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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1992)
RHA to help fund local speakers By Irish Spencer Staff Reporter__ Funds from the Residence Hall Association will help bring two local speakers to campus to talk about rape prevention and overcoming drugs. RHA members allocated S400 to bring T. Mami Voss, a local come- i dian and speaker, to campus during Rape Awareness Week, which is Nov. 12-19. Voss will speak in the Ne braska Union Ballroom on Nov. 17. Scllcck Senator Brad Prall said he had seen Voss perform. , “She is funny in a tasteful way,” he said. Malt Hammons, RHA president, Investigation Continued from Page 1 “Last Thursday, during a test we had in the class, three of us had to get verbal, we were getting such bad looks,” he said. Briggs said one of the other Afri can-American men in the class acci dentally bumped into a white woman silling near him. “She almost left her skin, she tried to get away so fast,” he said. Bates, who declined to have his picture taken by police, said he thought the way that investigators contacted the students was inappropriate. “I can’t name five black people I know who would feel comfortable with a line of questioning like that,” Bates said. “And why did police not mind if my picture was taken? Is it important or not? “I f it is, then why was I the only one with the option of not having to be photographed?” Another question Bates wants an swered is how police obtained his telephone number, which is unlisted. The 1992-93 UNL Student Direc tory lists Bales’ correct address, but the phone number that appears has been obsolete for more than two years. said the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska needed help financing Voss’ visit. Several other campus organiza tions also are sup porting speakers during Rape Awareness Week, Hammons said. During the same week, the RHA Special Events Committee will bring former Nebraska football player Lynn Finney to campus, Jodi Veylupek, Ncihardl senator, said. Finney will talk to students Nov. 17 about overcoming drug and alco hol problems. The speech is not a part Bates said. UNL Police Chief Ken Caublc said the official report filed by Officer Barb McGill, who contacted the five students, said a recorded message was reached at the listed number that said the number was no longer in service. Bates’ current number was at the end of the message, the report said. However, repeated calls to the listed number since last Wednesday have provided no recording. A spokeswoman at the Lincoln Telephone Company said messages announcing new numbers were only in service for three months after the number changes. She added that the company pro vided unlisted telephone numbers by court order only, but would not com ment on whether there had been such a mandate to release Bates’ number. “It just goes to show what extent they went to get this information,” Bates said. McGill would not comment. Cauble said he had no reason to suspect that McGill’s report was inac curate. “She says she got a recording, and I’ll stand by her,” Caublc said. “I’m not going to call her a liar.” Bates and Briggs said they, as well as the other three students questioned, thought the interviews were conducted poorly and aggressively. of Rape Awareness Week. Drug and alcohol program s Finney has done in area elementary and high schools have been successful, Veylupck said. She said she expected 50 to 100 students to attend his pro gram at UNL. Finney is from Lincoln, she said, and attends graduate school at UNL. He will speak to students in the Neihardt Blue Room at 7 p.m. The Spec ia 1 Even ts Com m i ttec w i 11 pay for his visit, which will cost about SI00, she said. In other business, Prall announced that the Campus Escort Service had moved to its new location in 7005 Selleck Hall. The service also has extended its hours to 2 a.m., he said. Briggs said McGill’s interview with him was flippant. “She was trying to keep it light hearted, but as it went along, she got more aggressive and patronizing,” he said. “Finally, when she took the pic ture, she waited for it to develop, then turned to me and said, ‘So, docs this look like you?”’ Bates said he returned a call to McGill after she tried to contact him while he was in cla>s. “She identified herself and said, ‘You did know Candice Harms was in that class, didn’t you?”' Bates said. “Right there, it was a leading ques tion. The way she asked things just made you feel like you were under suspicion.” Caublc said last week that the pho tographs were necessary for “future information-gathering purposes,’’and not to identify anyone as a potential suspect. Neither Briggs nor Bales said the police had contacted them again. Bates said he was not looking for personal apologies, just a change. “People like to discount things,” he said. “A lot of non-minority stu dents arc thinking,‘Oh, no way would the police do something like that.’ But what people need to do is wake up, lake a look around and say, ‘ Is this the way it should be.’ “Well, it isn’t.” V _»_ FILM/HEATER Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery; University o( Nebraska-Lincoln J 12th & R Streets; Lincoln, NE 68588-0302; Film Information Phone: 402/472-5353 ■HYSTERICAL! THE FUNNIEST MOVIE ABOUT POLITICS SINCE THE BUSH CAMPAIGN VIDEO' -TEXAS MONTHLY FEED A Comedy About Running For Preeldent KOODOO wo MtfCTED IT KEVIN RAFFERTY WO JAMES RIDGEWAY tYIDEO DEMOCRACY PRODUCTION w ORIGINAL CINEMA RELEASE ©IM2 VIDEO DEHOCUCT. INC Election Night Party! Tuesday, November 3 at 8 p.m. Feed Crew Member, Charlie Arnot from Lincoln, will be available to discuss the film _following the screening. Refreshments._ ^ . with Ihe support ol the Nebraska Arts Council A the National Endowment lor the Arts, y CD Heaven Every CD in our eight stores is now 112.97 or less every dav! (Orty «ds*tare Gold l MJl-Dhc Sets) 3814 Normal, 237 S, 70th, 17th 1P, 56th i. Hwy. 2 Plus Four Stores in Omaha • Now Thru Dec. 31. (992 Group attacks man for cash, another flees From Staff Reports No one was injured in a robbery and attempted robbery Saturday night on the University of Nebraska-Lin coln City Campus, a police official said. UNL Police Capt. Mylo Bushing said a UNL student was robbed at 6:46 p.m. while he walked along the north side of Vine Street by the Coliseum. An unknown number of men attacked the student, pushed him to the ground and took his wallet, at a loss of $33. An attempted robbery occurred at 8:48 p.m. in the parking lot north of Abel Residence Hall. Bushing said a pizza delivery man was confronted by three men with a knife who demanded his money. The delivery man ran to escape the suspects, who chased him for a short lime. The suspects then fled in an unknown direction. No money was stolen. Snow Continued from Page 1 puses will not be shoveled or plowed this winter, he said. Dascnbrock said the sidewalk south of Love Library was one example of a sidewalk that would be ignored. Also, any sidewalk with wood chip or gravel surfaces will not be cleared, he said. The interior sidewalks of the cam puses do not fall under the city ordi nance that requires all residents to clear the sidewalks in front of their homes following a snow, Dascnbrock said. But UNL crews will follow the ordinance for all areas lining streets, he said. Dascnbrock urged students, fac ulty and staff to wear proper footwear this winter on all areas of campus, because any area could become slip pery from snow or ice. “It is impossible to keep every area clear at all times,” he said. “There will always be snow accumulation.” _ JlfcK ! _____ ! THREE GREAT ! GOURMET COOKl£S...$1 THATS 3 FOR S1 | > | | Tuesdays - Noon to 1 pm j I Thursday Nights &- 10pm j Always 3 for $1 • Non-rvusabU coupon Exp. 11/11/92 ' | Rastrictonsapply*NotvatddumgTufara | ON SCHOOLS . ..._- . . ... ... , . : ..: • ' • ' ,.. v - . .. ..... ,r._ _■ . . —.... .. . . ..... ..... _ Paid for by the YES ON SCHOOLS Committee • An independent group of private citizens concerned about Lincoln's future. Charles Pallesen, Treasurer, 1900 FirsTW Building Lincoln, NE 68508 • Co-Chairs: Jo Kinsey, Bob Kerns, Joe Hampton, Colcen Seng