Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1992)
SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084. Student Directory Exclusion Forms Now Available Forms are now available for University of Nebraska Lincoln students who wish taEXCLUDE their name and/ or address information from the 1992-93 Student Direc tory This form is for EXCLUSION OF INFORMATION ONLY, no changes can be made. The exclusion forms must be completed in person in the Office of Public Relations, 208 Administration Building before Friday, September 18, 1882. Proof of registration or identity is required for completion.__ STUDY ABROAO INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm 8 every other Wednesday (9/2,9/16,9/30 & 10/14,10/28) at 4:00pm. International Affairs, 1237 R Street. 472-5358 __ Study tours during semester break in art, theater, agricul ture. sociology. Deadline for registration is Oct. 12. Call International Affairs. 472-5358. 1237 R Street Tape the game Saturday night and come see Don Pullen, live jazz solo pianist. Carson Theater Ventures Saturday. Sept. 19 at 8pm. with half price student tickets available at the door. Volunteers Needed The Women's Center would like your volunteer help. Duties range from general reception, counseling, library help, and public relations. For more information, or to sign up. call Amy at 472-2597, or stop by room 340 in the City Union. _ , WOMEN IN PERSPECTIVE Sept. 22 Tues. 11:30-1:00 Breast Cancer Sept. 28 Mon. 11:30-1 00 Still Killing Us Softly Sept. 29 Tues 5:00-6:00 Women I Alcohol Women s Center Rm. 340 Nebraska Union 472-2597 Women only pool-Union Rec Room - THURSDAYS - 2-4pm FREEIIt Women Returning to School Support group for returning adult students working on issues of transition back to school. Contact Women s Center 472-2597 or come. Group meets F ridays 9-10am., Women s Center 340 Nebraska Union. First meeting Sept. 11. HARMONVJ jfjlf A casual reception fAJNL Culture Center ) 14th & R O Sept. 23, 12-2 pm food, fun, entertainment Everyone welcome! Sponsored by UNL Cultur^Cenfe^/ RESEARCH IV0RMAT10N Largest Library of Information in Li*. 19478 TOPICS - ALL SL BJECTS Order Catalog Today with Mu MC or COD fjjjfc 800-351-0222 Or, rush S2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 New Men’s Soccer Club wifn'lSSi m®?,tn9 to reorganize this club will occur Wednesday, September 23, 6:00pm. Carrpus Recre atlon Conference Room. For more Info 472-3467 PEACE CORPS Sap,embar21’ POSTER SALE! Bogest and best selection. Choose from over 1000 ROPK' 0LD MASTERS, (Monet, Dali, van Gogh Picasso, Escher, Matisse, Wyeth, and hun dreds more), MOVIE POSTERS SPORTS SCENIC LANDSC^s, MUSIC DANCE, SKIIING, PERSONALI Mariltn Monroe, and oth ?*>JRA*L. HUMOR, ROMANCE, PHOTOGRAPHY ?nd 0,hers>- MOST IMAGES ONLY $5, $6, AND $7 eachl See us at BROYHILL PLAZA ODTSIDEOf THE NEBRASKA UNION ON CITY CAM n A v °«cl£??H«’nSE»^LE5lIBER 14TH THROUGH FRI DAY.SEPTEMBER18TH. The hours are 0a.m. -5p.m. Th 4 “*? ,s *Pon80red by UPC AND AnT COMMITTEE. RECYCLED SOUNDS ®24 p. SL 476-8240. We buy tapes & CD s (but we love to trade too!) Register to Vote GLC/ASUN Voter Registration Booth Sept. 21 to 28 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Nebraska Union - City Campus If you have any questions contact Jennifer at 472-2652 SEE THE WORLD —Join a study tour during semester break. Travel and earn credit. Call International Affairs. 472-5358 or stop byj 237 R Street YOU CAN BE SAVED! If you havenl registered for the student organization conferences Oct. 3 and 18. there is still time' Hun, don't walk to the Office for Student Involvement and reserve a space tor your organization. 