The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1992, Page 12, Image 12
Classified Earn extra cash! Be your own boss! World Herald AM home delivery carrier routes available in Lincoln. No collecting. Excellent profits. Please call 476-6100. If you like talking to people, not selling things, this is the job for you. Hudson Bay Company is renewing member ships for non-profit environmental and political organiza tions. Great pay, evening hours, paid vacation and profit sharing. Call for an interview from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 476 1010. JUNIORS AND SENIORS A Fortune 500 company (72nd largest), Fortune's Most Admired Insurance Company. Best sales and marketing opportunity—(Jobs '91), Best Insurance Sales Force— (Sales & Marketing Management Magazine). NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE is currently interview ing for our internship program. We're looking for individu als who are intelligent, honest, self-starting, and career oriented. For an interview call Missy 483-7871. Part-time Earn $400-5700 a week. Apply in person after 6 p.m. Foxy Lady, 1823 “O 'Street ALLALCOHOL MUST GO!!! FINAL CLEARANCE 50 $ DRAWS & $1 WELL DRINKS BRING IN A CAN OF FOOD, TO BE DONATED TO THE LINCOLN FOOD BANK, AND QUALIFY FOR A $100 CASH PRIZE DRAWING. THURSDAY NIGHT 8 TO CLOSE P.O, PEARS Part-time help needed Monday-Friday, 5-9pm, sculpting wax. Apply in person, Danter Dental Lab, 125 So 9th St. Part-time Instructor To teach weekend classes at the Lincoln campus of the College of St. Mary starting January 22,1993. Individuals with expertise in the following areas are sought: 1) Psy chology: 2) Computer Programming in PASCAL and/or COBOL 3) Drama or Communications for a speech course; 4) Leisure & the Arts. Masters Degree required, PhD & college teaching experience preferred. For more information contact: Stacey Hill 489-2900 EOE Part-time, eye doctor’s office, must speak Vietnamese, apply in person, 3200 0 Street. 475-9113. PROOF OPERATOR Job Summary: Balances, micro-encodes and processes customers deposits and internal documents. Performs at expected levels of accuracy and efficiency. Requirements: Knowledge of debits/credits, deposit transactions and balancing techniques OR Bookkeeping/ Accounting experience; Must pass 10-key test with mini mum of 6000 keystrokes; Proof experience desired but not required; Good problem solving abilities. After 3 months of employment this part-time opportu nity offers: ‘Educational Assistance ‘Medical & Dental Coverage ‘Paid illness hours \ ‘FREE parking *Shift differential pay Hours Monday and Friday, 3pm to 8pm, Tuesday thru Thursday. 4pm to 8pm and alternating Saturdays. 10:30am to 2pm. Apply in person to the Human Re sources Dept., lower lobby, Monday thru Friday. 9:00am -4:30pm. FIRSTIER BANK LINCOLN 13th & M Streets An Equal Opportunity Employer Job Line 402/434-1426 Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks 6 Recreation hiring for Afterschool Recre ation positions to start January 4,1993. Assistant Leader f$4.40/hour). Hours: 2:30-5:45 p.m. or 3:15-5:45 p.m., Monday-Friday. Plan and conduct activities for elemen tary children. Apply at: Playground Office. 1225 F Street, Second Floor. 441;7952. EOE/AA _ ^ Responsible scorekeepers needed for Sunday night youth basketball league. Season runs 12 weeks, paid training involved, season starts Nov 29. Apply at Youth Sports Office, YMCA 1039 "P" SPRINGBREAKERS Promote our Florida Spring Break packages. Earn MONEY and FREE trips. Organize SMALL or LARGE groups. Campus Marketing. 800-423-5264 m || associated AEN bioscience, inc. University Plasma Center Located at the comer of 13th A O ^***2?. HOUDAY CASH aZTytSuT NEW DONORS $25 on $rat donation. RETURN DONORS $25 after 2 month lapse ALL DONORS $15 tor L* J HtaaJ I -*- . ■ ■ QLYI ••Cn QOfmDOn. )L '’ J*HE Earn Mora At ABI ■0*3 Pf 1442‘O'Street SH Lt 475-1358 ktoo-PH.A00-TX emmmmmi Sat.9:00-4:00 8dmta twice e Ml tt eMilfr 'er « weMlr erewlee. .. - - - —» - lta» la for deism itmmpm ^re^weewf Volunteer basketball coaches needed for youth league, grades 3-8. 8 week season, practices begin Decerroer. Apply at YMCA Youth Sports Office, 1039^P". WANTED! Personalities to wait tables, must be able to have fun. 11 2 pm and 5-8 pm shifts available. Apply in person after 2:00 pm, King's Drive-In, both locations. WENDY’S 14TH & Q 930 N. 48th St. 2615 S. 48th St. ‘Flexible shifts available around your schedule ‘Starting wage based on experience ‘Meal discounts ‘Be part of a great team Work in beautiful Colorado mountains this summer at Cheley Colorado Camps summer program. R.N.s, driv ers, office, wranglers, nanny, kitchen, song leaders, riding, hiking, backpacking, sports, crafts counselors. Campers age 9-17, Hoorn and board, cash salary, travel allowance. Our 72nd summer! Must be at least 19 to apply. Applicants will be notified of campus interview date. Apply to Cheley Colorado Camps. Box 6525, Den ver, Colorado 80206, 303-377-3616. 