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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1992)
Classified m i e-11 i- - 63 Pregnancy PORSALL 64 Printing 4 Copying , - 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals \ ' 3~ "Bicycles——-- -*■.-74 Tanmng - —— 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel ■ 7 Jewelry 80 Typing 4 Resumes * 6 Computers ■ ■ ( 8 Furniture NOTICES g Garage Sales ■ . ■ - ■ « 10 Misc. For Sale 100 Rides I 12 MusicaJ Instruments 105 Career Events I 13 Office Furniture 110 Announcements r 14 Pots 115 Modtinas 15 Photo Equipment 120 Gr0ek ^air8 16 Sporting Goods 130 Student Government « 18 Stereos/TVs 140 Personals 19 T*? Bxchan9e 145 Lost 4 Found 1 20 Vehicles 148 Wanted « SERVICES- ,49Fl,n',,"*18 . JOBS i 22 Adoption - 23 Alterations 4 Sewing 150 Child Care Needed 25 Automotive 160 Help Wanted 27 Bicycle Service 162 Work Study Jobs 29 Bridal 164 Summer Jobs f2 Cteaning/Laundry 166 £***1 £ SutKtold* housing 36 Entertainment ---- 38 Gift Ideas ]70 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 73 Housing Wanted 42 Health 4 fitness 75 RoomsTor Rent 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutofing 185 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent eg lenai 191 Summer Housing 60 Misc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 62 Photography 194 Homes For Sale b4 rnoiogapy 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. 6 Computers For Sale Sharp 8 1/2 x 11* Laptop Computer. 1 MB ram, 20 MB harddrive. 1 yr. old, $1200.467-4366, leave message tor Holly. __ 20 Vehicles For Sale _ lent condition. Must selll $2300 OBO 420-1047._ FOR SALE: 77 red Porsche-4 seater. turbo hood, apollo rims, sunroof, $4000 obo. 464-9289 22 Adoption A caring couple understands that adoption isn't an easy choice. We can give your newborn love & happiness. Expenses paid. Call Leonita 4 Ted anytime. 1-800-578 4226. _ ADOPTION Doctor dad and lull-time mom yearn to adopt newborn. Our loving and musical home, puppy, and big extended family await. Expenses paid. Please call Susan and Gil 1* 800-572-7525._ Dear Birthmother, We are a rural Nebraskan couple with a two year old adopted daughter. We are eager to adopt again. If you can hep us, please calf 1-800-538-2069. Loving, outdoors couple desires to adopt a baby. House full of laughter, lots of nieces 4 nephews wailing. Medical/ legal expenses paid. Please call Alicia 4 Michael at 1 800-742-3624.___ Pregnant? No pressure, no lectures Just help. A sale place to tak Nebraska Children a Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 Ask lor Betty or Cindy 31 Child Care Services YWCA CHILD CARE Part-time and hourly care. Flexible schedules-licensed. Close to campus at 1432 N St. Call 476-2802 to register. 36 Entertainment_ Latin dance lessons, waltz and poKa tool Learn the motivational method. Private lessons. $5. Dan 486-4563. \2 Health and Fitness ( OVER WEIGHT? IAINTAIN AND LOSE THE NATURAL SAFE WAY. IALL MRS. WHITE FOR FREE SAMPLES + $10 GIFT. BB-.8821.,(NO PILLS).. ....._ . >3 Pregnancy •REGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping iand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint nent, 483-2609. SO Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Duality resumes, cover letters, typing. Ask about special ates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. Ml kinds of typing. Fast, efficient service. Laser printer. 51.25 double spaced page. Call 466-4400. Mi typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave._ Perfect Page Distinctive professional laser resumes, dissertations, theses, papers. Rush & same-day available. 486-1201. