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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1992)
For Sale B1 Citation. S5Q0 Can 463-6144. 22 Adoption A warm, loving, financially secure happy home awaits a child. All expenses paid. F>lease call collett anytime, 212 288-2728. __ Adopt Loving couple can offer love and security for your new born. Expenses paid. Call 800-742-5586. Childless couple wish to adopt newborn. There will be lots of love and a comfortable life for your baby. Expenses paid. Call Rosemarie and Gary, 1-800-525-4758. Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go it alone—we re here to help. No fees and oonfxlential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home Society 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint - 80 Typing & Resumes ■Sherri's Desktop Service." All forms of typma & clerical services, reasonable rates, fast service Call Sherri 467 4175. ______ All types of word processing. Laser pnnting. S1.25 double-spaced page Call Dana 466-4400 All typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over to years ejgenen^^roven^result^ae^TT^^^^^^^^ 100 Rides 110 Announcements Applications are available for summer financial aid in Room 16. Administration Building Deadline is 6 p m.. July 20th __ Guaranteed funding for fall. ASK ME HOW. 30S-4SS-0B4S.__ Poetry Wnte poetry; discuss yours and others in informal weekly BsaaBabss 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Canon camera. Call Dan at the Daily Nebraskan to identify. 472-2566 LOST: Green spiral notebook Tuesday at 1005 p.m. somewhere on vine between 16th 6 17tn Streets or Vine to R on 17th or on R from 17th to 9th Many names and phone numbers. $50 reward. 423-4114. 160 Help Wanted Claremont Park Apartments Part-time maintenance parson needed. Experienced pre ferred. Flexible hours. Apply In person at Ninth and Claremont Streets. For directions call 474-PARK._ Draftperson, part or full-time. Must have completed pro duction drawing class or equivalent. Need someone immediately and continuing into fall term. Flexible hours. Apply: Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N. 23rd. Factory Workers Immediate Openings Now hinng for Iona term assignments on all shifts. Must be 18 or older. EOE. Apply at MSP Resources. Suite 436 Greentree Court, 210 Gateway North. Gobbles Lincolnequare Food court Friendly, cheerful person to work counter over noon hour weekdays. Experience not necessary. Apply in person, 2 5 p.m., 13th & 'O.' _ Office for Student Involvement Want a good work experience? Pick up a Student Staff Application for Leadership Assistant—Conference and/ or Student Organization F>ublications Assistant. Applica tions available at 200 Nebraska Union; 300 Nebraska East Union. Please return your applications by 4 p.m., July 24. _ Part-time help needed Monday-Friday, 4-7:30a.m. doing mail and polishing crowns. Apply in person, Danter Dental Lab, 125 S. 9th Street. ____ Staying tor the eummer? Need extra cash? We offer flexible scheduling, casual environment, and a hiring bonus. Apply in person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 ★ Taste of India Now hiring part-time positions for Kitchen help. Apply in person at 1320 O St. or call 475-1642 Work on Campus ClaeeHied Advertising The Daily Nebraakan has openings for the 1992-93 schoolyear as a part-time Classified Ad Receptionist. Responsibilities include: taking classified ads over the phone and directing calls to staff members. M ust be able to type 50 w p.m., have good communications skids, and a pleas ant telephone voice. Applications available at the Daily Nebraskan, basement of the Ne braska Union (room 34). EOE 170 Roommates yofteiuertBlM j Open 7dsys! [/ Hot Bratwurst, Knackwurst and Frikadellen Sandwiches European pastries & Breakfast Close To Campus 130 N. 13th 472-2177 FREE WASH o Limit 1 Coupon Poi Viart and Pai Adfraaa *a> Y Offer good wr • ~- / July 1992 ■inMMmj Between campuses. 621 N. 3oth. $190 utilities paid. Free laundry, garage, Dishwasher, c/a, microwave, darkroom, private bath. Clean non-smoking roommate. No pets. 435-5576, references. _ Female non-smoking roommate needed to share a newer 2 bedroom apartment. Balcony, dishwasher, microwave, doseto campus. $220 per month, 1/2deposit and utilities, 477-6307._______ Mature female to share 2 bedroom close to campus. $170 + $150 deposit. 1/2 utilities. 477-6896 leave message Nonsmoking roommates needed for duplex, 3261 R Street. $165.477-5970 _ _ Roommate wanted for newer two bedroom apartment dose to campus. Security building, microwave, dish washer. $227.50 plus 1/2 utilities, deposit. Available August 1. Call Chris, 438-1058. Leave message. Two mature nonsmokers to share large three bedroom home with male, female graduate student couple. All furnishings except bedroom. Laundry, cable, large study. $200/room plus 1/4 utilities. 