The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1992, Page 12, Image 11
Classified Mother's aide needed. Primarily Tuesdays and Thurs days after school for transportation and some cooking. $4.00/hour. Call or leave message at 423-2898. 160 Help Wanted ‘HIRING NOW! Up to $7.25/hr. guaranteed* Neodata, a leader in the telemarketing industry, is cur rently seeking students interested in working part-time evening hours. Guaranteed up to $7.25 hour, paid train ing, flexible scheduling to fit your lifestyle (work as few as 15 hours/week), contests, prizes, fun environment. Call daily 8 a.m.-9 p.m. to schedule an interview: 1 -800-421 9944. Ask for Denise Neville. (EOE) YMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer volleyball \ coaches. Contact the Youth Sports Department j at 475-9622 Are you self-confident, assertive? Would you like to make a positive impact on your community through easy evening phone work? Call 467-4296. Attention EE and Computer Science Majors in need of senior project. We will provide all material and funding for R/D project. Call 474-1100, ____ Attention: Students. .; Are you looking for a way to earn extra cash without interfering with class schedules? We offer paid training, caauai environment, bonua incentive* and FLEXIBLE Scheduling. You CHOOSE the hours that fit your personal schedule Monday-Friday, 9-9, Saturday. 9-4 (optional) Apply in person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 Calvert Elementary School seeks Spanish, German and French teachers for extracurricular language program. Call 476-5657 or 488-3303 if interested Computer Operator Full-time or Part-time. Growing data service bureau has an immediate opening for a eomputer operator to work Monday through Friday 11:30 pm to 7:30 am. occasional weekend hours. Re sponsible for computer mainframe and peripheral equip ment, off-line printed output and distribution, ability to lift 60 lbs. MVS and VM experienced preferred. Apply Mon day thru Friday 9- 4, Technical Management Inc., 421 So. 9th , Suite 22, Lincoln, Ne, 68508. EOE. Fall harvest help needed. 785-7285. Flexible Part-Time And Full-Time Metromail Corporation has immediate openings for Data Entry Operators on the first shift working part-time flexible hours between Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on the second shift working full-time hours Mon day through Friday 4:45p.m. to 1:15a.m. The second shift includes additional ^bsqpensation, job responsibilities include utilizing the CRT Unit tokey and verify data into the computer.. Qualified applicant must be stole to meet qualifications on aDataEntry Skills Test, havetheabilitvtocross reference and compare, and use a standard keyboard number pad. Metromail Corporation offers an excellent benefit pro gram and competitive salary. Qualified applicants should apply In person between 8:00 a.m. and 4 ©0 p.m. Monday ’ through Friday in Human Resources at: METROMAIL CORPORATION 949 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 EOE M/F/H/V Godfather’s Pizza 1624 South Street Now hiring part-time delivery drivers. Must be 18, have own car, and have a good driving record. 477-1900. Have a light load thia aemeeter, or year? Holway Formal Wear needs a well-dressed individual with retail experience to work approximately 15-30 hours/ week. Call Jim, 476-2262 for ApFOINTMENT NEED CASH? Help others while helping yourself. WE NEED: Men & Women to donate valuable plasma. WE PROVIDE: The friendliest staff in towp, TV entertainment, 2 hours free parking, $15 for each donation, and bounuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs. All New Donors and those who haven't donated within two months receive $25 with this ad.New Ir k donors please call 474-2335 for an appoinment. Lincoln Donor Center uSZSZL*.126 N. 14th, Suite 2 ■* Available at * NEBB4SK4 BOOKSTORE 1300 Q Street • 476-0111 DESIGN ■ COPY ■ PRINT alphagraphics* Prlntshops Of The Future