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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1992)
120 Greek Affairs FOB Congratulations to the newly elected officers of PI Chap ter: "President-Amy Kamphaus; Administrative Vice President-Jennifer Putensen; MEVP-Connie Wollenburg; Public Relations Vice President-Julie Kock Treasurer-Joy Billups; Rush-Marcy Worthington; Panhellenic Delegate-Shana Anderson; Assistant Rush Stephanie Lawrence; Omaha Rush-Sonya Olson; Lin coln Rush-Carrie Ellingson; Pace Chair-Heather Hoffman; Pledge Ed-Cathy Chochon; Assistant Pledge Ed-Christina Rindy; Scholarship-Susie Matulevicz- As sistant Scholarship-Kristin Warner; Ritual Chair-Kristi Mietzner; Assistant Rituals-Karen Eager; Corresponding Secretary-Steph Tamisiea; Recording Secretary-Laura Leising; House Manager-Debbie Stecklebery; Assistant House Manager-BrOoke Christensen; Assistant Trea surer-Nikki votova; Assistant public Relations Annie Loo; Activities-Ingrid Peterson; Internal Social-Andrea Terasinski; Social-Chicky Azadi; Assistant Social-Kelly Smithey; Alumnae Relations-AnneSquier; Philanthropy Bethany Bergmeyer; Standards-Nicole David; Intramurals-Jennifer Miratsky; Loyalty Circle Chair Nichole Hornish; Parliamentarian-Penny Waller; Merit Chair-Sara tisenmenger; Historian Barb Hoff; Sisterlink Linda Ehlers; Magazine-Kristin Washburn Congratulations to Kevin Loos for being named President ol Tau Beta Pi and to Scott Vanier for being initiated into Chi Epsilon honorary. The Men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Congratulations to Tamara Christenson (Gamma Phi) and Robert Werst on their engagement. The Women of Gamma Phi Beta Congratulations to the new Pi Phi officers: President-Kay Grennan; V.P. Moral-M. Hallinan; V.P. Mental-E. McBride; V.P. Social-K. Price; Recording Sec retary^-S. Grueber; Treasurer-K. Graves; Membersnip-J. Wills; Panhellenic-L. Rogge; House Manager-S. Hogue; Social Chair-S. Hurd; Rusn Chair-N. Kaplan; Co-Pledge Educator-T. Strand; Assistant Treasurer-C. Bobbet; As sistant House Manager-A. Larsen; Internal Social-M. Spomer; Corresponding Secretary-K. Jackson; Philan thropy-J. Brown; PointsChair-KarlaGrennan;Efficiency H. Haecker; Intramurals-C. Merton; Social/Mental Helper-T. Plihal; Arrow-D. Huck; Activities-J. McDonald; Historian-C. Lottus; Censors-A Brunke & A. George; Chaplain-K. Ohlrich AAA Congratulations to K. Baumert on making University Ambassadors. Thanks to all outgoing officers. Your hard work was appreciated! Ar ATA ~ CHRISTMAS FORMAL Dec. 4, 1992 ATO AO GREEK WEEK 93 Attention Greeksll Applications are available in Rm. 332 Greek Affairs for Greek Week Committee Chairs. Julie Koch. Kristi Mietzner. and Kristin Washburn (Gamma Phi), Congratulations on being initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma Honorarles. We are proud of you. Love, your Sisters 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Government Liaison Committee Publications Board Senate Poeltion Division of Continuing Studies Graduate College Applications available at the Student Government office. 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline -4:00 p.m December 11. 1992 140 Personals Shawn B.. Happy Birthday—Dec. 6th. _Burr. To a girl named Mary: The guy that drove you home on Wednesday adores you I Lonely Male seeking passionate companion Gender not a problem. Respond to Slice via personal Husker Basketball. This could be the start of something beautiful. Go D.C.I Tho SWATJeam Little Miss Susie, SMILE SMILE SMILE I The girt at the front desk Denise 6 Beth. You have to admit...with your histones. * was easy to believe! (Chambray and alcohol don't mix!) Mary Laura. Happy Birthday! You are the "S*. Love. Dan 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Prescription eyeglasses at University Health Center. Call 472-7460 to identify. LOST: Oct. 30, brown tape case-24 tapes-between 10th and F, and 10th and I. REWARDI Call 475-2433 160 Help Wanted \ **$50 CASH** Earn cash for X-Mas if you can work Saturday Dec. 5 or Monday Dec. 7 from 9-10:30am. 432-3977 **DaVinci’s** 14th & Superior 434-7050 44th & O 434-7060 120 N. 66th 434-7070 Now hiring for all positions & shifts. Flexible scheduling to match your hours. Apply in person Monday-Friday or call for an appointment. ATTENTION: The Mental Health Association of Nebraska needs ener getic. happy people to do easy evening phone work, with flexible hours and good pay. Can 467-4360. Basketball officials needed for youth league games Games begin Jan. 9. Pay $5.50-58.00/game. Games on Sat. and Sun. Apply at VMCA Youth Sports Office. 