464-0689. Available August 1. ___ Wanted: Male/female nonsmoker to share three bedroom apartment. Close to campus. $190/month plus 1/3 utili »^Availabl^mmediatOT^CaM7^01^fte^^^^ 180 Houses For Rent =ssss==s==s==ss 1541 N 26th. Vary nicafivebadroom. two baths, parking. Naar campus. Available 8-1. $675. 475-1579. 2548 W. Remodeled 4* 1 bedroom, two baths $700 plus utilities, plus deposit. No pets. Available. 423-8016. Pager: 4i6-6580. _ _ 445 S. 30th —Three plus one bedroom. A/C, off street parking, garage Available 8-1. $660 plus deposS, utili ties 489*1952 Near Campus 354 N. 28th, Five bedroom, $895 1201 Charleston, 5-6 bedroom, $975 1402 N. 25th, 4 bedroom, $650 2274 Orchard. 6-7 bedroom, $975 2948 Starr, 4 bedroom, $695 AH have two baths and c/a. No pets 437-6328. $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ Increased Fees!!! $ $ Increased Hours!!! $ ^ New • $10 Bonus on first donation. ^ Return - $10 Bonus after two ' $ months lapse. $ £ So ... New & Return Donors <£ receive $25 for the first donation. $ All donors receive $15 for each $ <t donation. See For Yourself - YOU ft EARN MORE AT AB1! $ M-F 8:00-7:30 Sat. 9:00-7:30 $ »t University Plasma Center $ 1442"0"SM75-1358 $ lwohoursfreepartdngalairyPark.A Shop' 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ $ $ !| One very nice four bedroom houses. Near campus. Available 8-1. Two baths, basement, parking. 901 N. 23rd. $600. 475-1579. 190 Apartments For Rent SSS-SSSSS^SSSSSSSII^S^S 1717 J Street 2-bedroom, heat, water, garbage paid. $330Jo see, call 483-2034._ 3501 Baldwin - August openings. 2-bedrooms, large, clean, all appliances, c/a. In brick 4-piex. $365.483-4600. 640 S. 20th Swimming pod. one bedroom, $309 up. 2 bedroom. $349 up. Laundry, no pets. 475-7262. Campus Close 2740 R. 1.2 and 3 bedroom @$245. $325. $395/month. Air, laundry, parking, no pets. 437-6328.__ Century Management Company Summer leases starting at $199/month. Close to campus. 476-2500._ _ ____ CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS Brand new luxury apartments going fasti Only a few three bedroom* left for summer ana fall Great location. Only five blocks from campus Swimming pool, weight room, laundry facility and garages Open house every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. Call nown 474-PARK. tally furnished apartment $160/month. All included. Graduate student preferred 483-0602 after 5. 488-2778 days. -T“ > Footloose & Fancy 1219 "P” Street 476-6119 Birkenstock Headquarters Blihemtoth | •Colors, sizes & styles for everyone •Repair service available 1 \£erving The Midwest for / 7years J Near Campus One and two bedroom*. 438-1970. New 2 bedroom - Embassy Park - 5617 South 31st. Pine Tree Apartments -1st ft Adams. 535 West Saunders Security building, all electric, balcony, no pets. $425 $470,483-6057,483-1130. _ Put a Splash in Your Life at Willowhaven Apartments One and two bedroom apartments available, swimming jooi with large sundech. minutes to UNL campus. Rent an apartment and get a free summer fun basket. Call 476-6200 NOW Statehouse Suites 1824 M One bedroom $295 Efficiencies from $225 438-3132 No pets. ▲_ Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Hug* on* and two bedroom apartment* available Call about our summer specials. _476-3287 ___ Walk to City Campus Spotless one bedroom. Heat paid. August 1. Cherry Hdl Realty. 489-4657. I Session.$3 10 Sessions...$22 20 Sessions...$38 Mon-Thurs....9-8 Fri.9-6 Sat.9-4 (Next to Ken’s Kegs) 466-8044 Special student summer rates w/ student I.D. Mi* about FREE tans E»piic» Auaun 31.1992 Crossword ACROSS 1 Jersey and Guernsey 6 Dignified cousin of "Shucks1” 10 Sawbill 14 Oyl of comics 15 Chanteuse Horne 16 Cab 17 What equivocators don't do 19 Banshee's land 20 State firmly 21 Peeled 22 Sagacious 23 Box lightly 25 Turns over 27 Mountain mint 30 One of the three Bs 32 “ who lived in 33 Potato, e g 34 Architect I M 37 Flag carriers 40 Utter 41 Slip by 42 Finch 43 Abounding in chewbarks 44 Time excess of a sort 45 Took long steps 49 Medicine portion 51 Kind of year 52 Stormed 55 Too ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 50 Army group 60 Kind of play by a hot-dog 62 Glasses supporter 63 Woes 64 High nest 65 Alum 66 Nat King 67 Snares DOWN 1 Speck 2 An Eastern European 3 Be pleased by 4 Inside-out state 5 Coral or Yellow 6 Basilica feature 7 King or Norman • Queen or princess 0 Pharisee opponent 10 Simmers 11 Berlin hit: 1928 12 Live 13 Napa Valley products 16 Baden-Baden, eg 24 Solemnly promised 26 Word groups 27 Fish or voice 26 Movie dog r-p p"'F~j»— TO ”~“ T7 "I I ■ 41 144 147 141 51 a 62 29 Holmes's "one-hoss-" 30 One of the Baers 31 Singer-dancer Lane 33 Adorn 34 Paduan's pear 38-the Red 38“-It Romantic?": 1932 song 38 Having a certain hypersensitivity 39 Six-shooter 45 Tossed 46 Quartet member 47 Mrs Gorbachev 46 Chose 49 Thick 50 Not even I 53 Folk singer Guthrie 54 Chutzpah 56 Zhivago's love 57 Prune the 56 Pindar's prides 61 Was in session Edited by Eugene T. Maleska >