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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1992)
Classified - _-. — "" 2 Appliances For Sale jSSSSSSSHBMMHaHBMBlSSBHHIlM Reconditioned washers and dryers for sale or lease. Free delivery. Griffins Maytag, 1640 "O" St., 476-9339. 3 Bicycles For Sale 90 Trek Road Bike 21.5" excellent condition. $300 firm 464-1691. ■' M iyata 15 speed touring bike. Front & rear panneir racks. Excellent condition. Asking $200.00. Call 467-4039 eve nings. _"_ MUST SELL: Schwinn/Essience MT bike, 18 speed, excellent condition. $300 OBO. 423-6365. Schwinn Mesa Runner Mnt. bike. $135 OBO. Needs tubes/tires. 435 6238 leave message._ Trek 1000 Road Bike 58" extras, $275 OBO. Call 486 1503. 4 Books For Sale A NOVEL IDEA: used books, thousands just in from Iowa. 118 N.14. 475-TOME. ANNOUNCING: CREATIVE IDEAS, used and rare books bookstore; 1233 F Si 476-8313. Open Tuesday-Thursday 10am-9pm; Saturday I0am-6pm; Sunday lpm-6pm; Monday bv chance. Competitive prices, paperbacks as tow as 50Q and hardbacks less than hall cover price. Reading room, game room and free coffee. C" 6 Computers For Sale Toshiba 1100+ laptop. 640K. two 3.5 inch floppy drives, internal modem. $350 External 5.25 inch floppy drive. S75 IBM Pro-printer, stand, paper, ribbons. $120. 489 6754. 8 Furniture For Sale Chairs and reclmers selling tor $50 discontinued styles mostly greens and golds. Excellent for dorms or fraterni ties. students who are not concerned about stylish, t rendy looks in their furniture. Kaufman Furniture. 2701 N.48 Si Meirloomqualityoak roll top desk. St 200 OBO. 474-2462 Super single waterbed with headboard. 1 year old $125 OBO. 47/2788 or 477 5824. Used matching sofa and chair with oak trim. Used Kirby vacuum. All good condition. 435-3381. 15 Photo Equipment FOR SALE; A Nikon F2 camera body $300 Camera is durable and wiH last. Please call 472-2588. 10 Misc. For Sale CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES.$200 86 VW.$50 87 MERCEDES.$100 65 MUSTANG.$50 Choose from thousands starling $25. FREE lnlormation 24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2929 Copyright #NE11KJC 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale MUST SELL: JVC/Hi-Fi VCR. Excellent condition. $300 OBO. 423-6365. RCA remote control stereo system. Includes tuner, dual cassette deck, surrondsound amplifier. 5 disk system, turn table, set of three-way speakers, set of surroundsound speakers, and entertainment cabinet. An RCA 20inch color TV. Saber vehicle security system. Coustic auto amp. 477-8971 between 8:30-5:30. Monday through Friday. 19 Ticket Exchange 3 Guns & Roses/Metallica tickets in Denver on Sept 19th or 20th. S45/ea. obo. 477-3041. Round-trip airline tickeHrom Lincoln to Madison, Wiscon sin Sept. 2 to Sept. 8, 5100, 438-3670. Season football tickets for sale. 436-8915. Leave a mes sage Two Bob Dylan tickets for sale. September 5. Great seats 488-5151. Two U2 tickets. 18th row. Good seatsl $100 FOR BOTH. Call Kris 436-9401. U2 ticket for sale. $65. Close to stage. Call Shawn 488 0851. U2 TICKETS FRONT ROW Sign up to win at Young Democratebooth. Student Union all this week or call 476-2268 20 Vehicles For Sale Mercury Capri, 1974, in good condition. $350or best offer 435-6473 105 Career Events Career Services Orientation - TODAYI 6.30 • 7:30 pm. NE. Union 110 Announcements ATTENTION FRESHMAN: Interested in developing your leadership skills7 Join the Odyssey Program: A Journey With Another Leader, tc begin a mentoring relationship with a student leader Foi j. more information contact the Office For Student Involve ’’ment. 200 NE Union, (472-2454). Application deadline September 14th. Basic Aerobic Instructor Training Course October 2.3,4. For more information call Kris at 423-7171 BASIC ROCK CLIMBING SEMINAR September 11-13, sign up deadline September 8. For more information call Campus Recreation at 472-4777. CORNCOBS Spirit Club Fall Rush Meeting Tuesday. September 1, 4:30 p.m.. Food Court A, City Union. Greg, 477-2189 or Terri, 477-8164. Free glamour makeover! Hurry times are filling up fast. Call Ann at 475-8593. Free Show! Millions, Rose bud, Pitual Device, Sideshow at Broyhill Fountain. 