170 Roommates Female, non-smoker needed. $160+ l/4utilites/mo. 11/ 2 bath. 2112 Vine St. 474-6958,___ Female, non-smoking roommate needed. Beginning graduate school 1 -4-93. Will share apartment near East Campus. 464-2374. _ Honest, responsible, non-smoking female needed to share 3-bedroom house adjacent to East Campus. $180/ month ^utilities. Available immediately! 464-4610 Need female roommates to share apartment ASAP.$17(V month. Good deal! No deposit. 486-3541. _ Open-minded, non-smoking male roommate to share duplex, free laundry, dishwasher, 4 2 baths. $162.50+ 1/ 2 utilities. Call Scott 467-2774. Roommate needed Jan. 1 tor 2-bedroom apartment. 22 or older. Non-smoker. M/F. $179.50/month +utilities. Call Gary 435-2884 Roommaie needed January 1st for house in near south neighborhood. Rent $143,75 ♦1/4utilities. Call477-2697 for details._ Wanted 2 roommates to share a nice 5 bedroom house. 1.7 miles from campus. $175, free washer and dryer, no utilites Ask for Russ 476-9348. 175 Rooms For Rent Large, private, furnished. King waterbed. share kitchen/ living room. Laundry facilities, all utilities included. St 85. 475-2956 180 Houses For Rent 1106 North 29th. 2-bedroom, hook-ups. shower. AC. close to campus. $425 ♦deposit. 476-9057._ 1314 N.24 very nice three bedroom. 1 $ 112 baths. parking, near campus. Available 12/1. $550. 475-1579 2219 Poner Very nice 5 bedroom. 2 baths, near campus, parking Available 1/93. $675. 475-1579 Bulova Watch Sale *9995 | A CHRISTMAS FAVORITE Sartor Hamann has the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Dur ing our Christmas sale, you’ll save store wide. Picture her face when you give her that ring she's been wanting. Make her Christmas with a gold watch. Bring the sparkle into your Christmas with a gift of *'ne at Sartor Hamann. Safeway 12th & O 1A7-9AHQ A7fi-ARfi1 I Diamond Earring ^Jackets SALE *295°° 14K Dome Ring * ^>4, */ & :> SALE »99w 1/5 ct Diamond Men’s Ring I SALE *349°° Cultured Pearl & Bracelet ■sW & Sale *125” 354 N 28th. Nicer live bedrooms. All appliances. Air. Garage. S650. 488-6738^_ Campus Close. Newly remodeled three bedroom. Avail able January 1. S495. 437-6328. 185 Duplexes For Rent 1800 No. 27th, 3+ bedroom. S475. 2 bedroom, S325. Garages available. 435-1610^ ssaBS=s=ss=a=s^=:^=^= 190 Apartments For Rent **640 South 20th** PRICES SLASHEDII Mega-sized 1 BR. _Laundry $299 475-7262. ‘THREE BEDROOM* 1342 South 25th. W/D hookup, garage and storage. Only $4501 Call Phoenix Properties Management. 474-5327. 1020C Street. 1-bedroom. $245+1 month deposit. Nicel Off-street parking. Pets OK. 437-9019. « 11 4 A. 1 -br., main floor, duplex. $350/month, ulilites payed, laundry, garage, 1112 Washington. 435-3317. 1107 L Street. Your choiceof newly remodeled units. Heat paid. Walk to campus. Only $260-$280l Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. 120 South 28th. Small 1-br. Great location. Only S240. Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. 2301 A St." -1 bedroom. New grey carpet. Balcony. S288 and up. 475-7262._ 3-bedroom, 2-bath, close to campus, nearly new, reason able rent, garage-parking, deck. Available 1-93. 474 4779. 3-bed room/Available Jan. 1 1266 South 26th $435 Call for details, 466-9526 620 S. 20th. Nice one bedroom. No pets 489-3550 Leave message. 931 Oak Street (north of Devaney). Nice 1 -br. low utilities, available Jan. 15. Only $2851 Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. Colonial Heights 1 and 2 bedrooms available. Heateoindoor pool, sauna/ jacuzzi, fitness room, tanning bed, elevators and much more. Short-term leases available. Call today! 421-3070 Available Soon Newer 1 and 2 bedroom. All electric, carpet, air, laundry, parking, FREE CABLE.*No pets. $320 and $395 +.1910 Knox. 435-7770 or 477-7684. 521 NL25 477-7684.__ Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing spacious 1,2 & 3 bedroom apartments dose to carpus. Call now 474-PARK. CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available now. 1-bedroom, heat paid. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857. A BETWEEN CAMPUSES Unique 1 bedroom. Designer coordinated, private bal cony. vertical blinds, huge bedroom with large closets. ' breakfast bar, dining area, most utilities paid. 489-4857 Cherry Hill Realty. AVAILABLE NOW 1- bedrooms, most utilities paid Convenient to work or campus. Well maintained complex. Garages available 43rd and Cornhusker. 489-4857 Cherry HMI Realty. ★ HUGE 2- bedrooms, 1 or 2 baths, save on utilities. All newdecor. Garages available. Cherry Hill Realy 489-4857. Cozy up tb a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplaces, or woodbuming stoves. Off street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNL campus. Professionally man aged. Call 476-6200 now. Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at S225/month. I.* 22 Adoption A caring couple understands that adoption an t an easy choice. We can give your newborn love A tuapinees Expenses paid. Call leonita A Tad anytime. 1-800-578 4226___ We can heto you during this dKf icult tim# by providing your newborn with endless love and devotion. Expenses paid. Connie and Philp. 1 -600-582 2501._ _ Dear Birth mother. We are a rural Nebraskan couple with a two year old adopted daughter. We are eager lo adopt again, if you can hmlp us. please call 1 800-538-2069 Imagine this for your baby!! Full time mom. doting dad. city and country homes, love, laughter, lullabies, expenses paid Call collect anytime Larry and Camille 718-438 5633 _ Loving, ouldoors couple desires to adopt a baby. House lull ot laughter, lots ot nieces A nephews waiting Medical/ legal expenses paid. Please call Alicia A Michael at 1 800-742-3624 __ Pregnant and feeling alone? We provide free professional counseling to help you explore your feelings and options. Full range of preg nancy and adoption services Call JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE. 1-330-2024 ____ Pregnant? No pressure, no lectures Just he*>. A safe place to tak Nebraska Child ran t Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7878 Aak for Betty or Cindy 23 Alterations & Sewing Alterations Etc Altering A tailoring. 611 N. 27th. Suite #10.474-2884. 27 Bicycle Service Blues Bke A Fines*. Six blocks from campus New and used bke* Excellent repairs tor all nukes. 427 S. 13th. 435-2322___ Lincoln'* largest selection of bke*. accessories and parts. 27th and Vine. 475-BIKE. "■.."11 i .. 36 Entertainment The Tubbery Haymarket Square 416 P. St., 476-ASM Private hotlub room rentals A Wolff tanning 38 Gift Ideas mm.. ■■ ... ass Heritage Gift Shop You need gifts hand made in Nebraska? 1005 0 Street 441-6467 JUST ROSES Starting at S8.98 a dozen 3031 O' Street 435-1116. Tuxedo detvery ■■^^^^^ES^ESEEESESSESS^ES^EESE 42 Health and Fitness OVER WEIGHT? MAINTAIN AND LOSE THE NATURAL SAFE WAY. CALL MRS. WHITE FOR FREE SAMPLES + S10QIFT 468-8621. (NO PILLS) 44 Insurance For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077 American Family Insuranca-Rantars, Auto. Homo. Health, and Life. 60 Misc. Services Are you tired of the holiday hassle? Sk and relax while I decorate your Christmas traa. Call lor estimates 486-4856. 61 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln's Vintage Record Shop—Buy ing-Setlmg reoords tapes, and compact decs. Great poster selection 3833 S. 48th. 469-3817! 62 Photography For the best Special Evant Photography caH: OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Partlas, Weddings and Location portraiture. Experienced and Fasti 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT m a confidential having mart 4^^^r'ancy *•*. P*w cal ua lor appoint 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Oualty reeumee. cover letters, typing. Ask Abort special r«ea. Evening, weekend hours 43V 7264. Al kinds ot typing. Fast, efficient service Laser printer f 1.25 double spaced page. Cel 456-4400 Lynda’s Professional Typing Service Competetive Rates 423-7784 Perfect Page Distinctive professional laser resumes, dissertations thasas. paper* Rush i same-day avaHaWe. 4M-J201. Resumes By Ann QuaMy resumes, professional writers. Over 10 year* experience, proven reauts. 4*4-0775. Resumes ' ” VVIII do typing. Cal Mary at 4*3-4010 after tOQpm or leave me* sage NEED CASH? Help others while helping yourself. WE NEED: Men & Women to donate valuable plasma. WE PROVIDE: The friendliest staff in town, TV entertainment, 2 hours free parking, $15 for each donation, and bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs.AII new donors and those who haven't donated within two months receive $25 with this ad. New and my boo-boo donors please call 474-2335 for an appointment. *S.*!J£5£S* Lincoln Donor Center ’TfiSiP 126 N. 14th Suite 2