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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1992)
Part-time help wanted. Lincoln Memorial Park. Apply at 6700 S. 14th. Part-time driver needed to deliver pizzas. Must have own' car. Must be available late nights and at least one week end night. Call 483-5050, 475-1912. May also apply at 3859 South Street. Hashers for lunch and dinner-catered meals + wages. 436-9861, •HIRING NOW! Up to $7.25/hr. guaranteed* Neodata, a leader in the telemarketing industry, is cur rently seeking students interested in working part-time evening hours. Guaranteed up to $7.25 hour, paid train ing, flexible scheduling to fit your lifestyle (work as few as 15 hours/week), contests, prizes, fun environment. Call daily 8 a.m.-9 p.m. to schedule an interview: 1-800-421 9944. Ask for Denise Neville. (EOE) Activists Do you want to make a difference?’Come work with us for the environment. Hours: 2-10. Monday-Friday. Part-time, full-time. Paid weekly, $300+. Call 476-0444 to set up an interview. ARE YOU FRIENDLY ARTICULATE AND POLITICALLY ORIENTED? We need people who can communicate well and build relationshps with members ot environmental and con sumer organizations. Is a Supportive, Progressive Work Environment Important To You? . Work with talented, diverse, dedicated staff and an out standing management team committed to your personal growth and development. Evenings/$6.25 hourly Weekends/$7.25 hourly Hudson Bay Company is expanding and needs to fill full and part-time positions. If you're interested in a meaning ful career with decent pay and benefits, call 11 - 3 pm ONLY. Monday thru Friday for an interview. 476-1010. Attention: Students. Are you looking for a way to earn extra cash without interfering with class schedules? We offer paid training, casual environment, bonus incentives and FLEXIBLE Scheduling. You CHOOSE the hours that fit your personal schedule. Monday-Friday, 9-9, Saturday. 9-4 (optional) Apply in person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 _ CLERICAL Part time opening for executive support person Flexible schedule. 4-8 days per month M ust be accurate, depend able. and respect confidentiality. Please send letter of application to Personnel. P.O. Box 80639, Lincoln. NE 58501.__ •_ Clerical part-time. M-F, I0am-2pm Typing. 10-key. cash handling & retail experience helpful send letter of appli cation or resume lo: PO BOX 5773. LINCOLN, 68505 0773. I Club supervisor: transport and supervise all ages ol individuals With disabilities to recreation programs. After noons and evenings *71-7877 ask tor Christy. Cocktail waitery Needed for new lounge in East Lincoln. Call Russ at 488 4242 for Interview. Delivery and minor repair person, 5 to 10 hours per week, near campus. Griffins Maytag, 476-9339. DON AND MILLIE S Home of the 99cent margarita We re looking for crew members to help work registers and food line. We offer excellent working environment, competitive wages, flexble working hours. Must be 19or older. Apply after 11pm. 5200 S. 56th. 3 blocks north of Hwy 2. Earn good money fasti Reliable person to help aerate lawn tnis fall. Flexible hours. Great compensation. Call 483-6062. Food Service Distributor needs a person to select product in our warehouse. Monday and Thursday 2-10:30 pm. Apply at Lincoln Poultry, 20th and M. Football game days only. Cyclist needed. We provide cycle. Interviews Friday at 7:00PM. 8th and O. Haymarket Cycle Rental. Godfather's Pizza, 48th and Vine, now hiring, lor day and night delivery and counter help. 466-8266. Harvest help needed, part-time, near Lincoln. Call Keith Stewart between 7-8am 6 7-9pm at 402-665-2464. Runza 70th and Van Dorn 13th and E 1240 West O Our unique concept has made us a leader in the fast fooo industry throughout the midwest for over 40 years. If you are dependable, customer-oriented, and assertive, min our team TOD AY I Part-time and full-time positions available. ‘*4.75/hour for lunchtime help •bonus program flexible schedules 'opportunities to advance '50% meal discounts , *and friendly working environment This is the ideal job for college students, home makers and mature Individuals. Schlotzsky’s Deli What’s new? A new deli, a new menu, new decor, and the major expansion of a 21 -year-old company with 240 restaurants in 23 states No fried foods, no late night hours. Competi tive pay. half prioed meals, free uniforms. Full and part time day and evening hours available. Apply in person 2 5p.m weekdays. No phone calls please. 