The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1992, Page 12, Image 11

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We’re proud of our pledges!
Paige D.. and Melissa Z.-Flag Corp
Laurel K.-Scarlet-n-Cream & Miss Thayer County
Lisa T.-Greek Yearbook
Make a run for the border!
S.O.B. ’92
Lil’ Sisters Golden Rose
Announce the 1992-93 Rush. Note the change o! date:
September 21, 23. and 25. CaH Shawn at 438-5395 or
Lynn at 466-4823 tor more information. Starts Monday
evening at 8:30. Come join us in the furtl
Often Imitated, Never Duplicated
_ Be My Idol ‘92
Congratulations to the 1992 AOII Pledge Class officers:
President, Julie Duerfeldt; Vice-President, Jodi Peters;
Secretary. Allison Markel; Treasurer, Mona Maheshwari;
Social. Erin Glowacki; Assistant Social, Brittanie
Leffelman; Junior Panhellenic. Lara Duda; Songleaders.
Christina Harrison, Elizabeth Griner; Philanthropy
-> Chairs, Amy Hodges. Patty Ziegler
Love. Your AOII Sisters
Take your clothea off
and spend the night!
_ ★
Thanks for the study break and the car wash. We had a
great time.
The Men of Beta Sigma Pst
Tonight Hayrack Ride and Barn Dance, meet 6:00pm at
Triangle. Tomorrow,Picnic, meet 1,00pm at Triangle. For
more information call Jason 436-8546, Heather 475
4781, or Barb 421 8802.
Lulu'a luau
Don't get caught without a lei.
140 Personals
Happy 21st! Let s rock Westpon We can invite George,
too. I love you.
Thanks tor the great time at U2.1 love you!
To the 3 women on 14th Street Wednesday night with the
burnt pizza. If you were serious, there's a note for you in
the DN office.
Lone Walker
Ultra Conservative Woman,
Picture this: Moonlight, candle light, soft music, and
whispered passages from 'Six Crises'. Interested'’
•29 year old, Nixon loving, law/grad student with tight
David K. (FH)
I can barely wait to rekindle our love that we shareo last
year at IDOL!
Yours Forever, C.E.
Steven Ray,
Happy 23rd Birthday tomorrowl
Love. Lori
130 Student Government
Campus Rec -Residence Hall rep. v.
Commencement-graduate rep
Committee for Fees Allocation-Residence Hall rep.
Convocation ,
Five year Projection
Government Liaison Committee
Publications Board
Sexual Orientation Subcommittee
Student Court
Students with Disabilities Subcommittee
Teaching Council
Nebraska Union Board
Senate Position*
Dental College
Division of Continuing Studies
Graduate College
Law College
Applications available at the Student Government office,
115 Nebr Union. Deadline for all positions is 4:00pm on
September 18th.
145 Lost & Found_
Found: A women's class ring in ladies room first floor
Burnett. Come to Burnett Office to identify.
Found: Mickey Mouse watch behind Sheldon on Sunday
Ml 13. Claim at DN.
FOUND: Set of keys by railroad Claim at Harper
Schramm-Smith mamtanancs or call 472-1068.
LOST: Set of keys with ATST key ring, if found call 421
LOST: Small leather brown purse contains ID'S and
jewelry etc. It found call 474-9257 PLEASEIII
150 Child Care Needed
Responsible, caring individual to occasionally watch our
toddler. Transportation helpful. Must have references
423 5f87.
160 Help Wanted
Attention: Students.
Are you looking lor a way to earn extra cash wifhout
interfering with class schedules?
We offer paid training,
caaual environment,
bonus incentives
and FLEXIBLE Scheduling.
You CHOOSE the hours that fit your personal schedule.
Monday-Friday. 9-9.
Saturday. 9-4 (optional)
Apply in person
International Telcom
3410 0 St.
_ 474-1256
Business and residential
Growing cleaning business needs help doing quality and
thorough work Flexible hours. Good pay. Advancement
potantM. 483-4336. _ ___
Clerks needed afternoons and nights. Apply in person
Mike a O Street Drive-In 22nd & O
The Huskers on T.V.
and a cold one on ice!
