The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 04, 1992, Page 7, Image 7
Two Bob Dylan tickets for sale. September 5. Great seats. 488-5151._ Two NU vs. Utah football tickets for sale. Will take best offer. 438-2132 _ _ Two U21 ickets for sale @$90 for both obo. Call 466-9160. Leave message. ^ _i__ Two U2 tickets for sale. GREAT SEATS. Best offer by Friday. Leave message at 436-8812. U2 six GREAT FLOOR SEATS in row. Call 467-1667. U2 TICKETS FRONT ROW Sign up to win at Young Democrats booth. Student Union all this week or call 476-2268 U2tickets for sale. Good seats, 488-6867 leave message. U2 tickets, one pair $110 OBO. Curt 489-4616. ^=^=== 20 Vehicles For Sale 1985 Nissan 200 SX, white 2-door, 70,000 miles, $4000 466-8985. Leave message. 1983 Mazda RX7-FUNI $1995 OBO. 475-9755 105 Career Events Career Workshop* lor the Week of Sept. 7th Tues. 9/8: Cover Letter Writing, 6:30 - 7:30pm, Ne. Union Wed. 9/9: Career Svs. Orientation, noon - 1pm, East Union Thurs.9/10: Resume Writing, 2:00 - 3:00 pm. East Union Interviewing Skills Workshop - TODAY! j 1136-12:30, NE. Union 110 Announcements ATTENTION FRESHMAN: Interested in developing your leadership skills? Join the Odyssey Program: "A journey With Another Leader: to begin a mentoring relationship with a student leader For more information contact the Office For Student Involve ment. 200 NE Union, (472-2454). Application deadline September 14th. Basic Aerobic Instructor Training Course October 2.3.4. For more information call Kris at 423-7171. BASI^OCk6uMBING SEMINAR September 11-13, sign up deadline September 8. For more information call Campus Recreation at 472-4777. BIG RED TAILGATE PARTY Saturday — Sept. 5 11 CO to Noon BROYHIL FOUNTAIN __ Board of Regents Meeting Friday — Sept. 4th The Board wM address the subject ol computers on campus. If interested please contact the Student Govern ment office at 472-2561. COMMUTERS Are you tired of riding alone? Find someone to share the ride Stop In the Student Into. Center. Rm. 116 Nebr. Union for more info. CRUISE SHIPS NOW MM NO • Earn S2.000+/month * world travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holi day. Summer and Career employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program call 1 200-545-4155 ext. CS778._ Ganesh Chaturthi Pooja Sunday 6th 4-7 p.m. There will be a Ganesh Ch stun hi Pooja at Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street Interested people are invited. Graduating senior, graduate students: Informatiorvappli cations tor Fulbnght Study Abroad. International Affairs. 1237 R Street, 472-5356 _ IT S BRAND NEW) Bigger and better than an organization summit - it's thefall Student Organization Conferences. Oct. 3 5 18 See the announcement in this DN. PAPER MONEY FREE Paper Money coupon books Student Into. Center 116 Nebr Union I ALPHA ZETA tall Picnic, Wednesday, Sept. 9 at Peter Pan Park at 5:30. READ THIS! If you are in the Business College and are looking for invo vement opportunities, join the CBA Advisory Board. Applications are available at the undergraduate advising 240*’ 241 • "I"hey will be due September 18th in CBA BIG RED TAILGATE PARTY Saturday — Sept. 5 11:00 to Noon BROYHILL FOUNTAIN SEE THE WORLD —Join a study tour during semester Travel and earn credit. Call International Adairs, 472-5358 or stop by 1237 R Street. Single Moms at UNL • Discussion/Support Group Women's Center, 340 Union. Wednesdays, 12pm- 1pm Contact Women's Center 472-2597. First meeting, Sept. SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084. TKE Tau Kappa Epsilon OPEN RUSH 1992 We’re looking for a few good __ men. —_ ... UNL Rugby Practice every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30. Harper Schramm-Smith Field. New players welcome. No expe rience needed. For more information call Nathar Borchers. 