CLASSIFIED ™. Need 4-5 tickets tor KU-NU game. Call 464-9407 after 5pm. J - Needed: One CU-NU ticket. Call Kris 477-8065. Wanted: 2 student season basketball tickets-one vali dated. Will pay very well. Call collect. 1*994-2018. WANTED: 4 tickets for NU-CU game. Call anytime 438 3977. WANTED: Season student basketball tickets for NU basketball fanatic. Will pay double the student ticket pricell Call 438-2835 for financial opportunity!! i 20 Vehicles For Sale 1989 Mazda MX-6 two door. 5 speed, A/C, AM/FM cassette, excellent throughout. 58,000 miles. S6950-of fers,. Baer's Auto Sales. 1647 So. 3rd, 477-6442. 22 Adoption Adopt in abundance of love, happiness, and security to aive your newborn. A baby is the answer to our prayers. We can helpeachother. Expenses paid. Legal/Confiden tial. Call Patti and Bill 1 800-826-6869. _ Adoring, devoted, financially secure couple seeks to adopt your newborn. Please trust that we will provide an abundance of love and opportunity Expenses paid. Call Adele and Sam at 1 -800-841-7692. Childless loving couplewishes to adopt newborn. We will provide a warm, wonderful, caring and happy home. Pleasecall Stephanies Jon toll-free 1-800-484-7021 ext. *2229. Legal S confidential. Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go it alone—we re here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road, Suite 314, 483-7879 42 Health and Fitness Weight loss desirable’ Our plan works, is easy, inexpen sive, and no energy toss. 476-3423. 60 Misc. Services MONEY FOR COLLEGE. Free scholarship into mailed to you. 24hr. hotline 1 -800 862 2369. 63 Pregnancy POST-ABORTION Are you sutlermg attar an abortion? Open Arms (Abortion Related Ministries) cares and wants to help. Women and men. 475-2501. .*__ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT IS a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes All kinds of typing. Fast, efficient service Laser printer. S1.25 double spaced page Call 466-4400. All typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave. RESUMES BY ANN "'We've set the standard for resume services" •Resumes •Cover Letters •Interview and Job Search Counseling •Lifetime Updating For 12 years we've helped UNL students and graduates gel their careers started. Our office is staffed by professional, nationally published writers. Our resume style is based upon a 12-ycar survey of human 4esotHce managers. Give us a call...let us help you get that internship, college job, or first career position. _464-0775_ iSgfej Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Professionally typeset and laser printed. S15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan,basement of Nebraska Union. 110 Announcements ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Fisheries. .Earn $600+/week in canaries or $4,000+/mbnth on fishing boats. Free transpor tation! Room & Board! Male or Female. Get a head start on next summer! For employment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5778. Kimball Lied Performing Arts Committee Presents The Spy Who Came In From the Cold Starring Claire Bloom and Richard Burton Wed., Oct. 21. 1992 7p.m. Outdoors in the Garden between Sheldon and Lied Center FREE Meditation and Daily Life 3hante Wimala will be giving a workshop at the Women’s Center in the Union-Rm. 340. Tuesday Oct. 20, 7-9pm. :REE|_ MEN WHO SING! iconoclastic. Individualistic, Independent, Interesting. Register NOW tor Varsity Glee. 243443, MWF, 12:30 Vystery lies in MASQUERADE BALL October 3|p, 1992 o benefit the Stroke Foundation. Need GMAT prep for your MBA? Class begins November 10th 475-7010. KAPLAN-THE ANSWER TO THE TEST QUESTION. New Student Enrollment Applications available now al either Student Involvement Office, and are due Novenrtoer 3. Pershing Rifles is accepting^members who strive for leadership and excellence. P/R's mission is to assist cadets in their ROTC training and give non-military mem bers a chance to learn more about the military For more information, contact Terry at 472-2472. POSTERS! POSTERS! POSTERS! Recycled Sounds, 824 P St. 476 8240 1000 sot posters' SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084. STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm 4 every other Wednesday (82.9/16.9/30 4 10/14,10/28) at 4 00pm. International Affairs. 1237 R Street. 