The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1992, Page 14, Image 13

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    Lyle’s latest work filled with ‘accessible jazz’
“Secret World”
Bobby Lyle
Atlantic Jazz
All aboard for the “Secret World,”
jazz pianist Bobby Lyle’s latest com
pilation of pop-jazz tunes.
Lyle’s lively keyboard credentials
range from playing with Sly and the
Family Stone in the 1970s to AlJarreau
and George Benson in the 1980s.
His instrumental format is intended
to rescue the listener’s brain from
lyrics and exhausting vocals.
Yet, in “Spirit Song (Come To
gether),” background vocals unite in
a jazzy spiritual chant. The chant
provides just enough muscle to break
up the bass and saxophone arrange
ment, fused with Lyle’s spirited key
“Spirit Song,” the cream of the
cuts, was written after the Los Ange
les riots in May. Lyle called it a
“musical tribute to this spirit of com
ing together.”
Following the spirit, the soul of
’ 'Sandancc^erCater ahear-far i n u
sion, using saxophones and drums to
overshadow Lyle’s distant, but deli
cate piano runs.
“ParadiseCovc” moves keyboards
from back to the front where they
blend with the bass playing of Larry
Kimpcl and Ndugu Chancier. “Para
dise Cove” puts listeners’ feet on a
sandy beach where they may expect
to hear sea gulls screeching and waves
When birds arc heard tw i tiering on
the next track, listeners may wonder
whether it’s their imagination.
“Flight to Rio,” a snappy piece,
more along the lines of the traditional
side of jazz, boasts of Richard Silvera’s
fancy fretwork and Lyle’s competent
keyboard runs — runs that refuse to
let up.
If any tunes were nominated for
“weakest track,” then “Heart of the
Woman” would win. It tends to drift
toward a jumble of jazz or perhaps it
is just too watered down.
Lyje said that in the late 1.970s, he._
was accused ofcatering jazz down by
injecting elements of pop, and rhythm
and blues.
“All we did was to make it more
accessible to lot of people who got
lost when they tried to listen to main
stream jazz,” he said.
So, if you get lost in mainstream
hard-to-listcn-to jazz, you m ight want
to consider listening to this mellow
sampling — the ultimate mall music
to shop by.
True-blue jazz fans will likely find
“Secret World” similar to winning a
Publishers Clearinghouse dream va
cation, because the mood Lyle sets
with his music can take them to any
island of their choice.
So, it’s well worth the lime to take
a trip to Lyle’s “Secret World.”
— Jill O 'Brien
Courtesy of Atlantic Records
Bobby Lyle invites listeners into his “Secret World” on his
latest release._
$3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads
$4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$15 each additional word .
$ 75 Billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charge
DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica
4 Books For Sale
Harvard Ciasscs-22 volume set. excellent condition.
550. 459-9961 Or 464-2407.
/ ' ' -"" ' ' " "
6 Computers For Sale
Small portable personal computer-just like new! $275
Call 438- 5869
Sneak Peek Software
4750 Normal Blvd 489-0300 Grand Opening Noverrtoer
7th thru the 14th. Where You Can Try It Before You Buy ,
It At A Fraction Of The Cost Over 300 Software THies to ’
choose from. Stop in and register for free drawings and
take advantage of our Grand Opening Specials i
8 Furniture For Sale
For sale: Beautiful queensae waterbed Only a year old
and has the best mattress and heater Available in
December CaH Julia 477 9916 leave a message
10 Misc. For Sale
'86 VW.$50
■87 MERCEDES.$100
'65 MUSTANG. S50
Choose from thousands starting $25 FREE Information
?4 Hour Hotline 801-379-2929 Copyright «NE11KJC
19 Ticket Exchange
Meed lo sell: RT plane ticket to Denver, Nov. 24-30. Cat
186 4650
20 Vehicles For Sale
1989 Ford Festiva, 70.000 miles. AM,FM cassette, excel
lent condition. Must selll $2300 OBO. 420-1047.
" A
9 Rock 'n Roll
Has Moved! ^
^22 South 52nd ■
(52nd & O)
^ 483-BAND
Grand Opening Special! H
Leather Bike Jackets $125
has a brand spankin’ new CD and to
celebrate that fact Pickles and Duffy’s
are throwin’ a party and you’re invited!
The band will be playin’ |
songs off their CD
Pickles will be sellin’ Rjjl
CDs and Duffy’s
handlin’ the liquor. I
• 1986 Honda Civic. 4-door. auto. A/C. clean. $2450 otters
Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 So. 3rd, 477-6442.
5 1977 Firebird Formula 79K.40K on stock, rebuilt 350, PS,
PB, A/C, stunning red paint, very nicel 436-6112.