477-6405. UPC The University Program Council has positions open Applications are available at Rm. 117 and 200 Nebraska Union, Rm. 300 East Campus Union. Applications due September 4th. Women Returing to School support group for returning adult students working on issues of transition back to school. Contact Women's Center 472-2597 or come. Group meets F ridays 9-10am , Women's Center 340 Nebraska\lnion. First meeting Sept. 11. 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Committees Campus Rec.-Residence Hall rep. Commencement-graduate rep. Committee lor Fees Allocation-Residence Hall rep. Convocation Five year Projection Government Liaison Committee Publications Board Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Student Court Students with Disabilities Subcommittee Teaching Council Nebraska Union Board Senate Positions Dental College Division ol Continuing Studies Graduate College Law College Applications available at the Student Government office 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline for alt positions it 4:00pm or September 18th. 115 Meetings Agricultural Economics Agribusiness Club ANNUAL FALL PICNIC. Thursday. Sept 10. 1992. 5:3t p.m. Peter Pan Park. 338 ‘X'St. New students welcome ALL RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Turn In you reservation NOW for the fall Student Organi zation Conferences. Oct 3 8 Oct. 18. Invitations were sent to presidents and advisers. It you haven't received yours, stop by or call the Office for Student Involvement. 200 Nebraska Union. 472-2454 Deadline tor reserva tions is Sept. 11 - DON'T DELAY. SPACES ARE FILLING FASTI Young Democrats First Meeting Wed. Sept. 9. 7pm City Union Upcoming events and U2 raffle All interested persons welcome. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ■ • 1 ,• "I’m afraid we’re going to have to head back, folks.... We’ve got a warning light on up here, and darn if it isn’t the big one." -nr ----— - V M ‘ Party in the Union Want to help throw one? UPC Meeting 1:00pm. Regency B. Thursday, September 10. Questions call Travis 466 7763. 120 Greek Affairs Mud Tug ’92 We're pulling for the kids of Lincoln. * Congratulations to the 1992pledges:DaniB , Melissa B„ Becky D., Lori D„ Amy D.. Joy a, Melissa E„ Nicole F.. Holly G., Erin H., Misty H., Laurie H., Nicole J.. Any L„ Aimee L., Melissa L., Cindy L., Angie L. Abbey M., Kerry M., Chris M., Ginni M., Sara M., Charity R., Karl S., Nicki S., Ann-Marie S., Holly S., Jeannie S., Nichole S., Steph V„ Liz V., Maren W., Bree W. Congrats to Darcy E. on your engagement to Darryl this summer. Congrats to Susan R. and Shad H. (Theta Xi) on your engagement. Congrats to Linda W. on becoming Husker Hostess. Congrats to our AWESOME new initiates I Good luck Abbey M. (band) Amy B. and Anne-Marie S. (flags) in Sat. game. Congrats to Joy D. for making University Chorale. Love, your Alpha Xi Sisters Congratulations to Ellen Gilbert and Sonia Jimenez tor ‘ being selected tor Husker Hostesses. Way to gol Alpha love. Your AOII Sisters Congratulations to our associate class ol 1992: Bill S., Scon l.. Scon M.. Anders D.. Tom M., Jeff K„ Corey K.. Matt H., Sean M., Jeff Z., Paul M., Jeff Z., Kori S., Randy P„ Jim B., Joe M., Jeff S„ Jerry S„ John H„ T roy W., Tony F„ Matt H., Tim B„ and Shane B. _:_T.he Men of Lambda Chi Alpha Congratulations to our summer Ruch Chairman-Kipp Howard & Shawn McCartney. You guys did an awesome job I The Men of Lambda Chi Alpha Congratulations to the new officers of Lambda Chi Alpha: Shawn M-Vice Pres.; Tom C.