115 Meetings Block and Bridle 700-7:30pm Initiate Meeting. 7:30 meeting. East Cam pus Union. Food for Thought! Fri. Sept. 18 East Campus union 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Speaker 1205 PM Dr. John G. Peters Prof., Political Science Dean, College of Arts and Sciences “CRITICAL VALUE ISSUES FOR UNL IN 1992-1993” All UNL Faculty. Staff and Grad Students WELCOME I $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ Increased Fees!!! $ $ Increased Hours!!! $ New • $10 Bonus on first donation. Return - $10 Bonus after two ' $ months lapse. $ «£ So ... New & Return Donors «£ receive $25 for the first donation. $ All donors receive $15 for each *£ donation. Sec For Yourself • YOU <C EARN MORE AT AIM! $ M-F 8:00-7:30 Sat 9:00-4:00 $ «c University Plasma Center «t 1442 "6" St., 475-1358 * Two hoart fr§* parking at any Park A Shop.* You nx nw *nd my boo-boo from hk'dlni lo death. One of the dueeeo* your plume NEED CASH? Help others while helping yourself. WE NEED: Men & Women to donate valuable plasma. WE PROVIDE: The friendliest staff in town, TV entertainment, 2 hours free parking, $15 for each donation, and bounuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs. All New Donors and those wno haven't donated within two months receive $25 with this ad.New donors please call 474-2335 for an appoinment. Lincoln Donor Center 126 N. 14th, Suite 2 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Laura runs to greet her pa In this scene from “Big Nose on the Prairie.'-- - .. . .. . .. \ - . ,| Gay/Lesbian Faculty/Staff Support Group meets Thur6- ‘ day. September 16. 5 p.m., 640 N. 16th. 483-6350. * 1 MARKETING CLUB!! Members and perspective members welcome to the i FIRST SOCIAL EVENT OF THE YEARI Thursday, Sep tember 17, 6:00pm, Valentinos downtown. PRE-LAW CLUB THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 7:00 CITY UNION SPEAKER: UNL LAW PROFESSOR RICK DUNCAN _ NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Pre-PT Club Meeting Thursday, Sept. 17th at 7:30pm. Health Center Basement. Election of officers will beheld. Bring S5dues. SERTOMA New members welcome. Meeting Thursday,September 17. 6:00pm at City Union. Student Foundation* Meeting TOD AY at 5:00pm in the Union. Bring $5 for dues. See ya there I 1 TCAB Meeting TODAY at 5:30pm in Henzlik. Bring your creative minds to help brainstorm ideas for the newsletter! The Publications Board will meet 4 p.m., Thursday, in the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. All are Invited to attend. Undergraduate Psychology Organization We will be having an organizational meeting Thursday. Sept. 17 at 6:00 p.m. in Burnett 205. All interested members welcomel UPC ASIAN AMERICAN Meeting tonight at 7:00pm in Culture Center. Come and sring ideas for Asian nightt Women's Volleyball Club General meeting. Monday, September 21 at 6:00pm. Campus Recreation Conference Room. All female stu dents who love the game of volleyball are encouraged to attend For more info 472-3467. 120 Greek Affairs BIW LiT Sisters Golden Rose Announce the 1992-93 Rush. Note the change o< date: September 21,23, and 25. Call Shawn at 438-5395 or Lynn at 466-4823 for more Information. Starts Monday evening at 8:30. Come join us In the funl CAN YOU MANAGE ON AN EXTRA $2,500? Practical experience for Busi ncss/Markcting majors: Man age credit card promotions on campus for a National Market ing Firm. Flours flexible. Earn up to 52,500/term. CALL 1-800 950-8472, Ext. 17. txo, Set ready to Kick A_in the kickball tournament Sunday. 3ood luck I* —r Your Chi Phi Coaches. Steve & Matt Congratulations to these KO's: .isa Tonjes and Sue Ruff on making Greek Yearbook Staff and to our very own Laurel Kastrup on being crowned rfiss Thayer County. Love, your Sisters Congratulations to these awesome A-Phi's: Stacey V.