The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1992, Page 10, Image 10

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    Reggae band to make return trip to Lincoln
By Carter Van Pelt
Staff Reporter <
If you arc into reggae and you ever
wanted to say that you saw a band
before they made the big time, then
take lime out this Thursday, Friday or
Saturday to check out Lcs Exodus at
Rockin’ Robin, 1435 O St.
Lcs Exodus, a five-piece reggae
act, based in Minneapolis, returns to
Lincoln this weekend after two sensa
tional and wcll-rccci ved performances
last month.
The band was formed in May 1990
by Innocent Galinoma and his long
time friend Oncsmo Kibira— both of
whom arc from Tanzania, in East
Africa. After the band began louring
regularly last year, a lineup.change
took place incorporating the drum
mer, k&yboardisland rhythm guitarist
from World Citizens to form the cur
rent band. '
Lcs Exodus has had the distinction
of opening for top world reggae acts,
such as Ziggy Marlcy, Judy Mowatl,
Sugar Minolt and Mikey Dread, and
has earned a solid reputation from
extensive louring of the Midwestern
United States.
The music of Lcs Exodus, accord
ing to lead singcr/guitarisl Innocent,
is largely influenced by Bob Marlcy,
both in form and content.
“Bob opened a lot of doors,” Inno
cent said. “We want to keep doing
what Bob was doing and keep roots
reggae going.”
The band’s live performances al
ways include one set of Bob MarlcyL
covers, but they lake excursions into
Calypso, Soca, African and rub-a-dub
reggae sounds as well.
Innocent said he fell the current
world reggae scene has gotten com
mercial with its dance-hall disco
“I’m not crazy about electronic
sounds,” he said. “It’s not musicians
producing the music. People arc do
ing things in the studio that can’t
possibly be done (live) on stage.”
Innocent said his philosophy in
writing was to communicate.
“My lyrics arc about personal ex
periences and world events. I’m try
ing to bring people of all races to
gether, to stand upas one. That’s what
reggae and Rasta (the Rastafarian rc
ligion) is all about.”
On stagcjast month, Innocent made
the profound proclamation that
“reggae music is the music of the
people who speak the truth.”
He explained that was an expres
sion of his overall concept.
“If you love reality, you love reggae
music, and if you love reggae music,
you love reality,” Innocent said.
“My long-term goals arc to keep
going, to spread my music.”
Lcs Exodus is now working on re
recording its demonstration tracks in
hopes of signing a contract with
Shanachie Records. Innocent said the
label was looking for a belter produc
tion than they created on their original
He said the band recorded its cur
rent five-song tape in one day on a 16
track machine. Next time around, it
will be using a 24-track machine and
spending^more time in the studio to
add “more sounds” and a bit more
polish to the final product, he said.
In January, they plan to tempo
rarily relocate to California in hopes
of finding a wider audience, but they
will continue to play shows in the
Midwest until then, he said.
Innocent said he made sure the
band set up three shows this lime in
Lincoln because of the reception of its
last visit.
“We were very impressed with the
turnout (last time),” he said. “It showed
that (Lincolnitcs) love reggae. They
supported the band very heavily.”
Lcs Exodus will be performing
three sets each night starting at 9 p.m.
and wi 11 appear on “Reggae Fever” on
Friday evening on KRNU 90.3 FM.
$3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$15 each additional word
$ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charge
DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
6 Computers For Sale
MacintoshClassic4MB ram.40MB hard disk. S700OBO,
call 593 6555 after 6:00 pm.
MACINTOSH PLUS for sale Mac Plus, Imagewriter II
printer, external disk drive and word processing software,
perfect condition S800 O.B O Call Scott or leave mes
sage 466 7616
Small ponabte personal computer-just like new! S275.
Call 438 5869
Sneak Peek Software
4750 Normal Blvd 489 0300. Grand Opening November
7th thru the 14th. Where You Can Try It Betore You Buy
W At A Fraction Ot The Cost Over 300 Software Titles to
choose from Stop in and register tor free drawings and
take advantage of our Grand Opening Specials.
8 Furniture For Sale
For sale: Beautiful queensize waterbed. Only a year old
and has the best mattress and heater. Available in
December. Call Julia 477 9916 leave a message
10 Misc. For Sale
-DON'T BLAME ME, I VOTED PEROT" bumper sticker.
