The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1992, Page 16, Image 16
i^7.«yji7ji7jiXtu^j>yj^.«.V4^.»KiLTjiyj^V.iiSii7.».'*'.ii.Vji"«.V.ii.'!'ji.V.«.,!’ji7.ii.,r.ii5'ji.7ji5.«.7.(iyji.'Cii.'!'.iiy.»,VjiS(i“it.vjii.Vjfj|} § nebraska spirit 1 Ijl 9th Annual _ N | HOLIDAY SALE i December 12th - December 24 1 :§: S *5oi off@* { | Hunker Sporfc§wear § I ‘Sweatshirts, T-Shirts, Jackets, Caps, & Shorts | 11oz Cross Grain Sweatshirt (For MOM, DAD, GRANDMA, & GRANDPA) OnSde $29.95 :a*E»-3K3ic»'^a«caic3iC3K3ic^aKaiC3K:3»E3ica«caiC3icac3K: 50% | hK.\ l .1. K4 k.lN i;- i ■MmIIESBtaMHMfli 1112C ’P’ Street Open Men - Sat: 1C U) 6 g | Under the Big Bed tuning Sllfl: XI U) 5 H I •SKnS- A CHRISTMAS SALEW„ -1 FAVORITE 1-1 Cultured Sartor Hamann has the perfect 1/5 ct Diamond Pearl Ring gift for everyone on your list. Dur- Men’s Ring ing our Christmas sale, you’ll save store wide. Picture her face when you give her that ring she’s been wanting. Make her Christmas with a gold watch. Bring the sparkle CA1-,«M into your Christmas with a gift of | SALE *75” | fine jewelry at Sartor Haminn. I SALE ‘349°° | - Subject to Availability /jAA 'SKS? // m ^ramamgs - f JEWELERS W Gateway 12th & O 467-2509 ^ 476-8561 SALE $99°° Sale *125°° ATTENTION: The Mental Health Association ot Nebraska need# ener getic. happy people to do easy evening phone work, with flexible hours and good pay. Call 467-4360._ Basketball officials needed Jor youth league games. Games begin Jan. 9. Pay $5.50-$800/game. Games on Sat. and Sun. Apply at YMCA Youth Sports Office. 1039 ■PL__,_ Earn extra cash! Be your own boss! World Herald AM home delivery carrier routes available In Lincoln. No collecting. Excellent profits. Please call 476-6100. Factory Workers Applications being taken for production workers and experienced MIG welders. Permanent assignments on all shifts. Vacation and holiday pay. Must be 18 or older. EOE. Apply at MSP Resources. Suite 436 Greentree Court, 210 Gateway North.___ Family Service Child Care is seeking assistance/substi tutes for their before and after schooTprogram. Willing to work around students' schedule. For more information contact Child Care Off ics at 441 -7921^ HOLIDAY HELP $9 25 fb start Local branch filling 20 permanent and temporary posi tions. Interview now. start before or after finals, can work in Lincoln area or hometown over break. Flextole sched ules. no experience necessary. 488-6017_ Holway Formal Wear needs experienced male models for January fashion show. Call Jim at 476-2262._ If you are going to be in Lincoln over Christmas break and have a light class load during the spring semester, Holway Formal Wear is looking for a well-dressed Individual to work through the holidays and possibly through the summer. Call Jim at Holway Formal Wear. 476-2262 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL OFFICIALS NEEDED The Intramural Sports Program is in need of basketball officials. Starling wage-S5.00/hour. Nopreviousexperi ence required, training I# provided. The first training meeting h scheduled for Wednesday. January 13. 1993 at 3:30 pm in the Nebraska Union (room will be posted). 472-3467-Llnda, Mark, or Jeff.__ Join a 20 year old National Firm that works exclusively with citizen's lobby organizations. Hudson Bey Com pany needs sharp, articulate individuals to work full or part time, evenings and/or weekends. $7.00 an hour weekdays. $8.00 an hour weekends. Great benefit pack age and training provided. For an interview call Monday through Thursday, 11:00am-3:00pm 476-1010. NANNIES NEEDED NEAR NYC We offer great families, $S$ and one year experience. TREASURED NANNIES. INC. 1 -800-858-1701 anytime. Need delivery person for Just Roses, especially for holiday season. Apply at 3031 O Street ASAP. NEEDED: Experienced fitness instructor to teach older adults. Mon Wed-Fri morning classes. Call 441-7575. Part-time waitery help for lunch $ dinner. Apply in person 1309 L.St^ _ __ Part-time delivery person needed M-F, 1:30-5:30pm. Apply in person. 