Disney’s ‘Aladdin’ creates magical memories for all “Aladdin” By Gerry Beltz Staff Reporter __ Disney has rubbed its magic lamp, and the gift from that lamp is “Aladdin,” (Douglas 3, 13th and P Streets) a classic talc for young and old. Aladdin is a street-smart kid who, along with his playful monkey friend Abu, constantly is avoiding the palace guards in his carefree lifestyle. Still, he yearns to get inside the foreboding palace walls to meet the beautiful princess Jasmine, who is looking for a husband, but is permitted to marry only a prince. Meanwhile, the evil Jafar and his loud mouthed parrot/sidckick Iago, voiced by Gil bert Gottfried, arc scheming to retrieve a magi cal lamp from the Cave of Wonders, but Jafar needs a pure soul — a “diamond in the rough” — lo get into the cave. Enter Aladdin, who retrieves the lamp for Jafar, but ends up keeping it. Aladdin rubs the lamp to read an inscription, and lo and behold, out pops the genic (hilari ously portrayed by Robin Williams.) The genie then grants Aladdin the standard three wishes and “ixnay on wishing for more wishes!” What the genic truly wishes for is his free aom, out that can only be granted by a wisn from his master. Aladdin promises to free the genic on his third wish, but uses his first wish to become a prince, and the romance-adventure story takes off from there. Director John Musker (“The Great Mouse Detective”) keeps the moviegoer entranced from the opening moments all the way to the credits with superb animation, great characters and an incredible trio working on the movie’s music. The late Howard Ashman (“Beauty and the Beast” and “The Little Mermaid”,) Alan Menken and Tim Rice make a terrific team for “Aladdin,” and bring forward great songs such as “A Whole New World” (sung by Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle) and “Friend Like Me” (by Robin Williams). Special note should be made to the charac ters of Abu and Aladdin’s magic carpet—two characters who don’t speak a single word, but are a proverbial hoot. Williams, however, walks away with the movie in his portrayal as the genie. He’s a zany, fun-loving genie fromwhom noone is safe from characterization, including Peter Lorre, Jack Nicholson and even Sebastian from “The Little Mermaid.” By the way, Disney has checked into the chances of Williams’ eligibility at the Acad emy Awards for Best Supporting Actor. Yep, he is. “A ladd in” looks to be a surefire hoi iday box office smash. Allwosneak preview showingsof “Aladdin” at the East Park Three Theaters, the 252-scat theater sold out at both showings, the first in 18 minutes, and the second in 13 minutes. During Thanksgiving weekend, it was sellout after sellout for both screens at the Douglas 3. Definitely check it out. Heck, you’ll laugh so much that you’ll want to sec it twice! Gay radio station in Denver expected to reach 7.5 million DENVER (AP) — The manager of a new coast-to-coast lesbian and gay radio station said listeners would find plenty of music from ho mosexual artists and issue-oriented news, but those looking for titillation should tune out. “People will be bored before they will be titillated,” Clay Henderson said Saturday night, soon after KGAY went on the air. “There is nothing that will go out on the airwaves that will offend my sweet, little, old, Republican mother in Brazoria County, Texas,” he said. Broadcasting from a tiny Denver studio crammed on opening night with television, magazine and radio reporters, Henderson said investors pumped $1 million into the station to bring “mainstream radio for a gay and lesbian audience” to market. The station isn T available without a satellite dish. Although the nation has other radio sta tions that offer gay and lesbian programming, KGAY is expected to reach an estimated 7.5 million homes in the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. Direct broadcast satellite reception will be an option on some late 1993 and 1994 automo biles. The station also is working to encourage cable systems to carry KGAY as background • music for their information channels. Specifically lesbian and gay programming is scheduled for about 65 hours each week, coupled with 105 hours of progressive rock music. The station’s news programming in cludes reports from the Albuquerque-based Gay Net News Service, Henderson said. The station is not governed by the Federal Communications Commission, but Henderson said his staff — 12 people in Denver and eight correspondents — has been instructed to be “journalists first, gay journalists second. “Wc have a responsibility to show both sides of the story and to label opinion exactly that,” he said. Henderson said he expected advertising volume on the station to be heavy. “We offer a very brand-conscious, loyal consumer,” he said. “Studies have shown that advertisers that will invest in advertising to the gay community, the gay community