The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1992, Page 4, Image 4
Opinion Nelaraskan Editorial Board - ——-_UniversityofNebrasKa-JJncoln...__ .__ Chris Hopfensperger. . . . ..Editor, 472-1766 Dionne Searcey...Opinion Page Editor Kris Karnopp.. ..Managing Editor Alan Phelps...Wire Editor Wendy Navralil...Writing Coach Stacey McKenzie ........, .... .•... Senior Reporter Jeremy Fitzpatrick . . ..'..Columnist Artistic debate Notion of state-funded sculptures un founded Some students seem to be a bit confused about the recent art acquisitions by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campuses. The latest arrival, “Grccnpoinl,” by Richard Scrra, has sparked interest from a few concerned members of the UNL commu nity, such as one reader of the Daily Nebraskan. “I am so glad to see the University of Nebraska- r" Lincoln put its money to good use,” a writer said in c a letter to the editor. That attitude is noticeable in comments, com plaints and letters reflecting that students must think the university paid out of its own pocket to decorate the campus with sculptures from internationally known artists. Why, that would be just plain foolish in a financially straining year when even more budget cuts arc being contemplated. Nebraska taxes didn’t pay for the sculptures. - “Greenpoint” — the $300,(XX) sculpture between Burnett and Andrews halls — was paid for with funds generated by the Sheldon Art Gallery. The sculpture has two curvilinear walls that are 16 feet high and 20 feet long with two47 inch openings. “G reenpoi nt” weighs80,000 pounds and is made from a self-sealing weather steel. f \ Ij 1 Michael Heizer’s “Prismatic Flake,” i east of Love library, was financed en tirely by private funds and donations last fall. Heizer’s sculpture is con structed of concrete and makes •• reference to a scraper-like in- # strument used by the Native r'' Americans of the Midwest. It is , 36 feet long and about 5 feet « lull. David Badders/DN The 1985 Charles Ginniver sculpture, “Shift,” on the comer of 12th and Q streets was a gift from Gerald Kohs and his wife, both of Atherton, Calif. “Shift” is composed of two steel parallelograms that connect in the center by sharing one side. No matter what form, art isopen to interpretation. Students should feel free to intelligently criticize those sculptures that have been referred to as the rusty metal slabs, the surlboard and that other thing. But don’t knock the sculptures because the university paid lor them. It didn’t. And don't knock them because they look weird or clutter the landscape. Why bother worrying about clutter? It isn’t as though the university’s architecture adheres to a theme. It’s nice to know people from the outside notice UNL and care enough to donate money lomakclhc campus, in their opinion, a little better. , And it’s their prerogative to donate money for sculptures instead of scholarships or books. • Suff editorials represent the official policy of the Fall 1992 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Ldilorial Board. Iidilorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. lidilorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students. The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Inciters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit material as guest opinions. The editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published.'Letters should included the author’s name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Requests to withhold names will not be granted Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, 54 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. t IP" — \N "WE. WUTMty ^ UKTNKE-RlCf^... • ...NWomm^, T-PGRee. -ma&mz ufe^ie.,. SJuSisX? w Fr^ 0TOCE,?5' — Awareness I would like 10 commend several individuals and university organiza tions for their focus and concern on rape education and awareness. The first Rape/Sexual Assault Awareness Week is in progress on our campus and it is important that these issues arc addressed and not neglected. I would like to congratulate An drew Sigerson, ASUN president, and Leslie Strong, ASUN senator, for de veloping and enacting Awareness Week. Greek organizations should also be recognized for their Rape Education on Campus Training pro gram that addresses rape awareness issues faced by college students. The University Health Center should also receive part of the credit because of their “To Their Health” publication. An article on alcohol and date/acquaintance rape proved to be very informative. It included helpful hints for both males and females on how to prevent offensive sexual situ ations. I congratulate these groups and individuals on a very successful pro gram. Involving both our campus and our community in this educating pro cess will prove to be beneficial to many in the future. Bravo, and a job well done! Shannon Schneider freshman accounting Modern art I’d like lo'iurn your attention to those two big slabs of metal someone dropped between Andrews and Burnett. I’ve heard much speculation and criticism from people w alking by our new sculpture. People please wake up! r \ It takes more than just a Top 10 football team to make our university competitive and known on a national level. If you want to critic i/e art, fine, but do it with some intellect. The