472-5358. Teachers College Students Advisory Board applications are due TOMORROW by 4pm in Room «105, HenzNk. Come get involved with usl Is The World Too Wordy For You? Experience the ancient arts of silence and contemplation. fyiee silent soup supper among Orthodox Christians Monday October 10,6:30 pm SI. John of Kronstadt Eastern Orthodox a urch 2348 Q Street. Lincoln, NE THANKS To everyone who attended and helped with Party On The Plains. It was a great successl The official 1992-93 Student Directory is now available. Directories have been delivered to residence halls, frater nities, sororities, and departmental offices. Commuter students may pick up their copy beginning Monday, October 19, at the ASUN Office, Room 115, City Union, or at the East Union Information Desk, Lobby Level. After October 22. directories will also be available at no charge at both City and East Union Bookstores and at the Student Information Center, City Union. TUTORS The Student Information Center is compiling a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of atutor. fill out an application at the ASUN Student Info. Center, 116 Nebr. Union. I Is Meetings BIO-CHEMISTRY CLUB Tuesday, October 20, 7:30 pm, East Campus Union. Important, Constitutional approval and elections. CORNHUSKER SKI* CLUB General meeting Wednesday, October21. Noodles Com edy Club, 7:30pm. Program: Physical conditioning, injury prevention. ‘Snow skiing ability is not a prerequisite to joinl Information: 423-5926. Homecoming Committee Husker Halloween meeting Tuesday 6:00pm, City Union P.S. Remember competition deadline October 20 Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting Wednesday, October 21 at 600p.m. Nebraska Union (room posted). Questions call 472-1464. 120 Greek Affairs A belated thank-you to AXO tor a great dinner exchange Let's do it again soon. The men of Kappa Sigma Brian M. (AGR). Congratulations on your AK-SAR-BEN championships and Catch-a-calf and hay hauling contest. You dida great job) The Brothers of AGR Congratulations to Karen E. on becoming a Page for the legislature!! We are so proud of voul! Love, your AXO Sisters Congratulations to ALLISON PETERSEN tor being se lected as a homecoming finalistl Love, XO KL Congratulations to Jim Graff and Jen Shadley on their engagement. The Men of Kappa Sigma Dear Mary Ann, Thank you for everything last Thursday, Without you it never would have been. _ Love. The Mon Of TKE DG and XPhi Pledges, Thanks tor coming to the frosh on Thursday. We had a great time. The TKE Pledges jj* To the Love Library Sigma Nu's, We know that you've got a soda beverage in that back pack; we re notifying the authorities! The Pop Patrol 130 Student Government GLC Meeting ?????? on lobbying? Guest Speaker Michael Mulnix Tuesday-Oct. 20 600 p.m -Nebraska Union STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Committees - Comm, for Fees Allocation-Res. Hall rep Computational Services & Facilities Government Liaison Committee Parking Appeals ' Police Committee Publications Board Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Students with Disabilities Subcommittee Teaching Council Senate Positions Division of Continuing Studies Graduate College Applications available at the Student Government office. 115 Nebr Union Deadline for all positions Is 4:00 p.m. on November 2. 1992. NEED CASH? Help others while helping yourself. WE NEED: Men & Women to donate valuable plasma. WE PROVIDE: The friendliest staff in town, TV entertainment, 2 hours free parking, $15 for each donation, and bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs.All new donors and those who haven't _ donated within two months receive $25 with this ad. New and’my boo-boo donors please call 474-2335 for an appointment, from bleeding to death Lincoln Donor Center One of the diseases your plaama fight* 126 N. 14th Suite 2 140 Personals Scottie M.. Are your pants reflective? Let me Know. Steph V. Tracy, Happy Anniversary. Look at the pretty water. I'll get yal I love you more. Cathi Naughty Poet still is seeking a woman capable of speaking unlike the others with heads of bone who grunt and hangup when I answer the phone If speaking kindly is easy for you call436-9722 _ T.Price (AOPi), I'm so happy you're my mom! Last week was great-thanks for everything! Love, Baby HH 145 Lost & Found Found: Keys on Disney key ring in basement of Bancroft Hall on 10-9-92. Claim at DN. Lost: '92 Nebraska Pocket Planner, very important, if found call Dave at 438-5015. 