Please drink in moderation and don't drink and drive
(rag or light) cans wcasa $11.99
Rolling Rock
(rag or light) bottles wcasa $12.99
(rag or light) wcasa cans $8.89
(Reg,light, x-light, draft) cans wcasa $7.99 -
(reg. light, or dry) cans wcase $8.89
Old Style
(reg, light, draft, or draft light) cans wcase $7.99
Old Milwaukee
(reg or light) cans wcase $7.99 _ f|
•Complete keg equipment available with free ice
2620 Stockwell (5 blks N ofHiway 2 on27th) 423-2085
Offer good thru Sept 23 V Limitedtoquantitiesonhand
Up to $7.25/hr. guaranteed*
Neodata, a leader in the telemarketing industry, is cur
rently seeking students interested in working part-time p
evening hours. Guaranteed up to $7.25 hour, paid train- ti
ing, flexible scheduling to fit your lifestyle (work as few as v
15 hours/week), contests, prizes, fun environment. Call g
daily 8 a.m.-9 p.m. to schedule an interview: 1 -800-421 - e
9944. Ask for Denise Neville. (EOE) 1
-— - 4
Are you self-confident, assertive? Would you like to make
a positive impact on your community through easy
evening phone work? Call 467-4296.
Computer Specialist/News
Letter Editor .
The Lincoln Arts Council is seeking a persWwith Page
Maker. rBase, and spreadsheet skills to process arts data
bases and publish monthly calender and newsletter. V
Strong writing and editing skills necessary. Part-time o
Send resume to director, LAC, P.40. Box 83051. Lincoln, T
NE. 68501. Closing date: Sept. 24 AA/EOE. h
Denton Daily Double Steakhouse and Keno Bar. Now
hiring part-time cooks, kitchen help and waitpersons. Fun T
environment. Great tips and wages Call 438-5164 or 3
apply In person in Denton, five miles south of Emerald. 4
Dishroom position available at the Nebraska Center tor V
Continuing Education. Part-time hours to be arranged, s
Call Denice , 472-2900. Monday- Friday between 9:00 C
a.nj. and 3:00p.m. to set up an appointment. n
Elementary School needs foreign language teachers in P
German, French, and Spanish. Before and after school d
classes. Please call Deb at 466-8887.
Infant care for Connecticut couple enjoy private suite w/ y
fireplace, car, pool, country club. $300/wk. Require infant g
experience, education background. NANNIES OF NE
BRASKA 402-379-2444
Lincolnsquare Foodcourt t<
Friendly, cheerful person to work counter over noon hour ^
weekdays. Experience not necessary Apply in person, 1
4 p.m., 13th & 'O.'
Instructors tor pre-school classes. Tuesday 9:15am
11:45am, Thursday 9:15am-12:45am, Friday 9:15am
10:45am. Apply at Easter Day Recreation Center 6130
Adams or call471-7901. EOE/AA t<
King’s North
Need waitery full & part-time. days, evenings & week
ends. Kitchen help part-time evenings & weekends.
Drive-through help full & part-time days, evenings &
weekends. Apply 1650 Cornhusker 1-5pm, M-F.
Local delivery and warehouse help. F lexible hours. Apply f
Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N.23.
Need 3 French instructors and 2 Spanish instructors to S
teach beginning levels of languages in after school (2:45- l
3:30) programforelementarychildren. Language major or V
minors welcome Call Siobhan Ebers 421 3891
Now hiring Happy Chef. Waitresses and waiters. Apply in )]
person.2929NW 12 St. Apply between 8 am and 10pm .
Office Environment *
American Signature-a local printing company has an h
immediate part-time position in our microfilm area Flex- ir
foie day hours available Our plant is located minutes from F
campus—lust east of the airport. If interested apply at:
American Signature. 3700 NW 12th or call 474-5825 E xt. .
351 *
Part time help installing satellite systems. Call Kevin 466
4000 a
$6.00 an Hour j
Acquire credit card applications at a local department
store at Gateway Mall. No telephoning; Permanent part- ■
time, Fndav-Sunday; 11-12 hours per week. Must like
people, be TACTFULLY ASSERTIVE and professional
Leave your name and telephone number with the switch- a
board operator for Mr. Wrght Calls will be returned as ■
soon as possible. t
_ Call 467-2311 ;
Part-time harvest elevator work. Flexblehours. good pay. t
Ag background required Contact Daryl or Gayln at Green P
wood Farmers Coop. 402-789-2335. >
Part-time secretary position available, apply m person I
Rixstine T rophy Company 2350 O St.. Suite 100. Lincoln, 3
NE 68510 (
Part-time help needed for lawn maintenance. Must be 1
dean cut. good driving record. $5/hour. 488-3637. 4
Students part-time work
Staff Radiology Technologist
art-time individuals needed to provide routing diagnos
: procedures utilizing ionizing radiation and to perform
arious clerical duties as required. Individual must be a
'aduate of accredited radiography program or have the
quivalent training/experience Part-time hours
1:30pm-7:30am Friday & Saturday Apply M-F 7:30am
:00pm at:
Bryan Memorial Hospital
1600S. 48th
Lincoln HE
fill take incoming calls to screen individuals for pharma
sutical studies and data entry. Hours: Mon. 9am-1pm;
ues. 8am-4:30pm; Sat.and Sun. 11am-3pm. $5.80/
jur. Apply at Harris Laboratories, 624 Peach Street. AA/
jtors wanted: Accounting. Biology 350 and 443, Econ
39, Finance 307, Management and Statistics. Call
udrey 472-4617.
