The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1992, Page 14, Image 13
CLASSIFIED $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publics tion. = 3 Bicycles For Sale Mens blue Schwinn World 24 inch. Just tuned up. $125 or best offer. Call 475-9119 ★ Tommeeini Prestige Frame-set 52 crrV20.5". Full Columbus tubing with Campy dropouts. Luscious green & gold metallic over chrome. An immacu late frame-set that's never been built. $460. Scott 477 4253 4 Books For Sale A NOVEL IDEA: New Bukowski + Bowles titles, plus zillions of books from Des Moines. 475-TOME, 118 N. 14. ANNOUNCING: CREATIVE IDEAS, used and rare books bookstore; 1233 F St. 476-6313. Open Tuesday-Thursday I0am-9pm; Saturday 10am-6pm; Sunday 1pm-6pm; Monday by chance. Competitive prices, paperbacks as low as 50Q and hardbacks less than half cover price. Reading room, game room and free coffee. 6 Computers For Sale MAC FOR SALE! Macintosh 512K. external drive, and Imagewnter Printer. Best offer. Call Scott 466-7618. 8 Furniture For Sale For Sale: 7-toot pool table. $35. 435-3945. 10 Misc. For Sale CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED '89 MERCEDES.$200 86 VW. $50 87 MERCEDES.$100 '65 MUSTANG.$50 Choose from thousands starting $25. FREE Information 24 Hour Hotline 801 -379-2929 Copyright #NE11KJC Panasonic ten-speed bicycle and Sony Discman for sale Best offer. Leave message at 436-8153. 19 Ticket Exchange Need Colorado tickets. Call 477-0923. CAN YOU MANAGE ON AN EXTRA $2,500? Practical experience for Busi ness/Marketing majors: Man age credit card promotions on campus for a National Market ing Firm. Hours flexible. Earn up to S2,500/term. CALL 1-800 950-8472, Ext. 17. Need three Colorado tickets. 435-0855 ask for Jett after 7:00p.m. Need: 5 tickets for the Oct. 10 Oklahoma State game. Please call Lisa at 477-6503. WANTED: 2 Tickets for B.B. King. Call 475-4539. Wanted: 4-5 NU/CU football tickets between the 20 yard lines. Call after 5:00 475-1769. Wanted: 4-6 tickets for NU/CU game. Call anytime, ask for Steve. 308-436-2679, call collect. 20 Vehicles For Sale ■64 CadHIac-Sedan DeVille. White, Hardtop, 4-door, BIG fins, 97,000, power seals, windows. $1400 O.B.0.436 9814. 82, 81, 80 Nissan 280ZX's. Starting at $2995. 90 Chevrolet Lumina $6447,. |A-1 Motors 476-7107 1988 Nissan Centra three door hatch. 5-6peed. Air. AM/ FM cassette. 69,000 miles. Clean. $3850 offers. Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 S. Third. 477-6442.__ 1983 Mazda RX7 5-speed. Air. AM/FM cassette. Cruise. 83,000 miles. Nice. $2450 offers. Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 S. Third, 477-6442. ■_ 1981 Datsun 310, new battery, tires, exhaust, and many otherparts. Runs great. $1100 O.B.O. 464-9685 or 472 8787, _ 1977 Olds Delta 88. A/C. PS/PB, one owner, new vinyl roof. Good school car. 472-2809 1972 Ford T-Bird. Rebuilt engine. Great shape inside and out. No body rust. Call 475-9119 1965 BMW R-50/2 (500cc) 19K mi. Solo seat, sport bars. Wonderful condition. $2600 Scott 477-4253 Haymarket Motorworks Great school cere Chevy Celebrity V6,4-dr, looks/runs great. $2900 Ford Torino Elite 2-dr, rebuilt engine, great transportation, stereo, $1600 Cal: 434-5623, 432-5620 " 22 Adoption A caring couple understands that adoption isn't an easy choice. We can give your newborn love 6 happiness. Expenses paid. Call Leonita & Ted anytime. 1-800-578 4226 _ A happy loving couple wishes to welcome newborn into a warm loving home with so much to offer. Medical/legal expenses paid. Please call Alias and Michael 1-800-742 3624 ____ ADOPTION Let us help your new born baby and fulfill our dreaml Feel reassured that the child will be deeply loved by us and embraced by our family. We are a young, very happily married, financially secure couple. Expenses paid. Call Christine and Jim at 1-800-354 0969 Adoption Professional baby nurse and loving husband wish to share their love with new born. We promise a life time in a happy secure family. Call Tim and Priscilla any time 1 800-398-5647. Legal and confidential._ Childless couple weh to adopt newborn There will be lots of love and a comfortable Me for your baby. Expenses paid. Call Rosemarie and Gary. 1-800-525-4758. Childless loving couple wishes to adopt newborn. We will provide a warm, wonderful, caring and happy home. Please cal Stephanie 4 Jon toll-lree 1 -800-484- 7021 ext. •2229. Legal 4 confidential. Single and Pregnant? You donT have to go it alone—we re here to help No lees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893 Nebraska Children a Home Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 314. 