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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1992)
Classified — FOR SALE 2 Appliances 3 Bicycles 4 Books 5 Clothing 7 Jewelry 6 Computers 8 Furniture 9 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale 12 Musical Instruments 13 Office Furniture 14 Pets 15 Photo Equipment 16 Sporting Goods ' 18 Stereos/ TVs 19 Ticket Exchange 20 Vehicles SERVICES =■ "V ■ , = 22 Adoption 23 Alterations & Sewing 25 Automotive 27 Bicycle Sen/ice 29 Bridal 30 Catering 32 Cleaning/Laundry 33 Cfeamng/Households 34 Computer Service 36 Entertainment 38 Gift Ideas 40 Hairstyling 42 Health & Fitness 44 Insurance 46 Instruction/Tutoring 48 Job Placement 50 Legal 60 Misc. Services 62 Photography 63 Pregnancy 64 Printing & Copying 68 Recycling 72 Rentals 74 Tanning 75 Tattooing 76 Travel 80 Typing & Resumes NOTICKS 100 Rides 105 Career Events 110 Announcements 115 Meetings 120 Greek Affairs 130 Student Government 140 Personals 145 Lost & Found 148 Wanted t49 Fundraising JOBS 150 Child Care Needed 160 Help Wanted 162 Work Study Jobs 164 Summer Jobs 166 Internships HOUSING 170 Roommates 173 Housing Wanted 175 Rooms For Rent 180 Houses For Rent 185 Duplex For Rent 190 Apartments For Rent 191 Summer Housing 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 194 Homes For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $ 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not pnnt any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edi' or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume I lability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered Include the price ot the items tor sale Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box Run the ad for at least two days Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 4 Books For Sale Girl Meet Boy To all parents, grandparents, and young people, send $8 50 to Girl Meet Boy. Box 67196 Lincoln. NE 68506 7196 You will promptly receive the 94 page book "Girl and Boy Meet. Fall in Love, Marry, and Have Children". It«just what our young people need to help survive the sexual revolution. No cash Check or money order will do. Holy Cow A must for those who believe in separation of church and state Send S8.50 for the 104 page book, "Our Holy Cow Religion" to Holy Cow, Post Office (PO) Box 67196 Lincoln, NE 68506-7196. No cash please. Horror and mystery books, 10% off. A Novel Idea. 118 N. 14. 475-TOME. 6 Computers For Sale Just arrived: Cliffs Studyware for MAC & IBM Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Statistics, Physics, GM AT LSAT, SNEAK PEEK SOFTWARE, 4750 NORMAL BLVD, 489 0300. 8 Furniture For Sale FOR SALE: Bookcase wallunit with fold-out desk. 2 book shelves w» glass doors and under desk storage. Height 72”; Width-33”. Excellent condition. Call 477-6225. §75 obo. 10 Misc. For Sale CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED ■89 MERCEDES.S200 86 VW...$50 '87 MERCEDES.$100 '65 MUSTANG.S50 Choose from thousands starting $25. FREE Information 24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2929 Copyright #NE11KJC Used Nintendo and to games, S220 for all. Will sell separately, games S15 each. 421-3314. 12 Musical Instruments Fender F-55-12. 12-string, acoustic guitar, great condi tion! Must sell! S250-OBO. 475-0642 return messages after 5:00p.m. 19 Ticket Exchange 5 CU tickets in a row tor sale! Call Matt at 438-2766. CU-NU ticket for sale. Best oflerl 477-2644, leave mes sage Two NU/CU tickets for sale. Seats are together. Best offer. 475-9301. Leave message if unavailable For Sale: Two CU/'NU student football tickets. 35 yrd. line. Best offer 4367054 FOR SALE : One CU ticket and one KU ticket. 4760419 FOR SALE: One pair ot CU Vs NU and one pair KS vs. NU Best offer 436-0285 Leave message For Sale: Two non-student CU tickets. S60 each . Call after 5pm 4362859 Looking for up totwo season basketball tickets on the floor lor 92-93 season Will buy per individual game if season tickets unavailable. 474-9202. NU-CU ticket tor sale, reasonable price 466-5221 One CU-NU ticket tor sale. S45 OBO. 477-3922 leave message One CU-NU ticket for sale. Will take best offer. 