Furnished, affordable efficiencies. Close to campus Laundry and parking available. $210, 5235, $275. 435 -' 6690 or 475-ill 1. Spacious one and two bedrooms. Gas heat paid. Bal cony, central air, pod. Garages available. Call Crescent Plaza, 467-1972. Two bedroom, a/c, pool. $365-$375. Cats accepted. Willow Wood Apartments. 1215 Arapahoe Street 423 5729. Two bedroom, close to east campus. Central air, pool, parking, laundry Call The French Quarter, 464-4751. Walk to city campus Spotless one bedroom, heat paid. Cherry Hill Realty 489 192 Mobile Homes For Rent One bedroom duplex mobile homes. S245 .' T • i r