The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 01, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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_ for pregnant women, infants, and children
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Grandpa's Ribs
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Amigos, an expanding quality-oriented Mexican fast-food chain has excellent part
time & full-time job opportunities at its newest location in the Union food court. If you are
an aggressive, customer-oriented person and like to work at a fast intense pace APPLY
NOW AT 14th & Q or the Union Food Court.
Spainhour ^
Continued from Page 1
by jazz artists such as Cannon Ball
Adderley, Charlie Parker and bands
Blood Sweat and Tears and older
Although choreographing is not
his strong point, he said, he probably
will create one halftime show for the
marching band this year to give
Klocckcr a break.
The biggest challenge of h is job at
Nebraska, Spainhour said, will be to
write music that keeps up with the
bands’ level of musicianship.
He likes to use music that makes
the bands work hard, he said, because
it improves their playing and gives
them a sense of satisfaction and
achievement when they are able to
master the music. ^
Still, Spainhour stressed that his
work was small in comparison to that
of students.
Away from work, he enjoys sports,
especially tennis, and playing hissaxo
While in Lincoln, Spainhour said
he also hopes to perform some jazz
gigs, but he admitted it would be
difficult to find the time because of
his rigorous performance schedule
with the bands.
In the long run, Spainhour saH he
hoped to become a published music
arranger and play his sax as much as
he liked.
‘Right now,” he said, “I feel fortu
nate to be here.”
Bump, set, spike Patman™
Renowned sculptor George Lundeen’s bronze tribute to
women who have played volleyball for the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln will be unveiled today at a 5 p.m. ceremony
in the south entrance of the NU Coliseum.
Continued from Page 1
Successful business, he said, would
make tenants want to stay in the build
ing after the low-rent Christmas sea
“Our thought is that if the stores arc
successful, they will turn into long
term tenants,” he said.
Irons said his offer already had a
few takers.
A Native American craft store, an
art gallery and a contemporary wooden
furniture store have plans to move
into the Centrum within the next
couple weeks.
Irons said he mainly targeted col
lege students as customers in the reno
vated shopping center.
For instance, he said, his plans
included transforming the lower level
of the Centrum into an entertainment
center. That plan was launched last
week with the opening of the Cactus
Club, a country and western bar.
A 9-holc miniature golf course also
has expressed interest in the deal, he
said, and a video store and fast-food
restaurants arc other candidates for
the remaining open spaces.
The upper level, he said, would be
filled with retail stores. Irons said he
had contacted Banana Republic and
the Gap about his deal, but the cloth
ing stores had not yet responded to his
Irons said he still had about 10
spaces to fill, and he was open to
suggestions from students.
“Students arc really important,” he
said. “I hope to be able to provide a
place where they can hang out and do
things and then slay and shop up
Police report
Beginning midnight Saturday
1:41 a.m.— Man assaulted, park
ing lot cast of Sando/. Residence
9:10 a.m. — Stereo stolen from
vehicle, 2255 Vine St., $510 loss,
$75 damage.
9:23 a.m. — Stereo stolen from
vehicle, 2255 Vine St., $400.
12:58 p.m. — Gold chain stolen,
Alpha Chi Omega sorority, 716 N.
16th St., $359.
3:39 p.m, — Verbal disturbance
between man and woman, Abel
Residence Hall.
4:04 p.m.—Vehicle den led, park
ing lot at 18th and Q streets, $200.
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