The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1992, Page 7, Image 7
Classified „„„„ ^ CLASSIFIED INDEX IY.i) c » | i' 63 Pregnancy hUKMAl.h 64 Printing & CoDvino . " 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 60 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers __ 8 Furniture vnTtf't'c 9 Garage Sales .><■/ K.ha 10 Misc. For Sale 12 Musical Instruments Jx: . 13 Office Furniture 105 Career Events 14 Pets 110 Announcements 15 Photo Equipment ion rwk'Sifai™ ifi 9noriinn H/wic >20 Greek Affairs 18 Stereos9TvT1 130 Studeni Government 19 Ticket Exchange If? , . 20 Vehicles “ 145 Lost & Found venicies 148 Wanted SFRVICFS 14® Fundraising 22 Adoption 23 Alterations A Sewing hiu .. -- 25 Automotive £h W«£af^ee<3ed » 27 Bicycle Service £ tH£,2?2ed,«K 29 Bridal Work Study Jobs 30 Catering 164 Summer Jobs 32 Cleanino/Laundrv 166 ,nternsh|P8 33 Cleaning/Households == 34 Computer Service nULM.Mi 36 Entertainment -■ ■ 38 Gift Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health A Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent 50 Legal 191 Summer Housing 60 Misc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 62 Photography 194 Homes For Sale _ 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $ 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. i ne Daily Nebraskan will not pnnt any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made agamst the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered Include the price of the items for sale Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface art or a box Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 3 Bicycles For Sale '91 Gary Fisher Supercaliber Mtn Bke. 20" Alum OS Frame. Suntour XC Comp, cordless computer, low mile age. 476 3574 Lincoln Police Department Notice ol sale of unclaimed bicycles on December 5,1992 at 1000am at Lincolnland Towing, 410 West P St. No checks accepted i 6 Computers For Sale Apple Imagewriter II Printer. S299 Call 421-1861 eve nings. Tandy 1000 color monitor with printer. IBM compatible $800 or best otter. 475-1723 after 3:00pm. 16 Sporting Goods Ranger paintball gun. sights, silencer, hopper, C02 and mask. S3S0 OBO 467 6240 hr. msg 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale For Sale: Color TV. $75, and alsq VCR w/remote, $90. Both excellent condition. 466 8520. 19 Ticket Exchange For sale: Student ticket lor this semester s basketball games Take 1 or all. BO 476 2937 FOR SALE: A Christmas Carol tickets, 5 lor Dec. 12.436 9178. Wanted: 2 UNL season BB tickets 489-1538 leave message 20 Vehicles For Sale 1989 VW Fox. 2-door. 4 speed, air. AM/FM cassette, super clean. 60,000 miles. $3850 otters 1986 Mazda RX7,5 speed, air. AM/F M cassette, sunroof, extra clean. 77.000 miles. $4850 otters Beer e Auto Selee, 1647 So. 3rd. 477-6442. Black ‘89Pontiac Sunbird. sunroof. AC. AM/FM cassette, tinted windows. FWD. 5-speed. $6200 OBO 476-7560 110 Announcements AIRLINE SAVINGS Save on tickets home. Make money being a represents re 488-3193.___ Brown Bag Symposium Is UNL a Black & White Campus Only? “A Discussion on how Latinos, Hispanics & Chicanos are treated (mistreated) at UNL” St udents. Faculty and Staff are encouraged to participate Wednesday, December 2,1992 Noon-1:30 p.m. Nebraska Union Sponsored by MASA, UPC-Chicano Special Events, the Coahtion of People of Color, the Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs, the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Minorities, and the Office of Affirmative Aclion, How Would YOU Improve the University? 5 Year Projection Comm. OPEN FORUM We need your input!! Thursday -Dec. 3 7:00 p.m. Nebraska Union (Room to be posted) INTRAMURAL TUG-OF-WAR Cook Pavilion will be the site of Intramural Tug-Of-War (M.W.C) on Wednesday, 12/2 beginning at 6:30pm. Come early and be sure to bring your current UNL photo I.D. Teams are comprised of 6 (lightweights) or 8 (unlim- . ited, women, co-rec) people. i & w Join the Hysteria! 