Sat.10am-6pm • High Speed Copies Sun^^^ • Full Color Laser Copies KHEZzWlTlTlTll • Macintosh Rental • R6sum6s al-fettl • Typesetting • Color Laser Output From Mac, • Binding • Complete Printing Services • Newsletters • Laminating • Full Graphic Design • Invitations a Announcements • Mac/IBM Scanning a Conversions Horticulturists :ull or part-time. Must have experience in tropical indoor ilants. Call for an appointment 437-7118. Interested in Coffees and Teas? rhe Coffee Trader is hiring for full and part-time hours. \pply at the Atrium, 1200 N. St. Suite 221 NECLUB Now hiring day and evening cook, also day and evening wait staff. Full and Part-time positions available. Apply now for a good paying job. 20th floor F irstier Building-13th and M._____________ Nebraska Republican Party Seeks two permanent part-time fund raising positions. Hiring immediately. Contact Sam Fischer or Heather Vogler at 475-2122__ Now hiring-Happy Chef. Waitresses and waiters. Apply in person. 2929 N.W. 12 St. Apply between 8 am and 10 pm. Now hiring: FuH-time positions available. Extensive mu sic knowledge preferred. Apply In person at any Twisters location. Part time help installing satellite systems. Call Kevin 466 4000.__ Part-time harvest elevator work. Flextole hours, good pay. Ag background required. Contact Daryl or Gayln at Green wood Farmers Coop. 402-789-2335. _ Part-time computer operator, midnights, weekends, and holidays. Prefer freshman or sophomore. Computer sci ence background helpful but not necessary. Call Scott at 434-8204. PART-TIME CLERK Liquor store clerk, 15-20 hours per week. S4.75 to start, must be 21. Apply 27 A O Street Liquor. Part-time help needed, 10-2 Monday - Friday. Duties include overseeing retail shop in Wildlife Federation located in Lincoln Square building, 13 & 0. 434-2107, or send application to 2245 A St, Lincoln. Ne„ 68502 Quality child care assistant. Morning hours, minimum wage. Great working conditions. Call Kim 437-9019. Quality person needed for part-time audio/video sales position. Apply at Custom Electronics, 5601 “O ' St, see Jeff. SPAGHETTI WORKS Now hiring for Kitchen positions. Apply within from 8 11AM or ?4PM. 228 N. 12th.____ TASTE OF CHINA one block from campus! Part-time waitery and cashier for lunch. Apply in person 14 4 Q Street._•___ WATS Marketing is currently seeking enthusiastic and sales oriented individuals to perform telephone sales Qualified candidates should possess excellent commu nication skills. Part-time evening and weekend hours available. Mon day-Fnday 5:00pm-10:00. Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm. Apply at our employment office 8:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday WATS Marketing 6100 O St. (S.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Center) EOE M/P/V/H We have a mission to build progressive, non-profit citizens organizations into larger, more effective groups We need well read people to talk to their members about critical environmental and consumer issues We’ll pay and treat you well SB 00 hourly/weekends $7.00 hourly/weekdays $13.00 hourly is average pay tor our top f 0 commissioned callers Travel and advancement opportunities Great benefit package ’Paid holidays ’Paid vacation for ful AND part-time employees ’Profit sharing ’Health care ‘Long-term disability insurance Now hinng. full and part time hours available. If you're honest, hardworking, articulate and well read, call lor an interview, Monday thru Thursday. 11:00 A M to 300 P M., 476-1010. YMCA Youth Sports is hiring volleyball officials. Contact the Youth Sports Department at 475 9622. 162 Work Study Jobs Service Center Desk Attendant downtown YMCA 1039 *P". Monday Friday. 8:30-1:30. Apply in person. No phone calls please. 