CLASSIFIED $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publics tion. = 3 Bicycles For Sale Mens blue Schwinn World 24 inch. Just tuned up. $125 or best offer. Call 475-9119 ★ Tommeeini Prestige Frame-set 52 crrV20.5". Full Columbus tubing with Campy dropouts. Luscious green & gold metallic over chrome. An immacu late frame-set that's never been built. $460. Scott 477 4253 4 Books For Sale A NOVEL IDEA: New Bukowski + Bowles titles, plus zillions of books from Des Moines. 475-TOME, 118 N. 14. ANNOUNCING: CREATIVE IDEAS, used and rare books bookstore; 1233 F St. 476-6313. Open Tuesday-Thursday I0am-9pm; Saturday 10am-6pm; Sunday 1pm-6pm; Monday by chance. Competitive prices, paperbacks as low as 50Q and hardbacks less than half cover price. Reading room, game room and free coffee. 6 Computers For Sale MAC FOR SALE! Macintosh 512K. external drive, and Imagewnter Printer. Best offer. Call Scott 466-7618. 8 Furniture For Sale For Sale: 7-toot pool table. $35. 435-3945. 10 Misc. For Sale CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED '89 MERCEDES.$200 86 VW. $50 87 MERCEDES.$100 '65 MUSTANG.$50 Choose from thousands starting $25. FREE Information 24 Hour Hotline 801 -379-2929 Copyright #NE11KJC Panasonic ten-speed bicycle and Sony Discman for sale Best offer. Leave message at 436-8153. 19 Ticket Exchange Need Colorado tickets. Call 477-0923. CAN YOU MANAGE ON AN EXTRA $2,500? Practical experience for Busi ness/Marketing majors: Man age credit card promotions on campus for a National Market ing Firm. Hours flexible. Earn up to S2,500/term. CALL 1-800 950-8472, Ext. 17. Need three Colorado tickets. 435-0855 ask for Jett after 7:00p.m. Need: 5 tickets for the Oct. 10 Oklahoma State game. Please call Lisa at 477-6503. WANTED: 2 Tickets for B.B. King. Call 475-4539. Wanted: 4-5 NU/CU football tickets between the 20 yard lines. Call after 5:00 475-1769. Wanted: 4-6 tickets for NU/CU game. Call anytime, ask for Steve. 308-436-2679, call collect. 20 Vehicles For Sale ■64 CadHIac-Sedan DeVille. White, Hardtop, 4-door, BIG fins, 97,000, power seals, windows. $1400 O.B.0.436 9814. 82, 81, 80 Nissan 280ZX's. Starting at $2995. 90 Chevrolet Lumina $6447,. |A-1 Motors 476-7107 1988 Nissan Centra three door hatch. 5-6peed. Air. AM/ FM cassette. 69,000 miles. Clean. $3850 offers. Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 S. Third. 477-6442.__ 1983 Mazda RX7 5-speed. Air. AM/FM cassette. Cruise. 83,000 miles. Nice. $2450 offers. Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 S. Third, 477-6442. ■_ 1981 Datsun 310, new battery, tires, exhaust, and many otherparts. Runs great. $1100 O.B.O. 464-9685 or 472 8787, _ 1977 Olds Delta 88. A/C. PS/PB, one owner, new vinyl roof. Good school car. 472-2809 1972 Ford T-Bird. Rebuilt engine. Great shape inside and out. No body rust. Call 475-9119 1965 BMW R-50/2 (500cc) 19K mi. Solo seat, sport bars. Wonderful condition. $2600 Scott 477-4253 Haymarket Motorworks Great school cere Chevy Celebrity V6,4-dr, looks/runs great. $2900 Ford Torino Elite 2-dr, rebuilt engine, great transportation, stereo, $1600 Cal: 434-5623, 432-5620 " 22 Adoption A caring couple understands that adoption isn't an easy choice. We can give your newborn love 6 happiness. Expenses paid. Call Leonita & Ted anytime. 1-800-578 4226 _ A happy loving couple wishes to welcome newborn into a warm loving home with so much to offer. Medical/legal expenses paid. Please call Alias and Michael 1-800-742 3624 ____ ADOPTION Let us help your new born baby and fulfill our dreaml Feel reassured that the child will be deeply loved by us and embraced by our family. We are a young, very happily married, financially secure couple. Expenses paid. Call Christine and Jim at 1-800-354 0969 Adoption Professional baby nurse and loving husband wish to share their love with new born. We promise a life time in a happy secure family. Call Tim and Priscilla any time 1 800-398-5647. Legal and confidential._ Childless couple weh to adopt newborn There will be lots of love and a comfortable Me for your baby. Expenses paid. Call Rosemarie and Gary. 1-800-525-4758. Childless loving couple wishes to adopt newborn. We will provide a warm, wonderful, caring and happy home. Please cal Stephanie 4 Jon toll-lree 1 -800-484- 7021 ext. •2229. Legal 4 confidential. Single and Pregnant? You donT have to go it alone—we re here to help No lees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893 Nebraska Children a Home Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 314. 483-7879 42 Health and Fitness Your Poroonol DiofTM A 3 month computer balanced diet, get your brochure at the southwest comer of the Nebraska Union or cal 473 1954. 63 Pregnancy_ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available Call lor an appointment LINCOLNCRBttPREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street, Suite B-1 _ 475-2501 __ PREGNANT? BIRTHRK5HT Is a confidantlal hewing hand. Fraa pregnancy teat, please call us for appoint ment. 463-2609. 72 Rentals Need a car for the weekend? Rales starling at $59.99 (or ths weekend, call Agency Rent-a-Car. 04-6100. I ^*!uh j| I ^ s4 tUM%