160 Help Wanted ‘HIRING NOW! Up to $7.25/hr. guaranteed* Neodata, a leader in the telemarketing industry, is cur rently seeking students interested in working part-time evening hours. Guaranteed up to S7.25 hour, paid train ing, flexible scheduling to fit your lifestyle (work as few as 15hours/week), contests, prizes, fun environment. Call daily 8 a.m.-9 p.m. to schedule an interview: 1-800-421 9944. Ask for Denise Neville. (EOE) --- Student needed To work in child care center at Campus Recreation. Elementary Education majors preferred. If interested call 472-3467. _____ Are you self-confident, assertive ? Would you like to make a positive impact on your community through easy evening phone work’ Call 467-4296 Attention: Students. Are you looking for a way to earn extra cash without intertenng with class schedules? We offer paid training, casual environment, bonus incentives and FLEXIBLE Scheduling. You CHOOSE the hours that fit your personal schedule. Monday-Friday, 9-9, Saturday, 9-4 (optional) Apply in person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 Campus Sales Rep. needed to promote student lifestyle furnishings. Super commission for aggressive committed part-time work. No investment necessary, all materials provided. Send letter of interest to: Campus Connection. 18 S. Kingshighway. 14-SU, St.Louis. MO 63108. ATTN Murray Hayes. Children’s Discovery Center Taking applications for part-time morning toddler teacher and full-time infant teacher Apply at 2205 Hwy 2. CHRISTMAS HELP *$9.25 To Start* ‘Entry level openings with national firm ‘Part-time, full-time flexible schedules ‘Permanent and temporary openings due to Christmas rush ‘Internshps and scholarshps All majors may apply < •488-6017______ Earn $180-$300/week Full-time and part-time job working on environmental issues. Call 477-8681 between 9-5 to schedule an inter view. Work hours: 1:30-10:30. Monday-Friday. EXPERIENCED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS earn $30 $40 per night officiating City Recreation Basketball. If interested can 47V7892 Experienced corrpine operator Close to Lincoln. Part or Pull tirruk frtf throa uuaokc Do not annlu unlace avoarL enced. Call after 9:00pm 483-4657. Factory Workers Applications being taken for production workers and experienced MIG welders. Permanent assignments on all shifts. Vacation and holiday pay. Must be 18 or older. EOE. Apply at MSP Resources. Suite 436 Greentree Court, 210 Gateway North. Food Service Distributor Needs a person to select product in our warehouse Monday; Thursday 1p.m-l0:30p m. The ideal candidate « reliable and can handle responsibility, enjoys fast paced work and can work in a cold environment. If interested apply at Lincoln Poultry 20th and M. Fraternities, sororities, campus organizations, highly motivated individuals— Travel FREE plus earn up to thousands of dollars selling SPRING BREAK trips to Cancun- Bahamas-' Cruise -South Padre Island: 1800 258-9191. _ Ideal work situation for college student . Northeast Lincoln area. Pleasant young man with multiple handicaps needs live in attendant to do personal care and household duties. Includes room, utilities, and salary. For more information call Audrey 471-4400 Region V Services Johnny D’s Library Lounge Currently seeking cocktail waitery and bartend ers. Ask for Jim. 488-4242 Now hinrtg-Happy Chef. Waitresses and waiters. Apply in person 2929 N W. 12 St. Apply between 8 am and to pm. Part-time position available. Flexible afternoon hours all day Saturday Apply in person. 1745 O Street. No phone calls please Part-time position, approximately 10 hrs./wk. flexible hours Call Lu or Pat at Rhoden Nissan, 434-7000. Position availab!e for child care specialist. Must have early childhood education. For more information please call 475-0543, SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL on Into Rock n Roll Runza to check out your employment opportunities. We have full-time and part-time positions available as: ‘Wait ‘Bartenders ‘Counter-help ‘Bussers ‘Cooks i In returnfor your hard work and dedication, well offer you: Very competitive wages, flexible schedules. 