The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 1
porters of Bush, Clinton and Perot,
along with representatives from the
Libertarian party and the New Alli
ance parly to attend the meeting.
No Bush supporters or New Alli
ance party members attended.
Kurtcnbach asked if the American
society had confused basic rights with
privileges in this election.
Mitze Nanncn, who works at the
Ross Perot headquarters, said she
thought that living the American dream
should be a basic right, not a privi
People cannot do this in the United
States today because of the poor
economy, she said.
“Perot has lived the American
dream,” Nanncn said, “and now he
wants to give everyone else that same
Jeff Protcxtor, a freshman political
science major at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, said Clinton also
was familiar with being underprivi
“Clinton came from a poor back
ground and he has the basic idea of
what it is like to struggle to gel ahead,”
Prolextor said.
Clinton wants to make it possible
for people to become privileged but
only through hard work, he said.
Matthew Platte, a registered Lib
ertarian, said thequestion of privilege
was a key issue in this election.
Although no Libertarians arc run
ning for president this year, he said
the Libertarian view was to get rid of
privilege all together.
“I think American would be a lot
belter with less government,” Platte
Sally Herrin, a writer who likes the
ideas of the Communist parly, said
people who desire more privileges
will always exist, but Americans
should be more concerned about other
issues such as education, the environ
ment and the deficit.
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Al Schaben/DN
Cornhusker fans carry the goal post victoriously through the streets of Lincoln after defeating Big Eight rival Colorado for the
first time in four years. UNL police officials said the campus did not experience the problems anticipated and prepared for.
UNL campus survives triple-threat weekend, official says
By Shelley Biggs
Senior Reporter
UNL escaped the weekend’s triple
threat of Colorado, Homecoming and
Halloween with minimal damage,one
official said Sunday.
Cpl. Brian Scusa of the UNL Po
lice Department said the department
doubled its forces Halloween night in
anticipation of possible problems
stemming from the day’s events, but
reports stayed low.
“It appears people were able to
have a good lime without causing
problems,” he said.
The largest estimated damage done
this weekend was when the goal posts
in Memorial Stadium were tom down
as a result of Nebraska’s win over
Colorado, he said. The cost to replace
the posts is estimated at $6,000.
Scusa said University of Nebraska
Lincoln police were instructed not to
slop students from taking down the
goal posts but to make sure no one
gets injured in the process.
A police cruiser parked outside the
stadium received minor damage as a
rcsullof pcoplccarry ing the goal posts
out of the stadium after the game,
Scusa said, but the incident was acci
Scusa said that along with dou
bling the forces Halloween night, ex
tra fool patrol on campus was imple
mented. The day called for extra en
forcement because of the three events
coinciding on the same day.
“We play Colorado, celebrate
Homecoming and Halloween every
year—-but they don’t fall on the same
day every year,” he said.
Taco Inn to house business students
By Mindy L. Leiter
Staff Reporter
CBA students with a Mexican food craving
could be disappointed next semester when busi
ness — not food — is on the menu of classes
relocated to the abandoned Taco Inn.
Bob Carpenter, campus architect, said that
renovations and the building of an addition to
the College of Business Administration were
making classroom space scarce.
When the addition is finished, the original
building will be vacated for asbestos removal
and other renovations such as healing, electric
ity and ventilation.
The old facility has 70,859 square feet, but
the addition will have only 45,403 square feet,
Continued from Page 1
Most polls show Perot trailing the other two
candidates by about 25 points.
Though Perot claims the polls arc meaning
less, no political analyst has said he or she
thought the independent had a chance to defeat
Bush or Clinton.
“There is no doubt that Ross Perot will come
in thirdf Peter Hart, a pollster, said Saturday on
Bill Clinton, who was leading in the polls by
as much as 12 points only a week ago, has
dramatically plummeted in the last five days.
“The American people arc responding to the
inexperience of the Clinton/Gorc ticket,” said
Roland Evans, co-host of “Evans and Novak,”
a weekly political program on CNN. “Many
people are skeptical as to whether Clinton will
follow through with his promises. This, I be
lieve, is the principal reason why the polls have
suddenly changed by about a dozen points.”
Both Bush and Clinton focused on negative
campaigning over the weekend.
However, Gcrgcn said he thought that this
did not help cither party persuade the unde
cided voters.
Too much negative campaigning can work
against a candidate, Gcrgcn said. He added that
the voters, particularly in the final 24 hours of
a campaign, wanted the candidates to zero in on
the hard-core issues.
Clarence Page, a syndicated columnist, noted
in his Friday column that if Bush and Clinton
continued to slam each other right up until
leaving less classroom space, Carpcnicr said.
John Benson, director of institutional re
search and planning, said the lack of space
caused construction officials to work with the
college to find alternatives. The Taco Inn, at
1245 R St., became available after the owners
In addition, the college has set up its com
puter lab in the vacated Kinko’s building.
“We looked for an alternative that would
allow the college to carry out its functions,”
Benson said.
Carpcnicr said that the relocation of busi
ness classes to the Taco Inn would be tempo
“We hope to have people back in the build
ing by January 1994,” he said.
election day, Ross Perot would take a point or
two away from both candidates.
The reason for this, Page wrote, is partly
because of Perot’s lengthy “infomercials,”
which outline where Perot stands on many
issues. Though Page said he did not think Perot
has a prayer to finish first or second in this
campaign, he said he thought he could win 15
or 16 percent of the vote, which is several points
more than most polls arc presently indicating.
Jack Gcrmond, a reporter for the Baltimore
Sun who has covered every campaign since
1962, said Friday evening on PBS that the
winner of the popular vote would not necessar
ily be the president for the next four years.
“Although it’s a point often overlooked,”
Germond said, “1 think a distinct possibility is
lhalClinion will take the popular vole but Bush
will win the electoral college vote.”
If this were to occur, Gcrmond said, Bush
would continue to reign as commander in chief.
Contradicting Germond, Evans said he be
lieved that Clinton would win the electoral
college vote but not necessarily the popular
Analysis, who dissected the campaign al
most continuously on CNN and C-SPAN over
the weekend, addressed an array of issues rang
ing from trickle-down economics and capital
gains to Murphy Brown. Though they all had
explicit opinions on individual issues, they all
tended to approach the “who will win and by
how much” questions with extreme care.
“1 have still not fathomed the fact that the
election is on Tuesday and none of us arc
certain as to who will come out ahead,” Jack
Germond said,
"Leadership is a characteristic that many people possess
but are never given the opportunity to develop."
-Amy Kamphaus
UNL Student Leader T
The Student Development Center and the Department
of Management will be offering Management 198A,
Pathways to Leadership, next semester. This course
is open to all first- and second-year students who
want to build or enhance skills essential to success as
student leaders on campus and in future careers.
This 3-credit course is designed to explore and develop
individual leadership skills, increase knowledge about
leadership opportunities, and begin the process of
understanding leadership theory and its application in
the organizational setting. Course is scheduled for
Tuesdays from 2:30-5:15 PM.
Applications are available in Rooms 237 and 214,
CBA. Space is limited to 30 students so apply
today. Deadline is Friday, Nov. 20.
Student Development
Stuart I jla de rs h i p^'-'to rpo rate Partners Program
College of Business Administration
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- T