ASUN to debate revival of prayer at graduation By Angie Brunkow Staff Reporter _ ASUN senators will debate tonight whether to support a recent decision made by the UNL Commencement Committee to eliminate the invoca tion and benediction from commence ment ceremonies. Andrew Loudon, speaker of the sen ate, said the prayers were an important tradi lion in graduation J$i HH and the ban was not supported by the two Association of Students of the University of Ne braska-Lincoln members of the com mittee. Loudon said he planned to bring up a bill on emergency status asking the committee to reconsider its decision. Herb Howe, associate to the chan cellor and a member of the commit tee, said he raised the issue bccauscof the wide diversity represented among graduating seniors. Graduates, Howe said, have a wide range of beliefs and non-beliefs. Howe said thecommiticcalsocon sidered a recent Supreme Court deci sion banning prayers in graduation ceremonies in schools-gradcs kinder Senate Continued from Page 1 interviewed and photographed by UNL police in connection with thc^ casc, but not as suspects, they were told. Chambers has since demanded an apology from university officials for the investigation. Jolly said his office should have been directly involved in the contro versy, but Chambers didn’t contact him. “My office wasn’t as highly in volved as I wish it would have been,” he said. “That won’t happen again.” Jolly told the senate that UNL Po lice Chief Ken Caublc sent a letter to the students apologizing for the department’s actions in the case. The students’ photographs also were re turned. “It’s an accurate and real apol ogy,” Jolly said, “one they deserved.” Improving accessibility for people gartcn through 12-whcn it made the decision. But Loudon said the Supreme Court decision did not deal with post-sec ondary school institutions and should not be considered for the university ceremony. “It’s not against the law,” he said. Howe said the committee realized the Supreme Court decision did not apply to UNL, but it did raise the question of what role prayer played in the ceremony. “This is an academic exercise,” he said. “Let’s keep it academic.” But Loudon said the invocation and benediction would expand cul tural diversity by letting those attend ing the ceremony Icam about differ ent cultures and religions. In other business, ASUN will de cide how many senators need to be represented on the Five-Year Projec tion Committee. The committee, which makes rcc ommendations to AS U N about needed campus improvements, currently has six senate members represented. The proposal would reduce that number to two. Also, ASUN will consider appro priating S5(X) to support Rape Educa tion Week. with disabilities is another project Jolly told faculty members he was working on. Jolly said he had made a list of buildings that needed renovation. Hcfycvcr, only S400,(XX) is now avaiI - able for construction, Jolly said. “Do we have enough money?” he said. “No, but we’re getting there. “I’ll be begging for money; you’ll hear it loudly.” In other business, Mary Beck, chair woman of the Chancellor’s Commis sion on the Status of Women, pro posed that the senate begin oversee ing campus safely inspections. The inspections include a campus walk by university officials after dark once a semester. The walks haven’t been sponsored by a specific organi zation since the campus safety com mittee was dissolved in the early 1980s, she said. The senate unanimously passed this proposal. 1 \ ■' * ' “ 5 Physicist says planet plagued By Corey Russman Staff Reporter The world needs to make a fresh start on the path to achieving a more sustainable world, a Nobel laureate said Tuesday. Murray Gell-Mann, a theoreti cal physicist, spoke at the Lied Center for the E.N. Thompson Fo rum on World Issues, telling more than 1,000 listeners that in this age of growing environmental prob lems, the inhabitants of the world must take the initiative to slop stag nation and extreme growth. “Time is special,” Gell-Mann said. “The 20th century is the cross roads for humans and the world.” The human race has the techni cal capability of altering the bio sphere through chemical and nuclear warfare. Humans also arc capable of destroying the many species with whom humans share the world, he said. In order to achieve a sustainable world,Gell-Mann said,people must use their minds to balance compe tition and manage differences. One means of doing this, Gell Mann said, is to curb the current rate of growth of the world popula tion. A hyperbolic population curve drawn years ago, he said, showed that if the population continued to grow at present rales, the world population could reach infinity by 2025. “Population growth encourages environmental degradation,” he said. The biosphere and the environ ment belong to everyone, he said. The oceans, space and Antarctica do not belong to just one person. Polluting the environment costs the present generation nothing, Gell-Mann said. However, he said, polluters are stealing from future generations. There needs to be a concern for the future, as well as the present, Gell-Mann said. In order for humans to achieve a sustainable world, transitions must be made, he said. The world needs to sec an elimi nation of mega-city problems like pollution and population over growth. It is essential for all coun tries to cooperate and work to gether, he said. The world also needs “botiom up initiatives,” Gell-Mann