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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1992)
I_I Courtesy of Arista Records The Jeff Healey Band is: Joe Rockman, bass guitar; Jeff Healey, guitar and vocals; and Tom Stephen, drums. The Jeff Healey Band explores blues, country; impresses critics “Feel This” The Jeff Healey Band Arista Records For a blind Canadian, Jeff Healey definitely can play the guitar like no one else — seated and fretting from above. Jeff Healey was only 22 years old when he, Joe Rockman and Tom Stephen released their debut album, “Sec the Light. ” Now, just four years later, The Jeff Healey Band is awing critics with “Feel This.” The time in between those two albums has been eventful. Not only did the band release the nearly plati num “Hell to Pay” in 1990, but they co-starred opposite Patrick S wayze in the movie “Roadhouse.” “Feel This” continues The Jeff Healey Band’s tradition of playing searing blues/rock tunes. But this lime they branch into some new areas. Healey’s music nol only has piqued the interest of critics, but also has intrigued greats such as B.B. King and the late Stevie Ray Vaughan. On “If You Can’t Feel Anything Else,” the band employs rap vocals from Jr. John, slightly poppy drums along with their standard blues guitar to form a unique but pleasing stray from the norm. £ The disc also features musical in puts from other performers such as Jimi Jamison, Mischkc, Paul Shaffer and Molly Johnson. “Cruel Little Number” is the open ing track and the first single off “Feel This,” and it's a rockin’ lilllcnumbcr. The tune features Healey’s virtuoso guitar playing and Shaffer’s searing keyboards. “Cruel Little Number” is followed by the sweet ballad “Leave the Light On,” which is full of “when-a-man loves-a-woman” lyrics. Even Tom Petty puls his finger prints on the album by writing “Lost in Your Eyes,” another madc-for-air play, sappy blues ballad reminiscent of “Angel Eyes.” Although “Lost in Your Eyes” is a good tune and probably Top 10 mate rial, it is surpassed by one even better song, “You’reComing Home,” which will probably never reach commer cial airwaves. "You’re Coming Home” is a pleas ing merger of country, blues and pop, and features great lyrics. "Words that once were hard to say now flow with velvet touch/I always knew that I’d miss you/Bui I never knew how much/I was wrong/You proved that a blind man can lcam to see.” All the tunes on “Feel This” fea ture Healey’s stunning guitar riffs, but Rockman’s and Stephen’s musi cianship is just as commendable and rousing. Other notable works on the disc include “Leave thcLightOn,’’“Baby’s Lookin’ Hot” and "Heart of an An gel.” — Shannon Uehling ‘90210’ actress brawls in Hollywood nightclub, i receives battery citation WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — A brawl broke out early Wednesday al Sunset Boule vard nightclub and when it was over, “Beverly Hills 90210” star Shannen Doherty and anaspiring actress were slapped with misde meanors. The fight began after Doherty’s date, co-star Brian Austin Green, stepped on the toes of Bonita Money’sboyfriend, authorities said. “The girls started shoving each other around. Both women were adamant about having each other arrested,” saidSheriff’s Deputy Roger Horn, Doherty’s publicist, Susan Culley,said,“Itisourundcrstanding that Money decided to file charges only after she had been cited and escorted from the club.” Money, speaking by phone from her car, said she couldn’t talk about the incident because she had soldcxclusive rights of her version of events to the tclcvisionshow “A Current Affair.” Her manager then got on the phoneand said Money would consider interviews, for a price, on Friday. Green, 21, and Money’s escort, George Jackson, 34,did not get in volved in the fight and were not cited, Horn said. Doherty plays Brenda Walsh, the sometime girlfriend of hcartthrob Luke Perry’s character on the Fox network show about pampered high-school students. Green