3:30 pm Tuesday. Graduating senior, graduate students: Information/appli cations for Fulbright Study Abroad International Affairs, 1237 R Street, 472 5358. HUSKERS Join the newest and hottest Husker fan dub. H.A.N.C. '92 (Huskers Are National Champs). Call 474-6628 and get ready to party all season. INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Tuesday, September 1,1992 is the entry deadline for the following Intramural Sports: tennis singles. (M.W). tennis doubles (Co-rec). slow pitch softball (M.W), and flag football (Co-rec). Call 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL MANAGER MEETINGS On Thursday, 9-3-92 there will be mandatory manager meetings for men's/women's slow pitch softball and co rec flag football. Each team must have a representative in attendance or lose S7 50 of their forfeit fee. The softball manager meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. in the NE Union (room will be posted) The flag football manager will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the NE Union (room will be posted). Intramural Cross Country The Intramural Cross Country Meet will be held onThurs day. 9-3-92 at 4:30 p m. No advance entry is required Enter on site at Oak lake Parkj 1 st & Charleston). Current UNL photo I.O. required, no fees. INTRAMURAL PUNT, PASS, AND KICK The Intramural Punt. Pass. & Kick Contest witi be held on Wednesday, 9-2-92 beginning at 4:00 p.m. No advance entry is required-no fees Enter on site at the Cather/ Pound Intramural Fields (17th 4 Vine).Current UNL photo I.D required KEEP THE FIRE! Join N A.S.C. staff and develop High School leaders. Applications at 200 NE Union, 300 East Union. Calvin and. Hobb i r '• -t-1 Mi Barrio Mexican goods and gifts. 1028 "O" Street, 477-6898 Great selection of Mexican products. ‘Groceries. ‘Pon chos ‘Blankets ‘Cotton Jackeis 'Leather products ‘Your favorite tee shirts and the best selection of Spanish music in town. Bring your student ID. for a 10% discount on non food items. Good until September 30,1992. NUMSA NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY Malaysian Student Association ELECTION AGENDA 1. Officers nomination accepted now till 10am election day, 9/5/92, for committee members; 9/4/92 for top 5 postilions. 2. Nominees Speech Night: 9/4/92 at 8:30pm, Union (room posted). 3. AGM & Election Day: Saturday, 9/5/92 at 2:30pm at Culture Center. Note: Further information/nomination form, contact: Siti Rehani Che-Hussain (475-3004). Law Tat Sin (436-8907) and Santha Krishnan (477-8645). READ THIS! If you are in the Business College and are looking for involvement opportunities, join the CBA Advisory Board. Applications are available at the undergraduate advising office. CBA 241. They will be due September 18th in CBA 240. SEE THE WORLD —Join a study tour during semester break. Travel and earn credit. Call International Affairs, 472 5358 or stop by 1237 R Street SING! Varsity Glee Club for tenors and basses and Oratorio Chorus for all singers (and no auditio/i) might be what you're looking lor. Call 472-2993 lor information. SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084. STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm & every other Wednesday (9/2,9/16.930 & 10/14,10/28) at 4:00pm. International Affairs. 1237 R Street, 472-5368. TAEKWONDO CLUB Now you can enroll. F irst meeting at Rec Center Septem ber 1,8:00pm. UNL Rugby Practice every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 Harper Schramm-Smith Field. New players welcome No expe rience needed. For more information call Nathan Borchers. 477-6405. UPC The University Program Council has positions open. Applications are available at Rm. 117 and 200 Nebraska Union, Rm. 300 East Campus Union. Applications due September 4th. 115 Meetings AMBASSADOR MEETING TODAY! 