1039 Earn extra cash! Be your own boss! World Herald AM home delivery carrier routes available in Lincoln. No collecting. Excellent profits. Please call 476-6100. Godfather’s Pizza Now hiring cashiers PT. Apply at Godfather's at 48th and Vine. Plenty of hours available over break. Help wanted at the Campus Recreation Center. Student with comprehensive knowledge of the entire Macintosh environment including Excel Filemaker Pro. Word. Page Maker. Freehand,' Networking, System 7, etc. Starting pay $5.15/ hr. Apply at 55 Campus Recreation Center. Deadline Fri. Dec. 11. For more information call 472-3467. HOLIDAY HELP $9.25 to start Local branch tilling 20 permanent and temporary posi tions. Interview now. start betore or after finals, can wo* m Lincoln area or hometown over break. Flexible sched ule. no experience necessary. 488-6017 Immediate openings in retail sales. Interested applicants who are willing to wo* nights, weekends and holidays, contact 489-8651 lor more information It’s the Pits Now taking applications for waitery personnel. Apply anytime. 49th and Holdredge. JUNIORS AND SENIORS A Fortune 500 company (72nd largest). Fortune's Most Admired Insurance Company. Best sales and ma*eting opportunity—(Jobs '91), Best Insurance Sales Force— (Sales & Marketing Management Magazine). NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE is currently interview ing for our internship program. We re looking for individu als who are intelligent, honest, self-starting, and career oriented. For an interview call Missy 483-7871. Part-time, eye doctor's offioe, must speak Vietnamese, apply jn person^3200 O Street. 475-9113. WANTED! Personalities to wait tables, must be able to have fun. 11 2 pm and 5-8 pm shifts available. Apply in person after 2:00 pm. King's Drive-In. both locations. Vito* in beautiful Colorado mountains this summer at Cheley Colorado Camps summer program. R.N.'s, driv ers. office, wranglers, nanny, kitchen, song leaders, riding, hiking, backpacking, sports, crafts counselors. Campers age 9-17. Room and board, cash salary, travel allowance. Our 72nd summer! Must be at least 19 to apply. Applicants will be notified of campus intervww date. Apply to Cheley Colorado Camps. Box 6525, Den ver. Colorado 80206. 303-377-3616. I SWALLOWS! | T-shirts now in stock _ EastPark Plaza The absolute best selection of humorous T-shirts in Lincoln_ THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON » 164 Summer Jobs SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Premier Children's Summer Camps in NY. PA, MASS and NEW ENGLAND have 500 staff positions for skilled and child-loving students: Baseball, Lacrosse. Basketball, Fencing, Hockey, Golf, Gymnastics. TENNIS. Fishing, Karate, Rlfelry, Archery, Soccer, Volleyball. Fitness, Wrestling. Canoeing. Water-skiing, Scuba Diving, Sail ing, WSI/Lifeguarding, Windsurfing. Equestrian, Circus, Woodshop, Rocketry, Ceramics, Ropes, Pioneering, Pi ano, Dance, Dramatics, Arts A Crafts, Guitar, Nurses, etc. Male/F emale— Upper classmen preferred. Call Arlene 1 - 800-443-6428. 170 Roommates Female roommate needed immediately. Close to East Campus. $190/month. 467-1079, 467-5001 ASAP. Female, non-smoker needed. $160 +1/4 utilites/mo. 1 1/ 2 bath, 2112 Vine St. 474-6958. Female, non-smoking roommate needed. Beginning graduate school 1-4-93. Will share apartment near East campus. 464-2374. Honest, responsible, non-smoking female needed to share 3-bedroom house adjacent to East Campus. $180/ month +utillties- Available immediately! 464-4610 M/F needed to share house north of campus. Clean, quiet preferred, $200month ♦'/< utilities. 477-6495 M/F roommate needed to share spacious 3-bedroom FOUNTAIN GLEN apartment with platonic, responsible and easy going M/F. $200/month +1/3 utilities beginning January 1 (month-to-month) lease. Don't miss out on this great opportunity! Contact Joe at 477-9499, or leave message. Non-smoking female roommate needed. $145/month + 1/ 2 utilities. 