125 So 9th St. Waitress needed at Sports Page Monday and Friday lunch, Friday nights. Apply in person during day time at 813Q Street. ... .. - — 164 Summer Jobs SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Premier Children's Summer Camps in NY, PA, MASS and NEW ENGLAND have 500 staff positions for skilled and chSd loving students: Baseball. Lacrosse. Basketball, Fencing. Hockey. God. Gymnastics, TENNIS. Fishing. Karate, Rifelry, Archery, Soccer, Volieybalt. Fitness. Wrestling. Canoeing. Water-skiing, Scuba Diving. Sail ing, WSl/Lifeguarding, Windsurfing, Equestrian. Circus, woodshop. Rocketry, Ceramics. Ropes, Pioneering. Pi ano. Dance. Dramatics, Arts & Crafts. Guitar, Nurses, etc. Male/Female— Upper classmen preferred. Call Arlene 1 - 800-443-6428. 170 Roommates Female non-smoking roommate needed to share dean t • bedroom apartment. 14 A South area, $147.50/mo. Iv. msg. 477-6891._ _ Female non-smoker tor 3BR house 5-minutes from dty campus. $133/month ♦ 1/3 utilities. Available ASAP. 435 0159._ Female or male to live m with wheelchair male. Free roortv board Little hep 475-5228._ Female roommate. 4-bedroom house. Three bkxfcslrom dty campus. $130 ♦utilities. 435-0635. January needed- two nonsmoking lemaies to share nice home. $131 plus utilities. Southeast. 486-3616. 488 6854._ Need two roommates to share apartment; dose to cam pus. low utilities. $n0/month. Available 12/31/92. 438 2093_ Non-smoking M/F needed lor 2-bedroom apartment with Grad. Student. $200 ♦ 1/2 utilities. Cal Tom 474-4874_ Nonsmoking male roommate needed. 3261 R St. Otf street parking $150 ♦ utiitiea. 477 5970 or 476-8815. Roommate Needed Responsible student needs a non smoking male to share nice apartment starting January. Oeck/tireplace. $232 50/month ♦ 1/2 utilities. Great neighborhood. 489-0680 leave a mes Two responsible non-smoking male* to share 3-bedroom house in South Lincoln. Must Uke dogs $125/month, utilities paid. Available 1/1/93 Call 423 4991. Wanted: Responsible, non smoking female roommate. Close to bus and East Campus. Call464-2349 after 6 p.m. 175 Rooms For Rent Quiet, dean. Close to campus. Security door, off-street parking, laundry, telephone, base cable. Utilities paid. $244/month Husker Hall, 705 N. 23rd. (Graduate and nontradltional students only) Contact University Houe ing. 1006 Seaton. 472 3561. Rooms available in UNL resldece halls. Double room, 20 meals per week (unlimited entrees), local telephone, and basic cable package— $1.426 lor Spring Semester. Con tact University Housing. 1006 Seaton. 472-3561. 180 Houses For Rent ... — Four bedroom, close to campus, 2 bath, D/W, W/D. 477 1646.__ 1140 No 29th. Very nice 4-bedroom, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, near Campus. $675. available 1/11/93 475-1579 3 bedrooms, real nice, dose to UNL, parking Available Jan. 1.2001 Holdrege $575/nth 475-1579 873 N 25th. Takeover lease—ends in May. Roomy 4BR. 1 3-4 BA $550-mo 435-7833. Campus Close. Newly remodeled three bedroom. Avail able January 1. $495.437-6328. Clean 4-bedroom near UNL. W/D. DW. A/C, low utilities $695,423-1535 Two bedrooms within walking distance ot UNL. Rent is negotiable. Call 477-4351 nights or weekends. 185 Duplexes For Rent Cozy 2-bedroom duplex. Walk to campus. $300. 476 6007 or 795-21U. _ FREE RENT Balance of December is free and half of January. Nice 3 bedroom unit. $480. 545 N. 25th. Brian 434-3320. 190 Apartments For Rent Near Campus 1 bedrooms, with lots of closets. Drapes, mini-blinds, all appliances. Most utilities paid. $325-$365. Short term leases accepted. Cherry Hill Realty, 489-4857. Beautiful & New, 2 bedrooms Cherry Hill Realty _ 489-4857 !! ISTUDIO!!! Walk to city campus. Breakfast bar. balcony, patio doors. $265. 