170 Roommates Male or lemate roommate lor older house, a/c, fireplace, exercise room. $118.00 ♦ 1/3 utilities . Close to campus Call Amy, 477-0284 ___ Male or lemale roommate needed near carrpus. Smokers O K. $187 50 Call ChrtS 435-4920 _ Male roommate needed between City and East Cam puses. $160 ♦ '4 utilities a month 438-5301. Male roommate in a 3-bedroom apartment at Claremont Park Apts. Call Jack or Chris at 435-4162 T . , ---- Male share house for study and comfortable living. Pri vate bedroom. Economical for students. 488-5942. One non-smoking female to share 5-bedroom townhouse. 5 minutes from campus. Own room. 1/5 utilities. W/D and swimming pool. Available October 1. $134/month. 477-0780. Room for Rent, 13th and Rose. $200,1/2 utilities, deposit. Pets welcome. 435-6781. 180 Houses For Rent 1246 Court. Very nice three bedroom, two baths. Near campus. Available October 1. $600. 476-1579. Remodeling thVee bed room. Walk ing distance U NL. 1310 New Hampshire. Appliances. Clean. No pets. $550.489 3454. 185 Duplexes For Rent Two bedroom, A/C, tub/shower, parking, yard, hook-ups, 30th and Holdredge. $350 475-6669 190 Apartments For Rent **640 South 20th** Mega-sized 1 bedroom $329. 475-7262. 1 & 2 BRS washer/dryers 24 hour fitness center Highpointe 46th $ old Cheney Road 421-2440 1 bedroom. 31st and Old Cheney. New building, deck, pool, microwave, dishwasher, $360. 421-2267 or leave message FIRST MONTH FREE! 1717 D St . clean,sunny efficiencyin historic South home. Heat paid, $270/month. 474-0986. ONE BEDROOMS Sharp apartments, great locations. Cherry Hill Realty. 489-4857. _ ONE BEDROOMS Sharp apartments, great locations. $300-375, most utili ties paid. Cherry Hill Realty. 489-4857. 2 bedroom, campus close. Lookll Only $260. Call Phoe nix Property Management. 474-5327 2301 A St. - 475-7262. 1 bedroom, balcony, laundry, $289. _ 614 New Hampshire. Nice two bedroom apt. Close to city campus. No pets. 423-0389. Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, fireplacees, or woodburning stoves. Oft street parking, just minutes from downtown and UNI campus. Professionally man aged, Call 476-6200 now. Efficiencies and one bedroom apartments near campus. —Secured building. Call 477-3W8. __ Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at $225/month. 438-3132. EXTRA LARGE 1 bedroom, 3179 R. Den, wood floors, only $240. Call Phoenix Property Management. 474-5327 Sept. Rent Free 2740 R. 3 bedroom <g)$435/month. Two baths, air, micro wave. laundry, garage. 437-6328. Studio out-of-the-ordinary apartment near campus. Breakfast bar. balcony, patio doors, priced at $265. Cherry Hill Realty, 489-4857. Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Huge one and two bedroom apartment* available. 476-3287 Two bedroom near campus, dishwasher, washer/dryer hookup, central/air. 640 N.26. $365. Deluxe efficiency $250.432-0384. _ Unique, out-of-the-ordinary, you'll love the space in this bright and cheerful one bedroom. Private deck, central courtyard, near East Campus. Cherry Hill Realty. 489 4857. 194 Homes For Sale Charming 3 bedroom home for . sale. 2918 Garfield OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1:00 - 5:00 Hardwood floors, bookshelves, ceiling fans, etc. Sally Moorhead, Century Realty, 437-9070. 555S52355E555^^^^55E555E5S^SZ 22 Adoption =sss= A caring couple understands that adoption Isn't an easy choice. We can give your newborn love A happiness Expenses paid. CM Leomta A Ted anytime. 1-800-578 4228.• A happy loving couple withes to welcome newborn in to a warm loving home with so much to otter. Medical/legal expenses paid Please call Alicia and Michael 1 800-742 3624._ Adopt-we wish with al our heart to give your nevtoorn a happy loving and secure home. Medical and legal ex penses paid Please caH Kevin and Betsy at 1-800484 7352 ext. 7860. __ Childless couple wash to adopt newborn. There wWbe lots of love and a comfortable Me tor your baby. Expenses paid. Call Rosemarie and Gary. 1 -800-5254758. Childless loving couple wishes to adopt newborn. We wHi provide a warm, wonderiut, caring and happy home Please cal Stephanie A Jon toll-tree 1 -800-484-7021 