483-7879 42 Health and Fitness Your Poroonol DiofTM A 3 month computer balanced diet, get your brochure at the southwest comer of the Nebraska Union or cal 473 1954. 63 Pregnancy_ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available Call lor an appointment LINCOLNCRBttPREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street, Suite B-1 _ 475-2501 __ PREGNANT? BIRTHRK5HT Is a confidantlal hewing hand. Fraa pregnancy teat, please call us for appoint ment. 463-2609. 72 Rentals Need a car for the weekend? Rales starling at $59.99 (or ths weekend, call Agency Rent-a-Car. 04-6100. I ^*!uh j| I ^ s4 tUM% <X&OVC (Ac %Cdt^h | Hottest New Country Music § ^ Thursday s< r\ Free Dance Lessons 8:00 p.m. S,0° Draws I 80 Typing & Resumes Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. _ Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plu6 tax. Daily Nabraakan,basement of Nebraska Union. 105 Career Events Career Workshops for the Week of Oct. 5th Mon. 10/5: Interviewing Skills, 300-4:00pm, NE Union Tues. 10/6: Networking, 6:30-7:30pm, NE Union Thurs. 10/8: Ag. Science* Nat. Resources Careers Day, 9:30-300pm, East Union Fri. 10/9: Choosing a Career. 11:30-12:30pm, East Union Workshop on Selecting A Major - TODAY! 3:30-4:30pm. East Union 110 Announcements m—i i S STORIES ON A JOURNEY OF FAITH" Native American A Christ tan Spirituality An informal presentation and discussion with The Rev. JOSEPH IRON EYE DUDLEY Saturday. October 3 10:00 AM - 12 Noon Cornerstone -UMHE 640 N. 16th St. PUBLIC INVITED 1992 Royalty Applications Available in the Student Involvement Office 200 City Union and 300 East Union. Due October 12. 1992 400p.m. in Student Involvement Office, Breaking the Silence Norah Johnson, Editor of ‘Breaking the Silence*, dis cusses the newsletter and healing from incest. Thursday, Oct 8, 2:30-3:15p.m. NE UNION Rm. 338 I-1 Come to the Lord's Table with Christians around the world! WORLD-WIDE COMMUNION Sunday. October 4 10:30 AM , CORNERSTONE-UMHE 640 N. 16th St. Preaching: Dr. Joel Gajardo Director-Lincoln Hispanic Center OUR DOOR AND CHRIST S TABLE ARE OPEN TO ALL Cruise Ships Now Hiring Earn S2.000*/month + world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holiday, Summer and Career employ ment available. No experience necessary. For employ ment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. C5778. Fifth Annual Cultural Diversity Retreat October 24-25, 4-H Camp (Gretna). Applications avail able at Multicultural Affairs. Student Involvement, Cam pus Recreation, ASUN, and Student Affairs. For more information call 472-3755 GET READY TO SCREW!!! Set your roommate up for the blind date of their Mel The annual Burr-Fedde 'Screw Your Roommate' Dance wil be held Oct 8 at the Pla-mor. Tickets S4 in advance 55 at the door. Get ready for a great SCREW!! HELP THE HOMELESS Volunteers are needed to help with the Second Annual Great Plains Winter Sleepout to be held on the night of Friday. October 16. For more information, please contact either the Lincoln Housing Authority at 467-2371. or stop by the ASUN Office (Room 15, City Union) POSTERS! POSTERS! POSTERS! Recycled Sounds, 824 P. St. 476-8240.1000 s of poetersi Pre-Vet Club Barn Dance Saturday Oct. 3 at 6:30 pm at Dr. Schneider's. Meet at 6.00 at VBS parking lot for rides. RSVP by Thursday. 438 5481 Maps available SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084. STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm ft every other Wednesday (*2.W16.9r30 ft 10114,10r?8) at 400pm. International Allairs. 1237 R Street. 472-5358 University Ambassadors Camp-out This is the big one Ambassadoal Lots ol fun. food, danger, and excitement. Leave this Friday 4pm In front of BroyhiHI _Any questions cal Marie Frank 436-6304. Warm, caring male into photography, adventure, dancing seeks female 19-25 to pamper. Please send photo (re turned) and how to contact to Suite 201 2730 So 123 Court Omaha. NE 68144. 