The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 31, 1992, Page 11, Image 11
INTRAMURAL MANAGER —-MEETINGS * .—Jt, On Thursday, 9-3-92 there will be mandatory manager meetings for men's/women's slow pitch softball and co rec flag football. Each team must have a representative In attendance or lose $7.50 of tbeu-.forleitfee. The softball manager meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. in the NE Union (room will be posted). The flag football manager will be held at 6:00 p.ffi. in the NE Union (room will be posted). Major Concert committee meeting tonight, 5:00 pm, City _ Union. __ READ THIS! || you are in the Business College and are looking tor involvement opportunities, join the CBA Advisory Board. Applications are available at the undergraduate advising office. CBA 241. They will be due September 18th in CBA .. 240. RECYCLED SOUNDS 824 P. St. 476-8240. We buy tapes 8 CD's (but we love to trade tool) __ _ SEE THE WORLD —Join a study tour during semester break Travel and earn credit. Call International Affairs. 472-5358 or stop by 1237 R Street. SING! Varsity Glee Club for tenors and basses and Oratorio Chorus for all singers (and no audition) might be what you're looking for. Call 472 2993 for information. SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084. STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS: Tues days at 6:30pm 8 every other Wednesday (9/2.9,16.9/30 & 10/14,10/28) at 4:00pm. International Affairs. 1237 R Street, 472-5358. TAEKWONDO CLUB Now you can enroll. First meeting at Rec Center Septem ber 1.8:00pm. UNL Rugby , Practice every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30. Harper ■' Schramm-Smith Field. New players welcome. No expe - rience needed For more information call Nathan Borchers. 477-6405. UPC The University Program Council has positions open Applications are available at Rm. 117 and 200 Nebraska Union. Rm. 300 East Campus Union Applications due September 4th. Volunteers Needed The Women's Center would like your volunteer help Duties range from general reception, counseling, library help, and public relations. For more information, orto sign up. call Amy at 472-2597. or stop by robm 340 in the City Union. 115 Meetings University Programs Council Kimball Lied Performing Arts Committee meeting Wednesday. Sept. 2nd at 4:30pm. C«y Union. Our first meeting tor a productive year. SEE YOU THERE! BIOLOGY CLUB Meeting Thursday night at 7.00pm in Room 118 Manter Ail new students are welcome Please bring money lor dues. $10 tor the year. Refreshments will be provided. DELTA SIGMA PI Meeting tonight ip the Union. OfficersOOOpm. All members :70upm. Do you like NU football7 If so. Tassels Organization is for you. Join today and go to the NU vs OU game In Norman freel Also you are guaranteed 50 yd. line tickets for next year's NU game Organizational meeting and officer elecfions Tues. at 7pm in the City Union. Call Randy at 477-7478 Major Concert committee meeting tonight. 5:00 pm. City Union. Phi Chi Theta Mandatory informal meeting 6 p.m.. September 1. CBA 119 RSVP Laura 420-118® SCES Student Council tor Exceptional Children. First meeting Tuesday Sept 1.6 00pm, Ne. Union, room posted Panel ol professors. Future educators encouraged to attend Soil and Resource* Club Picnic Tuesday September 1.5:30pm Peter Pan Park 33rd and X Alt interested welcome. UNL College Republicans Meeting Tuesday. September 1, 8:00pm featuring Con gressman Doug Bereuter. City Union (room will be posted) UNL Runners Join UNL RunnersClub. Informational meeting Wednes day, September 2. City Campus Rec Center 55C. All interested Welcome . UPC The University Program Council wilt Be holding an InfoT mation session for those interested in Becoming a com IT™’®® 11 wilt be held Tuesday, September 1 at 3 00 in the Nebraska Unton (room will be posted). UIKirecir^Tairs n'5 Congratulations to the new Delta Upsilon pledges. J.Aerni, W.Anderson, J.Augustyn, B Baily,K.Biggerstafl, S.Charquette. C.Colvert, A.Dargnterty, D.Fielder, A.Hall, H.Jung, C.Jurgens, J.Jarchow, C.Kaering, S.Kegley. B.Kizer. M.Mcfnfosh, K McKormik, A.Melville, C.Miles, G.Milius, B.Ortegren, J.Ossian, M.Quinn, R.Samuelson, J.Schmid, J.Schmid, J.Storjohann, D.Vincent, S.Zouha. _The Men Of Delta Upsilon OBX Congratulations to Kristi on her promise to Reid (AGS)! It's Love, The Beta Chi’s Ar Congratulations