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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1992)
!RENT BREAK! Studio apartment available now near downtown. Receive 1/2 off your first months rent with signing of a 6 month lease. Call 477-5028 or Mega Corp. 475-8409. ***640 S 20*** 2-bedroom S359 up; Mega-sized 1 -bedroom $299 up Laundry 475-7262 ***2301 A*** 1 -bedroom $289 Laundry 475-7262 *THREE BEDROOM* 1342 South 25th. W/D hookup, garage and storage. Only $4501 Call Phoenix Properties Management. 474-5327. 1020C Street. 1-bedroom. S245 +1 month deposit. Nicel Off-street parking. Pets OK. 437-9019. 11 4 E, 1-br, heat paid, only S195. Available Jan. 1. Call Pheonix Properties Management, 474-5327._ 1107L Street. Vour choice of newly remodeled units. Heat oaid. Walk to campus. Only $260-$280l Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. __ 120 South 28th. Small 1-br. Great location. Only S240. Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. 2- br.. BIG. Fireplace, balcony, washer and dryer. $400 Available Jan. 1,1993. Call evenings, 466-5135. 2301 A St. -1 bedroom. New grey carpet. Balcony. S289 and up. 475-7262. __ 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. 4 blocks off campus, pool. No depositl Available Jan. 1. for info. 435-7682. 3- bedroom. 2-bath, closetocampus, nearly new. reason able rent, garage/parking, deck. Available 1-93. 474 4779. _ 620 S. 20th. Nee one bedroom. No pets. 489-3550. Leave message. Large2bedrooms,dishwasher,parking: 726 G', Security building, laundry. 1740 S. 9th, remodeled 475-1449 Lions Gate 2-bedroom apartment at 50th and Vine Call 466-5717. One bedroom. 2540 S Street. Heat paid. Nice. Only S240. Call Phoenix Properties Management. 474-5327 One bedroom basement apartment one block from Harper Hall. Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer, shower Easy walk to campus. No smokers. Available now. 438 1330. Leave message. 931 Oak Street (north ol Devaney). Nice 1 -br. low utilities, available Jan. 15. Onjy $2851 Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327, Available Soon Newer 1 and 2 bedroom. All electric, carpet, air, laundry, parking, FREE CABLE. No pets. $320 and $395 +. 1910 Knox. 435-7770 or 477-7684. 521 N.25 477-7684. _ Cozy up to a nice warm fire at willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplaces, or woodburning stoves. Off street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNL campus. Professionally man aged,.Call 476-6200 now. Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at $225/month. 438-3132._ Efficiencies and one bedroom apartments near campus. —Secured building. $225-$245. Call 477-3648. Efficiency apartment available January 1. Nice! Utilities paid. 244 South 26th. Leave message 483-2357. Four bedroom, 1 1/2 bath apartments five blocks north west of Stadium. Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer, shower. Off-street parking. Easy walk to campus. No smokers. Available January 1. 438-1330. Leave mes sage FREE RENT 3-bedroom at Claremont. December rent (reel Call Michele at 466-7559. Pine Tree Apartments 2-bedroom $410; 3-bedroom $565; Embassy Pa^Apartments 2-bedroom, 2-batn, with W/D. $490; 1-bedroom $375 535 West Saunders 2-bedroom. $430. Security Buildings 483-1130 or 483-6057 Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Huge one and two bedroom apartments available. 476-3287 22 Adoption__ Wecan help you during this difficult time by providing your newborn with endlesslove and devotion. Expenses paid. Connie and Philip. 