115 Meetings Ag Econ Agribusiness Club Executive meeting today at 5pm. Trash pickup 8pm. Meet at FUley Hall. __ ATTENTION SPORT CLUBS AH members of Campus Recreation Sport Clubs must attend a Sport Clubs Participation Physical to be a participant of this program. MEN*: THURSDAY. SEPT. 24 FROM 4O0PM-V 00PM: WOMEN S: THURSDAY, OCT. 1 FROM 4.OOPM-S :00PM. It you are participating or intend to this semester you must abend. For more infor mation contact Leah at 472-3487. Biology Club Meeting Thursday October 1. at 7:30 in room 129 Manter. We willbe playing some kind of trivia dealing with Biology. Also come with ideas about the rest of this semester and the one to come. Refreshments provided. New members welcome! __ BLOCK & BRIDLE October 1st, at Anl. Sci arena: 7130 p.m. Volleyball; 845 pizza party/meeting Chicano Special Events Thursday at 6:30 at theCuiture Center. Important that you be therel! Mechanized Systems Management Club Regular meeting October 1,1992, 5:30 L.W. Chase MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Lambda Tau National Honors Society will be having an organizational meeting Thursday. October 1st at 6:30 p.m.. University Health Center, Room F (basement). All new students are welcome. Pre-Law Club Thursday, October 1,7:00 pm City Union. Speaker Attor ney Kent Frobish. New members welcome. ' Pre-PTClub Meeting Thursday. October 1, 7:30 pm, in Health Center conference room. Pat Hagman from UNMCwillbespeak ing. Student Foundation Mandatory meeting Thursday, Oct. 1 at 5:00 pm in Ne braska Union, room posted. See you therel TCAB Meeting TODAY at 5:30pm in Mabel Lee (Rm #242). Important information will be covered concerning applica tions for new members. Be therel Undergraduate Psychology Organization Mill be holdings meeting October 1 at 600. Speaker will x on drugs. Hoorn will be posted in Union. 120 Greek Affairs KA0 Congratulations on your 3rd place finish in the 500 Your Coaches. DAB AY Stabel Stomp ’92 Saturday October 3rd. 0X Congratulations to Mike Bedke. Mike Lewis, and John Lammers on being accepted to the Golden Key National Honor Society. The Men of Theta Chi A belated congratulations to our new Committee Chairs: Pledge Board P. Hansen and L. Gbson. Fundraising-A Hoffman, and Rush-K. Rutten. _Love your TC Sisters Beta Theta Pi's Sorry about the misunderstanding. We would love to try to get together another time. Love. Trl Delta Pledgee Congratulations to the A-Phi pledge class for sweeping 3 events and winning Phi Psl 500! Love. The Actives xn Chl-O-Silver! _ Congratulations to Beta Sigma Pais Associate Member of-the-Week Jeff Wellman and Alumnus-of-the-Week Marc VanCaster. The Men of Beta Sigma Psi Congratulations Jen Kro* A Mona Maheehwari on making the CBA Student Advisory Board. Love your AOII Sisters Congratulations to Tracy W. (TC) and Adam F. on your engagement. We wsh you the best of luck. Love, your TC Sisters FATA-MORGANA Friday, October 2 In the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Two WHh special guests No Left stone AXA KL OA0 ZX ATA ZN AY *A mind is not neceeaary to attend <DM Hey: Fabulous Phi's you are AWESOME! You guys rock Phi Mull —__Love Michelle A Julia Touchdown, Touchdown. TouchdownIM Beta Sigma Psi and Gamma Phi Beta would like to announce "Touchdown 92*-The Original Flag Football Philanthropy Play begins at 9a.m. Saturday at Cather Pound fields. Way to go Patty and Annie for receiving thud piece in the trike race! Love your AOtl Sisters 140 Personals Abtoie. Thanks for the help on Tuesday. Seriously, you're so wonderful. Love Kevin Keli S. (AXiD), Let's see .you either don't remember me from two Friday nights wjo at Rodtin' Robin's, or you lust decided not to call. Which Is It? ___ Chuck Feeshy, Happy Anniversaryl I will love you always. Enny Toddles. Than* for being there, listening to me cry about every thing, and most of all for reassuring me ws wll ALWAYS be together. I Love You! Love always. Bee. To all UNL men: There are 3 givene in IMe. Water Is wet. The sky is blue. And women are evil. -The Livin' Breathin' Steph V., Let's talk about... LIFE IN GENERALI Scott ie 145 Lost & Found "■'■'i'".- ■■■1 "'HTfsaa LOST: Red day runner schedule planner. REWARD. Call 476-2878. Leave message Reward: Lost 1962 gold class ring with black stone. Plqate call 436-9723 or 438-7226._____ Sweater found indoor East side steps of Admin .