S2.95 and SASE; Sticker. Box 8448. Moscow. ID 83843
86 VW.S50
Choose from thousands starting S25 FREE Informahon
24 Hour Hotline. 801 379 2929 Copyright #NE11KJC
19 Ticket Exchange
Wanted: Up to four season basketball tickets (on floor)
Call 464-1945 or 483 2688 Leave message
20 Vehicles For Sale
1989 Ford Festiva. 70.000 miles, AM F M cassetie, excel
lent condition. Must sell' S2300 0 8 0 420-1047.
1977 Firebird Formula 79K, 40Kon slock, rebuilt 350. PS,
P8. AC. stunning red paint, very meet 436-6112,
100 Rides
CHRISTMAS BREAK Can leave anytime during finals
week, two people, will help with expenses, driving. Call
Kate 477-4349 after 8:00 pm.
105 Career Events
Career Workahope for the Week of Nov. 16
Tues. 11/17: Choos ing a Career. 3 00 4:00 pm. ME Union
Thurs. 11/19: Networking. 4:30 • 5:30 pm. NE Union
1 -
Job Search Strategies Workshop - TODAY!
2:30 - 3:30 pm, Nebraska Union
110 Announcements
Attention first and second year students interested in
leadership opportunities, developing critical thinking
skills, and the practices of leadership. Management
198A, Pathways to Leadership, focuses on these skills
and is beina ottered the 1993 spring semester. The class
will be on Tuesdays from 3.00 to 5:20pm. Pick up appli
cations in CBA 237 They are due back by November 20
Earn S2,000«.month ♦ world travel (Hawaii.
Mexico, the Carribean, etc.) Holiday, Summer
and Career employment available. No experi
ence necessary. For employment program call
1 206^34 0468 ext CS778
Emerging Leader applications now available at 200 NE
Union or 300 NE Union.
en|oy the adventure UPC Best of the Rest meets
Wednesdays at 7 00pm m Food Court B ot Union Help us
create tun events on campus Everyone is Welcomei
Open Forum
Propose grading policy change Hosted by Arts & Sci
ences Student Advisory Board. Wednesday. November
11th, trom 12-1 in the crib,
Discussion/Support Group
Wednesdays. 12-1:30p.m.
Women s Center NE Union 338 472-2597 tor into.
Fri. Nov 13 Nebraska Union
Brown Bag 11 JO AM 1:00 PM
Program - 12:05
Speaker: Or. Helen Moore
Weighty Matters •
That Can't Wait:
Critical Value Issues
for UNL in 1992-93'
I 1
This is HOT your Grandparents square dance routine!
•Join us at Broken Wheel Mali, 6500 N. 56th on Friday.
November 13. at 800pm A tun lilted night lor only S2
donation No experience needed. Call 464 8124 for infor
UNL Bench Press
Sat. Nov. 14 Weigh ms B30-1000am. Lifting begins at
10:30am At City Campus. Campus Rec Weight Room
UNL Horticulture Club
CHARLES HADWlCK of Lincoln Country Club will be
speaking on Golf Course Management and Turf at 700
p.m. November 11 in the Headhouse All Horticultural
students and staff welcome.
\ with Outdoor Adventures
' January 2-9. 1993
jRelax over Christmas Break and enjoy the amazing
f beauty of Yellowstone in the winter time
Contact Jeff at the Office of Campus Recreation
Room 55,
Campus Recreation Center. 472-477 for more info
115 Meetings
Agronomy Club
Meeting today. 730 pm, Rm. 327 Keim Hall
Meeting at East Campus Union, November 11, 5:30pm
initiates 6 00pm regular meeting Speaker: Wes
Peterson on Global Ag Perspective and GATT Treaty
Biology Club
T-shirt meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday, November 12 in
room 118 Manter Please come and give your input.