2nd Annual Holiday Hoops Hysteria B-ball Tournament Men s, Women's & Co-Rec divisions Entries due Dec. 2 by 5:30pm at 55 Campus Rec, or East Campus Activities Bldg Tournament begins Dec. 4th Sponsored by Sport Officials Assoc Office for Student involvement Looking for Graphics Artist to work with desktop publish ing 10-12 hours weekly. Pick up your application in 200 Nebraska Union. Please return your application to 200 Nebraska Union by 4:00 p.m. on December 7. Poinsettia Sale Monday, Nov. 30th Tuesday. Dec. 1st East Campus Union 8:30am-4:00pm" Tuesday. Dec 1st City Campus Union 10:00am-2 00pm* Presented by UNL Horticulture Club * or until supplies last . Posters! Posters! Posters! Recycled Sounds, 824 P St. 476-8240. We buy and trade, too. Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Store now open 1 -5 Monday through Saturday. 1911 R St., 438-3135. STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm & every other Wednesday (11/11,11/ 25,12.2) at 4:00pm. International Affairs, 1237 R Street. 472 5358 TWO POSITIONS OPEN Campus Recreation Advisory Council Residence Hall Alternate and Off-Campus Alternate; Application deadline December 4th. Apply at 55 CREC or 32 East Campus Activity Building. For more information call 472-3467. 115 Meetings Agronomy Club Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 2, 7:30 pm. Rm 327 Keim Hall. ALPHA ZETA Initiate test Wednesday. December 2, 5:30pm., East Campus Union. Please bring duesl Campus Red Cross Next meeting Tuesday, December 1 at 6:30pm in lower level ot the Health Center. Everyone Welcomel Come Join ECOLOGY NOW Meetings every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Student Union CORNCOBS Meeting 4:30 today in Union Phi Chi Theta 5 00 Actives, 5 30 Pledges. Wear t shirts, Union. UNION BOARD Christmas party today at 5:00pm in the City Union. Don't torget your gifll UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS Meeting today at 5:00pm. with elections and new mem bers arriving at 6:30pm LOTS OF FUN! 120 Greek Affairs KA Congratulations to the new appointed officers of Pi Chap ter: Activitles-Tonya H.; Alumnae Relations-Tonya 0.; Asst. Membership-Karen S.; Asst Pledge Education Melissa Z . Holly H.; Asst. Soclal-Michelle L.. Chaplain TinaC.; Computer Chair-NicoleG.; Dagger Dealer-Shelly K.; Gracious Living-Angela L , Guard Alison G.; Histo rian-Amy K.; Intramurals-Lori D.; Magazine Chair Mary K ; Membership Education-Kelli K.; Parliamentarian Alexa G : Philanthropy-Ginger B.; Project Excellence Debbie W; Recommendation Committee lisaC„ Carrie W , Alison G.; Scholarship-Debra B.; Sergeant at Arms Alison G.; Shamrock Project chalr-Cheryl N.; Sisterhood Teresa O.; Social Amy H.; Spirit-Lisa T.; Songleader Hill H.; Efficiency-Teri D. Congratulations to Jason P. on your engagement to Laura 3. (AXO) The Men of Dalta Tau Delta Mpha Phi congratulates Paul Just /Vinner of a Hot Air Balloon ride for two! Congrats to Stef E. (AXO) for being elected Lincoln Rush Chairl Congratulations to Justin Tyner on his engagement. The Men Of Sig Ep Congratulations tothe newly-elected executive officers of Sigma Phi Epsilon: ED WILEY, President; AARON ROB ERTS, Vice-President; SHAWN FOX, Controller; THAD -OLLETT, Alumni Operations Director; BRIAN SHEARER, Pledge Educator; SMALL DAVE MERRITT, Secretary; and DAVE ASKIMIT. Chapter Program Direc °r -1 congratulations to Kurt Ackman on ypur receiving the CBA Golden Key Award. ' The Men of DeltaiTau Delta Congratulations to new Golden Key executive officers: Cave Hengen-President and Ladd Lake-Historian. The Men of Delta Tau Delta 130 Student Government GLC TUESDAY—6:30 NEBRASKA UNION 145 Lost & Found rOUND: Open faced notebook at the Great Plains Art Callery on 11-18-92. Claim at Great Plains Art Gallery. :OUND: Prescription eyeglasses at University Health Center. Call 472-7460 to identify 148 Wanted ~~ BASSIST NEEDED FOR Experimenting Art Rock Band 136-0093 149 Fundraising FUNDRAISER. We re looking for a student organization that would like to make S500-5l500for one week market ing project. Organized and hard working Call 800-592 2121, Ext. 308 150 Child Care Needed Care lor my children, eight and nine, in my home before and after school Monday-Friday. West A area. 438-1640. 