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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1992)
SEE THE STAFF AT THE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL ASSOCIATES EYE CLINIC! A full-time optometrist is now on hand to provide contact j lens fittings and low vision exams. To celebrate this special addition, the Eye Clinic is pleased to offer all UNMC, UNO, and UNL faculty, students, and their immediate families, the follow ing services during November and December, 1992, and January, 1993: | Routine Eye Exam.$35.00 Discount on all NEW glasses prescriptions ordered at Benson Optical.$35.00 Routine Eye Exam, Contact Lens Fit, 1 pair UNIVERSITY of disposable lenses, 1 follow-up visit.$115.00 MEDICAL I ASSOCIATES Call 559-4063 and make your appointment today ***•"»» Street Address: 3925 Dewey; Omaha, NE 68105 BfcB I M NOTES. Special Hours for Finals Week ( U / Sat - 9:00-5:00 A v v Sun -12:00-5:00 ) Regular Hours M-F 9:00-5:00 Call 476-8006 V Located in ^ Nebraska Bookstore _ 13 & "Q" - ( AUDITIONS H - M FOR M _lU SINGERS » DANCERS lO_ This could be the start of something big! Worlds of Fun is searching for the Midwest’s most talented singers and dancers to appear in our 1993 show pro gram. Performing at Worlds of Fun is the perfect summer job for students. If you work the entire season (six days per week in the summer, and weekends in the spring and fall) you can earn over $7,000! “All the Worlds a Stage” at Worlds of Fun, from our lively 50’s-60’s rock revue, STAX OF WAX, to our spectacular new Broadway-styled production at the Tivol Music Hall. Performing at Worlds of Fun is fun, and it can be that important First Step. More than 1.3 million Worlds of Fun visitors are waiting to discover YOU!!! AUDITION INSTRUCTIONS: If you are a singer, please sing one verse and the chorus of two contrasting styles of song; one up tempo and one ballad. Sing any type music you enjoy; rock, gospel, show tunes, etc. (no rap.) If you are a dancer, please prepare a jazz routine. Please limit your material to no more than three minutes in length. (No jobs are available for dramatic actors or instrumentalists.) You must provide vour own accompaniment. whether it be a pianist or a cassette tape. We will provide a cassette deck and a piano. THE CLOSEST AUDITIONS: • LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 19: The Comhusker Hotel 333 South 13th Street 5:00 p.m. (Registration closes at 7:00 p.m.) • KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI *, Saturday, January 23: The Park Place Hotel, Shoshone/Cherokee Room 1601 North Universal Ave. (Off I-435 at Front Street, one mile south of Worlds of Fun) 10:00 a.m. (Registration doses at 4:00 p.m.) • KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Saturday, January 30: The Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza. Seville Room, 4445 Main Street. (Just north of the Plaza.) 9:00 a.m. (Registration doses at 4:00 p.m.) For more information and a complete audition schedule, contact the Worlds of Fun Show Productions Department, at (816) 454-4545, Ext. 1350. Queries of emit _ • W KANSAS CITY $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. 3 Bicycles For Sale ——————————i Cannondale SM800 MTN Bika. Shimano Deore LX com ponents. Brand new, under 100 milesl Must sell—make me an offer. 438-4052. 4 Books For Sale A Novel Idea: Used books bought, sold, traded. Two floors, four doors. 118 N. 14th. 475-TOME. GIFT CER TIFICATES AVAILABLE. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Kurt Vonnegut Galapagos Wright Morris Cloak of Light Autographed, leather-bound, first editions. $25 each while they last. Bluestem Books, 712 O Street, 435-7120. 5 Clothing For Sale Polo Ralph Lauren women's clothes WONDERFUL. Size 6-10. Booth 144 Burlington Antique Mall 210 N. 7, Lincoln. II ■ . I— 6 Computers For Sale 286 Compatible/20 and 40 meg hard-drive. Dos 5 0 and Norton. 5 1/4 and3 l/2floppys Mono monitor and printer. $600.466-7761. _ _ _ Apple Imagewrtter II Printer. $299. Call 421-1861 eve nings. Zenith 2-100 PC Panasonic printer. $200. 477-2767. 8 Furniture For Sale 1 -year old Futon mattress and frame for sale. $150. Call Ann 438-5115, Great Christmas presentl For sale: Beautiful queensize watertoed. Only 1-year old, has the best mattress and heater. Available now. Call Julia 477 9916 leave mes sage. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale FOR SALE: Citek TVS100 and Panasonic VCR S100. Call 477-7252 after 5:00pm. 20 Vehicles For Sale '88 Mustang GT. 5.0 V8. black, loaded. Must seUI Call 483-6194 86 Mazda RX7. 5-speed, air. AM/FM cass . sunroof, above average. $4850 offers. Baer's Aulo Sales 1647 South 3rd 477-6442. 100 Rides If ride needed to Boston. I am leaving December 20th or 21st All expenses paid. Call Ann at 438-5115. Law student driving to Washington D.C. for Christmas. N you would Iketoshare the ride I the expenses call James 466-2388. 103 Spring Break Trips Cancun Spring Break Airfares $396 Limited seats. Hotels available. Call immediately. 