j After Salvation; Wkaf? j 1 Live cassette recordings of Bible classes as they were 1 taught to the congregation in Berachah Church by Pastor Robert B. Thieme, Jr. 1 J Eternal salvation is yours at the moment of faith in J i Jesus Christ. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten [uniquely bornJ Son, ♦ that whoever believes in Him should not I I perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16) I Heaven is guaranteed to every believer (1 Pet. 1:4-5). But the quality and impact of the believer's life on earth I 1 depend on his execution of God's plan after salvation. What is God's plan for you following your personal I 1 faith in Christ? Learn Bible doctrine and advance to 1 I spiritual maturity. Robert B. Thieme, Jr. pastor of Berachah Church in I 1 Houston, Texas has recorded more than 7,000 hours of I | lectures covering most of the Bible verse by verse. Those doctrinal Bible studies are available on cas- 1 I sette tapes. Information regarding these tapes may be | obtained by writing: Bible Doctrine Cassettes, 1506 1 Corral Drive, Houston, Texas 77090 *No price appears on any material from Bible Doc 1 trine Cassettes. Anyone who desires Bible teaching can | I receive our tapes without charge or obligation. God I 1 provides Bible doctrine. We wish to reflect His grace. 1 1 Your privacy will be respected, no one will call. I AMERICA'S LARGEST RENT-TO-OWN COMPANY • FREE Delivery • FREE Set-Up • FREE Repair • FREE Loaner • NO Credit Check • NO Long Term Obligation • NO Hassles • NO Deposit [ 25% OFF j i 1 st Rental i J Payment ( Limit one coupon pur customer Valid only an new rentals with payment of I wane week's rent. May not he used m conjunction with any other special offer w (Standard rental requirements apply. Not valid on jewelry rentalt Void where ( ^ ^ ^jwohhibjled h^ji^Lo^oti J RENT BY THE DAY WEEK, MONTH OR TO OWN. BY PHONE! [ 2021 "O" Street 435-1075 | iff*"*" m •New & Collector Comics •Science Fiction •Adventure Games •T-Shirts, Posters, & much more! Omaha Edgewood Plaza 6400 S 56th Si. Ste 4,423-2584 Harvey Oaks Plaza, 144th & Center, 333-8118 Eastpark Plaza 200 N 66th St Sle 208A, 467-2727 Pedantic Man says tattoos fade, smear; nudists tend to be happy, well-adjusted Dear Pedantic Fellow, 1 thought you were dead. I’m thinking of getting a tattoo. Can you tell me if it’s true it will fade in the sun? Also, a related question, does hair grow back thicker when you shave it? I have to shave the place I’m getting the tattoo and I’m not sure I want any more in that place. Sincerely, A Fan Dear Fan, Yes, a tattoo will fade in the sun. One way to prevent this is to wear industrial strength sun block over the critical area. Another is to put the tattoo, cr, where the sun doesn’t shine. But that s not the worst ol it. A tattoo will fade anyway, given time. Occasional touch-ups will only prevent part of the problem as an aging tattoo is also likely to “bleed.” That is, the ink will spread out, blurring the tattoo. You can think of this as part of the charm of tattoos; the older tat too takes on a comfortable, worn look. Or you can have new tattoo work done over the old one and try to incorporate the bleed into the design. Be aware, too, that as your skin ages it’s likely to lose its elasticity and your tattoo will lose its shape! Possibly the best solution is to wail until you’re old and ready to die. Then the tattoo will look great at your wake. As for hair (I don’t know how many limes I’ve been asked this one) the answer is no. The myth that shaving produces thicker, darker or otherwise greater quantities of hair was probably begun by some 13-year-old boy who — shaving for the first time — found his bud ding whiskers growing in more plentifully. No doubt he thought he’d found the secret to a preco cious masculinity. Poor sap. He was maturing all the time and didn’t know it. In the weeks it took for him to grow his pitiful crop back he would no doubt have added the new bristles any way — bad news for pre-teen goatee candidates perhaps, but good news for you. You won’t grow any extra hair. I Alive and kicking, Pcdanlic Man* Pedant, My boyfriend never wears any clothes at home. So far that’s been hard enough to deal with, but he says he docsn’tcilher in the winter. Just turns the heat up and prances around. Also he leaves the win dows open where people can sec. And he likes to have the light on when we make love. Pcdanlic Man, you’re the only one he listens to! Make him slop. You Know Who Yes, I know who, and let me tell my readers they should be so lucky. If the guy you’re talking about is not too hard on the eyes (and you have to admit he isn’t) then why do you care what he docs in his ulili lies-paid apartment? It’s true that nudists arc an odd lot, but not in the way you probably think. Your average confirmed nudist is older than 30, has a career and kids. Your average nudist is gener ally healthier and more emotion ally adjusted than your average non-nudist. (Quick, what’s a word for non-nudist?) Your boyfriend is less likely than you are to catch