-Fraternity Educator; Tom M.-IFC; Joe M.-Jr. IFC; Jeff Z.-Intramurafe; Pat B., Rich B., & Paul K. new Executive Members. Men of Lambda Chi Alpha Congratulations Nicole David and Erin McGuire on being selected Husker Hostesses. Go Bid Redl Love, Your Gamma Phi Sisters Congratulations to the new officers of Phi Beta Chi: Chaplain —Jen L., Registrar —Amy F., Fim Sec. —Cori C., Sisterhood Chair —Erika K.. Greek Relations — Carolyn D., Standards Board —Jen L. and Alisha D. ' Music & Melons-Sept. 9th Broyhill Plaza 3:30pm-7:00pm _Farm House & Kappa Alpha Theta <X>BX Phi Beta Chi Rush Starts Thursday, September 10.6:00pm City Union (room posted).__ To AOII Thanks for coming over for the barbeque. Let 's do it again sometime. Men of Lambda Chi Alpha KA We love our pledges ITonya B., Shelly K., Jennifer J.,"Lisa T„ Marie S„ Kelli K., JacqueC., Julies., Holly H., Laurel K„ Lisa W., Debra B., Shanna M., Lisa E., CaweF., Kristi H., Lori D.. Paige 0., Melissa N., Ginger B., Angela L., Jenny S., Melissa Z„ Alissa R. Love, the actives 140 Personals Chrn Good luck cheering your first football game. I'm so proud of you. Love. Andrea Rofcb D. (FH) We think the Quarters Guy is the best. Here s wishing you an even better semester. The Fab Chicks Thomas, Before you leave, here's a (non-Melba) toast to biological obtusiveness, man-eating goats, the line art ol wenching, deity-imposed celibacy. Promises you don't intend to keep," and Southern Uruguayar Flying Frogs You will be missed! Gerry 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Keys in parking lot near 17th and Ft. Left on red Mustang. Come down or call the Daily Nebraskan toclaim from 8 4:30, 34 Nebraska Union, 472-2588. Found: Pair ol eye glasses at Memorial Stadium. Call Daily Nebraskan to identify 472-2588. 148 Wanted WANTED! Hey you Professors and you book collecting students. We are paying warm cash—that's right CASH—for any of your stockpile of books you no longer want. Call us at 476 8313 We are especially interested in Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Literature. Occult, Modern Fiction, and Psychology. 150 Child Care Needed Child care wanted in my home afternoons for 1 A 3 year old. 423-3595 references required. Largest Library of Inforillation in L.S. 19,278 TOPICS - ALL SUBJECTS Order Catalog Today with Visa / MC or COD 800-351-0222 Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mother's aide to supervise older children. Transportation, light housework. S3.50-S4.00/hr. References required 423,-2898. Approximately 10 hours/week. Sleep and Earn Third shift couple in need of overnight sitter for 9-year old Prefer education major. Sun-Thurs. I0:30pm-7:30am. _ Friday and Saturday off $50 week. 13th and A area. Own transportation. 474-1074 leave message. 160 Help Wanted Part-time sales clerk position open at Stephenson School Supply-perfect for Education majors! Apply in person at 1112 "O" St. through Sept. 11. POLITICS ANYONE? Campaign for the environment and make a difference. Full or part-time jobs available. Hours 1:30-10:30 Monday through Friday S180 to S300 per week. Call 477-8681 between 9:00-5:00 to schedule an interview. Help wanted evening hours. Make anywhere from $4.50 S8/hr. Delivery to campus area. Apply in person before 5pm Tues-Fri, Ask for Roger. 101 N. 14th, 477-0004. Hiring part-time attendants, flexible schedule Apply in person at Laundry Land, 56th and Holdredge. 