said. There must be a large number of small, family efforts to save the environment; , Robin Trimarchi/DN Murray Gell-Man, a Nobel laureate in physics, answers ques tions following his lecture at the Lied Center for Performing Arts on Tuesday. Gell-Mann said he thought there should be a planetary bargain in which wealthier countries helped poorer countries monetarily. In re turn, he said, the poorer countries should be required to take mea sures to ensure their own mainte nance. Governments also need to work toward transnational cooperation, Gell-Mann said. Groups from around the world must connect and join together. As of now, “no problem is too small to divide the world into an tagonistic groups,” he said. The world is filled with fragmentation, he said. I The concept of “us” has grown, he said, but it will eventually need to encompass the whole universe — men, women and animals. The world also needs to see an ideological transition in which present thinking is transformed to overcome devastating tendencies such as war and environmental degradation, Gell-Mann said. Gell-Mann compared the world’s environmental problems to driving down an unlit road at night. “Even a little light from a flick ering headlight would be benefi cial.” Veterans Continued from Page 1 Korean War had been forgottenhe said. ‘‘I felt an urge to do something to call attention to it.” Closer to home, Greene has been active in fund-raisers to bring World War II, Korean, Desert Storm and K 9 Memorials to Antelope Park and added to the Vietnam Memorial. Greene, a professor of education at UNL, said the K-9 Memorial was one that he felt especially close to because his dog was killed in World War II. But the memorial, he said, would be dedicated to all dogs in all armies. The idea of Veterans Day began on Nov. 11,1919, exactly one year after Crime Continued from Page 1 Lundy said a car was set on fire Ocl.21 in the unpaved parking lot cast of Pound Hall. Officers believe the arson may be tied to the death of Dung Van Nguyen, 24, of 220 N. 21 si St. Nguyen was (bund dead Oct. 21 from a knife wound to the chest in a recreation area north of Crete. Uni versity and Lincoln officers arc also working together in that investiga tion. “There’s an awful lot going on in Lincoln,” Lundy said. “We’re lied up.” The department has had to spread its officers thin to work on the eases, Lundy said, making it difficult for officers to focus on individual inves the conclusion of World War I. President Woodrow Wilson set aside the day for Americans to re member those who had fought and died the “war to end all wars.” The day was called Armistice Day until 1954, when it was changed to Veter ans Day to honor veterans of all wars and those who serve in timesof peace. Today’s holiday will allow both men to spend lime remembering. Green said he especially would remember his friends who fought in the Korean War and their families uxlay. “I think about the people I knfcw and what they’re doing, and I particu larly think about the people who lost family members in the war,” he said. Greene said he believed it was important locommunicaic the memo ries of the wars to future generations ligations. The UNL Police Dcparuncni has 27commissioncd officers whoarc arc working on all the cases. Lundy said ihc dcparlmcni had even called in off duly officers lo help with searches. “Thai's whai ihcy gel paid for,” he said. “Thai’s whal ihcy’rc here for.” UNL officers have spent time con ducting interviews, searches and mak ing phone calls for each of the cases, Lundy said. In the Harms case, for example, Lundy said officers had contacted people who have had any involve ment with Harms during the past lew months. Officers constantly check with other police bureaus across the nation to sec if cases elsewhere could tic into local investigations. “All the investigators of all the so that they could attempt to under stand. “I’ll be thinking about the people involved in the war and all the cour age it look,” he said. Today, Anderson said. Veterans Day allows him to recall many memo ries of his tour in Vietnam — some good and some bad. Pic lures of his flight crew still hang on the wall of his office. Some of his memories include golfing and joking around with the men in those piclurcs. Other memories arc more serious. But both arc filling for Veterans Day. “(Veterans Day) means remem bering a lolof people who served time in the military for iheir country,” he said. “It means America, it means ihc Hag.” agencies arc very busy contacting people, conducting interviews and pulling pieces together,” Lundy said. Sgl. Ann Heermann of the Lincoln Police said that the department shil led its resources while investigating the Harms case. The Lincoln Police Department employs 247 officers — 220 officers more than the University Police De partment. ‘‘1 don’t think we’re strained,” Heermann said. Lundy said U NL officers had spent extra lime at the office working on new leads and following upon each of the cases. “Time slips away from you, and you don’t realize how many hours you may have spent,” Lundy said. “Some times things just don’t mesh, and that makes for a very long day.” -POLICE REPORT-. Beginning midnight Monday 10:09 a.m. — Meier stolen, park ing lot at Abel-Sandoz complex, $650. 12:53 p.m. — Wallci stolen, Love Library, S12. 1:05 p.m. — Vandalism to trees, Abcl-Sandoz complex, S600. e Royal G Presents a 'Live' Musical Tribute To J /?