The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1992, Page 10, Image 9

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    Ticket sale roundup: -vr^n
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,- 1 \ \\Tickets^'(outtets- \\
?) .--—y / u... ' |\ y,rwetm^sLr-, \l
Clint Black writh 1 «5JBSf J
I special guests Aaron 1 Magta v. 6 — 5:30
Tippen* Little Texas 1 Fn5&nnm 1 /
It^’Swwi. /
CiMAudlBUm llJJdStiMMWr /
$19.50 On sale Monday 1 AJrS* *oi 75, $17.75 /
at 930 a.m. I ^ Monday at 10 /
Tickets available at | a m" \
Pershing Auditorium and I T . available at all y
all Ticketmaster outlets. | ^^aster outlets.
I r\_
_Brian Shellito/DN
"Live Bands"
Mby Nights - Tims ft Thurs.
00 00 Thurs. Oet. 1
ft Tues. Oet. 6
☆ $i.M iwi Light Pitcher*
My City
Are You Late?
■ •
• Free Pregnancy testing Women's
: A&Tr^uL Medical Center
t° l4 'Jeeks * . of Nebraska
• Saturday appointments
available 4930 L Street
• Student discounts NE 68117
• Visa Mastercard (402)734-7500
visa, Mastercard Toll free (800) 877-6337
126 N. 13th
The "UPTOWN" Florist
Walking Distance From Campui
Elegant, Unique, Creative
j Designs with THAT
feisj cards WIRE SERVICES V
M 474-CARE (2273)
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery; University of Nebraska-Lincoln I
_M 12th & R Streets; Lincoln, NE 68566-0302; Film Information Phone: 402/472 5353
Screenings 7 & 9:30 p.m. Daily
Matinees on Saturdays at 12:30 & 3 p.m.
and Sundays at 2 & 4:30 p.m.
Courtesy of Geffen Records
Pat Metheny, award-winning composer and jazz guitarist, will perform Saturday at the Lied
Center for Performing Arts.
Six-time Grammy winner’s tour
stopping at Lied Center Saturday
From Staff Reports
Pat Metheny, a six-time Grammy
Award winner, composer and jazz
guitarist, will celebrate the release of
his new album, “Secret Story,” Satur
day at 8 p.m. at the Lied Center for
2 Appliances
3 Bicycles
4 Books
5 Clothing
7 Jewelry
6 Computers
8 Furniture
9 Garage Sales
10 Mac. For Sale
12 Musical Instruments
13 Office Furniture
14 Pets
15 Photo Equipment
16 Sporting Goods
18 Stereos/TVs
19 Ticket Exchange
20 Vehicles
22 Adoption
23 Alterations A Sewing
25 Automotive
27 Bicycle Service
29 Bridal
30 Catering
32 Cleanmg/Laundry
33 Cleaning Households
34 Computer Service
36 Entertainment
38 Gift Ideas
40 Hairstyling
42 Health A fitness
44 Insurance
46 Instruction/Tutortng
48 Job Placement
50 Legal
60 Mac. Services
62 Photography
63 Pregnancy
64 Printing & Copying
68 Recycling
72 Rentals
74 Tanning
75 Tattooing
76 Travel
80 Typing 8 Resumes
100 Rides
105 Career Evemts
110 Announcements
115 Meetings
120 Greek Affairs
130 Student Government
140 Personals
145 Lost A Found
148 Warned
149 Fundraeing
150 Child Care Needed
160 Help Wanted
162 Work Study Jobe
164 Summer Jobe
166 Internships
170 Roommates
173 Housing Wanted
175 Rooms For Rent
180 Houses For Rent
185 Duplex For Rent
190 Apartments For Rent
191 Summer Housing
192 Mobile Homes For Rent
194 Homes For Sale
198 Vacation Rentals
$3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads
§4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word
$.75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charge
DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not pnnt any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
Writing an effective ad
^ ■■ "■ ■■■
Be descriptive. The more information you pro
vide the readers, the better your responses will be
Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered
Include the price of the items for sale
3 Bicycles For Sale
S=BSSSB=^= i 1 ... =
199? Trek Mountain bike. 18 inch. Excellent condition.
LMs than 40 miles Paid $426 Asking $375. 438-6737
Performing Arts.
Metheny, a native of the Kansas
City area, made his record debut in
1974atage 19 with pianist Paul Bley.
“Secret Story,” also the name of
Metheny’s tour, is his First solo effort.