FFA Alumni
Meeting Wednesday. November 11th. 6:00pm. East
Campus Union
$ Increased Fees!!! $
$ Increased Hours!!! $
£ New - $10 Bonus on first donation. ^
Return - $10 Bonus after two '
$ months lapse. $
$ So ... New & Return Donors
receive $25 for the first donation. ^
$ All donors receive $15 for each $
$ donation. See For Yourself - YOU dj
1 __ M-F 8:00-7:30 Sat. 9:00-4:00 $
$ University Plasma Center
1442 "O" St.,475-1358
-P T»o hours frtt parking ai any Park A Shop! $
Jack Vavra of Firstier Bank will be speaking about careers
in Public Finance Today at 5:30 Nebraska Union.
Meeting Thursday. November 12,6:00p.m. Uniorr(room
posted). Attendance mandatory—elections!
Parking Advisory Committee
Meeting. November 12th. 3:00-5:30P.M. Meet at City
Phi Beta Lambda
Guest speaker Thursday, 6:00pmin Union. Roomposted.
Business attire
Pre-PT Club
Interviews will be here before you know it. Be prepared!
Sandra Corbett will speak on PT School Interviews at
7:30pm, Wednesday. November 11th in the Health Cen
ter Conference Room. Even if you'ife not applying this
year, be there and get a head start!
Student Foundation
Mandatory meeting Thursday. Nov 12,8 00 pm at Dodge
City. Come learn tne country swing, and be ready for a
great time. Any questions? Call an exec member.
Meeting Thursday. Nov. 12, 5:30pm. Room 242. Mabel
Lee. Come welcome our new members! T-shirt orders will
be taken, so bring your checkbooks!
120 Greek Affairs
Congratulations on your Homecoming Activities:
let Place - Husker Howl
1st place - Overall with Theta Xi A AGS
AGS and Theta Xi
Thanks for all of your hard work with Homecoming. It sure
paid off - «1 overall!!
Love. Phi Mu
An IDOL mind
is a devils playground
Congratulations to Brian Gubbels on receiving your in
temship with the National Pi Kappa Phi Adminstraton in
North Carolina. Good luck I
The men of Pi Kappa Phi
To the Women of AQII,
We'll bowl with you anytime. Thanks for the great Frosh.
The Men o? Kappa Sig
Gamma Phi Bela:
Party with ihe Foundersl
Lambda Chi,
BLACK WEDNESDAY—the night that never ended. Bet
ter luck next time.
The Men ot Kappa Sig
130 Student Government
Arts & Sciences
Senate Position
Position open to represent the Arts & Sciences College on
ASUN Senate. Deadline 400 p.m., November 11. 1992
Applications available at ASUN office, 115 Nebr. Union
Student Government Election
Interested in running In the spring
student government election?
Sign up sheet in the ASUN office
115 Nebr. Union
6:30 P.M.
140 Personals
Mommy & Daddy,
Happy third Anniversary!
Love. Beeper. Strobie and Sammy
Mr. Bubble.
"Sorry the suds didn't lest, but they couldn't have covered
them anyway."
hyfbaw g hytkp iyfp vfwt hyak. k igskp. j ckg tyf ajbf gka gsk
qfaq. vkplkpg
Tugger (C.K.)
Surprise' Happy 19th Birthday! Hoping to have many
more with you.
Big Guy (J.H.)
I’mglad we ve gotten past the mind games. I hope you've
recovered from the lack ot sleep.
To the Kappa with the chocolate:
We know who you arell
I love you more than words can say. Happy 21st Birthdayl
Love, Diane
It s Melissa P.'s B-dayl Drink a beer in her honorl
Love ya sis. Brandy
Can you believe—twenty you will be? Now I can say—
Happy Birthday' ^
Thanks lor B-day wish Who are you’ Donl know your
phone nurrtoer.
145 Lost & Found
■■1 1 1 —■=
Found: Sports uu:ket in CBA on third floor, on 11-2-92
night. Claim at DN.
148 Wanted
UNL Letter Jacket, size 44 -46. Top dollar paid Write: U NL
Jacket. P.O. Box 6503. Lincoln. NE 68506
160 Help Wanted
Neodata, a leading national telemarketing tirm, is cur
rently seeking enthusiastic students with good communi
cation skills to ItH several part-time telemarketing posi
tons. Earn GUARANTEED! Paid training,
convenient location, flexible scheduling to lit your
lifestyle, automatic pay raises, plus a lun, friendly envi
ronment. Call Neodata today to schedule an interview: 1
600-421 -6*44 Ask tor Denise Neville. 1033 O' Street
We all live downstream
E xck mg. rewarding opportunity to work on environ mental
campaign Great opportunity lor environmental science
and political science majors. Get first hand experience
Full and part-time postons are available. Call Citizen
Action today to schedule an interview 477-8681. Hours
1:30-10:30, Monday-Friday and 9:30-5 Saturday.
