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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1992)
™ WWBJWT v,9 bv> _ 1% lum* ryinwun Gays, lesbians trip GAYDAR wnai is u aooui mat woman in aisle B that lets me know she’s a lesbian? She’s not wearing flannel, she didn’t get out of a pick-up, and she doesn’t look like k.d. Iang. I know this is the health food co-op, but hey, straight women eat tofu too! The thing scooting my boot over to the organic tomato paste section is an insistent bleep . . . bleep . . . bleep. Yes! Ms. Lct-Me-See, fresh tuna, cat food, farm eggs and herbal tea — has flipped my GAYDAR. I must admit most gays and les btans arc pretty talented, but the only real, and I do mean “born with it" gift, is the thrilling ability to pick out Ihc lamily, the members ol the Church,” the "friends of Dor othy." You know,the "Queers” whe arc in any crowd, such as a GOI convention. ; This sweet past-lime is idiomati cally known as GAYDAR. It’s ar acronym just like radar, scuba, mis silc, and schizophrenia, when the letters from GAY D(ctccting) A(nd] R(ecognizing) arc pul together they spell GAYDAR. What is GAYDAR and how doe? it work? Practically every man will an ancient Greek heritage or i woman of Sa pphic origi ns gi ves of little homing signals. Centuries of careful evolutior auow even your average yueer Jo(e) lo send subsonic signals such as the even, low-toned “Get a load of these straights," the incessant, high pitched “Lesbian-feminist seeks same toargue with, "and. ofcourse, the self-explanatory “Hey Baby!" Some researchers argue against the PSSSST (People Sending Sub Sonic Signals Theory) citing the minute cultural details that filler into every facet of “The Life." Support for the “Cultural View” comes in a variety of forms. Straight people who insist on wearing queer clothing (and guess what, my dear helero friends, that’s incredibly com mon) have been known to trip GAYDAR. ' Hut I’ve heard that one in every 586,OOOgaysand lesbians has infal lible GAYDAK. I think the saddest evolutionary mutation is the person of the het erosexual persuasion who, by some freak accident,has acquired GAYDAK. We all know some guy or gal who continually falls for that person of another sexual orienta . lion. Long before I was out, a male i friend of mine with that crossover skill insisted 1 tripped hisG AYDAR. At least he knew what was going on. So many thusly a fflicled straights i never get what’s up with their tragic “II I think the saddest evo lutionary mutation is the person of the het erosexual persuasion who by somefreak ac cident has acquired GAYDAR. We all know some guy or gal who continually falls for that person of another sexual orientation. liy Gwen Vischer Diversions Contributor 7 7 love life. Wait, I’ve got to find that altrac live vegetarian. There she is a check-out. She’s a dyke, 1 know it. It’s no her jewelry, it’s not her hair style, o her shoes that’s getting to me. She doesn’t have to give tha woman waiting by the door a lool of utter adoration. Her air of free dom and self-confidence is all th< ID required. I know that if I walk out behirn them, we’ll exchange a smile a they climb into a mini-van full o kids. iw”'s VV.cJsi ! TAKE A STUDY BREAK! | $2.80 Pitchers $1.15 Well Drinks S J W.C.'S Downtown H* j\ | 1228 ’P' Street IWjC's. Coupon Not Good With Any Other Offer W.C/sJ 126 N. 13th aSSfe* The "UPTOWN" Florist Walking Distance From Campus Elegant, Unique, Creative SPECIAL CARING TOUCH . BALLOONS • EURO- & S«l %s>seSpecialists . TEDDY BEARS TRADITIONAL H WORLDS NATIONAL “ ggy cards WIRE SERVICES |gn 474-CARE (2273) Food & Spirits PRESENTS ■ L t U L v. L i s f > -.-5-w-«-I-—