cold. There’s even some evidence that he’s less likely to be gored by an enraged bull, should one ever break into the apartment. It’s only natural that he should want the windows open. Part of the point of nudity is to allow the skin to breathe. Benjamin Franklin took regular “air baths” in the buff and he lived to a potent old age by all accounts. As to making love with the lights on, well we all have our crosses to bear; he doesn’t seem to mind, though. Now to any other readers of these turbid lines, let me warn you. Taking off you clothes is not nec essarily going to give you all these great characteristics. They’re only statistics, after all. You’re just as likely to be your same, old, crotchety self after you strip — only naked. If you like Pedantic Man, and want to see more of him, (no nudist jokes, please) why don’t you ever invite him to any parties? He’salso available for private pedantry. Contact him: Care of the Daily Nebraskan. Futuristic movie plunges viewers into world brimming over with stunning imagery, acting “Until The End Of The World” By Gerry Beltz Staff Reporter Stunning visuals, powerful acting and a superb soundtrack help “Until the End of the World” (Mary Ricpma Ross Film Theater, 12thandR streets) rise to the occasion. Even with a running time of close to three hours, the visual and intellec tual stimulation of the movie makes the time fly by. Set in 1999, the movie gives the audience a grim first look at the fu ture with the announcement that a nuclear satellite has lost control and is liable to crash almost anywhere. However, in the middle of all the end-of-thc-world chaos, a young woman named Claire (Solvcig Dom martin) helps a pair of bank robbers transport their loot to Paris in ex change for a one-third cut. Along the way, she picks up the mysterious Sam Farber (William Hurt), a charismatic American on the run from bounty hunters who has a taste for music created by pygmy children in Cameroon. After Sam makes off with a large portion of the money, Claire tells her lover and close friend Gene (Sam Neill) that she is going to pursue Sam. The chase goes from country to country, city to city, including Paris, Lisbon and Tokyo, and finally culmi nates in the deep Australian outback. Here, a totally different story line begins, involving a camera that al lows the blind to see, invented by Sam’s father (Max Von Sydow) for Sam’s mother (Jeanne Moreau). The first half of the film depends heavily on the futuristic concepts of director Wim Wenders, as well as some terrific work from Hurt and Dommartin. Hurt’s sad, innocent eyes were just what this character required, and Wenders used him wonderfully. The ideas of the future arc terrific as well, mixing in some humor. High resolution computer animation, mixed with a bounty hunter’s tracking pro grams, provide some amusing and entertaining moments. The secondary story line involv ing the camera is where everything begins to come together into one bizarre montage of incredible imagery. The photos for the blind (and after a slight adjustment, a dream recorder) bring concepts and ideas to the audience that arc truly stunning. The soundtrack is equally impres sive and powerful, with contributions from Dcpcchc Mode, U2 and Talking Heads — just to name a few. Granted, the movie docs run a bit long, but it is well worth it. “Until The End Of The World” opens today and runs through August 23, then returns on August 27 and runs through August 30, with screen ings each day at S and 8 p.m. Admission prices are $5 for adults, S4 for UNL students, and S3 for sen ior citizens, children and members of the Friends of the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater. UNL’s School of Music seeking aspiring singers for concert From Staff Reports The University of Ncbraska-Lin coln School of Music is looking for singers to participate in the UNL Oratorio Chorus. Rehearsals to prepare for the Nov. 22concert begin Monday al7:30p.m. in Room 119 of the Westbrook Music Building. For the convenience of those who work downtown, there will be an other section that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. in the same place. Interested singers need not audi tion, pay dues or purchase special clothing, but only have a love of sing ing good music and the commitment to preparing it well. “Carpe diem” is the theme of the concert and will pay horn mage to Saint Cecilia, whose appointed saint’s day is the day of the concert. Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of music. The UNL Oratorio Chorus will perform two settings of poet John Dryden’s “Ode to Saint Cecilia” by G.F. Handel and contemporary com poser Norman Dello Joio. The two works will frame an a cappclla work by British composer Herbert Howells. Inspired by the assasination of former President John F. Kennedy, the piece was translated from a Prudcn lius hymn, “Take him, earth, for cherishing," by Helen Waddell The concert will be under the di rection of James F. Hcjduk. The Dello Joio and Handel pieces may be purchased at campus book stores.