to the AWE SOME '92 pledge class: Amy Franzen. Jessica Greenwald, Darci Hauserman, Dawn Jahn, Kara Kotsiopulos, Pasha Korber, Oesri Laufer, Amy Lind, Jennifer McMaster, Liz Liebrok. Julie Meister, Sara Adams, Bridget Miller, Jennifer Mercer. Myia Bough, Tracy Ostermeyer, DianaOwens, Sara Reifschneider, Jill Stoup. Becky Blair. Stacy Strain, Juke Burmood, Amy Strekfuss, early Cardinella, Becca Swanson, Nikki Contonis. Tanya Swisher, Darci Dragoo, Jessica Woodward, Melissa Ekberg. We love you guys. -Your DG sisters AGR Little Sisters First meeting 5pm at the AGR house-Sept. 3. ATTENTION UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS! First meeting at a NEW TIME...Tuesday. Sepiember 1 at 5:00pm in the Union. 1 Congratulations on a great tall rush. Good luck to the associate members. The Men of Pi Kap Congratulations to the second semester 1992 Towne Club Actives: P. Hansen, A Hoffman, J. Rowland, K. Rutten. H. Wilkes, and J. Wilson. Love. Your Sisters Congratulations to Heidi S. on your engagement to Brad W. We wish you the bestl Love. Your Phi Beta Chi Sisters Congratulations to Theta Chapter on your awards at Phi Beta Chi's National Convention: Song ol the year. SchoF arshp, Active of the Year-Cherie Boardman-Lytle Congratulations to Kristi B. on your promising to Reid H.(AGS) Phi Beta Chi Love Congratulations to Heidi Sharp on her engagement. We wish you the best of luck in your future. Love. Your Phi Beta Chi Sisters FARMHOUSE and KAPPA ALPHA THETA MUSIC & MELONS A band and free watermelon What could be better? Wednesday September 2.3:30-7 flOpm at Broyhill Plaza Free Show! Millions, Rose bud, Pitual Device, Sideshow at Broyhill Fountain, 3:30 pm Tuesday _ _ GREEK YEARBOOK The 1992 93 Greek Yearbook is now taking applications for editorial, layout, and photography staffs. Deadline is Friday. Sept. 4. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Triangle Little Sisters have their first meeting ol the year Wednesday, SepterrPer 2. at the house. Officers meet ai 6:30. Actives meet at 700 At 7:30 we will meet new Triangle Pledges. This meeting is mandatory. 140 Personals WELCOME BACK! Want to meet that special someone or send a friendly hello7 Send a personal any day this week and highiigh your ad with artwork at no addit'onal cost Jir> " Troy and the Gang, Chicken noodle, short dog and Bono love U2. do you7 I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON .^ •. I ~ ANGELA, Happyyear Anniversary. It's been great, let's break some more records. - LOVE, CRAIG 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Committees Campus; Rec.-Residence Hall rep. Commencement raduate rep. Committee tor Fees Allocationeaidence Hall rep. Convocation Five year Projection Government Liaiaon Committee Publlcationa Board Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Student Court Studenta with DiaabUMea Subcommittee Teaching Council Nebraeka Union Board Senate Positions Dental College Division ot Continuing Studies Graduate College Law College Applications available at the Student Government office. 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline for alt positions is 4:00pm on September 18th. 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Car key in basement ot Andrews Hall. Wednes day afternoon. Claim at the Daily Nebraskan office. 34 Nebraska Union. Found: Pair of eye glasses at Memorial Stadium. Call Daily Nebraskan to identify. 472-2588. Found: Set of keys infront of Hamilton HaH, Monday. Aug. 24th around 3:15. Claim at DN. 148 Wanted .. WANTED! Hey you Professors and you book collecting students: We are paying warm cash—that's right CASH—for any of your stockpile ot books you no longer want. Call us at 476 8313. We are especially interested in Sci-FvFantasy. Literature. Occult. Modern Fiction, and Psychology. 150 Child Care Needed Child care needed lor two children, ages 6 and 3, Tues day, 7:30-5:30, some Wednesdays, 1:30-5:30, in my home. Must have transportation. $4/hour. 483-4033. Child care attendant needed tor church nursery Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Contact Faith United Methodist. 1333 N. 33rd. 160 Help Wanted $10 STARTING international branch is tilling 22 part-time temporary & permanent openings. Flexible schedule & scholarships are available. 