plays DavidSilver. Doherty, 21, and Money, 32, were issued misdemeanor battery citations and released. They must appear in Municipal Court on Dec. 22 for arraignment. iaUMgment Lincoln orchestra to perform annual holiday concert at Lied honoArc 1 mm I hr* I inrnln Kill The Lincoln Symphony Orches tra will present the third annual Family Holiday Pops concert Sat urday at the Lied Center for Per forming Arts. Robert Emile will direct the Lin coln Symphony Orchestra in its performance of carolcs, holiday readings, light classical music and audience sing-alongs. Also featured will be the Hastings College Concert Choir and the University of Ncbraska Lincoln University Singers, di rected by James Hcjduk, director of choral activities. Id Midwest dance company will perform excerpts from its produc tion of “The Nutcracker Ballet,” and the Nebraska Brass will play seasonal favorites in the lobby be fore the concert and during inter mission. The concert, part of the Star City Holiday Festival Weekend, is sponsored by Lincoln Telephone, KFOR, State Title Services, HOME Real Estate and SmithKlinc Bcccham Animal Health, in addi tion to the Nebraska Arts Council. Tickets for the 7:30 p.m. show are $21.50, $16.50 and $11.50 for adults and $8.75 for students. Library to sponsor contest From Staff Reports The National Library of Poetry has announced that it would award $12,000 in prizes this year to more than 250 poets in the North Ameri can Open Poetry contest. The deadline for the contest is Dec. 31, and entry is free and open to everyone, including previously published poets. All entered poems nave tnc chance to be published in an an thology. To enter, poets should send one original poem to the National Li brary of Poetry, 11419 Cronridge Drive, P.O. Box 704-ZW, Owings Mills, Md. 21117. A new contest opens Jan. 1, 1993. Classified <jiS CLASSIFIED INDEX K>R SALE £ RaCSrc—m. 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 80 Typing A Resumes 6 Computers - 8 Furniture Vmir'Tk 9 Garage Sales t,IK 10 Mec For Sale 12 Musical Instruments 2°®®., c„ont. !»jg* 11 SSSSSST1 iaooSfULr. 8 ar 130 Student Government o 140 Personals 20 Vetc « 9 145 Lost A Found ^ 148 Wanted SKRVICKS 149 Fundrawing_ JOBS 22 Adoption 25 AUto^SIVe4 ’M Child Care Needed 97 160 Help Wanted B to«VS 162 Work Study Jobs ri,M ,nn 164 Summer Jobs 52 Cleaning/Laundry 166 33 Cieaning/Households lJ/4, . , v .. 34 Computer Service _ 36 Entertainment - 38 Gilt Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health A Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instructon/Tutonng 185 Duplex For Rent ■ .8 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent >0 Legal 191 Summer Housing >0 Misc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 82 Photography 194 Homes For Sale 3 3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads 3 4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads $ 15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before pubfica non., Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the item for sale or ottered Include the price of the items for sale Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. 3 Bicycles For Sale CHEAPl Racmg bike. 1900 Diamond Back, Shtmano 105. dip lass pedals, aero bars, computer. $400 476-9934 Lincoln Police Department Notice of sale of unclaimed bicycles on December 5.1992 at 1000am at Lmcotnland Towing. 410 West P St. No checks accepted! 6 Computers For Sale 386 with 132mb hard drive VGA modem Dos 5.0. Win XI. *1499 O B O. 477-6516 ___ Apple Imagewriter II Printer $299 Call 421-1861 eve nings. ■ _ FOR SALE: 386 IBM Compaltole wSh Epson 24 pm printer (only used 6mtht). Retail price $ 1900. asking $ 1050 obo. Free VCR included 11 computer bought. For into, call 436 0688. ask tor Mo Mac Powerbook 140. 40meg hd.. call 477-7252. 10 Misc. For Sale 24 Dinner Plates University of Nebraska (1931). Limited edition. White/red. campus buildings $65. (407) 221* WO. Black leather, full length trench coat with zp-out lining. Lke new S2500.B O 5 Nintendo games, $15 a piece or 5 tor $60. 