will re spond.” KG AY doesn’t give out its station address to the general public, partly because of anti-ho mosexual sentiment in Colorado. The state’s voters approved a measure in November that invalidated gay rights ordinances in three cities and prohibits any such laws from being enacted in the future. Trees Continued from Page 13 1 c Salazar also runs afoul of Alexis Ritter, head f of a local nudist/New Age religious cult, who is r able to come on to a man and then curse him like t a sailor in the next breath. Her cull is in league with the kook leader and, at first, indifferent to J the logging. ] Salazar finds the environmental destruction not only aesthetically displeasing, but getting ( in the way of his thesis, and he begins a guerri 11a ( war against the logging interests, making a few i onverts along the way. The end is full of action and culminates at he rim of a volcano. De Camp does a fine job with the alien ulturc by making them nonviolent with sev ral interesting quirks. He lays on theenviron ncntalism, but pro that he is, avoids com ing ofl is preachy. He also shows he can write a fair seduction ccnc, something that never would have goiter >ast the editors when he began writing. “The Venom Trees of Sunga” is as fresh anc urrent as anything done by a new writer—bui >f course, the seasoning behind it makes it that nuch better. Classified i ■ ■ I ■.- ■ .... I -- - - - ' FOR SALE g tggS/c^. aTmT7m~~m~m 68 Recycling 2 Appliance* 72 Rental* 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Book* 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry BO Typing & Resume* 6 Computer* - 8 Furniture NnTirfS 9 Garage Sale* Ul K ™ 10 Misc. For Sale ino Rides \l 105 Career Events 14 2£?*Furnt,uf# 110 Announcements 11 isssT * o 130 Student Government q 1*0 Pertoneit 20 EES*"" 145 lOU * Found ” V*'cl** U8 Wanted SERVICES 149Fundfaisin« zUHLOophorT^™™™ ^<)RS _ 25 AuRmwiM^ Sewing 150 child Car* Needed 27 fiSsZvica 160 Help Wanted 2Q 5 ^ ** 162 Work Study Job* £ 164 Summer Job* 32 Cleaning/Laundry 166 lnl»,n,h|P» 33 Cleaning/Households UAI 34 Comouter Service v HUVJSIIM) 36 Entertainment ======-- ■ *■ ■■ 38 Gift Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health & Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutonng 185 Duple* For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent 50 Legal 191 Summer Housing 60 Mlsc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 62 Photography 194 Home* For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals uu per oay tor is woros on inaivrauai stuaeni and student organization ads. $4.00 per day tor 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. 3 Bicycles For Sale_ 91 Gary Fisher Supercaliber Mtn. Bke. 20" Alum OS Frame, Suntour XC Comp, cordless computer, low mil* ape 476-3674_ Lincoln Police Department Notioe of sale of unclaimed bicycles on December 5,1992 at 1000am at Lincoln land Towing, 410 West P St. No checks accepted I 6 Computers For Sale Tandy 1000 color monitor with printer. IBM compatible $800 or best offer. 475-1723 after 3:00pm. SSSSS8BB=S====: 16 Sporting Goods Ranger paintball gun, sights, silencer, hopper, C02 and mask $350 OBO 467 6240 hr. msg. u 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale For Sale: Color TV. $75. and also VCR w/remote. $90 Both excellent condition. 466-8520. 19 Ticket Exchange :or sale: Student ticket lor this semester's basketball james. Take 1 or ad. BO. 476-2937. Wanted: 2 UNI season BB tickets. 489-1538 leave Ties sage. 20 Vehicles For Sale "OR SALE; '77 red Porsche-4 seater. turbo hood, apollo rims, sunroof, $4000 obo. 464-9289 22 Adoption A caring couple understands that adoption isn't an easy choice. We can give your newborn love & happiness. Expenses paid. Call Leonita & Ted anytime. 1-800-578 4226._ Dear Birthmother, We are a rural Nebraskan couple with a two year old adopted daughter. We are eager to adopt again. If you can hep us. please cad 1-800-538 2069._ Imagine this tor your baby 11 Full time mom, doting dad. aty and country homes, love, laughter, lullabies, expenses paid. Cal collect anytime Larry and Camille 718-438 5633. ___ Loving, outdoors couple desires to adopt a baby House lull of laughter, lot* of nieces t nephews waiting. Medical/ legal expenses paid. Please call Alicia & Michael at 1 BOb 742-3624._ _ Pregnant? No pressure, no lectures Just help. A safe place to la A Nebraska Children's Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 Ask lor Bettv or Cindv Wecan heb you during this difficult time by providing your newborn with endless love and devotion. Expenses paid Connie and Philip, 1800-582 2501. 42 Health and Fitness OVER WEIGHT? MAINTAIN AND LOSE THE NATURAL SAFE WAY. CALL MRS. WHITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ♦ *10 GIFT. 488-8821. (NO PILLS). 