The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1992, Page 6, Image 6
Sex club would require serious interest Mark Baldridge Diversions h'ditor_ I’ve never been whal you’d call a “flaming” heterosexual. I have to admit I relate to bisexuals better than the strictly homo or hclero among my friends, and in some ways “bi” seems the most natural way to be, to me. Still, I’ve never made love to a man — I guess that pretty much bars me from the queer club. I find that disappointing because ever since? I found out there were studentgroups specifically for queer students, I’ve been jealous. I want to join a club that centers on sexual expression, loo. ' l realize there are strong social and political issues that revolve around the homosexual issue, but • you have to admit it’s got a little to do with who you sleep with. Or at least who you’d like to sleep with. And that’s enough to make the whole phenomenon ofgay/lesbian organiza tions kind of cool and a little weird. Before there were stu d e n t queer clubs there weren’t any "Straight People Looking to Have Sex” clubs — or maybe there were and we just called them other things. Still, there wasn’t anything quite sq “out” in the straight community. Rut now that queer students have shown the way, I don’t see why they should be the only ones to play. I want to start a sex club. It would be a student organization and have a volunteer staffed office in the Nebraska Union, It would be a place for those who like sex — or who would like to learn to like sex better — to gather and talk about the issues of sex and sex u a I ex pres sion. You think I’m kidding, but I’m not. Anyone would l>e welcome. The only criterion: a serious interest in sex. There would be a lot of empha sison becoming more sensitive and better lovers. Women and men, both queer and straight, would be encouraged to speak frankly about what they wou Id like to see happen in the field of sex Everyone would be encouraged to take into consid eration the feelings and desires, even the fears, of others. The danger is that sex might become over-intellecluali/ed. We — tt I want to start a sex club. It would be a student organization and have a volunteer staffed office in the Nebraska Union. It would be a place for those who like sex. -- wouldn’t want to do that. Sowewouldsponsorsocialgath erings as well as seminars — we’d have potlucks and dances; hire bands, rent halls and turn the lights down low. I think it’s a great idea, Because a lot of people could use a little liberation, and not just the straights among us. There arc all kinds of closets to come out of. The closet is awfully big and until there’s some place, some venue for all of us to talk about the things that trouble us or turn us on there’s going to be a lot of people fumbling around among theoldshoes.wintercoatsanddusty cardboard boxes. The first step out of the closet has got to be to turn on the light. U0u MaosT"^ £>u€STioroS l rsu KJ6S THAT ejou HAOtw’T HAb Btrote'. tHAT* OM , THAT'S /\JaTu.CAL. 5uT at TmiS> Poi nT u>E P^FFE*- 4 6U DoAi'T ACT o^O TfteSE f^UW6Sy Bu.T IF MptA. Do f PLEASE AdT g^SPowSi^L^. P° WE'C£ Gt TTiiJfe ..-___ ot* \\£<-K , LtT'* JuST\ TM€M $PA^et> In or out?" Coming out vs. outing sparks controversy in homosexual community Celebrity, Public Servant, Religious Leader, Homosexual. Why did I out you? Can you possibly be asking that question as you shield your face from the flashing bulbs and pressing micro phones? Your denial of my accusations is futile. Now will you listen to me? As a celebrity, you possessed power and influence that 1 could only dream of. You were a role model and a familiar face to millions of people. But you were a false role model, hiding your true self from your public. My refusal to hide my identity stripped me of my rights. F.very day that I fought to regain these rights, I saw you enjoying these rights and ignoring my fight. Fvcry day, I grew angrier. By outing you, I have affected millions of people in a way 1 could never have done alone. Millions of people now know some one who is gay. Outing you was a necessity. That’s my fight. As my publieservant, I asked you, begged you to hear my voice. I never requested special privileges, only the same rights guar anteed everyone else. Time and again, you let me down. You were elected to serve the people. I’m a taxpayer. You arc my servant too. You said that your private life was your own business. My refusal to hide in shame made me a victim of your politics. My private life became your business, ana inai maac your pri vate life my business. By outing you, I have only subjected you to the restrictions of your own policies—the policies you I_I_I__...___I_ neipeu perpetuate ana re fused to help eliminate. As my religious leader, I pleaded with you to ac cept me. You called me "sinner," ordered repen tance, and refused accep tance. With passion, you denounced me and my people. Pointing a con demning finger, you noi only rejected me from your world, but condoned my extermi nation. Millions of people heard your voice and rallied behind you and your prejudice. By outing you I have exposed the hypocrisy of your organization. By outing you I have returned the haired you have flung at me. Outing you was a pleasure. Thai’s my fight. — Matt Govt); is a UNI. alumni and Diversions contributor. Every lime 1 qumc oul in any situation, it is a decision I question very thoroughly. Coming oul is something I consider to be very personal. Coming out lor me also involves an inherency of politics because being a lesbian automatically makes me political. When I think about the concept of outing, I think about both its personal and political ramifications. 1 believe that when someone is outed, it takes away their personal right loehoose whether tocome out or not. It will affect them politi cally, because il wi4l changesocicty’s perception of them forever. If I had been outed before I was ready to come out, the personal ramifications would have made my life extremely difficult. I probably would have lost my family’s love. I might have lost my job. I would have lost the support of many of my friends. And I might even have become the target of gay bashing. No one has the right to put me or the people in my life through any of these situations. It is almost impossible not to internalize the homophobic doctrine we all arc brought up to believe. We see the hatred, hear the jokes and witness the beatings. I low can a person not be afraid of life outside of the closet? This fear is justified by the fact that, according to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 62 people were murdered in the United Stales in 1989 because of their same sex orientation. If a person is not emotionally ready to cope with this persecution, the emotional scars can be devastating. I have heard too many stories of individuals, outed by the military, who have taken their lives because they believed they were incapable of surviv ing after being outed The possibility that one life may be lost because of outing is a risk that I am not willing to take for any cause. — I.isc Johnston Is a forestry major and Diver sions contributor.