant. Host and waiter, waitress for lunch and dinner. Call 475-0556 or apply in person at 610 N. 27th St._ _ _ WALK FROM UAMKUS Part-time iobopening, 10-I5hrs/W4t., must be able to work nights and weekends. Apply at Coin Fun, 1320 Q Street Want to make good money this summer? Work full time on my seed com farm. Farm experience necessary, collect 365-7519. Galen. 162 Work Study Jobs Needed student with work study voucher to work In the Economics Department. Duties include: typing, com puter, copying, running errands and some phone. Some one is mainly needed trom 8-10 a.m.. Monday. Wednes day Friday and 3-5 p.m., Monday-Thursday. $5/hour Call Carol 472-2319 _ Wanted: Work Study-International Affairs, answer phones, typing. 472-5358, 1237 R Street. ^SI^SSSSSSSSS^SSSSSSSSSS^SSSSSSESS 164 Summer Jobs COLORADO SUMMER JOBS: In the Rockies near Vail, ANDERSON CAMPS seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedi cated. patient individuals who enjoy working with children in an outdoor setting. Counselors, Cooks, Wranglers. Riding Instructors and Nurses. Interviews on February 12th. Sign up and get application at Student Employment office from Elena Guerra. Questions7 Call us at 303 524 7766. __1_ New England Brother Sister Camps-Maaaechuaetts. Mari-Kee Naclor Boys Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi tions for Program Specialists; All Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey. Roller Hockey. Soc oer, VoHeybaM;26 Tennis openings; also Archew. Riflery. Weights. Fit ness and Bfcmg; other openings include Per forming Arts. Fine Arts, Newspaper. Photography. Cook mg. Sewing. Rollerskating. Rocketry. Ropes and Camp Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming. Skiing. Sail ing . Winds Jrfing. Canoe mg/Kayak mg). Inquire Man-Kee Nac (Boys) l9gLinden Avenue. Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (Girls) 17 Westminster Drive. Montvllle. NJ 07045. Phone: 1-800 392-3752. __ _ SUMMER COUNSELORS. ATHLETIC EXPERIENCE Outstanding New York State. Coed Children's Resident Camp. Two hours from New York City. Beautiful facilities 914-693-3037,Camp Kennybrook, 19 Southway. Hartsdale. New York 10530 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT (June thru August) at Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota's lake country since 1909 Meet new friends, over 150 staff men and women, expand horizons, rewarding work with children, develop leadership skills. X water/land activities Spe cific too info A applications are available at the Student Employment A Intern Office. 345 Unx>n. Sion up. in advance, tor a personal Interview on campus Thursday, February 11. Summer Camp Opportunities Mebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, ocated on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the ollowinq positions: Counselors, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Directors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors, kdventure Trail Guides, Nature Director, Archery A Riflery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P St., Lincoln, NE 68508; (402) 475-9622. OR ask or one of our application packets at your Student Employ ment/Career Services Office. 170 Roommates Male roommate needed to share 3-bedroom house, 1 block from campus. $183 + 1/3 utilities. 466-9738. Non-smoking female roommate needed March 1 for 2bedroom balcony apartment near campus. S220/mo.+1/ 2 utilities. 438-5734. Nonsmoking roommate needed to share 2-bedroom apartment, $ 179.50/mo. ♦ 1/2 utilities. Move in immedi ately. 435-2884 ^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^ 180 Houses For Rent 1314 N. 24, immaculate 3 bedroom, full basement, near campus, off street parking. $550.475-1579. 2001 HokJredge. very nice 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, near campus, off street parking. S550. 475-1579. 300 N.35, campus area, large 3 bedroom duplex, central air, washer/dryer, dish washer, $450. 464-4872. February Rent Free 429 N. 28th. N>iwly remodeled three bedroom. All appli ances. No pels. $495. 437-6328 Very nice 4-bedroom house with garage, between cam puses,$600 ♦ utilities. Call 438-5399 190 Apartments For Rent "BARGAIN** One and two bedroom*, C/A, tub/ehowers, balconies, laundry faciliti**, cloee to campus and downtown. NO PETS, k A C Management-476-6444 EOH 1020 C Street. Huge one bedroom. Wood floors, off street parking. Great condition. $330. 437-9019. 1107 V Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid Only $260 $280. Call Phoenix Properties Management 4 74 5327 __ 2301 A. Street 1 Bedroom. Balcony $314 475-7262. 508 South 25. Newly recarpeted and painted. very nice and neat. 2 bedroom. Available now. leave message 483 2357. 