22 Adoption
Adoption A loving couple wishes to share unlimited love
and security with your newborn. Financially secure, com
mitted to being best parents possible! Medical/legal ex
penses paid. Call Nancy George collect 914 896-9603
A caring couple understands that adoption isn't an easy
choice We can give your newborn love A happiness.
Expenses paid. Call Leomia A Ted anytime. 1-800-578
ADOPTION Is our way ot saying I LOVE YOU Happy,
warm, secure couple would like to love and adopt your
new born baby Close lamtly and Irlends with happy,
beautiful children nearby. Spacious city home, weekend
beach house, huge backyard tor ball or dolls. room to run,
laugh, hug and play. E xpensee paid, call Leslie or Michael
loHTree anytime, 1 800 272 9551
Loving, outdoors couple deexes to adopt a baby. House
lull ot laughter, lots ot nieces A nephews waiting. Medical/
j#9*l expenses paid Please call Alicia A Michael at 1
#00-742 3624
Pregnant and feeling alone?
We provide tree professional counseling to help you
explore your feelings and options. Full range ot preg
SERV!Cl'J 1 nrj(?2024S*,V,CeS C<l11 JEWI^ FAMILY
No pressure, no lectures
Just help. A sate place to tak
Nebraska Children's Home
4600 Valley Road 483 7879
Ask tor Betty or Cindy
23 Alterations & Sewing
Alterations Etc Altering A tailoring. 61 f N 27th. Suita
27 Bicycle Service
Blue's Bike A Fitness. Six blocks from campus. New and
used bikes. Excellent repairs for ail makes. 427 S. 13th.
435 2322
31 Child Care Services
loving mother would Ike to cere lor two children (Part
Time). 1 WSyearsold. Flexfoteschedute Robin,477 6311
Part-time and hourly care. Flexible schedules licensed
Close to campus at 1432 N St. Can 476-2802 to register
36 Entertainment
Latin dance lessons, waltz and poka tool Learn the
motivational method. Private lessons. S5 Dan486 4 563.
The Tubbery
Heymarkel Square 816 P. St.. 47646M
Private hottub room rentals & Wolff tanning
38 Gift Ideas
JUST ROSES-Startmg at $6.09 a dozen. 3031 O' Street
438-1118 Tuxedo detvery
44 Insurance i
For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-6077.
American Family Insurance-Renters. Auto, Home.
Health, and life.
61 Music Exchange
Lincoln's Vintage Record Shop—Buying Settingrecords,
tapes, and compact discs. Great poster selection. 3833 S.
48th, 489-3817;
Looking lot acoustic or electric g uitar players who want to
hero me gig -worthy or better on the guitar. 1 have studied
in New York City and can teach you Ben. 477-7852
63 Pregnancy
Art you suffering after an abortion?Open Arms (Abortion
Related Minetriee) cares and wants to hep Women and
men. 475-2501.
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping
hand Free pregnancy test, please caU us for appoint
ment. 483 2609
76 Travel
Winter Break & Spring Break
Europe Airfares $498
London, etc. Irom Ltnoolri. Call ASAP 423 4500
80 Typing & Resumes
Action Resumes
Quality resumes, oover letters, typing. Ask about special
rales. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264.
All kinds o! typing Fast, efficient service. Laser printer
Si .25 double spaced page CaU 466-4400
Hinz Word Processing Service
Olssertaicns, theses, tsrm papers, resumes, etc. with
laser printout. 15 years experiencs. Special;ing in APA
6 Turabtan styles.
Lynda’s Professional
Typing Service
u^anddeiivery 10% discount through 11-30
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years
experience, proven results. 464-0776.
Professionally typeset and later printed. *15 plus tax,
Dtily Msbreefcen.beeemenl el Nebraska Union.