FOR SALE: 77 red Porsche-4 seater. turbo hood, apollo
rims, sunroof. $4000 obo. 464 9289 /
100 Rides
BREAK Can leave anytime after 11/24. two people, will
help with expenses, driving. Call Kate477-4349 after 800
110 Announcements
,i. ——■■■■ ■■ ..I —
Arts and Crafts Sale
Nov. 18th & 19th East Union Great Plains Room
9am - 5pm
Sponsored by UPC Visual Arts/Voices
Earn S2,000+/month ♦ world travel (Hawaii,
Mexico, the Carribean. etc.) Holiday, Summer
and Career employment available. No experi
ence necessary For employment program call
1 206 634 0468 ext C5778
Emerging Leader applications now available at 200 NE
Union or 300 NE Union
Tuesday, November 17, 8:00pm. in 551 Hamilton Hall. If
you want to run for an office, pick up an officer profile form
from 551 Hamilton. All members welcome to come and
Register tor Intramural Indoor Soccer (M.W) at either
Campus Recreation Oflice by Nov. 17. Play will begin 12/
2 and continue into the Spring semester A current UNL
ohoto I.D is required of all participants prior to each game
Sunday November 15, at Unitarian Church,
6300 A Street, from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm All are
welcome. (By Hindu Temple of Nebraska Inc.)
Posters! Posters! Posters!
Recycled Sounds, 824 P. St.
We buy and trade, too.
Awareness Week
November 16
REACT-Preaented by Malt Baata (Rape Education
Awareness and on Campus Training), 7:36pm NE Union
November 17
"Ha said.„ehe said panel discussion and video presen
tation on what students at UNI need to know about rape
sexual assault on campus. 11,45am 1 00pm NE Union
"When No Isn't Enough' Self defense training and rape
awareness by Kn Boesch 3-5:00pm Campus Recreation
Martial Arts Room
T. Marni Voaa, comedian and speaker on rape 8:00pm
NE Union Ballroom.
November 18
“Way mg the Game" A presentation by Judith Kriss of the
Women s Center and Pat Tetreault ol the University
Health Center. 6:30pm NE Union Regency Suite
November 19
Nancy Ziegenmeyer, author of the book "Taking Back My
Lite on her personal rape experience. 7:00pm Lied
Presented by ASUN
This « NOT your Grandparents square dance routmel
Join us at Broken Wheel Hall, 6500 N 56th on Friday
November 13, at 8:00pm A lun filled night for only &
donation. No experience needed Cal1464 8124 for infor
UNL Bench Press
Sat. Nov 14 Weigh-ins 8:30-10:00am, Lifting begins at
10:30am. At City Campus, Campus Rec Weight Room
Racism and Sexism-Tues. Nov. 17, 11:30, Room 338
Nebraska Union.
with Outdoor Adventures
* January 2-9, 1993
Relax over Christmas Break and enjoy the amazing
beauty of Yellowstone in the winter time
Contact Jett at ihe Office of Campus Recreation
Room 55.
Campus Recreation Center, 472*477 for more info
120 Greek Affairs
Congratulations to the new Executives President-Darby
Gruber; Vice President-Aiex Barbien; Treasurer-Matt
Meents; Secretary-Bill Feely; Chaplm-Troy Wayman;
Warden-Dave Smith; Hrstonan Judd Nickolson; House
Manager-Jason Skiff; Social-Steel Dutton and Mike
Good luck
The Men of Pi Kappa Phi
ALPHA CHI OMEGA loves our pledgesl We hope you had
a great week'
Love, the Actives
Alpha Phi and Sigma Nu,
Thank-you for helping make homecoming such a suc
The Men of Sigma Alpha Mu
Beta Sigma Psi wants to know:
Where’s the Barn?
Nov. 13,1992
Chi Omega.
Thanks for participating In Melodrama. You guys were
The Men of Acacia
Congratulations Jodi Berry for being selected Sigma Nu
sweetheart Way to gol
Love, your AOli sisters
Congratulations to Beta Sigma Psi's Associate Member
of-the-Week John Enfield and Active of-the-Week Dave
Qlatte. __
Do you know where your associates are?
_Phi Beta Chi Sneak 92
Kappa Sigma.
Saturday pas a blastl Let's do it again soon
The women of Kappa Delta
Ladies don’t forget...
Sigma Nu Little Sister Rush informational meeting to
night, 600 pm at the Sigma Nu House If unable to attend
call Russ at 438-6182. _ 1
Lea Jo (XO).
Happy 22nd birthday1 Remember, it's lust another day
Mo' Bear I
Paranoia definitely doesn't become you I You shouldn't
worry so much Would I do anything to embarrassjou’
Often imitated
Never duplicated
_Be My Idol VII_
To SAE and TriDelt,
Thanks for doing homecoming
The Men of Acacia
To the associates of Pi Kappa Phi:
Great |ob raising money for P U.S.H America on Satur
day.. We thank you lor all of your hard work
The actives of Pi Kappa Phi