62 Photography_ For the best &>ecial Event Photography call: OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Parties, Weddings and Location portraiture. Experienced and Fasti 63 Pregnancy_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please can us lor appoint ment, 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Ask about special rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435^7264. All kinds of typing. Fast, efficient service. Laser printer. Si 25 double spaced page Call 466 4400. Need heb typing papers? It so. call 483-2163 tor quality work and reasonable rates. Perfect Page Distinctive professional laser resumes, dissertations, theses, papers. Rush A same-day available. 486-1201. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan,basement of Nebraska Union. Will do typing. Can Mary at 483-4010 after 1:00pm or leave message. 110 Announcements AIRLINE SAVINGS Save on tickets home. Make money being a representa tive. 488-3193___ Brown Bag Symposium Is UNL a Black & White Campus Only? “A Discussion on how Latinos, Hispanics & Chicanos are treated (mistreated) at UNL” Students, faculty and Staff are encouraged to participate. Wednesday, December 2,1992 Noon-1:30 p.m. Nebraska Union Sponsored by MASA. UPC Chicano Special Events, the Coalition of People of Color, the Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs, the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Minorities, and the Office of Affirmative Action. CLEAN OUT THOSE CLOSETS! The Women's Center is having k a clothing drive November 30—December 9 Bring donations to Room 340 NE Union. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make money teaching English abroad. Japan and TaMran Make $2,00044,000+ per month. Many provide room A board « other benefitsl Financially A Culturally rewarding I For Interna tional Enployment program and application, call the International Employment Group: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5776. INTRAMURAL TUG-OF-WAR Cook Pavilion will be the site ot Intramural Tug-OI-War (M.W.C) on Wednesday. 12/2 beginning at 6:30pm. Come early and be sure to bring your current UNL photo I.D. Teams are comprised ol 6 (lightweights) or 6 (unllm ited. women, oo-rec) people. STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm A every other Wednesday (11/11,11/ 25.12/2} at 400pm International Adairs. 1237 R Street. 472 5358.___ Voice Your Concerns A.S.U.N. Arts and Sciences Constituent Meeting Novem ber 30th from 3:30-4:30pm in the A.S.U.N. OttSa. w Join the Hysteria! 2nd Annual Holiday Hoope Hyeteria B-ball Tournament Men's, Women's & Co-Rec divisions Entries due Dec. 2 by 5:30pm at 55 Campus Rec, or East Campus Activities Bldg Tournament begins Dec. 4th Sponsored by Sport Officials Assoc. Claaeee are starting right now. Call 475-7010. KAPLAN The answer to the teat question MEN WHO SING! Iconoclastic, Individualistic, Independent. Interesting Register NOW tor Varsity Glee, 243/443, MWF, 1230 Poinsettia Sale Monday, Nov. 30th Tuesday, Dec. 1st East Campus Union 8:30am-400pm' Tuesday. Dec. 1st City Campus Union 10:00am-200pm' Presented by UNL Horticulture Club _* or until supplies last Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Store now open. 1 -5 Monday through Saturday. 1911 R St., 438-3135. TWO POSITIONS OPEN Campus Recreation Advisory Council Residence Hall Alternate and Off-Campus Alternate; Application deadline December 4th. Apply at 55 CREC or 32 East Campus ActMty Building For more information call 472-3467; 115 Meetings Campus Red Cross Next meeting Tuesday, December 1 at 6 30pm In lower level o( the Heath Center. Everyone Welcomel HEY SPJ! We have a week full of activities for you. Tuesday, Nov. 30-hot cocoa and cookies in Avery 217 from 24pm. Wednesday and Thursday. Dec 2-3-information booth in City Campus Union from 10am-2pm. Thursday, Dec. 3-take part in a lighthearted discussion ot Journalism classes and professors-6pm. Avery 217. Friday, Dec. 11-SPJ Christmas party at our presidents house-contact Journalism profs. Bender or Brown for more information ‘SPJ t-shirts and membership forme will be available at all activities 120 Greek Affairs Alpha Phi congratulates Paul Just Winner of a Hot Air Balloon rid# tor twol Congratulations to TKE Officers: Pres: T. Bausch; Ext VP: K. Brown; Int VP: E. Regan; Sec: C. Schneider; Chap: J. Baum.Histor: B. Sitverst#ln;Pylo: M. Troia; Treas: P. Just; House Manager: S. Sheppard; IFC: K. Spaulding; Pled Ed: S. Curtis; and Social: V. Shulte TUESDAY—6:30 NEBRASKA UNION West Offers: • Flexible Scheduling • Premium Pay Up to S10 Per Hour • No Selling • College Tuition Reimbursement • Located on Bus Route • Job Qualifications: - 20 wpm Typing - Clear, Distinct Voice - Good Spelling Skills Apply Today! 9910 Maple Street • 571-3200 Monday • Friday, 8 A.M. • 6 P.M. Sunday, Noon ■ 3 P.M. (11/22 -12/20) T9i tMAiKfirWf CORPORATION The Mott Respected Name In Telemarketing An Equal Opportunity Employ*