477-9575 Two NU-CU tickets lor sale Will validate WiH take best offer. 438-2132. evenings. 20 Vehicles For Sale 77 Mercedes 280-SE S2995; 74 Camero, white, new paint and interior S1500; ’82 Toyota Supera 2237 Q. St. 477-9513 or 432-1879 Here's to Halloweenl Homecoming, the I _ W Huskers, and I I' Hangovers! § ___Plcascdrink_in moderation and don't drink and drive B Budweiserateg .light,dry) wcase cans 1 °.99 ys \ Coors (reg.light.dry) wcase cans 1°." a ■ Miller (reg.lite.draft.draft lile) wcase cans 11.99 I l Pabst (reg.light.x-lighl, draft) wcase cans 7.99 * Old Milwaukee (reg.light, NA) wcase cans 7.99 A9A 1 Natural I>l^ht weans or bottles 8«99 K Olympia (reg.light) wcase cans 6.99 mu i Jack Daniel 750mL 10.991 | D Southern Comfort 750ml. 7.99 1 Myers' Rum 750ml 10.991 It Captain Morgan Rum 750ml. 8.49 I I ^*ne Cooler 4 pk warm 2.99 I I Jl^pi Purple Passion 4 pk warm or cold 4.99 Jg I Pink Passion 2 LTR warm 3.99 m J__^Complete keg equipment available with free ice! ^ I City Spirits Lincoln s Imw Price Leader! ■2620 Stock well o hiks \ «r iiiwa> 2 on 27ih) 423-2085^g •* g^M Oiler good thru Nov 4 Limited to quantities on ' 1992 Suzuki Samuri 4WD, black, nice stereo, alarm, warranty, must sellll Asking $7800. Mike 432-4539. 1989 Mazda MX6 Coupe, 5 speed, air, excellent, 58K, $6250 otters. 1989 VW Fox, 2-door, 4 speed, air, AM/FM cassette, 68K, extra clean, S3850 otters. Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 So. 3rd, 477-6442 1983 Nissan Sentra wagon. 5 speed, AM/FM, 55mpg, excellent condition, $1900. 488-9057. Honda Accd. L X Sedan '89. Fully loaded. Great condition! $9800 OBO Call Lina 435-5432. 105 Career Events Career Workshop* for the Week Nov. 2nd Mon. 11/2: Networking, 1:30-2:30pm, East Union Thurs. 11/5: Selecting a Major, 3:00-4:00pm, NE Union International Opportunities Fair - TODAY) 9:30-300pm, Culture Center 110 Announcements “Prejudice and Racism Protest” The Racial Pluralism Action Team will be sponsoring a pro-active protest against racism and prejudice on No vember 4, 1992 at the Broyhill Fountain at 2:00 p.m. We are asking all students to come out and speak their true feelings and emotions to improve the conditions of UNL and create a move toward unification of students, faculty and staff of all cultures. ************ Perot ’92 ************ ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR HEALTH? You should be! Linda Lewis discusses PMS and relieving its symptoms. Second of 3 discussions about your health at the Women s Center, 340 NE Union on Tues. Nov. 3, 11:45 to 100pm! ATTENTION COMMUTER STUDENTS FACULTY & STAFF Now is your chance to voice your comments, complaints. suggestions, etc. about parking on and around campus to the UNL Parking Advisory Committee. Pick upandfill out the bnef survey in the ASUN-Student Government office, Rm. 115 Nebr. Union. Be an Ambassador! Pick-up an application at City and East Campus Cap Offices or at the Vice chancellor of Student Affairs Office Applications are due at the Vice Chancellor's Office by noon, Nov. 3. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn $2.000+'month + world travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Carribean, etc.) Holiday, Summer and Career employment available. No experi ence necessary. For employment program call 1 206 634-0468 ext. C5778 Did you know you could go to Oxford. Senshu, Dijon, Budapest. Monterry, or even Moscow University and receive UNL Credit'”? Come get more INFORMATION about Study Abroad Opportunities on: Thursday, November 5th 300.4:00. and 500 m the NE Union. Contact DVee in CBA Advising (CBA 241 472-2310) for more information. Grandpa John s Pumpkin Patch. 2 miles West of Kawasaki Plant on West Highway 34, is having a haunted barn and also has hayrack rides that are sure to scare the bravest adventurer. From sunset till 10 daily, through the 31st. Call 470 2450 or 628-5775 tor more information. Discover Fresh Ideas Improve Your Skills Advance Your Career A The Emerging Leader Program m looking tor first year students wno want to explore their leadership potential. Applications available at the Office for Student Involve mem. 