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan,basement of Nebraska Union. Will do typing. Call Mary at 483-4010 after 1:00pm or leave message. 103 Spring Break Trips Spring Break Cancun Airfares $389 Limited Space- Deposit now to hold reservation. Call A.S.A.P. 423-4500 110 Announcements Arts and Crafts Sale Nov. 18th & 19th East Union Great Plains Room 9am - 5pm Sponsored by UPC Visual Arts/Voces_ GOLDEN KEY MEMBERS ELECTIONS Tuesday. November 17,8:00pm. in 551 Hamilton Hall. If you want to run for an office, pick up an officer profile form from 551 Hamilton. All members welcome to come and vote _ INTRAMURAL PITCH TOURNAMENT Entries will be accepted in both Campus Recreation Offices Nov. 4-17 for the Intramural PitchTournament (no fees) Play will begin on 11/23at the NE Union Rec Room. A current UNI photo 1.0. is required of all participants. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I\ 1 1 1 1 ' “Oh, wonderful! Look at this, Etta — another mouth to feed.” Graduate Women In Science Presents: )r. Helen Moore on "Women's Educational and Occupa onal Paths; Is There a linkage?" November 16 at 4:00pm, East Campus Union. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make money teaching English abroad. Japan and Taiwan. Make $2,000-$4,000+ per month. Many provide room & board + other benefits I Financially & Culturally rewardingl For Interna tional Employment program and application, call the International Employment Group: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5778. Rape/Sexual Assault Awareness Week November 16 REACT-Presented by Matt Beets (Rape Education Awareness and on Campus Training). 7:30pm NE Union Ballroom November 17 "He sald...she said" panel discussion and video presen tation on what students at UNL need to know about rape/ sexual assault on campus. 11:45am-100pm NE Union Lounge "When No Isn't Enough" Self defense training and rape awareness by Kit Boesch. 3-5:00pm Campus Recreation Martial Arts Room T. Marni Voee, comedian and speaker on rape. 8.00pm NE Union Ballroom. November 18 "Playing the Game" A presentation by Judith Kriss of the Women's Center and Pat Tetreault of the University Health Center. 6:30pm NE Union Regency Suite. November 19 Nancy Ziegen meyer, author of the book "Taking Back My Life" on her personal rape experience. 7:00pm Lied Center. > Presented by ASUN INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER c Register for Intramural Indoor Soccer (M,W) at either C Campus Recreation Office by Nov. 17. Play will begin 12/ * 2 and continue into the Spring semester. A current UNL ti photo I.D. is required of all participants prior to each game. _ MEN WHO SING! - J Iconoclastic, Individualistic, Independent, Interesting. J Register NOW for Varsity Glee. 24(6 443, MWF, 12:30 : See how the Mexican Mafia began inthe movie "AMERI CAN ME.” Witness the struggled Latino*in the 1940's. A discussion following, November 18, Wednesday, 6:30pm at the Culture Center. FREE ADMISSIONI ---—- t ' STUDENT FEES Committee for Fees Allocation Questions??? -Concerns III ■ Voice your opinions to the CFA Comm, on the fees you are charged. . Thursday, Nov. 19 East Campus Onion 5:30 p.m. City Campus Union 6:30 p.m. STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm & every other Wednesday (11/11,11/ 25,12/2) at 4:00pm. International Affairs, 123/ R Street, 472-5358.__ WOMEN S CENTER Racism and Sexism-Tues. Nov. 17, 1130, Room 338 Nebraska Union. 