466-8353 Insurance Agent is now looking for a part-time Marketing Assistant. Future opportunities available. Telemaiketmg experience required. For an interview call Missy at 483 7871.__ _ . Job of a lifetime for people who care about kids Open your home to an adolescent youth who needs you become a treatment parent. If you live in or within 50 miles of Lincoln. YOU can be a part of a teamto help Nebraska s youth. You will receive training, respite services. 24 hour on call support, and monthly base reimbursement plus more. The Boys Town Treatment Foster Family Services Program based in Lincoln. Nebraska, is locating couples to hep adolescent youth Find stability in afarmly environ ment. For more information on how you can hep these youths, please call 477-2505. Motivated enthusiastic individuals wanted for low-pres sure evening phone work Base pay * commission Cali 474-7847 12-8 30pm, M-Thur. tor interview NE Lincoln area Ideal situation for college student Live in attendant needed for pleasant young man. Do personal care and household duties and you wi*l receive room, utilities, and salary. Day hours are open For more infor mation or to apply call Audrey 47‘-4400 Region V Services. Now hiring- Happy Chef Wa itresses and waiters Apply in person, 2929N W 12 St. Apply between 8 am and 10pm. Parl-time retail professional, pharmacy assistant. Hours M-T evenings. W-F mornings Apply m person, no phone calls. The Pharmacy-1209 N. Cotner B|vd RAISE A COOL $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost. You also get a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO just for calling 1 -800-932-0528, Ext. 65 Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson I ATE A POPSICLE AND NOW M'l TONEUE IS PURPLE, AND W FACE IS A STICK*, BUDTCU* RED Ai,f 'll i \—i. MS FINGERS ARE GUM MS, MS ARMS ARE TACKS WHERE I WIPED MS MOUTH, MS , SHIRT IS DRIPPING WET, \ AND THE STICK IS STUCK TO MS POCKET. I £ i I'M A | SIRuPV I wtss; ^ I WHO CAN ] I'M SITTING I I HUG *7 OVER HERE r _ Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Tabby's mate 4 "The Censor" 8 Gave a darn 13 Wrath 14 Have-with (be connected) 15 Gaspar, e g 17 Say further 18 Zilch 19 Darwin's ship 20 Pennsylvania lin^ 23 City on the Rhone 24 Cottage-, 19th-century English country house 25 -quo ante -* 28 No longer hungry 33 Panhandle 36 Rubbed out 38 Brussels-based org 39 Exceeded 41 In want of 43 Heroine of Conrad's “Victory" 44 Elevator alternative 46 Vegas opening 47 Sediment 49 Becomes checked in development 51 Gumbo ingredient 53 Range of hills 57 Tram schedule, perhaps 63 More unctuous 64 Football unit 65 Cord or Crosley 66 "Fawlty Towers” star 67 Actor Vidov 68 It's past due 69 Department store's seasonal temp 70 Wall St letters 71 High, musically DOWN 1 Di's headdress 2 Choose from the menu 3 Olympics reward 4 Part of gas mask 5 In a while 6 A Nobel Prize physicist: 1976 7 Burdensome 8 Abe's birthplace 9 An Astaire and H. 10 Sound from • Simba 11 Therefore 12 Poet Walter Mare 16 Type of tape 21 -Moines 22 Talk-show host Hall ANSWER*TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE l|i|s)T jfcBlolsIs i g o rBo pal D E S TBBm EGA ■ T|olB[E[BIR|A|V I 26 River near Mount Ararat 27 Trumpet sound 29 Song from "A Chorus Line" 30 Shadow 31 Sicilian erupter 32 Vizsla and Shih Tzu 33 Intrepid 34 At any time 35 Heredity factor 37 Earl Biggers, Chan's creator * 40 Joplin piece 42 Alienate 45 Place of destruction 40 Most tender 50 Imogene’s . co-star 52 The 38th-parallel land 54 Decrees 55 Become knotty 56 White-plumed heron 57 Sinbad transporter 58 Is green about' the gills 59 Intestine sections 60 Property claim 6t-poly 62 Rams' dams