488-6017. ‘HIRING NOW! Up to $7.25/hr. guaranteed* Neooata, a leader in the telemarketing industry, is cur rently seeking students interested in woiking part-time evening hours. Guaranteed up to 87.25 hour, paid train ing, flexible scheduling to tit your lifestyle (work as tew as 15 hours/week), contests, prizes, tun environment. Call daily 8 a m. 9 p.m. to schedule an interview: 1-800-421 9944. Ask for Denise Neville. (EOE) Activists Do you want to make a difference? Come work with us for the environment. Hours: 2-10. Monday-Friday. Part-time, full-time. Paid weekly. $300+. Call 476-0444 to set up an interview. INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL UMPIRES NEEDED The Intramural Sports Program is in need ot softball umpires. No previous experience is required, but is helpful. Training is provided The first meeting for softball umpires is Wednesday, 9-2-92.4:00pm, NE union (room will be posted). Umpires start ai $4.95 hour. Please make every effort to attend. It you have questions, call us at472 3467.__ __ JUNIORS & SENIORS A Fortune 500 company (72nd largest). Fortune's Most Admired Insurance Company. Best Sales and marketing opportunity—(Jobs '91). Best Insurance Sales Force— (Sales & Marketing Management Maga2ine). NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE is currently interview ing for our internship program. We re looking for individu als who are intelligent, honest, self-starting, and career oriented. For an interview call Missy 483-7871. Looking for a |Ob that's never boring7 Have morning hours available7 Call University Child Care. 472-2101. McDonalds hiring all positions. Mon-Fri 5am-5pm. Flexiblehours. 53rd and Cornhusker 464-0973. Motivated enthusiastic individuals wanted for low-pres sure evening phone work. Base pay + commission. Call 474-7847 12-8:30pm, M-Thur. for interview. Now hiring-Happy Chef Waitresses and waiters. Apply in Derson.2929N.W. 12 St. Apply between 8 am and 10pm. Part time person for position with a cabinet refacing company experience with hand tools and carpentry needed. Town Center Showcase. 2645 O Street. 9:00-4:00pm Tuesday and Thursday. 4:00-8:00 Friday Front desk clerk. Apply at Sun Tannery 3230 S.13, 423 6022 TAILGATE 92 W.C.'s & cla&icrtrtkhroil' /1 m92.9jfTCtm Pre-game tailgate party 9:30 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. *»p»» Before every home game street Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson WHERE DO THE CANDIDATES WHICH PARTN HAS THE £TAND ON DINOSAUR. PRO - PALE0NTOLO6N RESEARCH?? THAIS WHAT PLATFORM PLANK? I WANT 10 KNOW/ THEN CANT I6NCRE THE \ DINOSAUR NOTE..' ,1 . VC SINGLE-ISSUE ACTIVISTS LUCE TO HAVE. OUR 'HOT BUTTONS' PUSHED. 1 ! Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Prohibition 5 Phi Beta —— 10 Energy source i« Without cease 15 One of a wolf pack 16 Bog 17 Contemplator of daffodils 19 Sicilian city 20 Cornered 21 Oblique 23 Port of Kyushu 25 Author Shusaku 26 Battologize 30 Was important 34 At full speed, in poesy 35 Royal reception 36 Outer Prefix 37 Mountain passes 38 A Bolognese artist's works 39 One of the Aleutians 40 A saison 41 "Just the-, ma'am" Sgt Friday’ 42 Graham and Kahn 43 Composer of “La Fiamma" 45 Shrimp 46 Look after 47 Wild ox 49 Shtpworms ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE |m1u1s1e|u|m1sB'cil|e|a|r|e~[fT 1a1n1a|g|r|a|mmr| I IV 1 I |E|R|E~ |TTa1n|g1e|r|eMe|m1e|r1g|e|s [MT|R|TiMBnMT|e|rbBi [mu E D E rBrSIT R A YMclo t|T 52 City on Lake Victoria 57 Israeli coup at 52 Across 58 Relater of Revere s ride 60 River in Ulster 61 An actor in 'Casablanca'' 62 Go on shank's —— (walk) 63 Foretell, In Ayr 64 Flight part 65 Eskers DOWN 1 Pueblo-dwelling Indian 2 Sweet swan of -1": Jonson 3 Wozzeck'' composer 4 Hindustani 5 Persian Gulf sheikdom 6 Verb in the spaci program 7 For, to Franco • Portions of . butter 9 Olympic figures 10 -honorable (an apology) 11 Venetian master 1518-9' 12 Writer Sarah —— Jewett 13 Honey drink 18 Ashcan School member 22 Poker stake 24 Intellectual deficiency 20 Kind of car or snake 27 Show feeling ( 28 Famed composer of church music 29 Ice, in Erlangen 31 Ftara 32 Praise highly 33 Extinguish 35-Walesa, Polish hero 38 Andy and Ann 39 Goddess of infatuation 41 Locate 42 Hold forth 44 Carolina river 45 Bestow 48 Actress Pola of silents 49 -bien 50 Lawman at the O K. Conal 51 Fuliginous substance • - ~ 53 Actor Lincoln 1889-1952 54 Gil-de Santillane 55 Adriatic wind 56 Pitcher 59 Right to bear arms".org