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. RALLY AGAINST RACISM Broyhill Fountain Wed. Nov. 4 at 2pm sponsored by Racial Pluralism Action Team SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084 Solicitor of the Department of Interior Tom Sansonetti Will speak at the College of Law at 3.00pm on October 30th Room will be posted Everyone welcomei_ Perot for President To save money, see UNL Advertising Club’s booth at Union Thursday. Friday. 10-4 OU-tootball migration, includes 2 nights hotel, transporta tion, and ticket Only S8S, call Gary 477-8164 I Hold a piece of tape up to your eyes, dim the lights and try to fill out your taxes. , Now you’re seeing things from her point of view. '■'x. * ** Almost everybody has to file taxes, but not ^ everyone can do it on their own. Volunteer and || help make someone’s taxes less taxing. Call r K 1800 4241040. A PutAc Service ol -“ This Publication A i International Student Organization is having A HALLOWEEN PARTY October 30, 1992. 8p.m.-12a.m. at the Culture Center: International Costumes, Food. Music-only S3.00. Interacted in being involved in a new ski club??? Possible free ski trips. Call Tom at 423-2866. Introducing Sculptured Nails Now available at T rendsetters Holiday Special S34.50 for new set (Regular price: S39.50) Also manicures and fill-ins Located at 1401 N. 56th Call for appointment 466-3035 JUGGLING CLUB -if you know how, or want to learn- Sunday, 3pm., in Ballroom at Union. YOU CAN HELP FIND CANDI HARMS! HOW: Enclose a cover letter and flier in your letters to friends and family. WHERE: In the Residence halls or at a Union booth. WHEN: All this week in the halls and Monday, Wednes day and Thursday of next week in the Union COST: S.29 for postage. QUESTIONS: Call the Women s Center, 472-2597 or ask your hall government. Sponsored by the Women s Center and RHA. Posters! Posters! Posters! Recycled Sounds, 824 P. St. 476-8240. We buy and trade, too. 115 Meetings BIOCHEMISTRY CLUB Meeting Monday, November 2nd. 800pm., City Campus Union. All science majors welcome) Important lor elec tions. Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting Wednesday, November 4. at 6:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union (room will be posted) For more information call 472-1464 UNI Table Tennis Club will be having practices every Tues.and Sun. 6-8pm. For more info, call John 436-9032 or Leah 472-3467 120 Greek Affairs ACACIA AND CHI OMEGA PRESENTS MELODRAMA ’92 November 5th at 8:00pm.; 6th at 7:00pm and 900pm; 7th at 2.00pm. AGS Pledgee: Thanks so much for taking us out for pizza' We had lots ot fun. _Love KKG Pledges Coach Osborne likes . to keep his poise— So we will ask the crowd for noise. Wear a costume to the game. We’ve aot TV coverage, LET’S GO INSANE!!! Z<DE Supports obnoxious behavior (and Smokin' Tommie Frazier) Congrats to Kalcy B. and Danielle W for making Student Foundations! Love. XO Congratulations to Beck® Knapp (Tri-Del!) on getting accepted to the New York acting school We hope you make the right deceionl _ Love, P.J and Ennn Congratulations to our real Kappa stars: Amy O Neil and Jen Nyp, We r# so proud of you I Good luck th* weekend Love the Kappa's Greek Week Co-Chair applications now available in Rm 332. Ne. Union. Hey TC Ladies. Have a ghoulsh good time at the Halloween Bash this Saturday night!! Roses to the following AOII s who were recently selected to serve on the Teachers College Advisory Board; Ann Deaver. Shelly Gauthier. Melissa Hermk. Amy Hodges Michelle Phifer, and Mety Siebler Congratulations! Alpha love, your aisters Why the Hodown before the Showdown? 5 You won't have to do a trick lor a treat (Unless you want to) 4. H doesn't involve chicken wire A tissue paper. 