423 4500 110 Announcements CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn $2,000*/month ♦ world travel (Hawaii Mexico, the Carrtbean, etc) Holiday, Summer and Career employment available JMo experi ence necessary. For employment program call 1 206-634 0468 ext. C5778 METAL & BLUES Price* effective through 12-17-92 DEAD WEEK NO finals or hour exams can be given during Dead Week Finals can ONLY be moved to another time During Finals Week with the unanimous consent of the class. Stop in the ASUN Office for a copy of the desdweek policy _or call 472-2581 Dear UPC International Committee Members. Thank you lor doing a great job this semester, keep up the good workl Good luck on your final and have a wonderful holiday season, Luv. Sam FIND A DATE Are you meeting enough people? Find A Date Is a service provided by Finders Entertainment and Talent Agency. Find A Date provides singles with a chance to meet exciting other singles through our new Find A Date Newsletter. For your personal ad and more info, call Krista at 434-5603 after 10am, Monday-Friday. If You’ve Read This You’re Invited 23RD ANNUAL HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE CORNERSTONE-UMHE 640 N. 16th Street Friday December 11 3:00 - 5:30 PM ALL STUDENT, FACULTY, STAFF AND COMMUNITY FRIENDS INVITED AND WELCOMEI JON S NOTES Earn $10-$15 per lecture taking notes tor Jon's Notes. Note takers needed for a variety of subjects for Spring Semester. Must provide example of note taking skills. Apply at Jon's Notes located upstairs in Nebraska Book store, 1300 Q Street 476-8006. Navigator Winter Conference January 8-TO. UNLCity Campus Union. For more info, call 486-4071,___ Posters! Posters! Posters! Recycled Sounds, 824 P St. 476-8240. We buy and trade, too!_ Recruiting Mexican-Americans: 19-25 years of age who graduated from a Nebraska high school to participate in research study on education. If interested in participating, pick up additional information and consent forms at Multi-Cultural Affairs. 220 Adminis tration before December 18. Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Store now open, t -5 Monday through Saturday. 1911 R St., 438-3135. SPOUSES AND DEPENDENTS OF STUDENTS Spouses, collateral dependents, and dependents of stu dents who wish to become Campus Recreation members or wish to renew their Campus Recreation membership may do so beginning January 4. 1993. The current semester membership expired January 3,1993. The cost for spouses/collateral dependents is $26.42/semester and for families it is $52.52/semester. The student in the household may complete the necessary application and pay the appropriate fee at either Campus Recreation Office. Besureto bring a copy of your registration and your UNL I D. card. Questions 472-M76. Barb. SURVEY REMINDER A reminder to all students, staff, and faculty who recently received the 'Quality of Service* questionnaire: please return the completed survey to either Campus Recreation Off ice, 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Building by Friday, December 11. 1992. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jim or Kenda at 472-3467. THANKS!_ TUTORS The Student Information Center has a let of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN Student Info. Center, 116 Nebr. Union. 115 Meetings STAND Christmas Party Friday, meet at Health Center at 6:45pm. Bring $5 maxi mum gift to be exchanged. 120 Greek AfTairs — Congratulations to Mike Garrison, Jim Coder, and Jay Nilsson on receiving Kappa Sigma National Scholarship Leadership Awards. Ar President:-S. Jacobs; VP:-G. Grebe; VP Pledge:-K. Kamopp-VP Rush:-M. MuHm; VP Scholarship:-G. Tvrdy; Panhellemc-S Shnever; Rec Sec:- S. Hariing; Exec Treasurer:-A. Swanson, House Manager:-A. Stratman, Soaal Standards: J, Batata; Well Awar:-K. EickhoH; Rituals:-M Bougger; Foundations:-B Lowery; P.R.:-A Finley, Activi1iee:-J. Bettger; House Corp. Tres:-K. Bohimeyer;Sen Prog:-N FTowe.Soc lnter:-M.Giddings. Corresp Sec:-J. LeMaster, Frat Ed:-J. Wright; Rush Assi. J. Davbert & H Dunbar, Song Leader A Hurt Congratulations to the newly installed IFC and Panheflemc officers _ the Men of Theta Xi Betas. We had a great time at the party last weekend Let's do it again soon! __The women of Pi Beta Phi Congratulations to the new executive officers of Chi Omega: President Ali A.; Vice President-Judy R; Secretary Steph P.; Treasurer-Jane G.; Pledge Educator-JiH J.; Personnel-Kara M.; Panhellemc Delegate Julie A.; Rush Chair-Stacy B. ____Love. Chi Omega Congratulations to the new executive officers of Delta President-Steve Parde, Vice President-Greg Alberts. Secretary-Chris Faitbairn. Treasurer-Shane Wagner, Overall Rush-Bob Mooney. Pledge Educator-Kevin Hervert, House Manager-Dustin Liljenorn, Chapter Rela tons-Jeff Gaertia. Social Chair-Sam Runge. Scholar ship-Matt Auch Moedy, I.F.C Delegate-Eric Lindvall AAA AY WINTER FORMAL 1992 The Men of Delta Upeilon would like to thank the previous exec, officers for their leadership and commitment to President-Cory Ohlson, Vice President-Ed Tabler. Secre tary-Mart Feiber. Treasurer-TIm Vevtlle. Overall Rush s'^ £b#rU- Pl#c)8* Educator-Joe Kitzer, House Man *gef-&eve Parde, Chapter Relations-Jeff Korte, Social Chair-Eric Mueller, Scholarship-Chad Higgins, I.F.C. Delegate-John Greg Timm Donor Mutations to Nicole B. for being selected as Untver t«y Ambassadors President and to Karen S. and Stacey S. for making University Artbassadors. Good iobl Love, Cnl Omega