160 Help Wanted **DaVinci’s** 14th & Superior 434-7050 44th & O 434-7060 120 N. 66th 434-7070 Now hiring for all positions & shifts. Flexible scheduling to match your hours. Apply in person Monday-Friday or call for an appointment. Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks & Recreation hiring for Afterschool Recre ation positions to start January 4,1993. Assistant Leader ($4.40/hour). Hours: 2:30-5:45 p.m. or 3:15-5:45 p.m., Monday-Friday. Plan and conduct activities for elemen tary children. Apply at: Playground Office. 1225 F Street, Second Floor 441-7952 EOE/AA Responsible scorekeepers needed for Sunday night youth basketball league. Season runs 12 weeks, paid training involved, season starts Nov. 29. Apply at Youth Sports Office, YMCA 1039 "P" SPRINGBREAKERS Promote our Florida Spring Break packages. Earn MONEY and FREE trips. Organize SMALL or LARGE groups. Campus Marketing. 800 423-5264 Volunteer basketball coaches needed tor youth league, grades 3-8. 8 week season, practices begin December Apply at YMCA Youth Sports Office, 1039 “P". WENDY’S 14TH & Q 930 N. 48th St. 2615 S. 48th St. 'Flexible shifts available around your schedule ‘Starting wage based on experience ‘Meal discounts 'Be part of a great team ATTENTION: * The Mental Health Association'^ Nebraska needs ener getic. happy people to do easy evening phone work with flexible hours and good pay. Call 467-4360. PRICES FOR STAY-NOT PER NIGHT! SOUTH PADRE ISLAND - *109 5 and 7 NIGHTS DAYTONA BEACH 68 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH , $ 81 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT *129 2. 5 AND 7 NIGHTS MUSTANG ISLAND / PORT ARANSAS *132 5 AND 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND *121 ■ 5 AND 7 NIGHTS FORT LAUDERDALE .*146 5 AND 7 NIGHTS 12th Annual Party! TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 RfeBBS Find more of the mnsie you wont for less money This week* find the following titles at Twisters' everyday low prices! •Head East-"Flat as a Pancake" *Stan Getz-"Essential Stan Getz" •Styx-"Equinox" ‘Billie Holiday-"Essential Billie Holiday" •Styx-"Grand Illusion" , •Charlie Parker-"Essential Charlie Parker" •Nazareth-"Hair of the Dog" *Pat Metheny-"Works" •Pretty In Pink-Soundtrack *Ella Fitzgerald-"Jazz Round Midnight" •Breakfast Club-Soundtrack ‘Charlie Parker-"Bird Original Soundtrack" •Police-"Outlandos D'Amour" - •Police-"Regatta De Blanc" - •Elton John-Greatest HitsVol. I -Kentucky Headhunters-"Electric Barnyard" •Eric Clapton-'Time Pieces" 'Ka,hy Mattea- 'Untasted Honey" •U2-"War" ‘Kathy Mattea-"Willow in the Wind" •John Cougar Mellencamp-Self titled *Reba McEntire- Best Of •U2-"Under a Blood Red Sky" -Statler Brothers-"Best Of" •Moody Blues-"Days of Future ..." ‘Johnny Cash- Classic Cash •Moody Blues-"On the Threshold” “"2"2" u, „ 'John Mayall-"Hard Road" * n 0r®et'p. e . *re 'Robert Cray-"Strong Persuader" •Enc Clapton- Slowhand .Robert Cray-"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" - *Etta James-”Seven Year Itch” - ‘Buckwheat Zydeco-Self titled •Marvin Gaye-"Greatest Hits" *John Mayall'"A Sense °f place" •Big Chill-Soundtrack” •James Brown-"Live At the Apollo" •Bob Marley- Rastaman •Bob Marley-"Rebel Music" •Bob Marley-"Exodus" •1401 "O" St. ‘East Park Plaza -6105 "O 'St. • 434-2500 434-2510 434-2520