fATS Marketing is currently seeking enthusiastic and
lies oriented individuals to perform telephone sales
ualified candidates should possess excellent commu
cation skills. t
art-time evening and weekend hours available. Mon
ay-Friday 5:00pm-10:00, Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm.
Apply at our employment office.
8:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday.
fATS Marketing 6100 O St. (S.W. corner of Gateway
hopping Center)
We have a mission
i build progressive, non-profit citizens organizations into
rger, more effective groups
We need well read
i talk to their members about critical environmental and
>nsumer issues
We’ll pay and treat
you well
B 00 hourly/weekends
7 00 hourly/weekdays
13.00 hourly is average pay lor our top 10 commissioned
ravel and advancement opportunities
real benefit package
’aid holidays
’aid vacation tor full AND part-time employees
’rofit sharing
-tealth care
.ong-term disability insurance
ow hiring, full and pan time hours available. If you're
onest, hardworking, articulate and well read, call lor an
terview, Monday thru Thursday, 11:00 A M. to 3:00
M„ 476-1010.
162 Work Study Jobs
leaded student with work-study voucher to work in the
conomics Dept. Duties include: typing, IBM computer,
eroxmg, running errands & some phone 10-15
rs./wk. We will work around your schedule Contact
iarol Nelson 472-2319.
170 Roommates
l-E-L-PI Need a female, non-smoking, personable room
tale to share duplex near Union College. Call 463-0452.
tale non-smoker roommate needed ASAP lor nice 2
edroom. 2-bath apartment. Rent S225, 1/2 ulilitievde
osit. Near city campus Call anytime. 476-7335. Leave
lale/temale roommate Near Lincoln High. Si50 rent/
170 deport, plus 1/2 utilities. 477-9674.
ionsmoking roommate for large 3 bedroom duplex.
Vasher/drver. At 10th6 E, S 142/month, plus 1/3 utilities
75-6002 leave message
Responsible non-smoker wanted to share 3-bedroom
house. W/D, parking, 2-blocks from campus. 1027
Charleston. Sl65/month +1/3 utilities. 477-5924.
Roommate needed ASAP to share 4 bedroom house in
Near South neighborhood. Must be nonsmoker, finan
cially responsible. Rent $ 143.75/month. Call 477-2697.
Two female roommates needed to share house. 76th and
Holdredge. Non-smokers, 467-5163.
180 Houses For Rent
1246 Court. Very nice three bedroom, two baths. Near
campus. Available October 1. $600. 475-1579.
Brand new basement house for rent. Owner pays all
utilities. $300, close to campus. 441-1221
Four or five bedrdbm house four blocks from stadium.
Range, refrigerator, washer .dryer furnished, shower, cen
tral air. Owner pays water and yard work. Lease to May
6th. 438-1330. Leave message.
Remodeling three bedroom. Walking distanceUNL. 1310
New Hampshire. Appliances. Clean. No pets. $550.489
185 Duplexes For Rent
Two bedroom, A/C, tub/shower, parking, yard, hook-ups,
30th and Holdredge. $350 475-6669
■ ■ i ■ .. m"-" —
190 Apartments For Rent
'■■'V im— 1.,.rrr—■
**640 South 20th**
Mega-sized 1 bedroom $329.475-7262
1 & 2 BRS
24 hour fitness center
46th & Old Cheney Road 421 2440
1 bedroom, 31st ana uia Cheney. New building, deck,
pool, microwave, dishwasher. $360. 421-2267 or leave
2 bedroom, campus close. Lookll Only $260. Call Phoe
nix Properly Management. 474-5327
2301 A Si. - 475-7262. 1 bedroom, balcony, laundry.
$289 —
2501 ESI. Large 2bedroomwith balcony. California baih.
all electric. Ideal for graduate students. $425. 488 4893.