-North. Claim at 220 Administration Bldg. 148 Wanted Need models lor my beauty make-over portfolio. No money, but a free facial and a new look I Call Ann. 475 8593. _j*__ WANTED! Hey you Professors and you book collecting students: We are paying warm cash—that's right CASH—for any of your stockpile of books you no longer want. Call us at 476 8313. We are especially interested in Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Literature, Occult, Modem Fiction, and Psychology. WANTED: Bassist and rhythm guitarist for working college country band. Call Dave 476-9516. 150 Child Care Needed Child care needed for two children part-time evenings and weekends. 435-5763 Mother's aide needed. Primarily Tuesdays and Thurs days after school for transportation and some oooking. $4.00/hour. Call or leave message at 423-2898 160 Help Wanted ‘HIRING NOW! Up to $7.25/hr. guaranteed* Neodata, a leader in the telemarketing industry. It cur rently seeking students interested in working part-time nvening hours. Guaranteed up to S7.25 hour, paid train ing, flex ible scheduling to fit your lifestyle (work as lew as 15 hours/week), contests, prizes, tun environment. Call daily 8 am.-9 o.m. to schedule an interview. 1 -800-421 • 9944, Ask tor Denise Neville. (EOE)_ YMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer volleyball coaches. Contact the Youth Sports Department at 475-9622. Are you sel con!idem, assertive? Would you like to make a positive impact on your community through easy evening phone work? Call 467-4296. Attention: Students. Are you looking tor a way to earn extra cash without interfering with class schedules? Ws offer paid t reining, casuei environment, bonus incentives and FLEXIBLE Scheduling. You CHOOSE the hours that tit your personal schedule Monday-FrWay. 9-^ Saturday. 9-4 (optional) Apply in person: * International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 Baby sitter(s)/companion(s) needed lor seven yr. boy and f 2 yr. girt. Periodic eves., spends and some ever mg ms SNeogii.Lv. mess. lorProl. Knight-Eagan. 472-1293 Bartender Ramada Hotel A Conference Center Part-time position in our tul servico lounge—experience necessary Shifts are 2:30-7 p.m. and 630 p.m.-1 a.m. however hours are ftexbte. Apply in person to the Execu tive Office. 141 N. 9th, Monday- Thursday 830-11 amor Monday Wednesday 1-430 p.m. No telephone cals, please. EOE.______ Cash paid nightly Earn S6- SS/hour. Drivers and pizza makers needed. Own car with insurance. Good diving record. Apply at any Domino s Pizza location after 4 p.m. College Students Entry level openings. Part-time tie* ble schedules. Schol arships and Internships available. *10. 488 6017. _ DON AND MILLIE S Home of the Meant margsrtts We re looking tor crew members to help work registers and food line. We offer excellent working environment, competitive wages, flexble working hours. Must be 19 or older Apply after 1 tern. 5200 S. 56th. 3 blocks north of Hwy 2._ Flexible Part-Time And Full-Time Metromail Corporation hat Immediate opening* tor Data Entry Operator* on the first shift working part-time flexible hours between Monday through Friday 7:46 a m. to 4:30 p.m., on the second shtft working full-time hours Monday through Friday 4:45 p.m. to 1:15a.m., or part-time hours working 800 p.m. to 1:16 a.m. Monday through Friday. The second snlfi include* additional compensation. Job responsibilities Include utilizing the CRT unit to key and verify data into the computer Qualified applicant must be able to meet qualifications on a Data E ntry Skids Test, have the aMity to cross reference and compare, and use a standard keyboard number pad Metromail Corporation otters an excellent benefit pro gram and compel Hive salary. Qualified applicants should apply in person between 8»0 a.m and 4 tn p.m. Monday through Fnday In Human Resources at: METROMAIL CORPORATION 949 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 EOEMTF/H/V _____ Hiring part-time attendants, ttexfci* schedule. Apply in person at Laundry Land. 21st and J. 474-4363. Horticulturists Full or part-time. Must have experience in tropical indoor planta. Call tor an appointment 437-7118. McDonalds Morning and night shift only. Free uniforms, half price meals, flexible hours. Wag* negotiable. Call 475-52* for interview. NANNIES NEEDED NEAR NYC/NJ Greet (amide*, experience end 88SI Nanny Finders, Inc. 1 800 868 1701 anytime Nebraska SpiriVGreek Shop is seeking part-time retail help. Please atop in and fid out an application. Experience • preferred, but not required. Nebraska SpirIt/Greek Shop. 1120 P. Street. Lincoln. NE 88508 (EOE)