54th and 0,12th and P, 33rd and Highway 2. Service station help, evenings and Saturdays. Neat and dependable, apply in person. 27 A A. S^nmakerneeded for Food Bonanza. Apply in persqn at Spaghetti Works Now hiring for kitchen positions. Apply within from 8-11 and 2-4. Must be available Saturdays. 228 N. 12th. SPRING BREAK '93-SELL TRIPS. EARN CASH A GO FREE!!! Student Travel Services is now hiring campus representatives. Ski packages also available. CALL 1 900-648-4849. rhe Computing Resource Center is seeking a student to arovide once support and some programming. Must have jood telephone communication skills, be able to work #tth little supervision, “C' and UNIX programming desir able. Prefer a student at Sophomore level or above. The nours are Monday. Wednesday, and Friday 8am.-noon, with an additional 8 hours to be arranged Hourly rate is S5 00. Application can be made in 326 Administration between the hours of 8 90am. -noon and 1 - 5pm . Monday through Friday. Students wanted! Sweep Left/Peter McCues now hiring full/part-time cock tail and bartenders. Excellent starting salary plus tips flexible hours, no experience necessary, will train. Appl] 815 0 St. 474-1521. WENDY'S 14TH & O 930 N 48th St. 2615 S, 48th St. ‘Flexible shifts available around your schedule ‘Starting wage based on experience ‘Meal discounts ‘Be part of a great team WORK WITH CHILDREN ‘Do you think its fun to work with children? ‘Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relationships with children and parents? ‘Do you like toplan activities? ‘Can you be a friend to young children? If so, the SR I/St. Elizabeth Child Development Center has part-time and substitute positions available with infants, pre-schoolers, and school age children. Call our Interviewing Center Todayl 489-9000 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 162 Work Study Jobs Dishwashing, mixing media, stocking. Responsibilities could expand. 10-15hrs/week. Flexible hours. Contact Susan or Deb 308 Manter Hall, 472-2347. 15 Work study students needed at Love Library City Campus. Daytime hours. $4.50 per hour. Apply Love Lbrary Room 108. 472-3963. WORK STUDY students needed at C.Y. Thompson Li brary at East Campus. Day. evening or weekend hours available. $4.75 per hour. Apply with Vicki at CYT 472 2802 170 Roommates 21st and Vine. $162.50/month. Female, non-smoker. 1-1/ 2 bath, own room, 474-6958. — . ‘ Female for house dose to campus. Spacious bedroom, laundry, porch, oak floors. $190 pays all. Non-smoker. CaH Nora 476-6961. Female non-smoking roommate. $ 125/month + $75 d# posit ♦ 1/2 utilities. East campus area. 467-5794, Female roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apartment with graduate student, $162.50 plus utilities. 477-0913. H-E-L-PI Need a female, non-smoking, personable room mate to share duplex near Union College. Call 483-0452. Male roommate needed between City and East Cam puses. $160 +J4 utilities a month. 438-5X1. Male/female roommate. Near Lincoln High. $150 rent/ $200 deposit, plus 1/2 utilities. 477-9674 Non-smoking female. $135 or $155 for larger room, plus 1/2utilities. 5 blocks to campus. Free parking. Central air. Well furnished. 438 1520 Non-traditional student needs male/female to share home. Off-street parking, laundry. Nice South location. G^»at neighbors. 1 o minutes from campus. $290. pays all. Nonsmoking roommate for large 3 bedroom duplex. Washer/dryer, dishwasher. A/C. At 10th* E. $142/month, plus 1/3 utilities. 475-6002. leave message Roommate needed ASAP to share duplex. Very nice neighborhood-10 min to campus, very reasonable rent 1/ 4 util. 5626 S. 38th. 421-8110, 175 Rooms For Rent Three bedroom house in Highlands area. Near bus stop. Responsble non-smoker. $165, utilities included. Call 477-8420. please leave message ---1 Inventory Reduction v SALE in our BIG RED CLothing & Gifts Prices have been slashed on many select styles of sweatshirts, t-shirts, gift items & children's clothing. SHOP NOW FOR BEST SELECTION Open Saturday, Sept. 5 9AM - 5PM Garden Level East Union • t~- ' . 