640 South 20th - SUPER LARGE one bedroom new carpet, $354; Two bedroom $359 up; Laundry 475-7262 Century Management Company Large selection of 1.2 and 3-br apartments $240-5595 476-2500 CLOSE TO^AMPUS Available now sdper sharp 1 -bedroom, heat paid. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857. Two Bedroom townhouse 1 1/2 bath, most utility paid ■ Available 2/ 1 Cherry Hiy Realty 489-4857 and 464-2697 A Cozy up to a nice warm fire at J Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplaces. I or woodburning stoves. Off street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNL campus Profee*tonaHy man aged. Call 47b 6200 now. Efficiency. Close to campus. Starting at $225/month. 438-3132. Renovated ballroom in mansion, oak floors, fireplace, laundry, windows, parking, new blinds, security building, quiet, all utility paid. $400, 720 South 16th. 477-1681 194 Homes For Sale 2-bedroom Marlene mobile home. Located in Gaslight Village InLincoln. Asking S3500. Call 455-6405. Omaha Must sell 3br mobile home, excellent condition Cheaper than renting I Low utility, must see to appreciate!! 474 22 Adoption A BABY TO ADOPT IS OUR DREAM. Couple long* to adopt and provide the opportunities, security, and love every mother wishes tor her child Large family and sprawling ocean front home await this special baby. Expenses paid. We await your call so we can talk, please call Barbara and John collect anytime. 212-737 A happy, loving couple withes to much to adopt your newborn Lifetime of love and happiness to give, legal and medical expenses paid. Please call Liz and Thomas anytime. 1-800-377-1362. ADOPT Happily married couple understands that adoption isn't an easy choice. We can provide tor and love your newborn Legal, confidential, expenses paid. Call Pat and Vince 1 800 824 8879 ADOPTION Happily married ooupie wishes to share their lives with neMOorn. Loving home, good education, and love of outdoors awaits Legal and confidential Expenses paid Please call Elaine and Steve at 800-845-3587. ADOPTION Our second bedroom is empty, and so it a place In our hearts. We re eager to fill both by adopting a newborn to cherish. Weotterlove and laughter In ourfamUynmaiiboi hood, near parks, zoos, museums. Hbraries. schools Expenses paid. Call Lorraine and Larry collect evenings or weekends at 212-979-7371. Adoption: Full lime mom. athletic dad long to give your baby a life filled with laughter, love, home cooked meals, sports and summers at the beach. Expenses paid, call Abby and Mark. 1 800-348-1866 Pregnant? Want to talk with someone? Call Betty or Cindy Ns brake Children a Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 100 years of adoption experience We can help each other I 30 something secure couple would love to give a bright tomorrow to your newborn. Legal/medical cost paid, call Mario or Susan at 800-828 0483. ■i - -, ..= 23 Alterations & Sewing Alteration* Etc. ARering A tailoring. 611 N. 27th. Suite *10. 474-2064. 27 Bicycle Service .iiriiTf. .i = Blue's B*e A Fines*. Six block* from campus New and used bike*. Excellent repairs lor all make*. 427 S. 13th 436-2322. 35 Counseling Counseling individual counseling and support group service* avail able to women students. Support groups currently avail able: sexual assault survivors, eating disorders, single mothers. Women For Sobriety, and lesbian discussion groups. For more Information or to schedule an Ktpoini merit, cal the Women's Center, 472-2907. 36 Entertainment The Tubbery Haymarket Square A1A P. St., 476-8060 Private hottub room rentals A Woltf tanning ^TcifUdear8™™""" JUST ROSES Starting at 68.09 a dozen. 3031 O' Street 436-1118. Tuxedo delivery-JUST ROSES 44 Insurance For All Your Insurance Needs, Jim Wallace 474-5077. American Family Insurance-Renters. Auto. Home Health, and Life. V 46 Instruction/Tutoring Needed. Accounting 201 tutor. Cal Brad 476-8994 PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION —SALES and RENTAL Beginner* or advanced Zager Studio 489 2430 61 Music Exchange Backtrack Records Lincoln'* Vintage Record Shop. Buying/selling record*, tape*, oonpact disk* 3833 So. 48th, 489-3817. 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand JPree^y-»gnancy test, please cal u* for appoint 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resume*, cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rale*. Evening, weekend hour*. 435-7264. A* typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave. _ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writer*. Over 10 years experience, proven reeute. 4*4-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed $15 plu* tax. Daily Nebraakan,basement of Nebraska Union.