ext. 82229. legal A confidential Make a wish-Adoption Athletic, young. married several years and unable to have a baby. We «mh to share our livea, which includes, many relatives A friends, a dog, a home and an abundance of fun A love with a cherished newborn. If this sounds like a home you wish lor your baby please cal Marie A Jay at 1 -800452-1115._ Pregnant and feeling alone? We provide tree professional counseling to help you explore your feelings and options. Full range of preg nancy and adoption services Call JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE. 1-330-2024._ Single and Pregnant? You don’t have to go it alone—we’re here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraeka Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 314,483-7879 Unexpected Pregnancy? Oecieionet Decision*! Decisions! We Provide the counseling —You make the decision. II adoption, you pick the couple and degree o! openness. If parenting, you get the support you need. Call Lori Ann *1 489 1834. Free confidential counseling for people ot ail faiths. Cathokc Social Services. 237 5. 70th St., Suite 220. 23 Alterations & Sewing ■ ■ ■" ■ Alterations Etc. Alt anna & tailoring 611 N. 27th, Suite •10. 474-2964. 27 Bicycle Service Blue's Bike & F itness Six blocks from campus. New and used bikes. Excellent repairs for all makes. 427 S. 13th. 435-2322. 36 Entertainment RECYCLED SOUNDS 624 P St. 476-8240 We buy tapes 6 CD'S (but we love to trade tool) _ The Tubbery Heymerket Square 818 P. 9t, 475-6968 Private hottub room rentals 6 Wolff tanning 38 Gift Ideas JUST ROSES Starting at S8.99 adozen. 3031 O' Street 435-1118. Tuxedo delivery 42 Health and Fitness —■ - —. Personal Fitness Trainer Professional. Certified. 5yrs. experience Nutrition, Aerobic Conditioning, Weight Training. Dixon Fltnaaa 464-3371. Your Pormonal 0MTM A 3 month computer balanced diet, get your brochure at the southwest comer o! the Nebraska Union or cel 473 1954. 44 Insurance ssssssassssssssssssssss For All Your insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474 5077 American Family Insurance-Renters. Aulo, Home Health, and Lite. 46 Instruction/Tutoring PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION —SALES and RENTAL. Beginners or advanced. Zager Studio 489 2430.___ Tutor available for Math up to Calculus. Physics and Statics Call Dave 466-5018._, Tutor wanted for Physiology 213 ASAP. Pay » nego tiable. 483-0452 60 Misc. Services Are you having trouble getting the money you need to finance your education7 “Our Student Financial Plan ning Report ie the beet single source of personalized scholarship information in the country! Last year we helped over 30.000 students find additional sources of funding for college. For more Information and a free copy of 'Ten Ways to Stretch Your Scholarship Chances* call us toll freest 1-800-854-3441. There is no obligation 61 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln's Vintage Record Shop—Buying-Selling records, tapes, and compact decs. Great poster selection. 3833 S. 48th, 489-3817! 63 Pregnancy ■■ ■ ...■■ n PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT « a conhdential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please cal us tor appoint mam. 483-2609 80 Typing & Resumes A1 typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave. Hinz Word Processing Service 438-2253 Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes, etc. with laser printout. 15 years experience Specializing in APA A Turabian styles Professional Word Processing Speed * Service 1 Style. IBM PC. LaserJet, WP51, Spe aalizmg in manuscripts; handwritten, typed, or on cas setts 5 MV and 3 MZ deks. From $1.s0/ds paga. Call Gloria at 467-1036._ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results 464 0776 Professionally typeset and laser printed. $16 plus tax. Oeffy NsbraeAan.baeement of Nebraska Union. piping and word processing for reasonable rates. 489