436-9689._ Cargo top. 18 cubic leet Fits top of most cars Great for dnva home storage $60 O B.O. Four radial snow tires. Only 5190 O.B <3. Four all season radial tires, S175 O B O. 477-6516._ Ranger paintball gun. sights, silencer, hopper. 002 and mask $350 OBO. 467-6240 Iv. mag 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale FOR SALE: Citek TV S100 and Panasonic VC R $ 100 Call 477-7252 after 5:00pm Pioneer double cassette deck. CT-W430. Dolby HXPro, 2 years old. Fine condition $100 OBO 477-0176 20 Vehicles For Sale 1989 VW Fox. 2-door, 4 speed, air. AM/FM cassette, super clean. 60.000 miles. $3650 offers. 1986 Muda RX7.5 speed, air. AM/FM c asserts, sunroof, extra clean. 77,000 miles. $4850 offers. Beer s Auto Seles, 1647 So. 3rd, 477-6442. Black 89 Pont lac Sunbird. sunroof. AC. AM/FM cassette, tinted windows. FWD. 5 speed. $6200 OBO. 476-7560. ' , ’ 1 iS.T-'m i - ..-= 100 Rides Going to NV area for Christmas? Deliver my car and ride free Possibilities for return trip 435-8946between tOam 12m Need ride to California and back. Orange County area Will pay half of expenses For one week only, during Christmas break. Call Randy 477 9813. 103 Spring Break Trips Spring Break Mexico Cancun Airfares $389 Limited Space Deposit now to hold reservation. Call A S A P for Cancun a other resorts. 423-4500 110 Announcements i i.—.=^= Posters! Posters! Posters! Recycled Sounds, 824 P St. 476-8240. We buy ind trade, too. Delta Sigma Pi Congratulates Spring 93 Officers President Shane Smith; Senior VP-Angie Autrey, VP Pledge Education-Jody Stodola; VP Professional-Carl Deicke; Secretary Lisa Little; Assistant Treasurer-Fred Ostdek; Chancel lor-Matt Richmond, Hiatonan-Teagy Eliuk; SAB Rep-Micki Nolan And keep up the good work Treasurer Kara Breitbarth and VP CEl-Holly Ruiicka IS YOUR PROFESSOR VIOLATING THE DEAD WEEK POLICY? Complaint forms and information available at the A SUN office, 115 Nebr. Union. Looking for a new direction’ Join the fastest growing profession in the health care field today-Massage jnmnr. The twelve month program at Dr Weibee Col lege W Massage Therapy is nationally accredited and approved by the Nebraska Boards of Health, Education and for Veterans Bemfits Day and evening classes financial aid to those who qualify. Open house Dec 5,2.00 pm, and Dec. 8.. 6:30pm at 2602 J St„ Omaha. Ne. Call 402 731-6768 Claaaes are starling right now. Call 475-7610. KAPLAN The answer to the teat question NAGEL S & HOPPE S CLOSE OUT PRICES Anthony's Gallery Cotner and A 486 1265 Office for Student Involvement Looking tor Graphics Artist to work with desktop publish ing 10-12 hours weekly. Pick up your application in 200 Nebraska Union. Please return your application to 200 Nebraska Union by 4 :00 p m on December 7. AIRLINE SAVINGS Save on tickets home. Make money being a represents live 488 3193. PROBLEM: You ve got two more parties to go to. one more dress to wear and no more ideas tor your hair SOLUTION: Holiday Hair and Make up Idea Party, December 7th at 7:00pm. The Pink Flamingo 4003 O Street. Saint Vinoent de Paul Thrift Store now open. 1-6 Monday through Saturday 1911 R St., 438 3135 ★ Snow & Ice Climbing in Colorado January 3-9, 1993 *245 (member) learn the basics of winter mountaineering with Campus Recreations Outdoor Adventures. Experience some thing completely different! Sign up now at the Equipment Check-Out- window In the Campus Recreation Center. Registration deadline is Tuesday, Decembers. ("Check out our deplay case there, tool) TCAB Just reminding you of our activity this Sunday (Oct. 6th). Meet at Henzfik at 4:45pm and we will continue on from therel Come join in the fun I UPC international Films presents PROOF. An Australian drama. Sunday 3. 5. 7. 9pm Sheldon Gallery 115 Meetings Biochemistry Meeting Monday, Dec. 7. City Campus union, 8 DO pnvSpeaker: Or. O leary Anyone welcome. ^Toidfather *Spam*h Hor*0farY) Meeting lodayl 1 DO