‘School Ties’ deemed powerful, successful “School Ties” By Stacie Hakel Staff Reporter Although school neckties and dis crimination have nothing to do with each other, they do in the latest box office hit, “School Tics.” Selin 1955, David Greene (Brendan Fraser) is granted a football Scholar ship to play quarterback at Saint Matthew’s preparatory school for his senior year in high school. David meets the stuck-up rich boys of Saint Matthews and is included in their group. David hastens to tell them that he is Jewish even though he fears perse cution by his newly found friends, but he ignores their discriminatory re marks. He then meets the beautiful Sally Wheeler (Amy Locanc) with whom he falls in love instantly, and they soon become a couple. Butas David starts to enjoy his stay at Saint Matthew’s, trouble brews. One of David’s friends, Dillon (Matt Damon), must give up his cher ished position at quarterback and his girlfriend, Sally, to David. Dillon seeks revenge, and soon everyone finds out that David is Jew ish. David’s “friends” turn on him, and he no longer is accepted by them or Sally. He keeps to himself for the time being until one day in history class. The history teacher finds a cheat sheet on the floor after an exam. He threatens his students with failing grades if the cheater docs not come forward. But little docs Dillon know that David saw him cheat. The class has a difficult decision to make: whether to blame Dillon, a long-time friend, or David, the new Jewish kid. With a cast of marvelous actors, this powerful and impressive movie touches the issues that were of con cern in the 1950s and still today. Fraser as David, is a far cry from his role in “Encino Man.” In “School Tics,” he plays the se rious character of a clean-cut football player, in contrast to a dirty caveman. Fraser managed to play the part of David brilliantly, even shedding tears in some scenes. Damon (“Mystic Pizza”)as Dillon, played a complicated and intricate role of a bigot seeking revenge with the utmost sincerity. Produced by Sherry Lansing and Stanley R. Jaffc (“Black Rain,” “Fa tal fraction”), “School Tics” is an extraordinary movie dealing with problems of discrimination, school and parental pressures and economic backgrounds. Jaffe and Lansing have been inter ested in doing a film on an exploration of antisemitism since the formation of Jaffc/Lansing Productions nine years ago. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures Brendan Fraser stars as David Grfeene, a Jewish student in 1955, in “School Ties.” Classified __ $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads $.15 each additional word $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. 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Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson lew have a \ more of a QUESTION, J STATEMENT, CAEM\NP / REALLY I JUST WAHT TO SM THAT EDUCATION IS OUR MCST IMPORTANT INVESTMENT IN THE EUTURE, AND ITS SCANDALOUS HOW LITTLE OoR EDUCATORS ARE PAID/ l £ i OK, HMDS UP. ACTUMLt WHO ELSE I'D L\K£ TO D\DUT DO THE SEE 'MORE HOMEWORK TEACHERS FOR TODAT ? OUT OMTVE --V STREETS. N->-' ACROSS 1 Montmartre's locale 6 Retained 10 Take a-at (try) 14 Historic site in San Antonio 15 She, in Cherbourg 16 Cougar 17 Stealthy break-ir artist 16 4-go bragh" 20 Basketball plays 21 Did a blood hound's job 23 Busy one 24 Like a Poe tale 25 Places for earrings 28 - MisCrables" 30 More (ovial 33 Blame 34 Dash's partner 35 Like dog-day weather 36 A neighbor of Md 37 Battlefield shelter 39 GenetiC Itrs 40 Pertaining to the French 42 Gelid 43 Bump off, rub out 44 Puckish 45 Feign 46 -noires 47 Muslim religious leaders ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE |T|A|m|p|SME|B|b|SMK|E|l|p| L|E G AMT R I [c|y C LIE 49 Pen sound 50 “Semper Marine Corps motto 52 Actress Dee et al 56 Icelandic collection of myths 57 Tuxedo, slangily 59 Hawthorne's "Twice Tales" 60 Sea eagle 61 Sicilian erupter 62 A weather's opposite 63 Goulash, e g 64 Spiteful DOWN 1 S.A. rodent 2 “-! poor Yorick" 3 Nuts; phooey 4 Takes a drink 5 They take too many drinks 6 Where bungs are found 7 Building extension 8 Car necessities 9 -Haute, Ind. 10 Blue-plate n Old-time dance 12 Frangois's female friend 13 Hat or head follower ..... ........ -. 18 Road-map abbr 22 Debate 25 Hunter's habitation 26 “Paper Moon" Oscar winner 27 Double bass, informally 28 Bagel topper 29 Body of moral precepts 31 Bert's “Sesame Street" pal 32 -Daughter," 1970 film 34 “What's up,-——?" 35 Crafty 37 Student's last hurdle 38 Fall mo 41 Summer cooler 43-Scrolls 45 Classify 4« Indian fig tree 48 Marcel Marceau etal. 49 Fannie or Ginme follower 50 Greek cheese St Afcloredone ' 52 Distort 53 Country-road features 54" Misbehavin'" 55 Match the poker bet 59 Dir. of Boston from Providence