5 blocks to City Campus. Living room function ally furnished. Free parking. 438-1528. Non-smoking female to share 3-bedroom house in East Campus area. No pets. $150/month, share utilities, avail able Jan. 1. References required. 466-6449. V® x ^ 65C Draws . . rtu rrrcrt* DS—wot • - 25C Draws!! Friday 126 N.14th 438-2242 Open-minded, non-smOking male roommate to share duplex, free laundry, dishwasher, 4 2 baths. $162.50 + 1/ 2 utilities. Call Scott 467-2774. Responsible, non-smoking M/F roommate needed to share spacious 3-bedroom apartment close to campus at 24th 4T. C'est superbell $142/month +1/3 utilities. Call Scott or Dan at 476-7058. 180 Houses For Rent 1314 N.24 very nice three bedroom. 141/2baths,parking, near campus. Available 12/1. S550. 475-1579. 2219Potter. Very nice 5 bedroom, 2 baths, near campus, parking. Available 1/93. S675, 475-1579. 3 bedrooms, real nice, dose to UNL, parking. Available Jan. 1.2001 Holdrege. $575/mth. 475-1579. 354 N. 28th. Nicer live bedrooms. All appliances. Air. Garage. $650. 488-6738. _____ _ 4 bedroom, lull basement. 2 bath. 2 stall garage, and off street parking. Close to campus. 2118 Vine. 4/5-2059. Campus Close. Newly remodeled three bedroom. Avail able January 1. $495. 437-6328. 185 Duplexes For Rent =^========^=sss==s===ss 1800 No. 27th. 3+ bedroom, $475. 2 bedroom. $325. Garages available. 435-1610. Nice 2 bedroom, appliances. W/D hookup, C/A. private oatio. $410 + utilities + deposit. 2842 "S". 476-2411. 190 Apartments For Rent 1 bedrooms, with lots of closets, drapes, mini-blinds, all appliances. Most utilities paid. S325-S365. Short term leases accepted. Cherry Hill Realty. 489-4857. Beautiful & New, 2 bedrooms Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 NEED CASH? Help others while helping yourself. WE NEED: Men & Women to donate valuable plasma. WE PROVIDE: The friendliest staff in town, TV entertainment, 2 hours free parking, $15 for each donation, and bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs.AH new donors and those who haven't donated within two months receive $25 with this ad. New donors please call 474-2335 for an appointment, from bleeding to death Lincoln Donor Center your plasma fights 126 N. 14th Suite 2 is hemophillia Esptres 12/31/92 | FREE WASH o Limit 1 Coupon Par Vial and Par Addiaaa _Soma RaaaicOont Apply_WW Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson DAD, ARE YOU VICARIOUSLY LIVING THROUGH ME IN THE HOPE THAT MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS WILL VALIDATE YOUR MEDIOCRE LIFE AND IN SOME WAY COMPENSATE FOR ALL OF THE OPPORTUNITIES YOU BOTCHED? Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0730 ACROSS 11nformation s Kind of school • Young salmon 14“-a man with.. is Molten rock 19 Expect an arrival 17 Suit part 1S Imitated i« Lift 20 Story by A Conan Doyle 23 Blushing 24 Summer refreshment 25 Kind of oil 29 Weary 31 Large container Abbr. 34 Bone: Comb, form 35 Brewing grain 35 Other things, to Cato 37 Another Doyle story 40 Golfers' needs 41 Track needs 42 Wood splitter's need 43 Venomous one 44 Attenuated 45 Shiny cloth 45 Mine product 47 Kind of vessel: Abbr. 48 Another story by Doyle 57 Auriculate 58 In the year of: Lat. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 59 Additional 60 County in W Ireland 61 Anglo-Saxon bard 62 Remainder 63 Partygivers 64 Kennedy and Williams 65 Apportion DOWN 1 Prima donna 2 Iowa college town 3 Exam 4 Island off Alaska 5 Gary of the P.G.A. 6 Fast 7 Tied 8 Protective cushions 9 Marching exhibit 10 Cognizant 11 Way or road preceder 12 Stand up 13 Proofreader's mark 21 Begin to fade 22 A la 25 Ecclesiastical surplice 26 Combustion result 27 Expensive 28 Hardy heroine 29 Occupied, as a seat 30 Troubles 31 Dashing fellow 32 Spree 33 Carrying cargo 39 Twelfth-century date 36 Actively support a felon 36 Waters or Merman 30 Unusually small 44 Swaps 49 Front steps 46 Manifest 47 Church governing council 48 "Ramblin' wreck from Georgia 49 Circle of light so Memorable periods of time 81 Tail end 82 Suffix with persist 53 Soil tiller's land 84 Gen Robert 88 Helper: Abbr. 54 Mechanical repetition