180 Houses For Rent 1325 N.21 very nice three bedroom full basement, low utilities, near campus $550.475-1579. _ Four of five bedroom house four blocks from stadium. Range, refrigerator, washer,dryerfurnished, shower, cen tral air. Owner pays water and yard work. Lease to May 8th. 438-1330. Leave message. 185 Duplexes For Rent Three bedroom between campuses, 300 N. 35th. Central air, washer/dryer, new carpet. $525,477-0906. 190 Apartments For Rent 1 & 2 BRS washer/dryers 24 hour fitness center Highpointe 46th & old Cheney Road 421-2400 194 J and 1724 L. Newer 2 bedroom, some furniture 477 1876. 2 bedroom, campus close' Lookll Only $260. Call Phoe nix Property Management. 474-5327 2301 A St. - 475-7262. 1 bedroom, balcony, laundry $289. __ Corner of 24 and Q. real close to campus. Efficiency apartment. $190 plus deposit. 438-5740. Duplex - 2312 South 14 - 475-7262. Cozy 1 bedroom with fireplace, washer/dryer hookup. $289. Efficiencies and one bedroom apartments near campus. —Secured building. Call 477-3648. Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at $225/month 438-3132. EXTRA LARGE 1 bedroom, 3179 R. Den, wood floors, only $275. Call Phoenix Property Management. 474-5327 Sept. Rent Free 2740 R 3 bedroom @S450/month.Two baths, air, micro wave, laundry, parking, 488-6738. Walk to city campus Spotless one bedroom, heat paid. Cherry Hill Realty489 4857. 22 Adoption sa= Beautiful, exciting and happy life awaits with financially secured, lovirg coup**.^Expenses paid. Ca* Ron or Julia Single and Pregnant? You donl have logo If tdooe we're here to help. No fees and confidential counseling Siatewtde since 1893. Nsbreeka Childrens 4800 Valey Road! Suit«$4,483-7879 23 Alterations & Sewing AfterailonsJEtc Altering & tailoring. 611 N. 27th, Suite 25 Automotive ' 24-hour towing. Full service and repair. Open 7 days/ week. Metchar 66,9th and P. 474-3335 27 Bicycle Service Blue's Bike 6 Fitness. Six blocks from campus. New and 435-2322* E*cvHam rsPair*,0f al1 makes. 427 S. 13th. 40 Hairstyling sav.* s^=sss=sas HAIRCUTS MetVWoman $7.00 by professional stylist/UNL Student, Moonlight prices and hours—Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday ONLY. 800 PM to 12 MIDNIGHT, 42 * O St., call Deb at 488-8253 42 Health Your f^roonol OmfTM A 3 month computer balanced diet, get your brochure at the southwest comer of the Nebraska Union or cal 473 1954. 44 Insurance For AS Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-6077. American Family Insurance-Rentars. Auto, Homa. Health, and Ufa. 46 Instruction/Tutoring ss=====ss=s=ss==s=s=^^^^= PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION —SALES and RENTAL. Beginners or advanced. Zager Studio 489 2430. 60 Misc. Services Grand Opening Specials! New Wok Tanning Bad. 2005 Hwy i. 474-5414. Open 10AM-Midnight, 61 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln's Vintage Record Shop—Buying-Selling records, . t^.ffconyact discs. Great poster selection. 3833 S. 63 Pregnancy ===================== PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping mart Jsjyol9"*00* '**’ plea*® ca* u® ,0f aPP°im' 80 Typing & Resumes_ /’ Professional/Experienced typist. Experience with resumes, cover tetters, reports/term I papers. Contact Mary 477-2190. I Resumes By Ann Qualiry resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience.proven resuljs.4e4-0778. Resumes "mjesatonaly typeeet and laser printed. $15 plus tax. OmMy Htbr—km,basement of Nebreeke Union. Start the year off right, with a good stiff drink Please drink in moderation _ Miller(reg, lite, draft, draft lite) wcase $11.99 Coors (reg, lighudry) wcasc $10.99 Bud (reg, light, dry) wcase $10.99 Olympia (reg, light) wcase $6.99 Old Style (reg, light, dry, draft) wcase $7.49 Pabst (reg, light, x-light, draft) wcasc $7.99 Heineken, Amstel light, Corona 6pk warm $4.99 Zonin Asti Spumanti 750 mL $5.99 Bacardi Breezers Jack Daniel 4 pk wm | Heublein Cocktail or cold $5.99 - Bailey's Irish Cream 750 mL $15.99 Pink Passion LTR warm or cold $3.99 Windsor Canadian ltr $8.99 Complete Keg Equipment Available with FREE ICE! i 2620 StOCkwell (5 blks north of hiway 2 on 27th) 423-2085 .Offer good thru Sep 9 Limited to quantities on hand