50% meal discount, ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES, clean Qwl-fOSfRtworK environment, and much morell DON'T WAIT-STROLL on in today to applyi 14th and P a. The Computing Resource Center is seeking two students to work in the Computer Shop. The selected persons will write orders, assemble orders, assist customers, stock inventory, make cash transactions, data entry, and an swer phone. They should have knowledge ot Microcom puters, MS-DOS, Microsoft Word, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 Must be able to lift 40 pounds. Retail sales experience desirable. Apply at 326 Administration between the hours 1 of 8:00am-noon and 1:00pm-5:00pm. $5 per hour. We have a mission to build progressive, non-profit citizens organizations into larger, more effective groups We need well read people to talk to their members about critical environmental and consumer issues We ’ll pay and treat you well S8.00 hourly weekends $7.00 hourly/weekdays $ 13.00 hourly is average pay for our top 10 commissioned employees Travel and advancement opportunities Great benefit package "Paid holidays ‘Paid vacation for full AND part-time employees •Profit sharing ‘Health care 'Long-term disability insurance HBC is now hiring, full and pan time hours available. If r're honest, hardworking, articulate and well read, call an interview, Monday thru Thursday, 11:00 A M to 3:00 P.M., 476-1010. 166 Internships Internships & On Campus Interviews » Visit SEIC today! 345 NE Union. 472-1452 170 Roommates Female nonsmoker needed to share nice 2 bedroom apartment on 7th & Rose. $170/mo+1/2 utilities. 438 6772 Female non-smoker tor large studio apartment with kitchen, dinning, bathroom, in basement of my home Available 11-1. S250-$200 deposit Noutilities.464-1656. Female roommate, graduate student needed tor Spring semester. Call 896 9077. Female roommate needed lor mobile home near campus. $150*deposit. Call Don or Vickie 474-0003. Female to share nice, newer 3-br apartment. $188.33/mth ♦ 1/3 utilities. Call 421-9529 Male roommate. Non-smoker, near Lincoln High. S184.50-month ♦ 1/2 utilities. 477-6800 Need two female non-smoking roommates tor apartment dose to campus. Call 474-7911. Ask tor Stephanie. Non-smoking male roommate, apt. 3 blocks from City Campus. $160/month +Util, & dep. Tim 432 4180. Non-smokingfemale toshare quiet 2br apart. S237/month all util, included Security. 438-5619. Roommate needed to share two bedroom, two bathroom new apartment. Call475-3447 (100-8:30p.m.) 438-6912 (8:30-pm). Ask tor Sarah. 180 Houses For Rent 1246 Court. Very nice three bedroom, two baths. Near campus. Available October 15. $600 475-1579 185 Duplexes For Rent Near UNL, 2440 Lynn. 4-bedroom $600. Would accept two people at $300 until two more roommates located 488-8483 ivu Apartments ror Kent **640 South 20th** Mega sized 1 bedroom $329 475-7262. 1 bedroom. 3092 T. between campuses, nice and sunny. 5327 *240 0811 Pho*n,x ProP*f1T Management, 474 1020 C Street Nice, 1-bedroom. Wood doors. Bay win dow $320. Call 474 1007. 2301 A St. -1 bedroom. New grey carpet. Balcony $289 and up 475-7262. 614 New Hampshire. Nee two bedroom apt. Close to city campus. No pets. 423-0389 941 Washington Newer 1-bedroom available 11-1. $295 plus deposit 466 8966 or 423 5921 Older duplex Ideal location, walk toUNL, unique 2-bedroom. Cherry Hill Realty. 489-4857 One-Bedrooms, Northeast In well maintained complex 10 minutes Irom campus Most utilities paid. $330-5355. Cherry mil Realty 489 4857 Unique Out of the ordinary, you'll love the space in this bright and cheerful one-bedroom. Central Courtyard, near East Campus. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857. CLOSE TO CAMPUS Two bedroom, carpet, a/c, laundry, parking, no pets, FREE CABLE. $395* 521 N. 25th. 477-7684 Cozy up to a nice warm fire at willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplacees, or woodburning stoves. Off street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNL campus. Professionally man aged. Call 476 6200 now._ Cozy, large 1 bedroom. 2825 No 49th Heat paid $295. 438-1287.468-7927. _ _ Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at 522»month. 438 3132 _ Efficiencies and one bedroom apartments near campus. —Secured building. S225-S245. Call 477-3648. Near Campus One and two bedroom. Some in security building. Laun dry, parkina $270-5420. 476-2500 Century Management Company One bedroom apartment near city carrpus. $250 deposit, $300/month + utilities. Call Bill 435-2795