614 New Hampshire. Nice two bedroom apt Close to city
campus. No pets. 423 0389
Efficiencies and one bedroom apartments near campus
—Secured building. Call 477-3648.
Efficiencies Close to campus. Starling at $225/month.
1 bedroom, 3179 R. Den. wood floors, only $240. Call
Phoenix Property Management 474-5327
Shaip apartments, great locations. Cherry Hill Reality
Sept. Rent Free
2740 R 3 bedroom (§)S435/mo nth Two baths, air. mero
wave, laundry, garage 437-6328.
Superior Place Apartments
1501 Superior
Huge one end two bedroom ■ part manta available
Two bedroom near carious, dishwasher, washer/dryer
hookup, centrai/air, parking. 640 N.26. $365 475-1449
Two bedroom available now. Fireplace, deck, no pets
One year lease. Near East Campus. $385 plus deposit
467-1410. 438 6693
22 Adoption
, ■* =
A country homo, full-time mom. devoted dad. loving
grandparent*, hugs, kisses and home-baked brownies
await your baby. Please call Robin and Jolt collect so we
can tak. Expense* paid 607-773-1670
Childless couple wish to adopt newborn. TherewAI be lots
of love and a comfortable Me tor your baby. Expenses
paid. Call Rosemarie and Gary. 1-600-525-4756.
Make a wish-Adoption
Athletic, young, married several years and unable to have
a baby we wish to share our lives, which includes, many
relatives A Inend*, a dog. a home and an abundance of
tun A love with a cherished ntxsborn. It this sounds Ike a
home you wish lor your baby please can Mane A Jay at
1-800-452-11J 6. ^ /
Single and Pregnant?
You donl have to go it alone—we re here to help.
No lees and confidential counseling. Statewide since
Nebraska Children'*
Home Society
4600 Valley Road. Suit* 314, 483 7879
Unexpected Pregnancy?
Decision*! Decision*! Decisions!
W# Provide the counseling —You make the decision, ti
adoption, you pick the ocuple and degree ot openness it
parenting, you get the support you need. Call Lori Ann at
489-1834. Free confidential counseling lor people of al
laith*. Catholic Social Services. 237 5 70th St., Suite
Your newborn will share a lifetime of love, laughter, hwpy
home life with active devoted parents We are excited
about adopting call our attorney collect 24hrt. 408-288
7100 ref*A461.
23 Alterations & Sewing
., ...... s
Alterations Etc. Altering A tailoring. 611 N. 27th, Suite
*10.474-2954. <
27 Bicycle Service
Blue's Bike ft Fitness Six blocks Irom campus New and
used bikes. Excellent repairs lor all makes. 427 S. 13th
435-2322 _
31 Child Care Services
Licensed childcare at competitive rales with food pro
gram. Caretaker is a mother ot two. LPN with education
ft child development. 466-1696
36 Entertainment
824 P. St 476-8240. We buy tapes ft CD s (but ws love
io trads tool)
The Tubbery
Haymarket Squsrs 818 P. St.. 478-8989
Private hottub room rentals ft Wolti tanning
42 Health and Fitness
■! ===========
Personal Fitness Trainer
Professional. Certified, 5yrs. experience
Nutrition, Aerobe Conditioning, Weight Training
Dixon Fitness 464-3371
Your Pormonal Plot»
A 3 month computer balanced dial, gel your brochure at
tha southwest comer ot the Nebraska Union or call 473
44 Insurance
For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077
American Family Insurance Renters, Auto. Home.
Health, and Lita.
46 Instruction/Tutoring
CENTAL. Beginner* or advanced. Zaget Studio 489
61 Music Exchange
. "'TT
Lincoln1* Vintage Record Shop—Buying Setting record*,
tape*, and compact dec*. Great poster selection 3833 S
48th, 489-3817; ■ , ,
63 Pregnancy
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping
mem 48?26098n*nCy >M>' cail ,0f appoint
80 Typing & Resumes
AH typing need* filled at
Computer Type and Services
4230 Progressive Ave.
Professional Typing Service
Resumes. Reports with Graphics, Binding Cal 423
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years
experience, {woven results 484 0775
Professionaly typeset and laser printed. *15 plus tax.
Oei/y Nebraska*,basement of Nebraska Union.