talk I’ve heard is akin to an eight-year old telling a heart surgeon not to cut someone’s chest open. If you don’t understand it then please say that. Don’t write it off as stupid when it is only your lack of knowledge in the field of art. George Ncubcrt has done an excel lent job building our collection of 20th century American art into one of the best anywhere. Thisonly strength ens and diversifies the educational opportunities available at your uni versity. And as far as the amount spent on the piece, you need not lose sleep, the less than hal f-m i II ion dollarts came mostly from private donations to Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery. If you know and care about mod em art you’re silting on the gold pile oi snekion s collection. ii you don t care, then please lake advantage of other opportunities offered by the university that you are interested in. There is no way for a person to assume that every student here will appreciate or even understand all the elements of the university. So when you walk by Richard Scrra’s Grccnpoint, laugh if you’d like. I’ll just smile, anticipating the possible coming of Claus Oldcnberg. Malcolm Miles senior English Liberal lawyers In contrast to Sam Kepfield’s head line (“Liberals infiltrate bar associa tion,” DN, Nov. 9), I submit this one: “Sam jumps ABA ship with rest of fleeing conservatives.” Kepfield writes in his article that he canceled his American Bar Asso ciation membership because of some recent ABA resolutions and because of hypocrisy and arrogance in the profession. Resignation is not a logical reac tion. You need to submit your mem bership form and pay your dues so you can vote and argue your opinions with your fellow lawyers for what you perceive is morally right. With regard to Kcpficld’s opin ions of law students, I offer anyone to visit the law college and talk with students, faculty and library staff members about Kepficld’s columns. You’ll find the conversations stimu lating,enlightening and diverse. Any thing but myopic. Kcpficld’s gener alizations about law students arc his own fabrications. Brian Slriman associate professor UNL Law Library Affirmative action Well, Jon Brumng, you have suc ceeded in gelling a reply (“Conserva tives, come out of closet,” DN, Nov. 13). Conservatives arc not off licking their wounds from the election; they just have jobs and responsibilities that prevent them from answering your inane arguments. Considering my limited time, I will hold my reply to your diatribe to the subject of affirmative action. You state in your column that, “If a woman or a black person takes the place of a white male in a law school entering class, we’re all better off.” Given this, why didn’t you give up your place in the 1991 entering class? Don’t you realize that by selfishly holding/onto that slot that you are depriving the law school of the much needed perspective that an additional woman or person of color could have provided! Shame on you, that's not very pro gressive. Maybe you are a closetcon servativc. All kidding aside, the subject of racial preferences is a serious issue. Even if one accepts the notion that it is permissible to remedy past racial discrimination by endorsing a racial preference, affirmative action is still flawed. The major premise of affirmative action is that because of racial, ethnic and economic discrimination minor ity members of our society do not have the same opportunities as do other members of society. This in turn justifies using lower criteria in gradu ate and professional school admis sions in their consideration. If grades and exam scores such as those on the LS AT and GRE are to be used as a proxy for privilege in our society, then the wrong group of white students are being excluded from our graduate and professional schools. White students with mid-range LSAT’s have just as much prima facie evidence that they have been disad vantaged as do similar situated mi nority students. If we are to create a truly diverse learning atmosphere in law school, thc^e students must be included. It is the high scoring, privi leged, pampered, white aristocrats who must be denied admission. Ron Schmidt law, psychology Racism The recent questioning and photo graphing of five black UNL men in the Candice Harms investigation is blatantly racist. Mitchell Strong, one of the stu dents questioned, said he w&soffcndcd by police actions and the fact that James Gricscn backed up the police, but docsn ’ t blame Gricscn because he was just “looking out for the interests of everyone.” Do you really think that if Gricscn was your friend and cared about you like you believe, he would allow UNL records on race to be available to police so they could question you and unjustifiably treat you as a suspect by photographing you? I’m glad Sen. Ernie Chambers is standing up to these people. Whether he is being unprofessional or over stepping his bounds is insignificant when compared to the activities of the police and Gricsen. If Chambers has to be extreme to stop this, so be it. If everybody rolled with the flow by not opening their eyes to blatant injustice and prejudice, minorities, to this day, would still be prohibited from voting, sitting on the front of the buses, etc. It’s a good thing that some people have their eyes open. Paul Koestcr senior agronomy