3. It will be better than sex 2. It will be bigger than Perot's ears. 1. Cuz we re going to kick some Buffalo Butt! KKG * SAE “ AXO * CHI PHI ATO * A PHI ' SIGMA CHI __ ^ IT’S NOT TOO LATE! YOU CAN STILL GO TO MASQUERADE BALL! To Benefit the Stroke Foundation. ■ ' For information call XO. Pete Marhoeser (Lambda Chi) Thanks for all your hard work for homecoming. You did a great job! Prom your Lambda Chi Brothers Congratulations Anne S. and Jodi P. for making Teacher s College Advisory Board. Good job!! Love the Kappa's 130 Student Government Student Government Election Interested in running in the spring student government election’ Sign up sheet in the ASUN office 115 Nebr, Union STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Committees Comm, for Fees Allocation-Res. Hall rep. Computational Services & Facilities Government Liaison Committee Health Center Advis. Bd. (deadline Nov 4) Parking Appeals " Police Committee Publications Board Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Students with Disabilities Subcommittee Teaching Council Senate Positions Division of Continuing Studies Graduate College Arts & Sciences (deadline Nov. 11) Applications available at the Student Government office. 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline — 4:00 p.m., November 2, 1992 unless specified different above. 140 Personals Stacia J.. Happy Halloween, kid. I hope you always remember how much you mean to me. Love. Zach Kitten. Have a purrfect night. Happy 3rd Anniversary. Meow __ Tiger Pedra Thanks for the personal...don't be a stranger. Kristen (Gamma Phi). Hope you have agreat B day Now you can open your gift. Hope you have tun with the boots The Nerd P S. The pizza man Iked your comment. Tiger. Thank you for the past 3 years. and for t he years t o come Happy Anniversaryl I love youl , Kitten Hey Kiml Your week of HELL is overi Now it's time to PARTY! Hope you have a great 21st Birthdayl Love. Angie DEAR STALEY. A quick announcement to you and everyone else, I LOVE YdU. Happy 5th Anniversaryl LOVE. WILL "Jim”. Happy 20th Birthdayl I love you more than you'll ever know Love Always, Me Jaime. Happy Birthday tomorrow! Hope you get all (whom) you want. The Three Beavs Dear Anya. Happy 19th Birthday'! Try not to get stuck on anything' Love. J, N & S 145 Lost & Found LOST: Kenwood pullout stereo in Henzlick. 10:30 Wednesday. October 28. Reward! Phone: 228-2588. Reward! Lost ruby and six diamond ring on gold hall-twist band. If found please call Dan or Becky at 475-9455. 160 Help Wanted “Environmental Campaign** Work to protect Nebraska s greatest resource. Its ground water Now hiring tull-time and part-time Call477-B681 to schedule an interview Hours: Monday-Fnday. 130 10:30 Advancement opportunities. •HIRING NOW! Up to $7.25/hr. guaranteed* Neodata, a leader in the telemarketing industry, Is cur rently seeking students interested in working part-time evening hours. Guaranteed up to S7.26 hour, paid train ing, flexible scheduling to fit your lifestyle (work as tew as 15 hours/week), contests, prizes, tun environment Call daiy 8 a m.-9 p.m. to schedule an interview: 1 -000-421 9944 Ask lor Dense Neville 1033 O Street. (EOE) Attention: Students. Are you looking tor a way to earn ext a cash without interfering with class schedules'7 We offer paid training, caeual environment, bonus incentives and FLEXIBLE Scheduling. You CHOOSE the hours that lit your personal schedule. Monday-Friday. 9-9. Saturday. 9-4 (optional) Apply In person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. _ 474-1256 ATTENTION: The Mental Health Association of Nebraska needs ener a«tlc. happy people to do easy evening phone work, with flexible hours and good pay. Call 46 A360 Convenience store clerk. Apply in parson between 9:00 •2:00. Must be 21. ' —•—-— —- 4v Danter Dental Lab Part time position available. Mon-Fri., 7:30-11:30am Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab, 125 So 9th St. No phone calls please. Dishwasher positions available Nebraska Center tor Continuing Education (Monday-Fnday, noon approx. 3 p.m.). anrf East Campus Union (10-12 evening hours per week) Call Carla, 472-2900. Monday-Fnday between 9 00 a m and 3 00 p m. lo set up an appotntment - EXPERIENCED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS earn S3C $40 per nigh! officiating City Recreation Basketball. It . interested-call 471-7892