489-4857. Cherry Hill Realty._ ~ ' IRENT BREAK! Studio apartment available now near downtown. Receive 1/2 oft your first months rent with signing of a 6 month lease. Call 477-5028 or Mega Corp. 475-8409_ ***2301 A*** One Bedroom $289 Laundry 475-7262 ***640 S. 20*** Efficiency, fun kitchen $249, Two Bedroom $359 up, Laundry 475-7262. ‘THREE BEDROOM* 1342 Soulh 25th. W/D hookup, garage and storage. Only $4501 Call Phoenix Properties Management. 474-5327 1-bedroom apartment. $250 Gas, water, garbage paid Wood floors, great windows. 477-0699. Available Dec. 26._ __ 1-bedroom $289/month. 640 S. 20th. Assume lease till May 15. Call 435-3728, leave message. 1-bedroom apartments, utilities paid. $250-$310. Close to campusl475-1529 or 476-6007. l020CStreet. 1 -bedroom $245 +1 month deposit. Nice! Off-street parking. Pets OK. 437-9019. 1107 L Street. Your choice of newly remodeled units. Heat paid. Walk to campus. Only $260-$2801 Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. 120 South 28th. Small 1-br, Great-location. Only $240. Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. 2234 Holdrege, 1-bedroom, (1-person only) utilities in cluded, no smoke-pets. Off street parking $215. 476 1766_ 2301 A St. -1 bedroom. New grey carpet Balcony. $289 and up 475-7262. 2501E.St. Large2bedroomwith balcony.California bath, aH electric. Ideal for graduate students. $425. 432-3686. 3601 BALDWIN 4-piex. 2 bedrooms, all appliances Clean, redecorated, balcony, FP, C/A, laundry, parking. $430 483-4600._ 620S.20th.Nk»onebedroom Nopets 489-3550 Leave message. 931 Oak Street (northof Dev aney) Nice 1-br. low utilities, available Jan. 15. Only $2851 Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. Colonial Heights 1 and 2 bedrooms available Heateoindoor pool, saun^ Jacuzzi, fitness room, tanning bed. elevators and much more. Short-term leases available Call todayl 421 -3070 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A MORE AFFORDABLE PLACE TO LIVE NEXT SEMESTER? Love Memorial Cooperative Residence Hall on East Campus may be the answer The women who live In Love work together to provide a home- like atmosphere. Clean mg. cooking, hostessing, and attending Monday night house meet mgs are all a pari of this. The Hall is a member of RHA and also has its own set ol elected officers. Total amount for a double room for the spring semester Is $621. This UNL residence hal has the capacity for 48 women Please caH 472-1097 today or stop by for a tour. No cooking or cleaning experience is necessary. CLOSE TO CITY CAMPUS AND DOWNTOWN 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartment* Featuring... “Controlled Access Entry “2 Bedrooms with 2 Baths “Free 6 Channel TV Service "Countersaver Microwaves "100.000 eg. ft. of shopping within shopping distance Parkview Apartment Community at 9th and Cornhusker Call 436-3454 or 434-7366 (RENT) Equal Housing Opportunity Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy sffloent 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplaces, or woodbuming stoves. Off street park mg. rust minutes from downtown and UNL campus. Professionally man aged. Call 476 6200 now. 1 East Campus area. Large 2-bedroom, fireplace, all applt 4210 Hun,in8,on 5390/mo., 1 436*3132^* a°**10 C4"pu* Surt,n« * 5225/month. Lfl4^?47?W'TPU‘ ~S#CU,*<1 bo"d,n8- 5225 FREE RENT at Claremont December and January rent treat Call Stave at 435-4901. Oak Moors, new kitchen. caking tana, mmiblmd*. 940°. 1740 So. 9th. 475-1449 NEED PRIVACY? Efficiency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, clean, quiet, aacurrty. nonamoker. no peta. low mllitiea. 9210 .deposit 47& One bedroorrt 2640 S Street Heat paid Nice. Only 9240. Call Phoenix Propertiea Management. 474-6327. Pine Tree Apartments 2bedroom 9410:3 t>edroom 9596; Embassy PdmApartments 2-bedroom. 2-bath, with MD. 9490; 1 bedroom 9376 535 WesRaunders 2-bedroom. 9430 Security Bunding* 493-1130 or 493-6057 ^_ o 198 Vacation Rentals p*0r* laland. Texas Sleeps Eight beachroool and Jaccuzi. Considered hoi F u"*m A"*ir» 2CV20-27 miles qulred to°' *,'30°/"*#k ’-800 263-1499. Deposit re