Coda Minnesota rules the worldl Bring back some more of that beautiful northern talkl Feliz Navidadl Love, Skutr Wade and Steve Loving' Sam is the right thing to do, but we can’t all do the right thing. Let us continue to bond in this way. Cheers, Anne Matt, Hope the judge is having a good day. Turn on your lights next timebutthead. Dirty Jack Pterodactyl, It's been a tough semester but it's almost over I Good luck on your finals. Have a relaxing break and remember I'm only a phone cal! away if you need to talk. Your Roomie To the football teams, National Championships are won on the field, noi the newspaper, just ask Francis Allen. Go Seminolesi Big buns: t Good luck on finals. You've been a cool roommate. _ Al Fellow Delta Nu-ers (especially Paula, our wonderful receptionist), Let’s do this again sometime, only without the P D A.'si And NO MASHING on the photo couch, pleasel The Picture Woman SWONDA (Health Dept.) Keep your hands off of the messenger man you lustful beast I The Candy Men Sunfish, Hope Saginaw is a great experience. Don't forget all us little people when you make a Pulitzer! P.S. Happy Holidays More and Faster! Kick some photographic butt in Saginaw! ^ David P. Happy Anniversary! Please don't forget me, I will always love you. Christine Q, To the liver eatin' Johnsons I'mgonna be like a catfish outta' water without you. Thank goo for my adaptable respiratory system. Wendy Nav Boys Of The Barn, Did you? Have you? Will you? We won't accept defeat again. Bo. Kubik and Louder $50 $50 Mono Have you had mononucleo sis within the last month? If so your plasma could make a valuable contribution to re search and earn you $50 at the same time. For additional details call Lincoln Donor Center 474-2335 V___/ Jason Here's to turbo hot chocolate, movies, airplanes, car washes, pillows and Schroeder. You've been so under standing through all ot my crap-you'rethe bestl 5 more tun filled months ahead, ana I'm looking forward to each dayl Merry Christmas I Love, Scooter Scott P. Yer in, Yer out,...YER OUTI __ Al A! & William, Hope you guys have a great time in India. Don't forget to write your fellow photogsl P.S. Tell Julia Hil Erin, I'm glad we finally figured out what we both wanted. (And before it was too late, I might add). Everything will work out-trust me. I love you. MSU TRY TO HAVE FUN IN VEGAS. DO YOU WANT TO BE "STEVE"? ___- JDZ Kelli S.(AXiD), Hopefully, you'll still be able to read this after studying so much the last couple weeks. Good luck on finals, start listening to some real music and stay away from Omaha. P.S. You really are so darn cooll Chuck Is that tummy starling to bulge? Is the hair growing thin? Could Docotor Hotchkiss really be 39...again!l Please take time from all the finals you fear and give a jingle and wish him the best birthday year. Kris, Wendy, and Adeana, Thanks for putting up with my crap all semester. It was fun waking up to your phone calls every morning at 8—Alan's voice just won't be the same. Have tun in Chicago, Florida and at the Star. Stay out of jail. Chuck MAC, Sorry, you don’t get your own room next semester, but we could be living at the train station (although it seems like we are already). I promise I'll keep my side cleaner. Yeah, rightl Merry Christmasl Love, Mishka Chuck, Now that I'm gone and you're still here, Ibequeaththe loon unto you. One word-teethmarks, Nick Dear "Big Time", Remember me this summer when I'm stuck in Lincoln (lipping burgers. I'm sooo happy for you I could scream, or how about just let you buy the beer? Your nickname fits now; just don't forget us little people. Merry Christmasl Love, MP Earn Extra Money! LEARN BARTENDING 1 or 2 Week Course Men and Women Age 19 or Older 331-0500 Nat’l Job Placement Assistance (International BartendingN Institute_J 10801 Q St Omaha, NE 68137 V| bulSUCKSI K COLORADO SWALLOWS! T-shirts now in stock _ East,Park Plaza The absolute best selection of humorous T-shirts in Lincoln EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS CASH! Help others while helping yourself. WE NEED: Men & Women to donate valuable plasma. WE PROVIDE: The friendliest staff in town, TV entertainment, 2 hours free parking, $15 for each donation, and bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs.All new donors and those who haven't donated within two months receive $25 with this ad. New donors please call 474-2335 for an appointment. Lincoln Donor Center I 126 N. 14th Suite 2 |_ _Eitewefjj/Mro. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r-i-rn—tl-1 !!-PI Sir: at the Time, me andn^\ /brother were #><09 to solve the &ilii ^ t^€CfTt of Pirate': Cove We had no