7 CLASSIFIED INDEX - 63 Pregnancy FOR SALE_ 64 Printing 4 Copying 68 Recycflng 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 80 Typing 4 Resumes 6 Computers --- 3 Furniture NOTICES 9 Garage Sales ===== 10 Misc. For Sale 100 Rides 12 Musical Instruments ,05 career Evemts 13 Office Furniture 110 Announcements 14 Pets 115 Meetings 15 Photo Equipment 120 Greek Affairs 1$ Sporting Goods 130 Student Government 18 Stereos/TVs 140 Personals 19 Ticket Exchange 145 Lost 4 Found 20 Vehicles 148 Wanted 149 Fundraising SERVICES -- 22 Adoption ==^== 23 Alterations 4 Sewing 150 Child Care Needed 25 Automotive 160 Help Wanted 27 Bicycle Service 162 work Study Jobs 29 Bridal 164 Summer Jobs 30 Catenng 166 Internships 32 Cleaning/Laundry __ 34 8S'u»Stee°,dS HOUSING 38 Gi'hMeasmem 170 Roommates io Hairstyrtng 173 Housing Wanted 42 Hearth 4 Witness 175 Roomsl-or Rent 44 insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 90 Apartments For Rent ^ 1-nai 191 Summer Housing an Mile Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent « Photography 194 Homes For Sale 62 Knoiog ap y 198 Vacallon Rentals $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads, $ 15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica non, 3 Bicycles For Sale Umvega Alpina Uno on/off road bke Mint condition. $275 0 b.o Gary, 474-4359. 4 Books For Sale ==SSSS=B=S MADONNA-SEX, $35. 476-2475._ SPELLBOUND BOOKS A GAMES. Candy, magazines, posters Best lead miniature selection in town. Reunion Building. 476-8602. 8 Furniture For Sale Queen size waterbed. with mirror and lights. $150 O.B.O. 464-4814. leave message. 14 Pets FOR SALE 40gal fish tank and accessories Best offer takes 436-6082 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale For Sale Color TV, S75. and also VCR w/remote. $90. Both excellent condition. 466-8520 19 Ticket Exchange Need cash? I need two student tickets for all remaining Big 8 games. I will pay top dollarl 465-7613 before 4 p.m. or 486-1447 after 4. 20 Vehicles For Sale 85 Mazda GLC, 4 door, 5-speed. AM/FM cassette. Above average! $2250 offers. Beers Auto Seles 1647 South 3rd _ 477-6442.__ 1989 Ford Festive. 44.000 miles. Very dean. A/C. Cruise control. AM/FM cassette 4-speed. Best offer. 472-2939 days 22 Adoption A BABY TO ADOPT IS OUR DREAM. Couple longs to adopt and provide the opportunities, security, and love every mother wishes tor her child Large family and sprawling ocean front home awa* this special baby Expenses paid We await your call so we can tak. please call Barbara and John colled anytime. 212-737 7815 i?,vl.n9 coup1® wishes so much to adopt your , l®''?°r[1- Lifetime of love and happiness to give, legal and J Jledldf' ^XP?PS0S Paid- Please call Liz and fnomas . anytime, 1-800-377-1362. - Adoption: An abundance of love awaits your child in our lome. Financially secure professional couple want to ni^ldeX0ur n®wborn with a wonderful home and a future c |!®d Wl,h| opportunities. Expenses paid. Call Linda and c Joe collect 212-875-1505.. p Pregnant? . No pressure, no lectures . 1 Just help. A sale place to talk Nebraska Children's Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 Ask for Betty or Cindy f _ C 31 Child Care Services ^mmmmm^mm YWCA CHILD CARE | Part-time and hourly care. Flexible schedules, licensed. , Close to campus at the YWCA, 1432 N Street. Call 476 2802 to register. 46 Instruction/Tutoring Piano Lessons, all levels. Jazz, Blues, Rock. Working musician. John, 475-7275. 62 Photography For the best Special Event Photography call: OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Patties, Weddings and Location portraiture. Experienced and Fasti 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment UNCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite 121 ____ 475-2501__ _ _ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results 464-0775. Resumes Professionally lypeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan,basement of Nebraska Union. 103 Spring Break Trips HOT NIGHTS, cod dnnks, jammm music...aind youl Call Kristi or Traci for information on Spring Break trips at 474 6429. ___ SPRING BREAK ’93 Party with the Beet! S. Padre Island from $99 Cancun Mexico from $479 BahamasiCruise from $269 Join over 1 million partiersl Call Student Express Vacations. Mark 436-7094 or 1-800-TOUR-USA keLLey's spoRts cafe Everyday 7pm-12am 138 North 14th _438-2242_ THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Snake department stores [10 Announcements ■ ■ '" ■■= iiimmnwiiimnniwiiiiiiiiimiwntiiimiiiiiiinmiimiiiii Lines or registration, or Drop/Add. or parking your car. or seeing your T.A. lut not lor lunch. The Reunion Food Court 16th & “W” OR RESERVED PARKING SECOND SEMESTER. IALL 467-6996. iiiiiiuiwimmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiimmiiiiH ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • fisheries. Earn <600+/week in canneries or $4,000+/month on fishing »ats. Free transportation! Room 8 Board! Over 8,000 tpenings. No experience necessary. MaleorFemale. For tmployment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5778. ATTENTION JUNIORS!!! nnocents Society applications are available. Applica ions may be picked up from: Vice Chancellor Griesen's sffice (124 Administration) or the Office of Student In rolvement (200 City Union or 300 East Union). Applica ions are due Friday, January 29.1993. Attention Freshman: scholarship applications are now available!!! The James Pitiinger Foundation and Inno »nts Society award scholarships to full-time freshman Mho have shown outstanding leadership, scholarship and service. Pick-up application forms at the Office of Student Involvement in both Student Unions or at Vice-Chancellor Griesen's Office (124 Administration). I ' I NEW BIBLE STUDY GOSPEL OF MARK Thursday Afternoons 4-5 PM Beginning Jan. 14 CORNERSTONE-UMHE 640 N. 16th Sired A study process with openness and integrity, that treats the Bible seriously rather than literally. Seekers and questioners welcomeI ^ELDER EYVIsLR Y 0ual*y D'*'T»nd* t ^ 1901 ^ ^Wedding Ring Specialist^ $ Unparalleled Quality ▼ ^ Unbeatable Prices ^ ^Custom Design * Financing Available^ ▲ Shop and compare but see us last. £ J 3111*0’ St. 474-6044 ^ PAPER MONEY Free Paper Money coupon books Student Into. Center 116 Nebr. Union PEACE CORPS Video and information sessions: Thursday, Jan. 21 al 7:30 pm, East Campus Union; Monday, Jan. 25 at 7:30 Rm, East Campus Union; Thursday, Jan. 28, 7:30 pm, iebraska Union. Study Abroad Information Meetings: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. and Wednesdays at 4:00 pm. International Affairs, 1237 R St. 472-5358. TO ALL YOU LOSERS. who missed it, the Fishheads were GREATI WATCH FOR NEXT WEEKS WACKY WEDNESDAY Chase Firm Fitness from New York City $25 for one month for first 20 UNL students to enroll AEROBICS / WEIGHTS RESULTS! L 701 PSt. 435-8555 ^ $1,000 AN HOUR! Each member of yourfrat. sorority, team. club. etc. t pitches in just one hour and your group can raise S1.000 in just a few days! Plus a chance to earn $1,000 for yourself! No cost No obligation 1-800-932-0528, ext. 65 SPRING BREAKS PRICES FOR STAY-NOT PER NIGHT! SOUTH PADRE ISLAND „J109 5 ana 7 NIGHTS DAYTONA BEACH ,.J 68 SAND 7 NIGHTS - PANAMA CITY BEACH 81 SAND 7 NIGHTS mm mm STEAMBOAT from V I 2. 5 AND 7 NIGHTS MUSTANG ISLAND / PORT ARANSAS frpm IvB I SAND 7 NIGHTS ^ HILTON HEAD ISLAND J121 5 AND 7 NIGHTS mm mm FORT LAUDERDALE 146 5 AND 7 NIGHTS VAIL / BEAVER CREEK J299 5 AND 7 NIGHTS 12th Annual Party! TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 ▼ i---■ Calvin and Hobbes , by Bill Watterson W FAM\L1 15 DTSFUNCTloMAl AMD MH PARE MVS NOMT EMPOWER ME' COHSBSMEMT11, I'M MOT SELF* ACTUAL VIE D/^, ! ■ P MS BEHAVIOR IS ADDICTIVE FUNCTIONING IN A DISEASE PROCESS OF TOXIC CODEPENDENCt' I NEED HOLISTIC HEALING AND WEILNESS BEFORE 1UL ACCEPT ANS RESPONSIBILITS For ms actions.' ONE OF US NEEDS TO STACK. Mis mead in a bucket OF ICE WATER. , I LOVE THE CULTURE OF VICTVMUOOD. —r—y Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0816 ACROSS i Finale 4 Elmer Gantry's wife • Lights-out signal 12 Ransack 14 Welty's "The Ponder-” 14 Skip 17 Former queen of Greece 14 Event in N Calif.: Oct. 17, 1989 20 Bridge bids 22 Reddish browr 23 Roasts, in Pari 24Trompel' (illusion) 2S Lists of / candidates 27 Blood-(aid in coagulation) 31 Fencers' cries 32 Cornered 34 Dreadful 35 Beautician Westmore 35-Coeli Church, in Rome 37 Club for swingers 38 He composed “Happy Days Are Here Again" 40 Hunter's hiding place i 42 Presidential > power 43 Emulate haruspices * 45 Press again 47 Antimacassar ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ta “Gondoliers" lass «e Shrewd 12 Darts, eg. is Carol, Hugo and others 17 Novice: Var. 58 Innisfail 59 Danish monetary unit so Town destroyed in 1944 si Alcott heroine and namesakes 52 Tore 53 Thus far DOWN 1 N C. college 2 Defendant's contendere 3 Obedience school worker 4 Pierre or Marja Curie 5 Bounds' partner 8 Supporters of spectacles 7 Morsel for Spot 8 Rumpled 9 Second of a Latin trio 10 A Colo, mountain is named for him 11 Printer’s direction 13 Old card game 15 Filament 19 Stop 21 A Shoshonean 24 A N Y. city m 25 Bundle 26 Very slow, to Solti 27 Jeopardy 28 Bounty 29 Muse of bridal songs 30 Wyo.’s—— Range 33 Mass meeting 39 Post-Election Day arithmetic 40 Adorn 41 Scolded, with “down" 42 Guests' sojourns 44 Glossy-leaved tree of the southern U S. 48 Curve 48 He has, in Honduras 49 Attention getter 50 Unwavering si Smartly dressed 52 Alphabet foursome 53 Film director Kenton 54 Powdery carbon se Ovid's “ Amatoria"