-Husker Hostess; Angie M. and KarenC.-Greek Yearbook Staff; and Paige L. Greek Yearbook Co-Editor. Love, your Sisters. Camma Phi Beta rhanks for the wonderful dinner exchange. Hope we can to it again sometime soon! Love, The Men of Pi Kappa Phi Arp LITTLE SISTERS RUSH Sept. 23,6:00and 8:00p.m.; Sept. 24,6:00p.m. For more information contact Carisa 464-3128 or Ann 467-2616 Sig Ep's Thanks tor making the original "O Gnarly, I Love My Harley* a blast I The A-Phi’s The Daily Nebraskan inadvertently ran an ad on Wednesday indicating that Kappa Alpha Psi was sponsoring Lil' Sisters Golden Rose rush. The house that was sponsoring the event was Beta Sigma Psi The Daily Nebraskan regrets any misunderstandings. To the Ladies of XO We'll Hula with you anytime. Thanks for a great dinner exchange. Let's do it again sometime. The Men of Kappa Sigma To the Men of Farmhouse, Thanks for a great dinner exchange. Let's do it again soon I The Women of Kappa Delta TRIANGLE LITTLE SISTER RUSH TONIGHT. Rocky Horror Picture Show, 7:00pm a! Triangle. For more infor mation call Jason 436-8546, Heather 475-4781, or Barb 421-8802. Molson (rag or light) cans wcase $11.99 Rolling Rock (rag or tight) bottles wcase $12.99 Busch (reg or light) wcase cans $8.89 Pabst-— (Reg,light, x-light, draft) cans wcase $7.99 Keystone (rag, light, or dry) cam wcase $8.89 Old Style (reg. light, draft, or draft Ugh!) cans wcase $7.99 Old Milwaukee (reg or tight) cans wcase $7.99 r * Complete keg equipment available with free Ice Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TUlS IS WHAT I LIKE ABOUT JJ; [ PHOTOGRAPH. I Ul PEOPLE TWIHK CAMERAS ADMASS h ^ TEILTME TRvrm. «Lil THEN THINK THE CAMERA IS A DISPASSIONATE MACHINE THAT RECORDS ONLN FACTS, BUT REAU.N, CAMERAS UE AU_ THE TIME' SELECT FACTS AND ^ " \ MANIPULATE FOR EXAMPLE, I'VE CLEARED OFF THIS CORKER OF M< BED. TAKE A PICTURE OF ME HERE, BUT CPOP CXJT ALL THE MESS ARduKO me, so it looks like r keep vw room tidt . S - A _✓ 1 i * * IS TUIS t'JtH mi, LET LEGAL? ME m HMR AMO PUT OH A TIE. ACROSS 1 Maltreat 6 Abrade 10 Kind of relief 13 More rational 14 Irritating desire 15 Of the same type 16 Dance to Sammy Kaye’s music 18 Beige 19 Kind of sax 20 Competitors at Shea 21 Related 22 Flanders river 23 F D R s Veep 24 Long or Coney 26 Hole-m-one 28 Abstains from 31 Chalice veil 34 Laborare est 36 Exchange premiums 38 Title for many a Jasper’s teacher 40 Root vegetable 42 Stockpile 43 Shot for a movie cameraman 45 Love' in Eire 46 Bypassed 48 Charlemagne’s dom. 50 Doria or del Sarto 51 -volente ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE m -——T— ' ; — '' T ■ - 53 Loyal 57 Trees sacred to Pan 59 Toboggans 61 Tiller 62 Booty 63 Misleading, evasive statement 65 Maladies 66II Duce s daughter 67 “-Talking," J. Rivers book 68 -Aviv 69 Cordelia's father 70 Try one's patience DOWN 1 Appraise 2 Cries 3 Weld 4 A title for Isabel Perdn 5 Part of a pule 6 Rebels 7 Republican National Committee chairman 8 Rip-off 9 Laxative 10 Vigorous tap dance -H-Saosage center in S Italy I— — - - - I - 12 Avoid 15 Tar's underpinnings 17 Here-(at various spots) 25 Altruistic person 27 Stick together 29 Family branch 30 Evening, in Paris. 31 TV network 32 Geotogtea* periods 33 What Wolfman Jack digs 35 Poilu's rifle 37 Watering place 39 Cravings 41 Aramis, Porthos 44 Appendices 47 Corn silk 49 Flammable r ... bydiocatkorv 52 "King Lear" role 54 Designer Oscar de la 55 Workaholic's woe 56 Manicurist's board 57 Flutter 58 Hercules's captive 60 Ore deposit 64 Morning "diamonds ' on a. lawn