115 Meetings_ j Biology Club Meeting Thursday, Novem&er 19 at 7:30pm in Room 118 Manter. Elections will be held that night. Please attend if you want to be an officer. Refreshments will be provided. NU Meds Meeting Wednesday, November 18, 6:00pm in City Union. Speaker will be from Career Planning and Placement Center to discuss Med School Interviews. Phi Upsilon Omicron Tuesday, November 17,1992 5:00pm -HE 121/124 Speaker (ropi Helping Hands You saved me and my boo-boo from bleeding to death One of the diseases your plasma fights is hcmophillia NEED CASH? Help others while helping yourself. WE NEED: Men & Women to donate valuable plasma. WE PROVIDE: The friendliest staff in town, TV entertainment, 2 hours free parking, $15 for each donation, and bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs.All new donors and those who haven't donated within two months receive $25 with this ad. New donors please call 474-2335 for an appointment. Lincoln Donor Center 126 N. 14th Suite 2 Expaei 11/30/92 CORNHUSKER SKI* CLUB eneral meeting Wednesday, Noverrtser 18, Noodles omedy Club, 7:30pm. Program: Fashion Ski Review. 5now skiing ability is NOT a prerequisite to joinl tnforma sn:423-5926 120 Greek Affairs-—.... 0X ongratulations to John L., Tracy R., and Scott C. on eing selected for Judicial Board. The Men Of Theta Chi rhe men of Pi Kappa Phi would Ike to thank the following Executives for serving great terms: President-Brian jubbels. Vice President-Sean Neumayer; Treasurer lason Skiff; Secretary-Bill Feely; Historian-Aaron dark os, Chaplin-Kevin Pond; Warden-Travis Smalley; >ocial-Mike Hornbeck. Your efforts are greatly appreci itedl steamboat DECEMBER 12-19 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS f$77^1 JANUARY 2-16 • 5. 6 OR 7 NIGHTS t~ VAIL/BEAVER CREEK DECEMBER 14-21 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS I $777] JANUARY 2-14 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS t" *- °T. BRECKENRIP'"-E JANUARY 2-14 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS. tHtL5202 11th ANNUAL - COLLEGIATE £( A A** winter ski A.U^r>/ BREAKS 2*7* TOLL FREE INFORMATIONTRESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson ...MEETING SMILE NfTER sk-mi-mle. \H TUE Ain THERE’S & TEE-HEEL1MG of J, - CMRistMNSSS .. * ft viVK ' J i ' i 71 I _S m THINKING ABOUT IT 'Noth’ VWt IT ®> AW tAl KNOW.' . I Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0717 ACROSS i Opposite of e'en 5 Mall and Tajo ol the Met 10 Incautious 14 Salmagundi is African antelope is-mater 17 Musical reques of 1934 20 Glut 21 Retaliate; avenge 22 Monocle part 24 Sty cry 25 Boatman of myth 29 Set firmly 32 Boring implement 33 Devils or Saints, « eg. ( 34 Hoss's dad 37 Musical request , of 1889 41 Beige 42 Elegant bash ( 43 With 10 Down, Potter character 44 Shelve 46 Pal 47 Minestrone veggies 49-avis 31 Quick looks 34 “-this!" 39 Musical request of 1928 61 Annul 62 Jeweler's weight ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 1 * s 13 Corner u Turns to the right 15 Famous middleman of baseball » Pop DOWN 1 Unruly throngs 2 Sevilla stewpot 3 Very funny fellow 4 “-lay me down..." s Defeated 6 V.P. Barkley 7 Patriotic org. 8 Small piece 9 Notion to See 43 Across 11 Poe tic middle name 12 Artistic cover-up? 13 Peddle vociferously 18 In great number 19 City on the Sa6ne 23 Elementary text 25 Threw out 26 Word with hoop or skirt 27 Not “fer" 28 Roulette space 30 “-, Lucille," 1919 musical 31 A Vanderbilt 33 Freshwater duck 34 Take the bait 35 Paradise 36 Twerp’s cousin 36 Soviet agcy. 39 Spread out 40 Luau souvenir 44 Latin-American dances 45 He wrote “The Nazarene" 46 Areas of activity 47 Level 48 -Cologne so Sadat 51 Gurgling sound 52 “-Homo," Titian painting 53 Croat, e g. 55 Bowlers or sailors 56 Large kangaroo 57 Like sharp cheese 58 Actress Perlman of “Cheers" 60 Crude metal