1 -800-582-2501. Dear Birthmother, We are a rural Nebraskan couple with a two year old adopted daughter. We are eager to adopt again. If you can help us, please call 1 -800-538-2069. ___ Imagine this for your babyll Full time mom, doting dad, city and country homes, love, laughter, lullabies, expenses paid. Call collect anytime Larry and Camille 716-438 5633. _ _ Loving, outdoors couple desires to adopt a baby. House full of laughter, lotsof nieces 4 nephews wailing. Medical/ legal expenses paid. Please call Alicia 4 Michael at 1 800-742-3624._ Pregnant? No pressure, no lectures Just help. A safe place to tak Nebraska Children's Home 4600 Valley Road 483 7879 Ask lor Betty or Cindy Unexpected Pregnancy? Decisional Decisions! Decisional We Provide the counseling —You make the decision. If adoption, you pick the couple and degree of openness. If parenting, you get the support you need. Call Lori Ann at 489-1834. Free confidential counseling tor people of all faiths. Caiholic Social Services, 237 S. 70th St.. Suite 220. ^MJteration^fi^ewin^^^ Alterations Etc. Altering & tailoring. 611 N. 27th. Suite #10.474-2954. 27 Bicycle Service Blue’s Bike A Fitness. Six blocks (rom campus New and used bikes. Excellent repairs tor all makes. 427 S. 13th. 435-2322. _ ____ Lincoln’s largest selection of bkes. accessories and parts. 27th and Vine. 475-BIKE. 36 Entertainment The Tubbery Haymarket Square 818 P. St., 475-8989 Private hottub room rentals A Wolff tanning r / 38 Gift Ideas JUST ROSES-Starting at $8.99 a dozen. 3031 'O' Slreet 435-1118. Tuxedo delivery. 42 Health and Fitness_ LOSE WEIGHT Results within 30 days or money back guarantee. Call Deann 477-0972, 44 Insurance_ For All Your Insurance Needs, Jim Wallace 474-6077. American Family Insurance-Renters, Auto. Home. Health, and Life. 46 Instruction/Tutoring_ PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION —SALES and RENTAL. Beginners or advanced. Zager Studio 489 2430. 61 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln's Vintage Record Shop—Buving-Selling records, tapes, and compact discs. Great poster selection. 3833 S. 48th. 489-381A 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? WRTHf»GHT Is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Ask about special rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. All kinds of typing. Fast, efficient service. Laser printer. SI .25 double spaced page. Call 466-4400. Lynda’s Professional Typing Service Competetive Rates 423-7784 Perfect Page Distinctive professional laser resumes, dissertations, theses, papers. Rush A same-day available. 486-1201. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan,basement of Nebraska Union. Student papers a specialty, $1.25 per page. Fast, effi cient. IBM Software, laser printer. 435-6946 Layne Will do typing. Cal Mary at 483-4010 after 1:00pm or leave message. Nebra$ka-Ca$h -4 4 Fall Classic When the weather turns chilly, it s still Birkenstock® time. Add a pair of socks and let the Original Contoured Footbed support and CpiftCcrtificalcs Available) Crad|e your feet.. ~ yT" Footloose & Fancy Birkenstock Headquarters 1219 "P* Street Tn«t the *H your feet are comfortable so Is - a Original your world." Blrkensiock9 - *_ 124 North 12th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 CASH CASH (ASH || £ ^ m Textbook buyback ■ for your used ? textbooks. | 1300 Q Street 1 J How To Play How To Win 1. Read this page of the Daily Nebraskan every Fri day. 2. Go to any or all of the businesses on this page to register. You may register as many times as you want, as often as you like. 3. Read this page on the following Friday to find out who won. 4. A $50 Gift Certificate will be awarded each week. The certificate will be honored by all sponsors of this page. Spend it any way you want! 5. All entries will be picked up by Thursday mornings. To be eligible, you must re-enter every week. i SUNDAY BRUNCH BUFFET Every Sunday 10AM-2PM Receive $1.00 Off With Your Student I.D. 2 Egg Dishes Lasagna Hashbrowns Baked Chicken Waffles & Much Much More Biscuits & Gravy FRI DAY ^abC££s AJ Midnight Ok V^Tonight ((£ * cockrau-S -' w QfZ&UJS 322 SOUTH 9TB STREET, 476-8551 ** — * Nebraska Sportswear _ HKfelEL I- —I CA$H FOR YOUR BOOKS Nebraska Union: Dec. 7 -18, 8:30 - 5:30. Extended hours 8:30 - 6:30 on Dec. 8, 15, & 17. East Union: Dec. 11-18, 9:00 - 4:30