The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1992, Page 4, Image 4
Opinion Nebraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln _ Chris Hopfensperger...Editor, 472-1766 Dionne Searcey.Opinion Page Editor Kris Karnopp.Managing Editor Alan Phelps.Wire Editor Wendy Navratil. Writing Coach Stacey McKenzie..Senior Reporter Jeremy Fitzpatrick . . ....... Columnist Give it up National Guard needs to sacrifice funds S- ome sacrifices just have to be made. Legislative Bill 10, introduced Monday, would decrease tuition assistance for Nebraska National Guard members by putting a $500 cap on the amount of tuition assistance a guard member could receive each year. If passed, the bill will go into effect next July. The bill would barely affect Nebraska’s small colleges. At Southeast Community College’s Lincoln campus, students’ aid would not be hurt because the average tuition amounts to only $412 a year. The effect at the state’s major university would send ripples a little farther through the system. The legislative fiscal office estimates that there are 439 guard members receiving assistance. They receive an average of $978 a year. That is nearly $439,000. Sen. Roger Wehrbein of •Rfattsmouth said the bill would trim more than $300,000 from Nebraska’s budget. In the state’s poor economic times, it’s tough for any organization to escape budget cuts. The Legislature is looking to cut millions of dollars from the state’s budget; it should start with areas of fat that can obviously use a little trimming. Senators should ask themselves what kind of return the state is getting for investing thousands in the education of a handful of students. Then they should pass LB 10.,*, The proposal does create a problem for students who based their commitment to the guard on the promise of 75 percent of their tuition. Students should be given the option to back out of their contracts with the group if the state decides to back out of its agreement with the students. New recruits, however, should understand that their tuition assistance ends at $500. One student who voiced her opposition to the bill Wednesday said its passage would force her to leave Nebraska to continue her education. The student called the tuition assistance her lifeline to an education. Surely students who depend upon the National Guard as their sole source of funding for tuition arc eligible for other sources of aid. Such students would not be forced off campus. Instead they would have to put a little more time into researching other finan cial aid options. The tuition cap is justified if it helps to relieve any cuts that might be made to the university. Further cuts in educational funding may lead to increased tuition, which — without passage of the bill — would in turn lead to a higher bill for the state through the guard’s current tuition-assistance plan. The cap may also mean that recruiting efforts for the guard be stepped up. Many college students join the National Guard simply because the program pays nearly all of their tuition for a minor commitment. Asking the National Guard to make this sacrifice won’t make them a sacrificial lamb. Leaders will simply have to find another selling point. The guard is necessary. The members’ usefulness in emergency situations can’t be discounted or predicted. Cuts may lead to setbacks for the group, but it won’t shut it down permanently. Staff editorials represent the official policy of the Eall 1992 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students. Ihe Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available.The Daily Nebraskan retainsihe right to edilorrcject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit material as guest opinions. Tm: editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot he returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Ixtters should included the author’s name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Requests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. Cr. r^u/ci' ftp ie >HHB» NKfc PIP COT CRCtt TVfc UHNBSnN ~W»N vucu-b HW <aO WOtfT PCW6 \T ,„ 7 i '-ag^-/ JL ""i ". y W i , % ' __ ___ Religious freedom I listened to George “Jed” Smock, or rather students slandering Smock, on the afternoon of Sept. 23. While I do not personally agree with his phi losophy or theology, I feel the atro cious behavior of the students toward this gentleman was uncalled for. No body forced students to stop and lis ten. They stopped of their own free will and were free to leave. In the United States, the right to free speech is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of our Constitution. So is the right to freedom of religion. Nobody forced me to believe the way I do, and nobody is going to make me change my beliefs until I am willing and ready to change them. For some, Smock’s lifestyle is a bit odd, but to each his own. I must admire his tenacity. This gentleman has come to our campus year after year, and he has listened to and re sponded to students addressing the