He calls “Secret Story” a story of
The music from this lour resonates
from outside the American main
stream. Metheny has traveled exten
sively and is influenced by other mu
sical cultures, yet he calls the release
an American record. * \
Can nondale 1991 Shimano-XT and Amercan Classic
equipped. Works perfectly and looks cool too $650. call
Keith at 436-0054 _T_
Lincoln Police Department notice ol sale of unclaimed
bicycles. Sept. 29. 1992. 600 p m. Lincolnland Towma,
410 W P st. No cherts accepted
.. ■ -..
4 Books For Sale
A NOVEL IDEA. 118 N 14,475-TOME. Buy. Sell. Trade,
used books ol all kinds.
6 Computers For Sale
Macintosh. IBM software-over 100 titles. A totally new
concept in software purchasing Sneak Peek Software.
4750 Normal Blvd. 489-0300.
8 Furniture For Sale
Queen sized waterbed. 70% waveless, underdresser
storage. 1 year old, like new. 30 gallon he*agon aquanum
with all equpmem Will take best offer. Cal 464-8434
10 Misc. For Sale
89 MERCEDES.$200
86 VW.$50
87 MERCEDES.:...$100
65 MUSTANG .$50
Choose from thousands starling $25 FREE Information
24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2929Copyright #NE11KJC
18 Stereos/TVs For Sale
Two almost new Realistic speakers and Fischer turntable
and radio. $150 Work 435-2187 or 785-2082
19 Ticket Exchange
Seven day/six night cruise Irom Fort Lauderdale to the
Bahamas $350 tor set. 466-6963.
20 Vehicles For Sale
1986 Buck Skyhawk. SCS Sport Package, sunroof. A/C,
P/S-P/B. many extras A sporty yet economical school
car. $3950 489-4446 after 5:30, weekdays
1984 Toyota Coralla LE, 4 door, automatic, air, anvfm,
nee. $2450 offers. Baer s Auto Sales. 1647 So. 3rd. 477
105 Career Events
Career Workshops lor the Week of Sept. 28th
Mon. 9/28: Cover Letter Writing, 200 - 3:00, NE. Union
Tues. 9/28: Job Search, 6:30 - 7:30, NE. Union
Wed. 9/30: Resume Writing, T100 am -noon. NE. Union
Thurs 10/1. Selecting a Major, 3:30 -4:30pm, East Union
Workshop on Choosing a Career • TOOAYI
1:30 - 2:30 pm. NE. Union
Two pre-performance talks will be
given by Kit Vorhccs, coordinator for
Educational Outreach for the Fine
and Performing Arts, in the Lied’s
Steinhart Room. The first will begin
55 minutes before curtain, and the
second 30 minutes before perfor
Tickets may be purchased at the
Lied Box Office, 12th and R streets.
Costs are $26, $22 and $ 18 with half
price fares for University of Nebraska
Lincoln and Nebraska Wesleyan stu*
110 Announcements
We have immediate part-time openings lor experienced
concrete finishers and form tetters. Starting wage S6 50/
hr and up commensurates with experience and skill level
We will place a premium on those with the ability to work
morning schedules We are a professional fast-paced
construction company. Experience with us will positively
affect your resume. We have many UNL students pres
ently working lor us. Our group of employees have a
positive atiitude working together to produce a quality
product Come |oin our team'll Call 421-7165
Get down and dance along with DJ Philly Phil and
Special K Culture Center. September 26.1992.9 00 pm
to 100 am. S2 for students. S3 tor Non-students. Spon
sored by Mexican American Student Association.
Sports Card Show
UNL Student Union, September 27th, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
, Saturday-Sept. 26
11:00 to Noon
Sponsored by ASUN-Student Government,
KFRX, Pepsi, Old Home Bread
and Fairbury Hot Dogs
~ Cruise Ships Now Hiring
Earn $2. crow month ♦ world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the
Caribbean, etc.) Holiday, Summer and Career employ
ment available No experience necessary For employ
ment program can-266-545-4155 ext. C577S. _
Fall foliage sale
Mouse oiants
East Campus Union
8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday
(or until all gone).
UNL Horticulture
It's not too late to join the Performing Arts Program. The
College of Business Administration Student Develop
ment Center in conjunction with the Lied Center tor
Performing Arts Is offering two different packages for
$25.00 and $30 00. saving you almost 50%off the normal
student price. Experience the music of B.B. King, marvel
at thearace of the Stars of Bolshoi Ballet, or laugh at the
comedy of Reno. The program also includes pre-perfor
mance sessions and an evening seminar about the aru.
Sian up at the Student Development Center, Rm. 237
CBA before Wednesday. Oct 1st. 3:00pm Space is
limited so sign up todayi.
Attention EE and Computer Science Majors in need of
senior project. We will provide all matenal and funding for
R/D project. Call 474-1100.