The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1992, Image 1
T -.Daily.. ^ Q Awareness Week focuses on aiding victims Clear, precise use of language is key to stopping activity By Matthew Grant Staff Reporter Sexual harassment on university cam puses can be both overt and subtle, and it is not always recognized by its perpe trators. A comment such as, “You did that well for a woman,” is harassment and can have an effect on a person s performance, members of a panel said during an Interactive Video Teleconfer ence Thursday in the Nebraska Union. The teleconference, “Confronting Sexual Harassment On Campus,” was broadcast live r~ from Washington to 275 universities in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. The * teleconference was part of Rape/Sexual As sault Awareness Week at UNL. After the teleconference, Eric Jolly, assis tant to the chancellor and director of Affirma tive Action and Diversity at UNL, led the panel, which talked about sexual harassment issues at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In the eight weeks since Jolly arrived at UNL, he said he had received 32 complaints of sexual harassment. Jolly said university policy would not allow anyone who intentionally broke the sexual harassment rules to remain at UNL. Jolly said he planned to tackle sexual harass ment by raising awareness. “My goal,” he said, “is that a student will not go through this university without bumping into these issues at every turn.” ~See HARASSMENT on 3 Offices coordinate in hopes of easing reporting process By Corey Russman Staff Reporterifc new program to help survivors of sexual assault get their lives back on track will ""be offered at the University of Ne braska-Lincoln, an official said. Eric Jolly, director of the Office of Affirma tive Action and Diversity, said he hoped the program would make it easier for victims to receive university assistance. All too often, Jolly said, only the boldest and most stable victims seek assistance. Jolly said that Cpl. Larry Kalkowski, who works in crime prevention at the UNL Police Department, brought the idea for the program to his attention. “It was a very wise, sound idea,” Jolly said. UNL is modeling its program after a suc cessful program at the University of New Hamp shire in Durham, Jolly said. UNL’s program will coordinate university offices so that a victim may contact either the police department, the Women’s Center or Counseling and Psychological Services at the University Health Center. Every office will have information about the services that other offices can provide for victims. In the past, Jolly said, a victim may have contacted one office without knowing that other offices could offer additional help. This program will “help save the victim See VICTIMS on 3 , , Robin Trimarchi/DN Sen. Bob Kerrey speaks at the dedication of the NASA Regional Teacher Resource Center at the University of Nebraska State Museum Thursday. Space encounter Morrill Hall launches NASA Teacher Resource Center By Jan Calinger Staff Reporter_ The NASA Regional Teacher Resource Cenicr opened at Morrill Hall Thursday, al lowing elementary and high school teachers to spark their students’ interest in science and space explo ration. The center, which will allow teachers to duplicate NASA vid eos, audio tapes and computer pro grams for classroom use, was opened with a special ceremony in which Sen. Bob Kerrey stressed the importance of space exploration in education and today’s world. “The idea of classrooms has changed,” Kerrey said.“We’ll need people to prepare teachers to edu cate students. Much is possible in that area." Kerrey said the resource center would help to inspire today’s stu dents in primary and secondary schools, just as NASA’s space voy ages in the 1950s and ’60s inspired students of that era, including him. “The resource center can make young people come through,” he said. “They will be inspired and educated, and they will answer questions that are not known now.” Joan Lcilzcl, senior vice chan cellor for pcadcmic affairs, also spoke at the ceremony. She said the opening would allow the univer sity to become more involved in education at an early stage. “This new facility will position the museum to have greater partici pation in school-level education in science,” Leitzel said. “We are happy to have the opportunity to participate in it. “The impact will he great and will be positive,” she said. The center was started relatively quickly, said Judy Diamond, assis tant director for public progrants at UNL. UNL was first advised that NASA was searching for possible sites early in the summer of 1992. Confirmation came “within a couple of months,” she said. UNL was told of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s search by the Dcpaitmentof Education. Diamond then had to apply for a grant and had to assure NASA that UNL would match the funds given to it by NASA. Such funds will be used for purchasing hardware, such as vidcocassettc recorders, comput ers and cassette recorders. Joel McClcary, education coor dinator and supervisor for the re source center, said the center would receive about one new video each month and one new handout a week. “There’s a lot of info here, from the beginning of space flight,” McClcary said. He also said there soon would be an “encounter kit” for teachers that would be filled with space-related items. According to the Slate Museum Teachers’ Guide, teachers must bring their own audio and video tapes if they want duplicates of resources. They also will becharged 5 cents a page for copies. But they will not be charged for coming to the center or for Using the copy machines. The center will be open Monday through Friday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., and the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon. • » UJNL waits for Clinton resolution By Jeremy Fitzpatrick Staff Reporter NL’s Academic Senate will wait to see how President-elect Bill Clinton acts on the issue of homosexuals in the military before it lakes further action concerning ROTC on campus, an official said. Royc<? Ballinger, president of the Academic Senate at the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln, said Thursday that Clinton’s election could settle the conflict between the Academic Sen ate and ROTC programs on campus. - In April 1991, the Academic Sen ate passed a resolution proposing aca demic credit be removed from ROTC if it did not comply with the Univer sity of Nebraska’s anti-discrimina tion policies. Homosexuals arc banned from participating in the program by U.S. Department of Defense regula tions. The resolution set a compliance deadline of January 1993. But a conflict between the Aca demic Senate and ROTC may be avoided with Clinton’s election. The New York Times reported Thursday that Clinton said he planned to lift the See RESOLUTION on 6 Baldwin is moved to St. Joseph’s By Susie Arth Senior Reporter Former Nebraska football player Andrew Scott Baldwin was transferred Wednesday from Immanuel Rehabilitation Cen ter to St. Joseph’s Center for Mental Health, an Immanuel official said. Doltic Sater, a spokeswoman for Immanuel, said Baldwin’s treatment had “plateaucd,” and outpatient therapy would be a sufficient way to continue his care. Sater was uncertain if Baldwin would return to Immanuel for outpa tient care or if he would continue his treatment with another physical thera pist. Baldwin, who was shot by an Omaha police officer Sept. 5, was diagnosed as a paraplegic during his stay at Immanuel. __1___ Sater said she believed the therapy See BALDWIN on 6