same issues again and again. We all know where he stands, and he knows where we stand. Lotus liveourown lives inourown way. Perhaps if we all were mutually tolerant, the need to convert others would be unnecessary. Alison Duba senior ‘ English Paper towels I am a resident of Burr Hall. Over the past several weeks, I have pon dered the issue of the absence of paper towels in the residence halls nearly five times a day w ith the daily ritual of washing my hands. Reading the DN, I have considered the opinions and alternatives suggested by various students, and I have taken these words of wisdom into consider ation to make a motion of my own. My suggestion is simply to print the DN on paper towels. We’ll call it the residence hall version. My reasons are as follows: 1. The DN is picked up by nearly every resident of the halls during the day. 2. The amount of paper used to print the DN is more than an adequate amount needed to dry one’s hands for a day. 3. Most of the paper used to print the DN is not recycled, rather thrown away. 4. This would create no additional need for paper. 5. The added advantage could be obtained at little or no extra cost. 6. Students who protest student funds going toward the DN could find at least one use for it. 7. M^ny DNs end up in the restroom anyway. 8. The paper would be recycled much easier since it is generally all thrown away in established “collect ing bins.” Because of the ease of recycling, this plan not only magni fies the use of resources but also is environmentally sound. . 9. With the use of paper towels, sanitary conditions could favorably be restored, thus increasing the stan dard of living. 10. Use of biodegradeable soy ink on paper towels would promote Ne braska agriculture. Implementing the plan: The DN could be put in dispensers similar to the old paper towels. If needed, pages I -10 could be in one dispenser, pages II -20 in another dispenser and 21 -30 in another. Distribution of DNs would take slightly more effort since they would need to go in each restroom rather than a bulk location. The possi bilities are numerous. This plan may sound preposterous, but I believe it deserves due consider-' ations. Tobias J. Wchrman senior agricultural economics David Badders/DN Ross Perot I am writing in response to the editorial that states that Ross Perot would not make a good president because he is not a true candidate (“False candidate,” DN, Sept. 23). Since when does one’s ability to sling bull have anything to do with being a good leader? Come now, how many promises are Bush and Clinton making now that arc actually going to be kept? Remember, “Read my lips, no new taxes”? I think Perot is doing the right thing by staying out of all of the juvenile mud-slinging. Hedoesn’tneed to cam paign; each time Bush and Clinton try to make each other look bad, they just end up making Perot look better. It is time we started putting less emphasis on a politician’s personal life and more on his wisdom, maturity and ability to lead. Perot must know something aboutdecision making that “true politicians” don’ t. After all, one doesn’t make S4 billion in big busi ness out of smiles and promises. Julie Kittredge freshman civil engineering ‘Doom, gloom’ To Jeff Hankins and Sam Kepfield: What a breath of fresh air it is to read your columns in the Daily Ne braskan. You guys truly bring some balance to the campus and that liberal piece of trash called the Daily Nebras kan. It is plain to sec that the Daily Nebraskan, its editors and cartoonists arc caught up in the doom and gloom of the politically correct. Keep up the good work guys; the only thing that would make me hap pier than reading your columns in the Daily Nebraskan would be to see your columns in Lincoln’s leftist liberal loony ledger — the Lincoln Journal Star. Bruce Wert/ freshman general studies Free speech This letter is in regards to the vio lence that happened to one of the men who was preaching outside the stu dent union on Tuesday. Yes, I do believe in freedom of speech. I’ll be one of the first people to admit that I, too, was yelling and ridiculing the men who were preach ing. However^ there comes a time when we have to draw the line be tween freedom of speech and vio lence. While preaching, the man was grabbed by approximately four young men, who then proceeded to throw him in the fountain. He could have been injured. I’m not saying we need to agree with these men who preach, or even remain quiet while they’re talking, but let’s not overstep the line. It’s OK to yell and get up close to them with out their permission, but let’s also try to be semi-mature and get our points across without hurting others. Out of all the young men who did this, only one had the decency to apologize. But that in no way makes up for what was done. Also, for all of us who were there and believe that what happened was wrong, I’d like to apologize to the man that this hap pened to. Remember freedom of speech is acceptable, violence is not. Tammy Timm freshman special education