5:00pm in the Union. Room number posted BE THERE! BS i BIOLOGY CLUB Meeting Thursday night at 7:00pm in Room 118 Manter. All new students are welcome. Please bring money (or dues. 510 (or the year. Refreshments will be provided. Come Join ECOLOGY NOW Meetings eve™ Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Student Union -^-r-* Dancers! Orchesis, the UNL student dance group will be meeting Thursday. September 3rd at 8 p.m. in Rm. 304 Mabel Lee Hall. Come dressed to dance. Everyone welcome. Do you like NU lootball? I! so. Tassels Organization is (or you. Join today and go to the NU vs OU game in Norman (reel Also you are guaranteed 50 yd. line tickets (or next year's NU game. Organizational meeting and officer elections Tues. at 7pm in the City Union. Call Randy at 477-7478. Gay Lesbian Student Associa tion Support ♦ Friends Wednesday, September 2nd at 7:00 p.m., Room 234, Nebraska Union, 472-5644. Open dis cussion and general planning. RAISE A COOL $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost. You also get a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO just for calling 1 -800-932-0528, Ext, 65 3 ^ ^ J ^ 3 ^ J J J J 3 vP 'P $ Increased Fees!!! $ $ Increased Hours!!! $ $New - $10 Bonus on first donation. ^ Return - $10 Bonus after two ^ $ months lapse. $ <r So ... New & Return Donors receive $25 for the first donation. $ All donors receive $15 for each $ donation. See For Yourself - YOl f:arn more at abi: $ M-F 8:00-7:30 Sat. 0:00-4:00 $ <c University Plasma Center *L 1442"(> St.,475-1358 Ip Two hours free parking-ai any Park A Shop! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -c * by Bill Watterson -1 i---:-zr-1 It's Reggae Time with Leroy Shakespeare and the Ship of Vibes This is one of the nation's hottest Reggae bands featuring Jamaica native Leroy Shakespeare. Their newest C.D. features Edie Brickell on two songs and the band fea tures Ex-New Bohemian Brandon Aly on drums. Tties., Sept. 1, 9-Close The ZOO BAR, 136 No. 14th. r THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON m DAD, KNOW WHAT I FIGURED | OUT ? THE MEANING OF WORDS ISN'T a fixed thing .' m WORD CAN WEAN AWTHIN6' BY GIVING WORDS NEW MEANINGS, ORDINARY ENGLISH CAN BECOME AN EXCLUSIONARY CODE' TWO * GENERATIONS CAN BE f. DIVIDED BY THE SAME J LANGUAGE! R | TO THAT END, I'LL BE INVENTING NEW DEFINITIONS FOR COMMON WORDS, SO WEIL BE UNABLE TO .^COMMUNICATE ^ DONT XOW WINK TUATS TOTALLY SPAM9 ITS LUBR\CATEtf.' 5 WELL, I'M PHAS\HG. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska * ACROSS 1 Track event 5 Seize 9 Obey a red light 13 Sea eagle 14 Strainer 15 Swift mammal 16 Evaluate 17 Wrath 18 Draft animals 19 He wrote "Arrowsmith" 22 Parseghian of coaching fame 23 Doorframe part 24 “Hamlet" is one 28 Lowest points 32 Start afresh 33 Actress Burstyn 36 Gypsy boy or man 37 Sleeping 38 Ren6-, film director 39 Half: Prefix 40 Demand for payment 41 Wife of Menelaus 42 Last 43 High regard 45 Effeminate 47 Regional 50 High pitch, in music 51 He wrote "The Jungle'1 56 Leg joint 57 Lhasa is its capital 58 Hammer or saw 60 Roman road 61 Noble British family 62 And others: Abbr 63 Thatcher is one 64 Remove 65 Dupin's nom de plume DOWN 1 "He was- . man ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE * ™s,or,c Perio°s 3 Oppositionist 4 Adolescent 5 Actress Lollobrigida •-Philbin, TV host 7 Prevent 8 Resident of an undivided city 9 Exhibited 10 What is so hopefully hailed in N Y C. 11 Mine finds 12 Write 14 Waldorf, eg 20 Gang 21 Verve 24 Barter 25 Picture puzzle 26 Concerning 27 Shout 29 Greek goddess of peace 30 Cicero or Nero 31 Photographer's request 34 New Guinea port 35 Queue f 38 Bound together 39 Gives orders 41 Kind of sandwich 42 Occupy 44 Diner 46 Covenants 46 Apart from I 49 Slander’s cousin 51“Render therefore Caesar.. Matt. 22:21 52 Equal 53 Hawaiian goose 54 Jot 55 Horse color 56 Outfit 59 Legal deg